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The HEM12 gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase which catalyzes the sequential decarboxylation of the four acetyl side chains of uroporphyrinogen to yield coproporphyrinogen, an intermediate in protoheme biosynthesis. The gene was isolated by functional complementation of a hem12 mutant. Sequencing revealed that the HEM12 gene encodes a protein of 362 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 41,348 Da. The amino acid sequence shares 50% identity with human and rat uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase and shows 40% identity with the N-terminus of an open reading frame described in Synechococcus sp. We determined the sequence of two hem12 mutations which lead to a totally inactive enzyme. They correspond to the amino acid changes Gly33----Asp and Gly300----Asp, located in two evolutionarily conserved regions. Each of these substitutions impairs binding of substrates without affecting the overall conformation of the protein. These results argue that a single active center exists in uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase.  相似文献   
Protein ubiquitylation is essential for many events linked to intracellular protein trafficking. Despite the significance of this process, the molecular mechanisms that govern the regulation of ubiquitylation remain largely unknown. Plasma membrane transporters are subjected to tightly regulated endocytosis, and ubiquitylation is a key signal at several stages of the endocytic pathway. The yeast monocarboxylate transporter Jen1 displays glucose-regulated endocytosis. We show here that casein kinase 1-dependent phosphorylation and HECT-ubiquitin ligase Rsp5-dependent ubiquitylation are required for Jen1 endocytosis. Ubiquitylation and endocytosis of Jen1 are induced within minutes in response to glucose addition. Jen1 is modified at the cell surface by oligo-ubiquitylation with ubiquitin-Lys63 linked chain(s), and Jen1-Lys338 is one of the target residues. Ubiquitin-Lys63-linked chain(s) are also required directly or indirectly to sort Jen1 into multivesicular bodies. Jen1 is one of the few examples for which ubiquitin-Lys63-linked chain(s) was shown to be required for correct trafficking at two stages of endocytosis: endocytic internalization and sorting at multivesicular bodies.Ubiquitylation is one of the most prevalent protein post-translational modifications in eukaryotes. In addition to its role in promoting proteasomal degradation of target proteins, ubiquitylation has been shown to regulate multiple processes, including DNA repair, signaling, and intracellular trafficking. Ubiquitylation serves as a key signal mediating the internalization of plasma membrane receptors and transporters, followed by their intracellular transport and subsequent recycling or lysosomal/vacuolar degradation (1, 2). In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, transporters usually display both constitutive and accelerated endocytosis regulated by factors such as excess substrate, changes in nutrient availability, and stress conditions. Ubiquitylation of these cell surface proteins acts as a signal triggering their internalization (1). A single essential E34 ubiquitin ligase, Rsp5, has been implicated in the internalization of most, if not all, endocytosed proteins (3). Rsp5 is the unique member in S. cerevisiae of the HECT (homologous to E6AP COOH terminus)-ubiquitin ligases of the Nedd4/Rsp5 family (4). In a few cases, Rsp5-dependent cell surface ubiquitylation was shown to involve PY-containing adapters that bind to Rsp5 (57). Rsp5-mediated ubiquitylation is also required for sorting into multivesicular bodies (MVBs) of endosomal membrane proteins that come from either the plasma membrane (through endocytosis) or the Golgi (through vacuolar protein sorting (VPS) pathway) (8). Although much progress has been made in elucidating the mechanistic basis of various steps in protein trafficking, the precise requirement for a specific type and length of Ub chains at various stages of the endocytic pathway remains to be addressed.The ubiquitin profile needed for proper internalization has been established for some yeast membrane proteins (1). The α-factor receptor Ste2 was described as undergoing monoubiquitylation on several lysines (multimonoubiquitylation). The a-factor receptor, Ste3p; the general transporter of amino acids, Gap1; the zinc transporter, Ztr1; and the uracil transporter, Fur4, have been shown to be modified by short chains of two to three ubiquitins, each attached to one, two, or more target lysine residues (oligo-ubiquitylation). Among them, Fur4 and Gap1 were the only transporters demonstrated to undergo plasma membrane oligo-ubiquitylation with ubiquitin residues linked via ubiquitin-Lys63 (9, 10). In addition, the two siderophore transporters Arn1 and Sit1 were also shown to undergo Lys63-linked cell surface ubiquitylation (11, 12). Whether these four transporters are representative of a larger class of plasma membrane substrates remains to be determined. Little is known about the type of ubiquitylation involved and/or required for sorting to MVBs. Some MVB cargoes appear to undergo monoubiquitylation (8), whereas Sna3, an MVB cargo of unknown function, undergoes Lys63-linked ubiquitylation (13). Lys63-linked ubiquitin chains were also recently reported to be required, directly or indirectly, for MVB sorting of the siderophore transporter, Sit1, when trafficking through the VPS pathway in the absence of its external substrate (11). In agreement with the possibility that additional membrane-bound proteins might undergo Lys63-linked ubiquitylation, a proteomic study aiming to uncover ubiquitylated yeast proteins showed that Lys63-ubiquitin chains are far more abundant than previously thought (14).The transport of monocarboxylates, such as lactate and pyruvate, as well as ketone bodies across the plasma membrane is essential for the metabolism of cells of various organisms. A family of monocarboxylate transporters has been reported that includes mainly mammalian members (15). In S. cerevisiae, two monocarboxylate-proton symporters have been described, Jen1 and Ady2 (16, 17). These transporters exhibit differences in their mechanisms of regulation and specificity. Jen1 is a lactate-pyruvate-acetate-propionate transporter induced in lactic or pyruvic acid-grown cells (18). Ady2, which accepts acetate, propionate, or formate, is present in cells grown in non-fermentable carbon sources (19). Jen1 has unique regulatory characteristics and has been extensively studied. It was the first secondary porter of S. cerevisiae characterized by heterologous expression in Pichia pastoris at both the cell and the membrane vesicle levels (20). The addition of glucose to lactic acid-grown cells very rapidly triggers loss of Jen1 activity and repression of JEN1 gene expression (21, 22). Newly synthesized Jen1-GFP fusion protein is sorted to the plasma membrane in an active and stable form, and loss of Jen1-GFP activity upon glucose addition is the result of its endocytosis followed by vacuolar degradation (23). Data from large scale analyses based on mass spectrometry approaches led to the detection of two sites of ubiquitylation for Jen1, one located in the N terminus of the protein and the second in the central loop (14), and several sites of phosphorylation in the N terminus, central loop, and C terminus of the protein (14, 24). In the present study, we aimed at further characterizing the internalization step of endocytosis of the transporter Jen1 and the potential role of the phosphorylation and ubiquitylation events required for its correct endocytic trafficking.  相似文献   


Detecting paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) in patients with cerebral ischemia is challenging. Frequent premature atrial complexes (PAC/h) and the longest supraventricular run on 24-h-Holter (SV-run24 h), summarised as excessive supraventricular ectopic activity (ESVEA), may help selecting patients for extended ECG-monitoring, especially in combination with echocardiographic marker LAVI/a’ (left atrial volume index/late diastolic tissue Doppler velocity).


Retrospective analysis from the prospective monocentric observational trial Find-AF (ISRCTN-46104198). Patients with acute stroke or TIA were enrolled at the University Hospital Göttingen, Germany. Those with sinus rhythm at presentation received 7-day Holter-monitoring. ESVEA was quantified in one 24-hour interval free from PAF. Echocardiographic parameters were assessed prospectively.


PAF was detected in 23/208 patients (11.1%). The median was 4 [IQR 1; 22] for PAC/h and 5 [IQR 0; 9] for SV-run24 h. PAF was more prevalent in patients with ESVEA: 19.6% vs. 2.8% for PAC/h >4 vs. ≤4 (p<0.001); 17.0% vs. 4.9% for SV-run24 h >5 vs. ≤5 beats (p = 0.003). Patients with PAF showed more supraventricular ectopic activity: 29 PAC/h [IQR 9; 143] vs. 4 PAC/h [1]; [14] and longest SV-run24 h = 10 [5]; [21] vs. 0 [0; 8] beats (both p<0.001). Both markers discriminated between the PAF- and the Non-PAF-group (area under receiver-operator-characteristics-curve 0.763 [95% CI 0.667; 0.858] and 0.716 [0.600; 0.832]). In multivariate analyses log(PAC/h) and log(SV-run24 h) were independently indicative of PAF. In Patients with PAC/h ≤4 and normal LAVI/a’ PAF was excluded, whereas those with PAC/h >4 and abnormal LAVI/a’ showed high PAF-rates.


ESVEA discriminated PAF from non-PAF beyond clinical factors including LAVI/a’ in patients with cerebral ischemia. Normal LAVI/a’+PAC/h ≤4 ruled out PAF, while prevalence was high in those with abnormal LAVI/a’+PAC/h >4.  相似文献   
Bloom's syndrome is a rare human autosomal recessive disorder that combines a marked genetic instability and an increased risk of developing all types of cancers and which results from mutations in both copies of the BLM gene encoding a RecQ 3'-5' DNA helicase. We recently showed that BLM is phosphorylated and excluded from the nuclear matrix during mitosis. We now show that the phosphorylated mitotic BLM protein is associated with a 3'-5' DNA helicase activity and interacts with topoisomerase III alpha. We demonstrate that in mitosis-arrested cells, ionizing radiation and roscovitine treatment both result in the reversion of BLM phosphorylation, suggesting that BLM could be dephosphorylated through the inhibition of cdc2 kinase. This was supported further by our data showing that cdc2 kinase activity is inhibited in gamma-irradiated mitotic cells. Finally we show that after ionizing radiation, BLM is not involved in the establishment of the mitotic DNA damage checkpoint but is subjected to a subcellular compartment change. These findings lead us to propose that BLM may be phosphorylated during mitosis, probably through the cdc2 pathway, to form a pool of rapidly available active protein. Inhibition of cdc2 kinase after ionizing radiation would lead to BLM dephosphorylation and possibly to BLM recruitment to some specific sites for repair.  相似文献   
Summary The aim of the present experiments was the analysis of possible dorso-ventral regulation in planarians. The experiments employ half-thickness pieces obtained by a horizontal cut between the ventral and dorsal faces. When the dorsal face of an anterior part was superposed onto the ventral face of a posterior part (or vice versa) with its antero-posterior polarity reversed, both faces maintained their orgginal organization. When half-thickness pieces of the same face (dorsal or ventral) were fused by their transverse cut surfaces and cultured in vitro, intercalary regeneration ensued as it does in full-thickness pieces combined in the same manner. When a half-thickness piece was grafted to a distant site on the same face, the ensuing remodelling of tissues proceeded in the same manner as in similar experiments carried out earlier with full-thickness grafts. When full-thickness pieces representing different antero-posterior levels were joined so that the dorsal face of one fused with the ventral face of the other, intercalary regenerates were formed as if the pieces had been joined by their homologous faces-unless and terminal blastema appeared early on the suture. These experiments show that (1) there is no dorso-ventral self-regulating system: (2) the antero-posterior system resides in the periphery of the worm.  相似文献   
Fertilization, the fusion of sperm and oocyte to form a zygote, is the first and arguably the most important cell–cell interaction event in an organism’s life. Forward and reverse genetic approaches in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have identified many genes that are required for gametogenesis and fertilization and thus are beginning to elucidate the molecular pathways that underlie these processes. We identified an allele of the spe‐49 gene in a second filial generation (F2) mutagenesis screen for spermatogenesis‐defective (spe) mutants. Mutant worms for spe‐49 produce sperm that have normal morphology, activate to form ameboid spermatozoa, and can migrate to and maintain their position in the hermaphrodite reproductive tract but fail to fertilize oocytes. This phenotype puts spe‐49 in the spe‐9 class of late‐acting genes that function in sperm at the time of fertilization. We cloned the spe‐49 gene through a combination of deficiency mapping, transgenic rescue, and genomic sequencing. spe‐49 messenger RNA (mRNA) is enriched in male germ cells, and the complementary DNA (cDNA) encodes a predicted 772‐amino‐acid six‐pass transmembrane protein that is homologous to SPE‐42. Indeed, SPE‐49 and SPE‐42 have identical predicted membrane topology and domain structure, including a large extracellular domain with six conserved cysteine residues, a DC‐STAMP domain, and a C‐terminal cytoplasmic domain containing a C4–C4 RING finger motif. The presence of two SPE‐42 homologs in animal genomes from worms to humans suggests that these proteins are highly conserved components of the molecular apparatus required for the sperm–oocyte recognition, binding, and fusion.  相似文献   
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