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Insulin stimulation of skeletal muscle results in rapid activation of protein kinase Cdelta (PKCdelta), which is associated with its tyrosine phosphorylation and physical association with insulin receptor (IR). The mechanisms underlying tyrosine phosphorylation of PKCdelta have not been determined. In this study, we investigated the possibility that the Src family of nonreceptor tyrosine kinases may be involved upstream insulin signaling. Studies were done on differentiated rat skeletal myotubes in primary culture. Insulin caused an immediate stimulation of Src and induced its physical association with both IR and PKCdelta. Inhibition of Src by treatment with the Src family inhibitor PP2 reduced insulin-stimulated Src-PKCdelta association, PKCdelta tyrosine phosphorylation and PKCdelta activation. PP2 inhibition of Src also decreased insulin-induced IR tyrosine phosphorylation, IR-PKCdelta association and association of Src with both PKCdelta and IR. Finally, inhibition of Src decreased insulin-induced glucose uptake. We conclude that insulin activates Src tyrosine kinase, which regulates PKCdelta activity. Thus, Src tyrosine kinase may play an important role in insulin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of both IR and PKCdelta. Moreover, both Src and PKCdelta appear to be involved in IR activation and subsequent downstream signaling.  相似文献   
The close phylogenetic relationship of macaques to humans has resulted in their widespread use as a preclinical model for bone marrow transplantation and stem cell gene therapy. To facilitate further use of this model, we undertook analysis of hematopoietic cells using multiparametric flow cytometric analysis. Rhesus CD34+CD38- cells displayed a number of characteristics of primitive hematopoietic cells, including low forward and orthogonal scatter and the lack of expression of lineage-specific markers or human lymphocyte antigen-DR. Four-color flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that rhesus CD34+CD38- cells were heterogenous with respect to Thy-1 expression and were CD59dim. Quantitative limiting dilution long-term culture-initiating cell (LTC-IC) analysis demonstrated that CD34+CD38- cells were approximately 150-fold enriched for LTC-IC as compared with unfractionated bone marrow, and occurred at a frequency similar to that previously reported in humans. Thus, as in humans, the CD34+38- population of rhesus macaque bone marrow is enriched for primitive, multipotent hematopoietic progenitor cells.  相似文献   
The copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase (CCS) activates the eukaryotic antioxidant enzyme copper, zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1). The 2.9 A resolution structure of yeast SOD1 complexed with yeast CCS (yCCS) reveals that SOD1 interacts with its metallochaperone to form a complex comprising one monomer of each protein. The heterodimer interface is remarkably similar to the SOD1 and yCCS homodimer interfaces. Striking conformational rearrangements are observed in both the chaperone and target enzyme upon complex formation, and the functionally essential C-terminal domain of yCCS is well positioned to play a key role in the metal ion transfer mechanism. This domain is linked to SOD1 by an intermolecular disulfide bond that may facilitate or regulate copper delivery.  相似文献   
The human copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase (hCCS) delivers the essential copper ion cofactor to copper,zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1), a key enzyme in antioxidant defense. Mutations in SOD1 are linked to familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS), a fatal neurodegenerative disorder. The molecular mechanisms by which SOD1 is recognized and activated by hCCS are not understood. To better understand this biochemical pathway, we have determined the X-ray structure of the largest domain of hCCS (hCCS Domain II) to 2. 75 A resolution. The overall structure is closely related to that of its target enzyme SOD1, consisting of an eight-stranded beta-barrel and a zinc-binding site formed by two extended loops. The first of these loops provides the ligands to a bound zinc ion, and is analogous to the zinc subloop in SOD1. The second structurally resembles the SOD1 electrostatic channel loop, but lacks many of the residues important for catalysis. Like SOD1 and yCCS, hCCS forms a dimer using a highly conserved interface. In contrast to SOD1, however, the hCCS structure does not contain a copper ion bound in the catalytic site. Notably, the structure reveals a single loop proximal to the dimer interface which is unique to the CCS chaperones.  相似文献   
The mammalian osteopetroses represent a pathogenetically diverse group of skeletal disorders characterized by excess bone mass resulting from reduced osteoclastic bone resorption. Abnormalities involving osteoblast function and skeletal development have also been reported in many forms of the disease. In this study, we used the rat mutation, osteopetrosis (op), to examine differences in skeletal gene expression between op mutants and their normal littermates. RNA isolated from calvaria and long bones was used as a template for mRNA-differential display. Sequence information for one of the many cDNA that were selectively expressed in either normal or mutant bone suggested that it is the rat homologue of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) previously cloned in the human, mouse, and other species. A consensus sequence was assembled from overlapping 5'-RACE clones and used to confirm the rat CTGF cDNA protein coding region. Northern blot analysis confirmed that this message was highly (8- to 10-fold) over-expressed in op versus normal bone; it was also upregulated in op kidney but none of the other tissues (brain, liver, spleen, thymus) examined. In primary rat osteoblast cultures, the CTGF message exhibits a temporal pattern of expression dependent on their state of differentiation. Furthermore, CTGF expression is regulated by prostaglandin E(2), a factor known to modulate osteoblast differentiation. Since members of the CTGF family regulate the expression of specific genes, such as collagen and fibronectin, we propose that CTGF may play a previously unreported role in normal skeletal modeling/remodeling. Its dramatic over-expression in the op mutant skeleton may be secondary to the uncoupling of bone resorption and bone formation resulting in dysregulation of osteoblast gene expression and function.  相似文献   
目的:在教育理论的指导下,通过问卷调查的形式对一年级学生的生活、学习、心理健康状况等方面的适应性问题进行调研。方法:采用随机抽样的原则,以抽到的班级所有符合条件的大学新生作为调查对象。采用自制的一般人口学特征问卷、高考志愿填报情况调查表、教学软硬件建设满意度调查表、目前学习状况及未来就业去向调查表、症状自评量表对46名大学新生进行调查。结果:调查班级学生中,多数学生来自农村家庭;与"70版、80后"相比,"90后"学生在职业选择方面具有更多的自主选择权;对学校在软硬条件方面亦提出更高的要求;受限于近期个人目标,缺乏长远人生目标,可持续发展能力差。心理问题阳性检出率为24%,排名在前4位的心理健康问题依次是:强迫、抑郁、焦虑、躯体化,男女生表现个有不同。结论:传统教育思维仍试图在极短时间里完成适应性教育工作,致使抽象理论与学生现实需求相脱节。陌生的环境、迥然不同的学习方式、全方位转变的人际关系使得新生心理问题出现叠加性、多重性的特点。相关部门应改变适应教育模式,建立新生适应教育活动的长期反馈机制和评估体系,才能更好的服务于新生教育工作。  相似文献   
The development of realistic risk models that predict the dissemination, dispersion and persistence of potential biothreat agents have utilized nonpathogenic surrogate organisms such as Bacillus atrophaeus subsp. globigii or commercial products such as Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki. Comparison of results from outdoor tests under different conditions requires the use of genetically identical strains; however, the requirement for isogenic strains limits the ability to compare other desirable properties, such as the behavior in the environment of the same strain prepared using different methods. Finally, current methods do not allow long-term studies of persistence or reaerosolization in test sites where simulants are heavily used or in areas where B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki is applied as a biopesticide. To create a set of genetically heterogeneous yet phenotypically indistinguishable strains so that variables intrinsic to simulations (e.g., sample preparation) can be varied and the strains can be tested under otherwise identical conditions, we have developed a strategy of introducing small genetic signatures (“barcodes”) into neutral regions of the genome. The barcodes are stable over 300 generations and do not impact in vitro growth or sporulation. Each barcode contains common and specific tags that allow differentiation of marked strains from wild-type strains and from each other. Each tag is paired with specific real-time PCR assays that facilitate discrimination of barcoded strains from wild-type strains and from each other. These uniquely barcoded strains will be valuable tools for research into the environmental fate of released organisms by providing specific artificial detection signatures.  相似文献   
Cardiac mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is necessary and sufficient to prevent cardiac dysfunction in pathological hypertrophy. However, the role of cardiac mTOR in heart failure after ischemic injury remains undefined. To address this question, we used transgenic (Tg) mice with cardiac-specific overexpression of mTOR (mTOR-Tg mice) to study ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury in two animal models: 1) in vivo I/R injury with transient coronary artery ligation and 2) ex vivo I/R injury in Langendorff-perfused hearts with transient global ischemia. At 28 days after I/R, mortality was lower in mTOR-Tg mice than littermate control mice [wild-type (WT) mice]. Echocardiography and MRI demonstrated that global cardiac function in mTOR-Tg mice was preserved, whereas WT mice exhibited significant cardiac dysfunction. Masson's trichrome staining showed that 28 days after I/R, the area of interstitial fibrosis was smaller in mTOR-Tg mice compared with WT mice, suggesting that adverse left ventricular remodeling is inhibited in mTOR-Tg mice. In the ex vivo I/R model, mTOR-Tg hearts demonstrated improved functional recovery compared with WT hearts. Perfusion with Evans blue after ex vivo I/R yielded less staining in mTOR-Tg hearts than WT hearts, indicating that mTOR overexpression inhibited necrosis during I/R injury. Expression of proinflammatory cytokines, including IL-6 and TNF-α, in mTOR-Tg hearts was lower than in WT hearts. Consistent with this, IL-6 in the effluent post-I/R injury was lower in mTOR-Tg hearts than in WT hearts. These findings suggest that cardiac mTOR overexpression in the heart is sufficient to provide substantial cardioprotection against I/R injury and suppress the inflammatory response.  相似文献   
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