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Membranes of adjacent cells form intercellular junctional complexes to mechanically anchor neighbour cells (anchoring junctions), to seal the paracellular space and to prevent diffusion of integral proteins within the plasma membrane (tight junctions) and to allow cell-to-cell diffusion of small ions and molecules (gap junctions). These different types of specialised plasma membrane microdomains, sharing common adaptor molecules, particularly zonula occludens proteins, frequently present intermingled relationships where the different proteins co-assemble into macromolecular complexes and their expressions are co-ordinately regulated. Proteins forming gap junction channels (connexins, particularly) and proteins fulfilling cell attachment or forming tight junction strands mutually influence expression and functions of one another.  相似文献   
Interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21 form a family of cytokines based on their sharing the common cytokine receptor gamma chain, gamma(c), which is mutated in X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). As a step toward further elucidating the mechanism of action of these cytokines in T-cell biology, we compared the gene expression profiles of IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, and IL-15 in T cells using cDNA microarrays. IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15 each induced a highly similar set of genes, whereas IL-4 induced distinct genes correlating with differential STAT protein activation by this cytokine. One gene induced by IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15 but not IL-4 was dual-specificity phosphatase 5 (DUSP5). In IL-2-dependent CTLL-2 cells, we show that IL-2-induced ERK-1/2 activity was inhibited by wild type DUSP5 but markedly increased by an inactive form of DUSP5, suggesting a negative feedback role for DUSP5 in IL-2 signaling. Our findings provide insights into the shared versus distinctive actions by different members of the gamma(c) family of cytokines. Moreover, we have identified a DUSP5-dependent negative regulatory pathway for MAPK activity in T cells.  相似文献   
The spatial distribution of the muddy fine sand community from the Bay of Veys (western English Channel) were investigated during spring and autumn 1997. A grid of 55 and 54 sites was sampled in March and October, respectively, using two replicates per site of a Hamon grab (0.25 m2) for macrofauna collection and an additional one for sediment analysis. A total of 172 species were sampled with a dominance of polychaetes, followed by crustaceans and bivalves. The species richness and abundance show low temporal changes despite higher values in October than in March. In March, the mean abundance was 165 ind. 0.5 m−2; in October, the mean abundance was 212 ind. 0.5 m−2. Four assemblages from the Abra alba-Pectinaria koreni community were identified corresponding to a bathymetric and sedimentary gradient from muddy fine sands with high levels of fine particles in shallow water to fine sands in deeper water. The discussion focuses on factors prevailing on the spatial structure of sandy communities in the English Channel.  相似文献   

Background and aims

Urea is the major nitrogen (N) form supplied as fertilizer in agriculture. However, urease, a nickel-dependent enzyme, allows plants to use external or internally generated urea as a nitrogen source. Since a urease inhibitor is frequently applied in conjunction with urea fertilizer, the N-metabolism of plants may be affected. The aim of this study was to determine physiological and molecular effects of nickel deficiency and a urease inhibitor on urea uptake and assimilation in oilseed rape.


Plants were grown on hydroponic solution with urea as the sole N source under three treatments: plants treated with nickel (+Ni) as a control, without nickel (?Ni) and with nickel and phenylphosphorodiamidate (+Ni+PPD). Urea transport and assimilation were investigated.


The results show that Ni-deficiency or PPD supply led to reduced growth and reduced 15N-uptake from urea. This effect was more pronounced in PPD-treated plants, which accumulated high amounts of urea and ammonium. Thus, Ni-deficiency or addition of PPD, limit the availability of N and decreased shoot and root amino acid content. The up-regulation of BnDUR3 in roots indicated that this gene is a component of the stress response to nitrogen-deficiency. A general decline of glutamine synthetase (GS) activity and activation of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and increases in its expression level were observed in control plants. At the same time, in (?N) or (+Ni+PPD) treated plants, no increases in GS or GDH activities and expression level were found.


Overall results showed that plants require Ni as a nutrient (while most widely used nutrient solutions are devoid of Ni), whether they are grown with or without a urea supply, and that urease inhibitors may have deleterious effects at least in hydroponic grown oilseed rape.  相似文献   
We have developed a system for stable germline transformation in the silkworm Bombyx mori L. using piggyBac, a transposon discovered in the lepidopteran Trichoplusia ni. The transformation constructs consist of the piggyBac inverted terminal repeats flanking a fusion of the B. mori cytoplasmic actin gene BmA3 promoter and the green fluorescent protein (GFP). A nonautonomous helper plasmid encodes the piggyBac transposase. The reporter gene construct was coinjected into preblastoderm eggs of two strains of B. mori. Approximately 2% of the individuals in the G1 broods expressed GFP. DNA analyses of GFP-positive G1 silkworms revealed that multiple independent insertions occurred frequently. The transgene was stably transferred to the next generation through normal Mendelian inheritance. The presence of the inverted terminal repeats of piggyBac and the characteristic TTAA sequence at the borders of all the analyzed inserts confirmed that transformation resulted from precise transposition events. This efficient method of stable gene transfer in a lepidopteran insect opens the way for promising basic research and biotechnological applications.  相似文献   
Among their pleiotropic effects, statins exert antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate in normotensive (WKY) and in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) the effect of rosuvastatin (ROSU) treatment on (1) plasma inflammation markers and endogenous NO synthase inhibitor (ADMA) levels, (2) reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by circulating leukocytes and (3) vascular oxidative stress and tissue inflammation markers. Plasma cytokines were higher in SHR than in WKY, except for IL-4, which was lower in SHR than in WKY. SHR monocytes exhibited higher production of ROS than did WKY monocytes. In the experimental conditions, ROSU did not modify plasma cholesterol levels in SHR but attenuated the increase in systolic blood pressure. In SHR only, ROSU lessened pro-inflammatory cytokines and ADMA levels, increased IL-4 and reduced ROS production in circulating monocytes. These results demonstrate the beneficial effects of ROSU in SHR, independently of any lowering of cholesterol levels.  相似文献   

The synthesis of a new analogue of 2′,3′-dideoxy-3′-thiacytidine 9 covalently linked to an N-formyl methionyl leucyl phenylalanine peptide is described. This new prodrug analogue has been tested on the one hand as activator of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (an EC50 value of 1.8 10?5 M was determined from dose-response curve for superoxide production) and on the other hand as inhibitor of the syncitium formation caused by HIV-1 in MT4-cells (IC50 = 8.0± 0.8 μM). In so far as this new prodrug possesses these two biological properties, it represents a useful “chemical-head” capable of targeting specific receptors located on leukocytes membranes.  相似文献   
Mussels were translocated from a shell-fish breeding area (Sète, on the French Mediterranean coast) to sites exposed to trace element inputs in April 2000. They were recovered 3 months later. Whole soft tissues from all of the sites (n = 97) were analysed for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, lead and zinc. Metallothioneins (MTs) were also measured in the digestive gland and in the remaining tissues (allowing calculation of whole soft tissue concentrations) at 22 of the 97 sites. MT concentrations in the digestive gland and the whole soft tissues were strongly correlated. The condition index varied with food availability at different sites. This did not influenced MT concentrations in the whole soft tissues, whereas the condition index was negatively correlated to trace element concentrations. A model is proposed to minimize this influence of condition. Metal concentrations adjusted using this model showed significant correlations with MT levels for those metals (cadmium, copper, nickel and zinc) that are known to bind to this protein, with the exception of mercury. Even in moderately contaminated sites, measurement of the MT level in the soft tissues of mussels was generally able to discriminate between different levels of contamination, allowing the use of a simplified procedure compared with dissection of the digestive gland. It is recommended to avoid translocation and sampling during the reproductive period, which is well documented for commercial species such as Mytilus sp.  相似文献   
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