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Siegesmund , Kenneth A., Walter G. Rosen , and Stanley R. Gawlik . (Marquette (J., Milwaukee, Wis.) Effects of darkness and of streptomycin on the fine structure of Euglena gracilis. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49 (2) : 137–145. Illus. 1962.—Dark-grown Euglena gracilis cells, transferred from streptomycin (SM)-containing medium to SM-free medium 5 days before transfer to light, turn green normally, indicating that proplastids are unaffected by SM. SM-bleached cells, grown in light, contain numerous bodies composed of concentric lamellae (CL bodies). These differ from chloroplasts in that their lamellae lack electron-dense dots, are not coalesced, and they lack a 3-layered limiting membrane and pyrenoids. CL bodies are absent from dark-grown normal and dark-grown SM-bleached cells, as well as from light-grown normal cells. It is suggested that CL bodies result from a derangement of chloroplast synthesis caused by SM blockage of chlorophyll synthesis.  相似文献   
Methods are described for preparing cell suspensions of Lilium microsporocytes, microspores and pollen grains; for obtaining cell counts of these suspensions; and for their analysis for pentose nucleic acid (PNA) and desoxypentose nucleic acid (DNA).The results of these analyses have been calculated to nucleic acid content in μμg per microsporocyte, microspore or pollen grain, and the results related to logarithm of flower bud length, an index of the developmental status of the cells, and of their temporal relationship to meiosis, microspore mitosis and opening of the flower.DNA content per cell drops sharply at the end of meiosis, with the formation of four microspores from each microsporocyte. It then increases gradually during the microspore interphase between meiosis and the microspore mitosis. At microspore mitosis DNA content doubles rapidly. In the development of the resulting binucleate pollen grain, from microspore mitosis until the opening of the flower, there is a further gradual increase of DNA content. PNA content of these cells follows the same pattern up to microspore mitosis at a level about twice that of DNA, increases sharply at mitosis, and continues to increase rapidly at a rate nine times that for DNA in the maturing pollen grain.The absolute amounts of DNA and PNA are great. At the time of anthesis the two-celled pollen grain contains about 375 μμg of DNA and 1705 μμg of PNA.  相似文献   
The relational phenomena exhibited by metabolizing systems may be considered as special cases of those exhibited by a more general class of systems. This class is specified, and some of tis properties developed. An attempt is then made to apply these properties to a theory of metabolism by suitable specialization. A number of biologically significant theorems are obtained which apply directly to the theory of the free-living single cell. Among the results obtained are the following: On the basis of our model, there must always exist a component of the system which cannot be replaced or repaired by the system in the event of its inhibition or destruction. Under certain conditions, a metabolizing system possesses a component the inhibition of which will completely terminate the metabolic activity of the system. Furthermore a number of other diverse phenomena, such as the effects of a deficient environment, encystment phenomena, and even an indication of why a metabolizing system which represents a cell should possess a nucleus, follow in a straightforward fashion from our model.  相似文献   
A notion of quasi-ergodicity is defined in free monoids, generalizing a notion introduced in a previous paper (Rosen, 1959,Bull. Math. Biophysics,21, 71–95). It is shown that under certain conditions the algebraic properties of quasi-ergodicity are very similar to those derived for the more specialized concept inloc. cit. If it is assumed that the DNA-protein coding processes in nature are of a quasi-ergodic nature, then a condition is specified under which only a finite number of different DNA-protein codes are possible, and an upper bound for the total number of different quasi-ergodic codes is obtained.  相似文献   
Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), a potent regulator of bone formation, has bifunctional effects on osteoblast replication and biochemical activity that appear differentiation dependent. We now show that cell surface binding sites for TGF-beta vary markedly among fibroblasts, bone-derived cells, and highly differentiated osteosarcoma cultures from fetal rats. Expression of betaglycan and type II receptors decline relative to type I receptor expression in parallel with an increase in osteoblast-like activity, predicting that the ratio among various TGF-beta binding sites could influence how its signals are perceived. Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2), which induces osteoblast function, does not alter TGF-beta binding or biochemical activity in fibroblasts and has only small effects in less differentiated bone cells. In contrast, BMP-2 rapidly reduces TGF-beta binding to betaglycan and type II receptors in osteoblast-enriched primary cell cultures and increases its relative binding to type I receptors in these cells and in ROS 17/2.8 cultures. Pretreatment with BMP-2 diminishes TGF-beta-induced DNA synthesis in osteoblast-enriched cultures but synergistically enhances its stimulatory effects on either collagen synthesis or alkaline phosphatase activity, depending on the present state of bone cell differentiation. Therefore, BMP-2 shifts the TGF-beta binding profile on bone cells in ways that are consistent with progressive expression of osteoblast phenotype, and these changes distinguish the biochemical effects mediated by each receptor. Our observations indicate specific stepwise actions by TGF-beta family members during osteoblast differentiation, developing in part from changes imprinted by BMP-2 on TGF-beta receptor stoichiometry.  相似文献   
To develop an inducible and progressive model of mammary gland tumorigenesis, transgenic mice were generated with a mouse mammary tumor virus-long terminal repeat-driven, conditional, fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-independent FGF receptor (FGFR)1 (iFGFR1) that can be induced to dimerize with the drug AP20187. Treatment of transgenic mice with AP20187 resulted in iFGFR1 tyrosine phosphorylation, increased proliferation, activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase and Akt, and lateral budding. Lateral buds appeared as early as 3 d after AP20187 treatment and initially consisted of bilayered epithelial cells and displayed apical and basolateral polarity appeared after 13 d of AP20187 treatment. Invasive lesions characterized by multicell-layered lateral buds, decreased myoepithelium, increased vascular branching, and loss of cell polarity were observed after 2-4 wk of treatment. These data indicate that acute iFGFR1 signaling results in increased lateral budding of the mammary ductal epithelium, and that sustained activation induces alveolar hyperplasia and invasive lesions.  相似文献   
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