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Netrins, axon guidance cues in the CNS, have also been detected in epithelial tissues. In this study, using the embryonic pancreas as a model system, we show that Netrin-1 is expressed in a discrete population of epithelial cells, localizes to basal membranes, and specifically associates with elements of the extracellular matrix. We demonstrate that alpha6beta4 integrin mediates pancreatic epithelial cell adhesion to Netrin-1, whereas recruitment of alpha6beta4 and alpha3beta1 regulate the migration of CK19+/PDX1+ putative pancreatic progenitors on Netrin-1. These results provide evidence for the activation of epithelial cell adhesion and migration by a neural chemoattractant, and identify Netrin-1/integrin interactions as adhesive/guidance cues for epithelial cells.  相似文献   
Plasma levels of serotonin are elevated in primary pulmonary hypertension even after bilateral lung transplantation, suggesting a possible etiologic role. Serotonin is released primarily from the small intestine. Anorectic agents, such as dexfenfluramine, which can cause pulmonary hypertension, are known to inhibit potassium channels in vascular smooth muscle cells. We examined the hypothesis that dexfenfluramine may stimulate release of serotonin from the ileum by inhibition of K+ channels. In an isolated loop of rat ileum perfused with a physiological salt solution, the administration of dexfenfluramine, its major metabolite D-norfenfluramine, the potassium channel blocker 4-aminopyridine (5 mM), and caffeine (30 mM) increased serotonin levels in the venous effluent. Potassium chloride (60 mM) tended to increase serotonin levels. In genetically susceptible individuals, dexfenfluramine may induce pulmonary hypertension by increasing cytosolic calcium in enterochromaffin cells of the small intestine, thus releasing serotonin and causing vasoconstriction. This work indicates that dexfenfluramine and its major metabolite d-norfenfluramine can increase serotonin release from the small intestine.  相似文献   
In the geological record, fossil phosphatic stromatolites date back to the Great Oxidation Event in the Paleoproterozoic, but living phosphatic stromatolites have not been described previously. Here, we report on cyanobacterial stromatolites in a supratidal freshwater environment at Cape Recife, South African southern coast, precipitating Ca carbonate alternating with episodes of Ca phosphate deposition. In their structure and composition, the living stromatolites from Cape Recife closely resemble their fossilized analogues, showing phosphatic zonation, microbial casts, tunnel structures and phosphatic crusts of biogenic origin. The microbial communities appear to be also similar to those proposed to have formed fossil phosphatic stromatolites. Phosphatic domains in the material from Cape Recife are spatially and texturally associated with carbonate precipitates, but form distinct entities separated by sharp boundaries. Electron Probe Micro‐Analysis shows that Ca/P ratios and the overall chemical compositions of phosphatic precipitates are in the range of octacalcium phosphate, amorphous tricalcium phosphate and apatite. The coincidence in time of the emergence of phosphatic stromatolites in the fossil record with a major episode of atmospheric oxidation led to the assumption that at times of increased oxygen release the underlying increased biological production may have been linked to elevated phosphorus availability. The stromatolites at Cape Recife, however, form in an environment where ambient phosphorus concentrations do not exceed 0.28 μM, one to two orders of magnitude below the previously predicted minimum threshold of >5 μM for biogenic phosphate precipitation in paleo‐systems. Accordingly, we contest the previously proposed suitability of phosphatic stromatolites as a proxy for high ambient phosphate concentrations in supratidal to shallow ocean settings in earth history.  相似文献   

Key message

A strong, stable and root-specific expression system was developed from a rice root-specific GLYCINE - RICH PROTEIN 7 promoter for use as an enabling technology for genetic manipulation of wheat root traits.


Root systems play an important role in wheat productivity. Genetic manipulation of wheat root traits often requires a root-specific or root-predominant expression system as an essential enabling technology. In this study, we investigated promoters from rice root-specific or root-predominant expressed genes for development of a root expression system in bread wheat. Transient expression analysis using a GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN (GFP) reporter gene driven by rice promoters identified six promoters that were strongly expressed in wheat roots. Extensive organ specificity analysis of three rice promoters in transgenic wheat revealed that the promoter of rice GLYCINE-RICH PROTEIN 7 (OsGRP7) gene conferred a root-specific expression pattern in wheat. Strong GFP fluorescence in the seminal and branch roots of wheat expressing GFP reporter driven by the OsGRP7 promoter was detected in epidermal, cortical and endodermal cells in mature parts of the root. The GFP reporter driven by the promoter of rice METALLOTHIONEIN-LIKE PROTEIN 1 (OsMTL1) gene was mainly expressed in the roots with essentially no expression in the leaf, stem or seed. However, it was also expressed in floral organs including glume, lemma, palea and awn. In contrast, strong expression of rice RCg2 promoter-driven GFP was found in many tissues. The GFP expression driven by these three rice promoters was stable in transgenic wheat plants through three generations (T1–T3) examined. These data suggest that the OsGRP7 promoter can provide a strong, stable and root-specific expression system for use as an enabling technology for genetic manipulation of wheat root traits.
Although Madagascar is an ancient fragment of Gondwana, the majority of taxa studied thus far appear to have reached the island through dispersal from Cenozoic times. Ancient lineages may have experienced a different history compared to more recent Cenozoic arrivals, as such lineages would have encountered geoclimatic shifts over an extended time period. The motivation for this study was to unravel the signature of diversification in an ancient lineage by comparing an area known for major geoclimatic upheavals (Madagascar) versus other areas where the environment has been relatively stable. Archaeid spiders are an ancient paleoendemic group with unusual predatory behaviors and spectacular trophic morphology that likely have been on Madagascar since its isolation. We examined disparities between Madagascan archaeids and their non‐Madagascan relatives regarding timing of divergence, rates of trait evolution, and distribution patterns. Results reveal an increased rate of adaptive trait diversification in Madagascan archaeids. Furthermore, geoclimatic events in Madagascar over long periods of time may have facilitated high species richness due to montane refugia and stability, rainforest refugia, and also ecogeographic shifts, allowing for the accumulation of adaptive traits. This research suggests that time alone, coupled with more ancient geoclimatic events allowed for the different patterns in Madagascar.  相似文献   
Activation of CD4+ T cells requires the recognition of peptides that are presented by HLA class II molecules and can be assessed experimentally using the ELISpot assay. However, even given an individual’s HLA class II genotype, identifying which class II molecule is responsible for a positive ELISpot response to a given peptide is not trivial. The two main difficulties are the number of HLA class II molecules that can potentially be formed in a single individual (3–14) and the lack of clear peptide binding motifs for class II molecules. Here, we present a Bayesian framework to interpret ELISpot data (BIITE: Bayesian Immunogenicity Inference Tool for ELISpot); specifically BIITE identifies which HLA-II:peptide combination(s) are immunogenic based on cohort ELISpot data. We apply BIITE to two ELISpot datasets and explore the expected performance using simulations. We show this method can reach high accuracies, depending on the cohort size and the success rate of the ELISpot assay within the cohort.  相似文献   
We report the natural colonization of the small Galápagos island Daphne Major by the large ground finch (Geospiza magnirostris). Immigrants of this species were present in every year of a 22-yr study, 1973–1994. Typically they arrived after a breeding season and left at the beginning of the next one. Geospiza magnirostris bred on the island for the first time in the exceptionally wet El Niño year of 1982–1983, and bred in all subsequent years except drought years. In agreement with theoretical expectations the frequency of inbreeding was unusually high. Pronounced fluctuating asymmetry in tarsus length, together with slightly reduced breeding success of inbreeding pairs, suggests a low level of inbreeding depression. Despite this, the population increased from 5 breeding individuals in 1983 to 20 breeding individuals in 1992, and probably more than twice that number in 1993, largely through recruitment of locally born birds.  相似文献   
As the numbers of people suffering from human immunodeficiency virus infection and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) increase, so will the contribution to care required from general practice. A postal questionnaire survey was therefore carried out among general practitioners in the North West Thames and East Anglian regions to determine their attitudes to AIDS and the issues it raises for them. One hundred and thirty seven questionnaires were returned (response rate 57%) and four factors underlying the doctors'' attitudes identified; these concerned disease control, general practitioner care, patient support, and perception of seriousness. There were wide divergencies of attitude among the general practitioners, younger doctors being more in line with specialist thinking on AIDS than older colleagues, and evidence of important gaps between policies advocated by AIDS specialists and bodies of opinion in general practice.Attitudes to AIDS in general practice may partly be a function of personal experience; further study is required.  相似文献   
Ovarian germ cell survival is dependent upon the formation of primordial follicles, which occurs during fetal life in the human. Activin contributes to germ cell proliferation and survival at this time. SMADs2 and 3 are central elements in the activin signalling pathway and thus indicate sites of activin action. We have investigated the expression and localisation of SMADs2 and 3 in the fetal ovary between 14 and 20 weeks gestation, i.e. preceding and during primordial follicle formation. SMAD3 mRNA expression increased 1.9 fold (P = 0.02). SMAD2 and 3 proteins were localised by immunofluorescence to the nuclei of three distinct populations of somatic cells: (a) stromal cells between clusters of germ cells; (b) some somatic cells intermingled with activin βA-expressing germ cells; (c) pre-granulosa cells surrounding primordial follicles. Germ cells did not express SMAD2 or 3. Activin A increased and follistatin decreased phosphorylation of SMAD2/3 in vitro, and activin increased SMAD2 and decreased KITLG mRNA expression. It therefore appears that somatic cells are the targets for activin signalling in the developing ovary. The effects of activin on germ cells are indirect and include mediation by the kit ligand/c-Kit pathway, rather than being an autocrine germ cell effect.  相似文献   
Myosin has been localized to plasmodesmata in root tissues of Allium cepa, Zea mays and Hordeum vulgare using a polyclonal antibody to animal myosin in both fluorescence and electron microscopy. Labelling was also observed throughout the cytoplasm, mainly associated with the endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane. On Western blots, bands of 180 and 110 kDa were consistently labelled in all three species. These bands were also labelled when the blot was incubated in actin prior to staining with antibodies to actin, raising the possibility that either of these proteins (180 kDa or 110 kDa) may be present in plasmodesmata. Pre-treatment of the tissue with 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM), an inhibitor of actin–myosin motility, resulted in a strong constriction of the neck region of plasmodesmata. These results indicate that a myosin-like protein may be present in plasmodesmata and may also play a role in the regulation of transport at the neck region.  相似文献   
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