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In a detailed analysis of how limited seed dispersal can create spatial structuring of genetic variation, several nuclear microsatellites were assayed in seedlings from two forests of Pinus strobus, one old growth (OG) and the other (second site, SS) logged in ca. 1900. By using loci with a large number of alleles and new statistical methods on averaged spatial correlation coefficients, unusually precise estimates of spatial genetic structure were obtained, even though the structure was expected to be very weak. This high precision allowed the spatial patterns to be contrasted across loci and populations. At the OG site, the average spatial correlation coefficient for short distances (<15 m) exceeded its random expected value by 0.035, providing an indirect estimate of ca. 230 for Wright's neighborhood size. The value is similar to that estimated in a previous study of adult trees at OG and probably represents the natural level of spatial structure. A very similar value, 0.030, was obtained for seedlings at SS, despite the fact that unlike OG, genotypes of adults are randomly distributed, a likely result of logging. The results show that a single cycle of limited seed dispersal recreated the natural level of spatial structuring. In addition, one microsatellite, Rps50, had far greater amounts of allele variation, likely implicating it as having a higher mutation rate. The spatial structure of Rps50 also was significantly reduced, in a way that could be consistent with theoretical effects of high mutation rates (up to μ = 10(-2)). The choice of markers may influence estimates of spatial genetic structure. For example, if Rps50 is omitted the values are nearly doubled to 0.058 and 0.051 for SS and OG, respectively, both indicating a much smaller neighborhood size of ca. 100.  相似文献   
The facultative intracellular pathogen Bartonella henselae is responsible for a broad range of clinical manifestations, including the formation of vascular tumors as a result of increased proliferation and survival of colonized endothelial cells. This remarkable interaction with endotoxin-sensitive endothelial cells and the apparent lack of septic shock are considered to be due to a reduced endotoxic activity of the B. henselae lipopolysaccharide. Here, we show that B. henselae ATCC 49882(T) produces a deep-rough-type lipopolysaccharide devoid of O-chain and report on its complete structure and Toll-like receptor-dependent biological activity. The major short-chain lipopolysaccharide was studied by chemical analyses, electrospray ionization, and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, as well as by NMR spectroscopy after alkaline deacylation. The carbohydrate portion of the lipopolysaccharide consists of a branched trisaccharide containing a glucose residue attached to position 5 of an alpha-(2-->4)-linked 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid disaccharide. Lipid A is a pentaacylated beta-(1'-->6)-linked 2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxy-glucose disaccharide 1,4'-bisphosphate with two amide-linked residues each of 3-hydroxydodecanoic and 3-hydroxyhexadecanoic acids and one residue of either 25-hydroxyhexacosanoic or 27-hydroxyoctacosanoic acid that is O-linked to the acyl group at position 2'. The lipopolysaccharide studied activated Toll-like receptor 4 signaling only to a low extent (1,000-10,000-fold lower compared with that of Salmonella enterica sv. Friedenau) and did not activate Toll-like receptor 2. Some unusual structural features of the B. henselae lipopolysaccharide, including the presence of a long-chain fatty acid, which are shared by the lipopolysaccharides of other bacteria causing chronic intracellular infections (e.g. Legionella and Chlamydia), may provide the molecular basis for low endotoxic potency.  相似文献   
In this study we demonstrated the combination of MALDI-TOF MS and TLC as a fast and powerful tool to investigate the phospholipid (PL) composition of organic extracts of bull spermatozoa. Since phosphatidylcholine (PC) is the dominant PL species, an adequate resolution of MALDI-TOF spectra for sphingomyelin (SM) or phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) was achieved only after previous PL separation by TLC. We found a poor diversity especially for PE and PC, mainly containing ether-linked fatty acids which were 1-palmityl-2-docosahexaenoyl-PL and the corresponding alkenyl-acyl compound (plasmalogen) 1-palmitenyl-2-docosahexaenoyl-PL. For PC, both lipids were quantified after phospholipase A2 digestion to represent 44.2 and 37.2%, respectively, of the total PC. In contrast, the diacyl-PC content of bull spermatozoa was comparatively low (18.6% of total PC). In the presence of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), which is routinely added to the MALDI-TOF matrix to improve the signal to noise ratio, a high lysophospholipid (LPL) content was detected in the PL extracts of bull spermatozoa, whereas TLC did not reveal significant amounts of LPL. The TFA mediated hydrolysis of the acid-labile alkenyl-acyl PL to the corresponding LPL was shown to cause this discrepancy. This assumption was verified by analysing the PL composition by MALDI-TOF MS before and after (i) digestion of sperm cell lipids with phospholipase A2 and (ii) exposition of spermatozoa to HCl fumes. We conclude that the analysis of samples containing alkenyl-acyl-PL by MALDI-TOF has to be performed with great caution.  相似文献   
Many surface proteins are anchored to the cell wall by the action of sortase enzymes, a recently discovered family of cysteine transpeptidases. As the surface proteins of human pathogens are frequently required for virulence, the sortase-mediated anchoring reaction represents a potential target for new anti-infective agents. It has been suggested that the sortase from Staphylococcus aureus (SrtA), may use a similar catalytic strategy as the papain cysteine proteases, holding its Cys184 side chain in an active configuration through a thiolate-imidazolium ion interaction with residue His120. To investigate the mechanism of transpeptidation, we have synthesized a peptidyl-vinyl sulfone substrate mimic that irreversibly inhibits SrtA. Through the study of the pH dependence of SrtA inhibition and NMR, we have estimated the pKas of the active site thiol (Cys184) and imidazole (His120) to be approximately 9.4 and 7.0, respectively. These measurements are inconsistent with the existence of a thiolate-imidazolium ion pair and suggest a general base catalysis mechanism during transpeptidation.  相似文献   
The search for cell-surface markers that can distinguish T helper 1 (T(H)1) cells from T(H)2 cells has led to the identification of a new gene family, encoding the T-cell immunoglobulin mucin (TIM) proteins, some of which are differentially expressed by T(H)1 and T(H)2 cells. The role of the TIM-family proteins in immune regulation is just beginning to emerge. Here, we describe the various TIM-family members in mice and humans, and discuss the genetic and functional evidence for their role in regulating autoimmune and allergic diseases.  相似文献   
The proper segregation of chromosomes during meiosis or mitosis requires the assembly of well organized spindles. In many organisms, meiotic spindles lack centrosomes. The formation of such acentrosomal spindles seems to involve first assembly or capture of microtubules (MTs) in a random pattern around the meiotic chromosomes and then parallel bundling and bipolar organization by the action of MT motors and other proteins. Here, we describe the structure, distribution, and function of KLP-18, a Caenorhabditis elegans Klp2 kinesin. Previous reports of Klp2 kinesins agree that it concentrates in spindles, but do not provide a clear view of its function. During prometaphase, metaphase, and anaphase, KLP-18 concentrates toward the poles in both meiotic and mitotic spindles. Depletion of KLP-18 by RNA-mediated interference prevents parallel bundling/bipolar organization of the MTs that accumulate around female meiotic chromosomes. Hence, meiotic chromosome segregation fails, leading to haploid or aneuploid embryos. Subsequent assembly and function of centrosomal mitotic spindles is normal except when aberrant maternal chromatin is present. This suggests that although KLP-18 is critical for organizing chromosome-derived MTs into a parallel bipolar spindle, the order inherent in centrosome-derived astral MT arrays greatly reduces or eliminates the need for KLP-18 organizing activity in mitotic spindles.  相似文献   
Distinct regulatory effects of the Na,K-ATPase gamma subunit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The two variants of the gamma subunit of the rat renal sodium pump, gamma(a) and gamma(b), have similar effects on the Na,K-ATPase. Both increase the affinity for ATP due to a shift in the enzyme's E(1) <--> E(2) conformational equilibrium toward E(1). In addition, both increase K(+) antagonism of cytoplasmic Na(+) activation. To gain insight into the structural basis for these distinct effects, extramembranous N-terminal and C-terminal mutants of gamma were expressed in rat alpha1-transfected HeLa cells. At the N terminus, the variant-distinct region was deleted (gammaNDelta7) or replaced by alanine residues (gammaN7A). At the C terminus, four (gamma(a)CDelta4) or ten (gamma(a)CDelta10) residues were deleted. None of these mutations abrogates the K(+)/Na(+) antagonism as evidenced in a similar increase in K'(Na) seen at high (100 mm) K(+) concentration. In contrast, the C-terminal as well as N-terminal deletions (gammaNDelta7, gamma(a)CDelta4, and gamma(a)CDelta10) abolished the decrease in K'(ATP) seen with wild-type gamma(a) or gamma(b). It is concluded that different regions of the gamma chain mediate the distinct functional effects of gamma, and the effects can be long-range. In the transmembrane region, the impact of G41R replacement was analyzed since this mutation is associated with autosomal dominant renal Mg(2+)-wasting in man (Meij, I. C., Koenderink, J. B., van Bokhoven, H., Assink, K. F. H., Groenestege, W. T., de Pont, J. J. H. H. M., Bindels, R. J. M., Monnens, L. A. H., Van den Heuvel, L. P. W. J., and Knoers, N. V. A. M. (2000) Nat. Genet. 26, 265-266). The results show that Gly-41 --> Arg prevents trafficking of gamma but not alphabeta pumps to the cell surface and abrogates functional effects of gamma on alphabeta pumps. These findings underscore a potentially important role of gamma in affecting solute transport, in this instance Mg(2+) reabsorption, consequent to its primary effect on the sodium pump.  相似文献   
Since the discovery of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, there has been an increasing demand for breast cancer risk assessment programs. In an effort to understand and serve the population such programs target better, several studies have identified factors influencing high-risk women to pursue breast cancer risk assessment and genetic testing services; none, however, has focused on how the motivations and concerns of at-risk women may differ from their previously affected counterparts, who are typically the initial members of their families to undergo genetic testing. The majority of both previously affected and unaffected women felt that preventative surgery decisions, surveillance practices, the assessment of children's risks, and increased breast cancer anxiety were "more important" or "very important" issues regarding their thoughts about genetic testing. Significantly more affected women deemed family members' opinions "more" or "very important" (p < 0.01). Opinions concerning insurance and employment discrimination did not vary significantly between groups; however, a larger percentage of affected women felt this issue was of importance. Although all issues above should be addressed with women seeking cancer risk assessment and genetic testing, this research may help health care providers to gain a greater understanding of how the motivators and concerns of high-risk women can differ with personal cancer status so that referral, counseling, and education can be executed optimally.  相似文献   
Insect proteins have been proposed for human and animal food production. Safeguarding the health status of insects in mass rearing allows to obtain high-quality products and to avoid severe economic losses due to entomopathogens. Therefore, new strategies for preserving insect health must be implemented. Modulation of the insect immune system through the diet is one such strategy. We evaluated gene expression of two antimicrobial peptides (one defensin and one cecropin) in Hermetia illucens (L.) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) reared on different diets. Analyses were performed on prepupae and 10-day-old larvae reared on cereal- and municipal organic waste-based diets and on only prepupae reared on a cereal-based diet supplemented with sunflower, corn, or soybean oil. The inclusion of sunflower oil at different points in the cereal-based diet was also evaluated. Moreover, diet-driven differences in the inhibitory activity of the hemolymph were tested against Escherichia coli DH5α and Micrococcus yunnanensis HI55 using diffusion assays in solid media. Results showed that a municipal organic waste-based diet produced a significant overexpression of antimicrobial peptides only in prepupae. Inclusion of vegetable oils caused an upregulation of at least one peptide, except for the corn oil. Higher expression of both genes was observed when sunflower oil was added 5 days before pupation. All hemolymph samples showed an inhibitory activity against bacteria colonies. Our results suggest that municipal organic waste-based diet and vegetable oil-added diet may successfully impact the immune system of H. illucens. Such alternatives may also exist for other species of economic interest.  相似文献   
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