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Viral entry by herpes simplex virus (HSV) is executed and tightly regulated by four glycoproteins. While several viral glycoproteins can mediate viral adhesion to host cells, only binding of gD to cellular receptor can activate core fusion proteins gB and gH/gL to execute membrane fusion and viral entry. Atomic structures of gD bound to receptor indicate that the C terminus of the gD ectodomain must be displaced before receptor can bind to gD, but it is unclear which conformational changes in gD activate membrane fusion. We rationally designed mutations in gD to displace the C terminus and observe if fusion could be activated without receptor binding. Using a cell-based fusion assay, we found that gD V231W induced cell-cell fusion in the absence of receptor. Using recombinant gD V231W protein, we observed binding to conformationally sensitive antibodies or HSV receptor and concluded that there were changes proximal to the receptor binding interface, while the tertiary structure of gD V231W was similar to that of wild-type gD. We used a biosensor to analyze the kinetics of receptor binding and the extent to which the C terminus blocks binding to receptor. We found that the C terminus of gD V231W was enriched in the open or displaced conformation, indicating a mechanism for its function. We conclude that gD V231W triggers fusion through displacement of its C terminus and that this motion is indicative of how gD links receptor binding to exposure of interfaces on gD that activate fusion via gH/gL and gB.  相似文献   
Background information. Vaccinia virus (VACV) was used as a surrogate of variola virus (genus Orthopoxvirus), the causative agent of smallpox, to study orthopoxvirus infection. VACV infects cells via attachment and fusion of the viral membrane with the host cell membrane. Glycosphingolipids, expressed in multiple organs, are major components of lipid rafts and have been associated with the infectious route of several pathogens. Results. We demonstrate that the VACV‐WR (VACV Western‐Reserve strain) displays no binding to Cer (ceramide) or to Gal‐Cer (galactosylceramide), but binds to a natural sulfated derivative of these molecules: the Sulf (sulfatide) 3′ sulfogalactosylceramide. The interaction between Sulf and VACV‐WR resulted in a time‐dependent inhibition of virus infection. Virus cell attachment was the crucial step inhibited by Sulf. Electron microscopy showed that SUVs (small unilamellar vesicles) enriched in Sulf bound to VACV particles. Both the A27 and L5 viral membrane proteins were shown to interact with Sulf, indicating that they could be the major viral ligands for Sulf. Soluble Sulf was successful in preventing mortality, but not morbidity, in a lethal mouse model infection with VACV‐WR. Conclusions. Together the results suggest that Sulf could play a role as an alternate receptor for VACV‐WR and probably other Orthopoxviruses.  相似文献   
SUMOylation plays a crucial role in regulating diverse cellular processes including ribosome biogenesis. Proteomic analyses and experimental evidence showed that a number of nucleolar proteins involved in ribosome biogenesis are modified by SUMO. However, how these proteins are SUMOylated in cells is less understood. Here, we report that USP36, a nucleolar deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB), promotes nucleolar SUMOylation. Overexpression of USP36 enhances nucleolar SUMOylation, whereas its knockdown or genetic deletion reduces the levels of SUMOylation. USP36 interacts with SUMO2 and Ubc9 and directly mediates SUMOylation in cells and in vitro. We show that USP36 promotes the SUMOylation of the small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein (snoRNP) components Nop58 and Nhp2 in cells and in vitro and their binding to snoRNAs. It also promotes the SUMOylation of snoRNP components Nop56 and DKC1. Functionally, we show that knockdown of USP36 markedly impairs rRNA processing and translation. Thus, USP36 promotes snoRNP group SUMOylation and is critical for ribosome biogenesis and protein translation.  相似文献   
Binding of herpes simplex virus (HSV) envelope glycoprotein D (gD) to a cell surface receptor is an essential step of virus entry. We recently determined the crystal structure of gD bound to one receptor, HveA. HveA is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family and contains four characteristic cysteine-rich domains (CRDs). The first two CRDs of HveA are necessary and sufficient for gD binding. The structure of the gD-HveA complex reveals that 17 amino acids in HveA CRD1 and 4 amino acids in HveA CRD2 directly contact gD. To determine the contribution of these 21 HveA residues to virus entry, we constructed forms of HveA mutated in each of these contact residues. We determined the ability of the mutant proteins to bind gD, facilitate virus entry, and form HveA oligomers. Our results point to a binding hot spot centered around HveA-Y23, a residue that protrudes into a crevice on the surface of gD. Both the hydroxyl group and phenyl group of HveA-Y23 contribute to HSV entry. Our results also suggest that an intermolecular beta-sheet formed between gD and HveA residues 35 to 37 contributes to binding and that a C37-C19 disulfide bond in CRD1 is a critical component of HveA structure necessary for gD binding. The results argue that CRD2 is required for gD binding mainly to provide structural support for a gD binding site in CRD1. Only one mutant, HveA-R75A, exhibited enhanced gD binding. While some mutations influenced complex formation, the majority did not affect HSV entry, suggesting that most contact residues contribute to HveA receptor function collectively rather than individually. This structure-based dissection of the gD-HveA binding site highlights the contribution of key residues within HveA to gD binding and HSV entry and defines a target region for the design of small-molecule inhibitors.  相似文献   
Vaccination with replication-competent vaccinia protects against heterologous orthopoxvirus challenge. CD4 T cells have essential roles helping functionally important Ab and CD8 antiviral responses, and contribute to the durability of vaccinia-specific memory. Little is known about the specificity, diversity, or dominance hierarchy of orthopoxvirus-specific CD4 T cell responses. We interrogated vaccinia-reactive CD4 in vitro T cell lines with vaccinia protein fragments expressed from an unbiased genomic library, and also with a panel of membrane proteins. CD4 T cells from three primary vaccinees reacted with 44 separate antigenic regions in 35 vaccinia proteins, recognizing 8 to 20 proteins per person. The integrated responses to the Ags that we defined accounted for 49 to 81% of the CD4 reactivity to whole vaccinia Ag. Individual dominant Ags drove up to 30% of the total response. The gene F11L-encoded protein was immunodominant in two of three subjects and is fragmented in a replication-incompetent vaccine candidate. The presence of protein in virions was strongly associated with CD4 antigenicity. These findings are consistent with models in which exogenous Ag drives CD4 immunodominance, and provides tools to investigate the relationship between Ab and CD4 T cell specificity for complex pathogens.  相似文献   
The HCMV-neutralizing monoclonal antibody MSL-109 failed to prevent HCMV-induced disease in the clinic. In this issue of Cell Host & Microbe, Manley et?al. (2011) found that MSL-109 rapidly induces antibody resistance by a nongenetic mechanism. Their results shed light on how antibodies can interact with their targets both outside and inside infected cells and virions.  相似文献   


With the persistent challenges towards controlling the HIV epidemic, there is an ongoing need for research into HIV vaccines and drugs. Sub-Saharan African countries - worst affected by the HIV pandemic - have participated in the conduct of clinical trials for HIV vaccines. In Kenya, the Kenya AIDS Vaccine Initiative (KAVI) at the University of Nairobi has conducted HIV vaccine clinical trials since 2001.


Participants were recruited after an extensive informed consent process followed by screening to determine eligibility. Screening included an assessment of risk behavior, medical history and physical examination, and if clinically healthy, laboratory testing. In the absence of locally derived laboratory reference ranges, the ranges used in these trials were derived from populations in the West.

Principal findings

Two hundred eighty-one participants were screened between 2003 and 2006 for two clinical trials. Of these, 167 (59.4%) met the inclusion/exclusion criteria. Overall, laboratory abnormalities based on the non-indigenous laboratory references used were the most frequent reasons (61.4%) for ineligibility. Medical abnormalities contributed 30.7% of the total reasons for ineligibility. Based on the laboratory reference intervals now developed from East and Southern Africa, those ineligible due to laboratory abnormalities would have been 46.3%. Of the eligible participants, 18.6% declined enrolment.


Participant recruitment for HIV vaccine clinical trials is a rigorous and time-consuming exercise. Over 61% of the screening exclusions in clinically healthy people were due to laboratory abnormalities. It is essential that laboratory reference ranges generated from local populations for laboratory values be used in the conduct of clinical trials to avoid unnecessary exclusion of willing participants and to avoid over-reporting of adverse events for enrolled participants.

Trial registration

Protocol IAVI VRC V001 [1]. ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00124007 Protocol IAVI 010 [2] (registration with ClincalTrials.gov is in progress) Protocols IAVI 002 and IAVI 004 are Phase 1 trials only mentioned in introductory paragraphs; details will not be reported. Registration was not required when they were conducted.  相似文献   
Vaccinia virus (VACV) L1 is a myristoylated envelope protein which is required for cell entry and the fusion of infected cells. L1 associates with members of the entry-fusion complex (EFC), but its specific role in entry has not been delineated. We recently demonstrated (Foo CH, et al., Virology 385:368-382, 2009) that soluble L1 binds to cells and blocks entry, suggesting that L1 serves as the receptor-binding protein for entry. Our goal is to identify the structural domains of L1 which are essential for its functions in VACV entry. We hypothesized that the myristate and the conserved residues at the N terminus of L1 are critical for entry. To test our hypothesis, we generated mutants in the N terminus of L1 and used a complementation assay to evaluate their ability to rescue infectivity. We also assessed the myristoylation efficiency of the mutants and their ability to interact with the EFC. We found that the N terminus of L1 constitutes a region that is critical for the infectivity of VACV and for myristoylation. At the same time, the nonmyristoylated mutants were incorporated into mature virions, suggesting that the myristate is not required for the association of L1 with the viral membrane. Although some of the mutants exhibited altered structural conformations, two mutants with impaired infectivity were similar in conformation to wild-type L1. Importantly, these two mutants, with changes at A4 and A5, undergo myristoylation. Overall, our results imply dual differential roles for myristate and the amino acids at the N terminus of L1. We propose a myristoyl switch model to describe how L1 functions.  相似文献   
In Wistar rats, increasing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Na+ concentration ([Na+]) by intracerebroventricular (ICV) infusion of hypertonic saline causes sympathetic hyperactivity and hypertension that can be prevented by blockade of brain mineralocorticoid receptors (MR). To assess the role of aldosterone produced locally in the brain in the activation of MR in the central nervous system (CNS), Wistar rats were infused ICV with artificial CSF (aCSF), Na+ -rich (800 mmol/l) aCSF, aCSF plus the aldosterone synthase inhibitor FAD286 (100 microg x kg(-1) x day(-1)), or Na+ -rich aCSF plus FAD286. After 2 wk of infusion, rats treated with Na+ -rich aCSF exhibited significant increases in aldosterone and corticosterone content in the hypothalamus but not in the hippocampus, as well as increases in resting blood pressure (BP) and sympathoexcitatory responses to air stress, and impairment of arterial baroreflex function. Concomitant ICV infusion of FAD286 prevented the Na+ -induced increase in hypothalamic aldosterone but not corticosterone and prevented most of the increases in resting BP and sympathoexcitatory and pressor responses to air stress and the baroreflex impairment. FAD286 had no effects in rats infused with ICV aCSF. In another set of rats, 24-h BP and heart rate were recorded via telemetry before and during a 14-day ICV infusion of Na+ -rich aCSF with or without FAD286. Na+ -rich aCSF without FAD286 caused sustained increases ( approximately 10 mmHg) in resting mean arterial pressure that were absent in the rats treated with FAD286. These data suggest that in Wistar rats, an increase in CSF [Na+] may increase the biosynthesis of corticosterone and aldosterone in the hypothalamus, and mainly aldosterone activates MR in the CNS leading to sympathetic hyperactivity and hypertension.  相似文献   
Immunization with recombinant proteins may provide a safer alternative to live vaccinia virus for prophylaxis of poxvirus infections. Although antibody protects against vaccinia virus infection, the mechanism is not understood and the selection of immunogens is daunting as there are dozens of surface proteins and two infectious forms known as the mature virion (MV) and the enveloped virion (EV). Our previous studies showed that mice immunized with soluble forms of EV membrane proteins A33 and B5 and MV membrane protein L1 or passively immunized with antibodies to these proteins survived an intranasal challenge with vaccinia virus. The present study compared MV protein A27, which has a role in virus attachment to glycosaminoglycans on the cell surface, to L1 with respect to immunogenicity and protection. Although mice developed similar levels of neutralizing antibody after immunizations with A27 or L1, A27-immunized mice exhibited more severe disease upon an intranasal challenge with vaccinia virus. In addition, mice immunized with A27 and A33 were not as well protected as mice receiving L1 and A33. Polyclonal rabbit anti-A27 and anti-L1 IgG had equivalent MV-neutralizing activities when measured by the prevention of infection of human or mouse cells or cells deficient in glycosaminoglycans or by adding antibody prior to or after virus adsorption. Nevertheless, the passive administration of antibody to A27 was poorly protective compared to the antibody to L1. These studies raise questions regarding the basis for antibody protection against poxvirus disease and highlight the importance of animal models for the early evaluation of vaccine candidates.  相似文献   
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