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Medicago truncatula (barrel medic) is an annual legume of agricultural and biological interest. In this report regeneration from isolated mesophyll protoplasts is described. A specifically developed, highly regenerable seed line is essential for regeneration. Other critical requirements for regeneration are the starting plant material, the use of agarose droplets incubated in a shallow layer of liquid medium, and protoplast density. Plants are grown in controlled environment conditions. Protoplasts are purified using a Percoll-based flotation procedure, then embedded in 100 l agarose droplets containing a basal medium plus 25 M NAA and 4 M BAP (the same medium as in the surrounding shallow liquid layer) to induce protoplast division. A protoplast density of 6–8×105 ml–1 is required for maximum colony formation. M. truncatula plants previously transformed for kanamycin resistance yielded embryogenic callus and also regenerated plants. Protoplasts from other annual Medicago (M.intertexta and M.scutellata) species readily form calli by the procedure we have described.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   
Interactions between hydrophobic side chains within alpha-helices.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The thermodynamic basis of helix stability in peptides and proteins is a topic of considerable interest. Accordingly, we have computed the interactions between side chains of all hydrophobic residue pairs and selected triples in a model helix, using Boltzmann-weighted exhaustive modeling. Specifically, all possible pairs from the set Ala, Cys, His, Ile, Leu, Met, Phe, Trp, Tyr, and Val were modeled at spacings of (i, i + 2), (i, i + 3), and (i, i + 4) in the central turn of a model poly-alanyl alpha-helix. Significant interactions--both stabilizing and destabilizing-- were found to occur at spacings of (i, i + 3) and (i, i + 4), particularly in side chains with rings (i.e., Phe, Tyr, Trp, and His). In addition, modeling of leucine triples in a helix showed that the free energy can exceed the sum of pairwise interactions in certain cases. Our calculated interaction values both rationalize recent experimental data and provide previously unavailable estimates of the constituent energies and entropies of interaction.  相似文献   
By ingestion of subunit-killed influenza virus vaccine in the form of enteric-coated capsules, local synthesis of secretory IgA (sIgA) antibody was stimulated in human nasal secretions. A fairly equal antibody response initiated by oral and intramuscular administration was demonstrated in the nasal secretions, although a systemic immune response was not elicited from ingestion of the vaccine. If the secretory antibody response resulted from absorption of antigen and transport to the respiratory mucosa, systemic (serum) antibody would be expected. Therefore these findings support the hypothesis that specialized collections of lymphoid cells in the small intestines have IgA precursor cells which circulate and populate distant mucosal sites. A number of studies have suggested that protection against mucosal infection by a variety of respiratory viruses correlates better with the presence and level of sIgA antibody than with serum antibody. The orally administered vaccine was associated with no more side effects than placebo, in contradistinction to the intramuscular route. Thus, the oral method of influenza vaccination could prove to be superior in providing for immunological protection due to equal secretory antibody stimulation, improved convenience and less toxicity.  相似文献   
A thymocyte-specific alloantigen, designated AT (avian thymus) –1.1, has been detected in Cornell C strain (CS) and Obese strain (OS) chickens, the latter being a strain derived from CS which develops a spontaneous form of autoimmune thyroiditis (SAT). Antisera specific for this antigen were developed first in a turkey immunized with thymocytes from an OS chicken and, later, in AT-1.1-negative CS chickens immunized with AT-1.1-positive thymocytes. AT-1.1 was detected in 50–70% of cells in a thymus cell suspension, but was not seen on peripheral blood lymphocytes, erythrocytes, or cells from bursa, spleen, kidney, liver, or brain. It was present on thymocytes of chickens at all ages tested, from 1 day to 6 months of age. AT-1.1 was not detected in six chicken lymphoid tumor cell lines tested, and birds expressing it were found to be negative for the presence of Marek's disease viral antigens. Pedigree studies on 287 (OS × CS)F2 chickens demonstrated that AT-1.1 is expressed in a dominant or codominant manner, and the gene coding for this antigen was not linked to the B (major histocompatibility) complex. The genetics and tissue distributions of AT-1.1 indicate that it differs from thymus cell surface antigens, avian or mammalian, previously described.  相似文献   
The 1-MDS Virosorb filter and the 50S and 30S Zeta-plus filters, all with a net positive charge, were compared with the negatively charged Filterite filter for concentration of naturally occurring coliphages and animal viruses from sewage effluent. When Filterite filters were used, the effluent was adjusted to pH 3.5 and AlCl3 was added before filtration to facilitate virus adsorption. No adjustment was required with the positively charged filters. Sets of each filter type were eluted with 3% beef extract (pH 9.5) or eluted with 0.05 M glycine (pH 11.5). A maximum volume of 19 liters could be passed through 142-mm diameter Filterite filters before clogging, whereas only 11, 11, and 15 liters could be passed through the 1-MDS, 50S, and 30S filters, respectively. For equal volumes passed through the filters, coliphage recoveries were 14, 15, 18, and 37% in primary effluent and 40, 97, 50, and 46% in secondary effluent for the Filterite , 1-MDS, 50S, and 30S filters, respectively. No statistically significant difference was observed in the recovery of animal viruses among the filters from secondary effluent, whereas in the Filterite and 50S filters, higher numbers of viruses from primary effluent were recovered than in the 1-MDS and 30S filters in two of three collections. Glycine was found to be a less-efficient eluent than beef extract in the recovery of naturally occurring viruses.  相似文献   
Cellular accumulation of ascorbic acid was investigated in vitro in distal intestinal mucosa of guinea pig. With 14C-ascorbic acid present at 8 μM/L in the bathing media, tissue/media (T/M) concentration ratios of at least 5 were routinely achieved. Recently absorbed ascorbic acid appeared to be free in solution in the cellular fluid in that it diffused from tissue exposed to poisons with a disappearance half-time of approximately 10 minutes. Ascorbic acid uptake was highly dependent on the presence of sodium in the bathing media; total Tris substitution resulted in a 97% decrease in uptake. Also, metabolically depleted tissue did not accumulate ascorbic acid against a concentration gradient. Uptake of 14C-ascorbic acid from a bathing solution concentration of 8 μM/L was reduced 67% in the presence of 0.8 mM/L nonlabeled ascorbic acid. Recently absorbed 14C-ascorbic acid moved more rapidly back into the lumen when the luminal solution contained nonlabeled ascorbic acid (5 mM) than when it contained mannitol (5mM). This demonstration of counter transport substantiates a carrier mechanism in the brush border.  相似文献   
Intrauterine thyroidectomies were performed on nine lambs on or about the ninety-sixth postconception day. Seven other control and shamoperated lambs, and the cretin lambs were sacrificed immediately after birth. The mandibles were removed and sectioned at the midline. The right side molars were removed by dissection and caliper measured. The distal cusps of the third primary molars were sectioned, dehydrated, and embedded in Bioplastic. A slow speed diamond saw was used to section the plastic blocks and the embedded teeth. Subsequent grinding and polishing produced high quality 75 micrometer sections of the lamb molar cusps. No significant differences in tooth size or enamel thickness existed. Microscopic examinations show that parts of the cretin enamel were poorly calcified, an observation that was correlated to the intrauterine thyroidectomies. The data suggest that hypothyroidism alters ameloblastic activity during the secretory phase of enamel formation.  相似文献   
The isotachcophoresis principle provides unique opportunities for rational designs of fractionation procedures involving charged molecules. Theoretically any two charged molecules that are soluble under the experimental conditions involved can be physically separated if their electrophoretic net mobilities differ only slightly in the electrophoresis medium used. A theoretical and practical outline is presented that enables the reader to set up this fractionation system and on a rational basis develop fractionation procedures for a given set of charged macromolecules by isotachophoresis with simple and well characterized ampholytes as spacer substances. The planning of preparative experiments in this approach is based on results obtained from rapid analytical screens on a microgram scale. The report includes an appendix containing the theoretical basis for computation of buffer compositions in the isotachophoretic steady state with mono/polyvalent constituents in systems involving one or more counterions and controlled amounts of interferiong ions.  相似文献   
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