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The aim of this study was to assess the effects of graded levels (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 g/kg) of dry Sea buckthorn (SB) berries on growth performance, gastrointestinal tract (GIT) development, jejunal histomorphology, bird antioxidant status and caecal short-chain fatty acid concentration when fed to female Ross 308 broiler chickens. In addition, expression of cytokine biomarker genes in the jejunum was evaluated. The five experimental diets were fed from 7 to 21 days age to 8 pens (two birds in each) following randomisation. Feeding SB did not influence bird growth performance (p > .05). There was a linear decrease in butyric, acetic and valeric acid concentrations in caecal digesta (p < .05) and a decrease (p < .05) in crypt depth. The expression of IFNG and CD40LG responded quadratically (p < .05), peaking at 6–9 g/kg dietary inclusion of SB, respectively. Other studied variables were not affected by dietary SB inclusion (p > .05). Feeding dry SB berries up to 12 g/kg of diet did not improve the zootechnical variables of healthy commercial-strain broilers in this study.  相似文献   
Treatment of common marmosets with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP; 1-4 mg/kg for up to 4 days) caused a profound parkinsonian state. Ten days from the start of MPTP treatment, all animals showed marked motor impairment, consisting of bradykinesia and akinesia, limb rigidity, postural abnormalities, loss of vocalisation and blink reflex, and, on occasions, postural tremor. Measurement of caudate-putamen monoamine content at this time showed a profound loss in 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine, homovanillic acid, and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid concentrations. Measurement of neuropeptide concentrations in the caudate-putamen, internal and external segments of the globus pallidus, nucleus accumbens, substantia nigra, frontal cortex, and hippocampus showed met-enkephalin, leu-enkephalin, and cholecystokinin (CCK-8) concentrations to be unaffected by MPTP treatment. There was a small decrease in the substance P content of frontal cortex, but otherwise the content of this neuropeptide was unaltered. Parkinsonism in the marmoset, induced by MPTP treatment 10 days earlier, does not alter neuropeptide concentrations in the manner observed in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study is to determine if CEACAM6 can be detected in the bile of patients with biliary cancer and can serve as a diagnostic biomarker for cholangiocarcinoma.

Summary Background Data

Distinguishing bile duct carcinoma from other diagnoses is often difficult using endoscopic or percutaneous techniques. The cell surface protein CEACAM6 is over-expressed in many gastrointestinal cancers and may be selectively elevated in biliary adenocarcinoma.


Bile from patients with benign biliary disease and cholangiocarcinoma (hilar, intrahepatic and distal) was collected at the time of index operation. The concentration of CEACAM6 was quantified by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and correlated to pathologic diagnosis. Diagnostic capability of CEACAM6 was evaluated by Wilcoxon rank-sum, linear regression, multiple regression, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis.


Bile from 83 patients was analyzed: 42 with benign disease and 41 with cholangiocarcinoma. Patients in the benign cohort were younger, predominantly female, and had lower median biliary CEACAM6 levels than patients in the malignant cohort (7.5 ng/ml vs. 40 ng/ml; p = <.001). ROC curve analysis determined CEACAM6 to be a positive predictor cholangiocarcinoma with a CEACAM6 level >14 ng/ml associated with 87.5% sensitivity, 69.1% specificity, and a likelihood ratio of 2.8 (AUC 0.74). Multiple regression analysis suggested elevated alkaline phosphatase and the presence of biliary endoprostheses may influence CEACAM6 levels.


Biliary CEACAM6 can identify patients with extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with a high degree of sensitivity and should be investigated further as a potential screening tool.  相似文献   
We assessed whether influenza virus hemagglutinin stalk-based immunity protects ferrets against aerosol-transmitted H1N1 influenza virus infection. Immunization of ferrets by a universal influenza virus vaccine strategy based on viral vectors expressing chimeric hemagglutinin constructs induced stalk-specific antibody responses. Stalk-immunized ferrets were cohoused with H1N1-infected ferrets under conditions that permitted virus transmission. Hemagglutinin stalk-immunized ferrets had lower viral titers and delayed or no virus replication at all following natural exposure to influenza virus.  相似文献   
The sporadic growth of Cynodon dactylon was observed to occur directly on the surface of hard coal in dumps of the Witbank coal mining area of South Africa with the surface coal being broken down into a humic-like particulate material. Microorganism analysis of plants and rhizosphere material from the dumps revealed the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the coal solubilising fungus, Neosartorya fischeri. Studies established to replicate the dump environment revealed increased coal degradation in the form of humic acid production and an increase in small size particles as a result of Cynodon dactylon growth in association with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Neosartorya fischeri. Results suggest that interactions between Cynodon dactylon, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Neosartorya fischeri and other coal-degrading rhizosphere fungi could lead to the degradation of hard coal in situ and that the application of these organisms to discard dumps could be a novel method of coal dump rehabilitation.  相似文献   
A comparison of the amino acid sequence of one human recombinant IFN-α (IFLrA) with either human β-endorphin or ACTH reveals only a minimal and insignificant degree of homology. Also, synthetic ACTH, β-endorphin and β-endorphin-(1–15) have no antiviral protective effects on human fibroblasts and cannot inhibit the neutralization of the antiviral effects of natural IFN-α by an antiserum directed against the interferon. Anti ACTH and Anti β-endorphin do not neutralize the antiviral effects of IFLrA, and radioimmunoassays of partially purified natural IFN-α and pure IFLrA do not reveal any evidence of α-MSH or β-endorphin-like material in the interferons. These results demonstrate an absence of functional and structural homology of natural and recombinant IFN-α with ACTH and β-endorphin.  相似文献   
Two gammaherpesviruses, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) (Lymphocryptovirus genus) and Kaposi''s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) (Rhadinovirus genus) have been implicated in the etiology of AIDS-associated lymphomas. Homologs of these viruses have been identified in macaques and other non-human primates. In order to assess the association of these viruses with non-human primate disease, archived lymphoma samples were screened for the presence of macaque lymphocryptovirus (LCV) homologs of EBV, and macaque rhadinoviruses belonging to the RV1 lineage of KSHV homologs or the more distant RV2 lineage of Old World primate rhadinoviruses. Viral loads were determined by QPCR and infected cells were identified by immunolabeling for different viral proteins. The lymphomas segregated into three groups. The first group (n = 6) was associated with SIV/SHIV infections, contained high levels of LCV (1–25 genomes/cell) and expressed the B-cell antigens CD20 or BLA.36. A strong EBNA-2 signal was detected in the nuclei of the neoplastic cells in one of the LCV-high lymphomas, indicative of a type III latency stage. None of the lymphomas in this group stained for the LCV viral capsid antigen (VCA) lytic marker. The second group (n = 5) was associated with D-type simian retrovirus-2 (SRV-2) infections, contained high levels of RV2 rhadinovirus (9–790 genomes/cell) and expressed the CD3 T-cell marker. The third group (n = 3) was associated with SIV/SHIV infections, contained high levels of RV2 rhadinovirus (2–260 genomes/cell) and was negative for both CD20 and CD3. In both the CD3-positive and CD3/CD20-negative lymphomas, the neoplastic cells stained strongly for markers of RV2 lytic replication. None of the lymphomas had detectable levels of retroperitoneal fibromatosis herpesvirus (RFHV), the macaque RV1 homolog of KSHV. Our data suggest etiological roles for both lymphocryptoviruses and RV2 rhadinoviruses in the development of simian AIDS-associated lymphomas and indicate that the virus-infected neoplastic lymphoid cells are derived from different lymphocyte lineages and differentiation stages.  相似文献   
The heat-stable polypeptide of the ATP-dependent proteolytic system was previously found to form covalent conjugates with proteins and to be activated by ATP in an adenylylation mechanism. To identify the functional amino acid of the polypeptide, the activated residue was specifically labeled by the reductive cleavage of the intermediate with [3H]borohydride. Following acid hydrolysis, the reduced labeled derivative was found to be completely oxidizable by periodate with formation of [3H]formaldehyde, and was identified as ethanolamine by thin layer chromatography, electrophoresis, and amino acid analyzer chromatography. These results indicate that the activated amino acid residue of the polypeptide is COOH-terminal glycine.  相似文献   
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