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The immediate goal of this study was to develop and validate a noninvasive, computational surface mapping approach for measuring scapular kinematics by using available motion capture technology in an innovative manner. The long-term goal is to facilitate clinical determination of the role of the scapula in children with brachial plexus birth palsy (BPBP). The population for this study consisted of fourteen healthy adults with prominent scapulae. Subject-specific scapular templates were created using the coordinates of five scapular landmarks obtained from palpation with subjects seated and arms relaxed in a neutral position. The scapular landmarks were re-palpated and their locations recorded in the six arm positions of the modified Mallet classification. The six Mallet positions were repeated with approximately 300 markers covering the scapula. The markers formed a surface map covering the tissue over the scapula. The scapular template created in the neutral position was iteratively fit to the surface map of each trial, providing an estimate of the orientation of the scapula. These estimates of scapular orientation were compared to the known scapular orientation determined from the scapular landmarks palpated in each Mallet position. The magnitude of the largest mean difference about an anatomical axis between the two measures of scapular orientation was 3.8° with an RMS error of 5.9°. This technique is practical for populations with visibly prominent scapulae (e.g., BPBP patients), for which it is a viable alternative to existing clinical methods with comparable accuracy.  相似文献   
In this study, scalable, flame spray synthesis is utilized to develop defective ZnO nanomaterials for the concurrent generation of H2 and CO during electrochemical CO2 reduction reactions (CO2RR). The designed ZnO achieves an H2/CO ratio of ≈1 with a large current density (j) of 40 mA cm?2 during long‐term continuous reaction at a cell voltage of 2.6 V. Through in situ atomic pair distribution function analysis, the remarkable stability of these ZnO structures is explored, addressing the knowledge gap in understanding the dynamics of oxide catalysts during CO2RR. Through optimization of synthesis conditions, ZnO facets are modulated which are shown to affect reaction selectivity, in agreement with theoretical calculations. These findings and insights on synthetic manipulation of active sites in defective metal‐oxides can be used as guidelines to develop active catalysts for syngas production for renewable power‐to‐X to generate a range of fuels and chemicals.  相似文献   
Maintenance of the epithelium relies on stem cells residing within specialized microenvironments, known as epithelial crypts. Two‐photon polymerization (2PP) is a valuable tool for fabricating 3D micro/nanostructures for stem cell niche engineering applications. Herein, biomimetic gelatin methacrylate‐based constructs, replicating the precise geometry of the limbal epithelial crypt structures (limbal stem cell “microniches”) as an exemplar epithelial niche, are fabricated using 2PP. Human limbal epithelial stem cells (hLESCs) are seeded within the microniches in xeno‐free conditions to investigate their ability to repopulate the crypts and the expression of various differentiation markers. Cell proliferation and a zonation in cell phenotype along the z‐axis are observed without the use of exogenous signaling molecules. Significant differences in cell phenotype between cells located at the base of the microniche and those situated towards the rim are observed, demonstrating that stem cell fate is strongly influenced by its location within a niche and the geometrical details of where it resides. This study provides insight into the influence of the niche’s spatial geometry on hLESCs and demonstrates a flexible approach for the fabrication of biomimetic crypt‐like structures in epithelial tissues. This has significant implications for regenerative medicine applications and can ultimately lead to implantable synthetic “niche‐based” treatments.  相似文献   
Declining oxygen concentrations in the deep waters of lakes worldwide pose a pressing environmental and societal challenge. Existing theory suggests that low deep-water dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations could trigger a positive feedback through which anoxia (i.e., very low DO) during a given summer begets increasingly severe occurrences of anoxia in following summers. Specifically, anoxic conditions can promote nutrient release from sediments, thereby stimulating phytoplankton growth, and subsequent phytoplankton decomposition can fuel heterotrophic respiration, resulting in increased spatial extent and duration of anoxia. However, while the individual relationships in this feedback are well established, to our knowledge, there has not been a systematic analysis within or across lakes that simultaneously demonstrates all of the mechanisms necessary to produce a positive feedback that reinforces anoxia. Here, we compiled data from 656 widespread temperate lakes and reservoirs to analyze the proposed anoxia begets anoxia feedback. Lakes in the dataset span a broad range of surface area (1–126,909 ha), maximum depth (6–370 m), and morphometry, with a median time-series duration of 30 years at each lake. Using linear mixed models, we found support for each of the positive feedback relationships between anoxia, phosphorus concentrations, chlorophyll a concentrations, and oxygen demand across the 656-lake dataset. Likewise, we found further support for these relationships by analyzing time-series data from individual lakes. Our results indicate that the strength of these feedback relationships may vary with lake-specific characteristics: For example, we found that surface phosphorus concentrations were more positively associated with chlorophyll a in high-phosphorus lakes, and oxygen demand had a stronger influence on the extent of anoxia in deep lakes. Taken together, these results support the existence of a positive feedback that could magnify the effects of climate change and other anthropogenic pressures driving the development of anoxia in lakes around the world.  相似文献   
Non-native-dominated landscapes may arise from invasion by competitive plant species, disturbance and invasion of early-colonizing species, or some combination of these. Without knowing site history, however, it is difficult to predict how native or non-native communities will reassemble after disturbance events. Given increasing disturbance levels across anthropogenically impacted landscapes, predictive understanding of these patterns is important. We asked how disturbance affected community assembly in six invaded habitat types common in dryland, grazed landscapes on Island of Hawai‘i. We mechanically disturbed 100 m2 plots in six vegetation types dominated by one of four invasive perennial grasses (Cenchrus ciliaris, Cenchrus clandestinus, Cenchrus setaceus, or Melinis repens), a native shrub (Dodonaea viscosa), or a native perennial bunchgrass (Eragrostis atropioides). We censused vegetation before disturbance and monitored woody plant colonization and herbaceous cover for 21 months following the disturbance, categorizing species as competitors, colonizers, or a combination, based on recovery patterns. In addition, we planted individuals of the native shrub and bunchgrass and monitored survival to overcome dispersal limitation of native species when exploring these patterns. We found that the dominant vegetation types showed variation in post-disturbance syndrome, and that the variation in colonizer versus competitor syndrome occurred both between species, but also within species among different vegetation types. Although there were flushes of native shrub seedlings, these did not survive to 21 months within invaded habitats, probably due to regrowth by competitive invasive grasses. Similarly, survival of planted native individuals was related to the rate of regrowth by dominant species. Regardless of colonization/competitor syndrome, however, all dominant vegetation types were relatively resilient to change. Our results highlight that the altered post-agricultural, invaded grassland landscapes in Hawaiʻi are stable states. More generally, they point to the importance of resident communities and their effects on species interactions and seed availability in shaping plant community response to disturbance.  相似文献   
Incidence of opioid-related overdoses in the United States has increased dramatically over the past two decades. Despite public emphasis on overdose fatalities, most overdose cases are not fatal. Although there are case reports of amnestic syndromes and acute injury to the hippocampus following non-fatal opioid overdose, the effects of such overdoses on brain structure are poorly understood. Here, we investigated the neuroanatomical correlates of non-fatal opioid overdoses by comparing hippocampal volume in opioid use disorder (OUD) patients who had experienced an opioid overdose (OD; N = 17) with those who had not (NOD; N = 32). Voxel-based morphometry showed lower hippocampal volume in the OD group than in the NOD group, which on post hoc analysis was evident in the left but not the right hippocampus. These findings strengthen the evidence that hippocampal injury is associated with non-fatal opioid overdose, which is hypothesized to underlie overdose-related amnestic syndrome.  相似文献   
S100 calcium binding protein B (S100B), a well-studied marker for neurologic injury, has been suggested as a candidate for predicting outcome after subarachnoid hemorrhage. We performed a pooled analysis summarizing the associations between S100B protein in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) with radiographic vasospasm, delayed ischemic neurologic deficit (DIND), delayed cerebral infarction, and Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) outcome. A literature search using PubMed, the Cochrane Library, and the EMBASE databases was performed to identify relevant studies published up to May 2015. The weighted Stouffer’s Z method was used to perform a pooled analysis of outcome measures with greater than three studies. A total of 13 studies were included in this review. Higher serum S100B level was found to be associated with cerebral infarction as diagnosed by CT (padj = 3.1 x 10−4) and worse GOS outcome (padj = 5.5 x 10−11). There was no association found between serum and CSF S100B with radiographic vasospasm or DIND. S100B is a potential prognostic marker for aSAH outcome.  相似文献   
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