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Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF)/c-MET signaling has an emerging role in promoting cell proliferation, survival, migration, wound repair and branching in a variety of cell types. HGF plays a crucial role as a mediator of stromal–epithelial interactions in the normal prostate but the precise biological function of HGF/c-Met interaction in the normal prostate and in prostate cancer is not clear. HGF has two naturally occurring splice variants and NK1, the smallest of these HGF variants, consists of the HGF amino terminus through the first kringle domain. We evaluated the intracellular signaling cascades and the morphological changes triggered by NK1 in human prostate epithelial cell line PNT1A which shows molecular and biochemical properties close to the normal prostate epithelium. We demonstrated that these cells express a functional c-MET, and cell exposure to NK1 induces the phosphorylation of tyrosines 1313/1349/1356 residues of c-MET which provide docking sites for signaling molecules. We observed an increased phosphorylation of ERK1/2, Akt, c-Src, p125FAK, SMAD2/3, and STAT3, down-regulation of the expression of epithelial cell–cell adhesion marker E-cadherin, and enhanced expression levels of mesenchymal markers vimentin, fibronectin, vinculin, α-actinin, and α-smooth muscle actin. This results in cell proliferation, in the appearance of a mesenchymal phenotype, in morphological changes resembling cell scattering and in wound healing. Our findings highlight the function of NK1 in non-tumorigenic human prostatic epithelial cells and provide a picture of the signaling pathways triggered by NK1 in a unique cell line.  相似文献   


Although structural domains in proteins (SDs) are important, half of the regions in the human proteome are currently left with no SD assignments. These unassigned regions consist not only of novel SDs, but also of intrinsically disordered (ID) regions since proteins, especially those in eukaryotes, generally contain a significant fraction of ID regions. As ID regions can be inferred from amino acid sequences, a method that combines SD and ID region assignments can determine the fractions of SDs and ID regions in any proteome.


In contrast to other available ID prediction programs that merely identify likely ID regions, the DICHOT system we previously developed classifies the entire protein sequence into SDs and ID regions. Application of DICHOT to the human proteome revealed that residue-wise ID regions constitute 35%, SDs with similarity to PDB structures comprise 52%, while SDs with no similarity to PDB structures account for the remaining 13%. The last group consists of novel structural domains, termed cryptic domains, which serve as good targets of structural genomics. The DICHOT method applied to the proteomes of other model organisms indicated that eukaryotes generally have high ID contents, while prokaryotes do not. In human proteins, ID contents differ among subcellular localizations: nuclear proteins had the highest residue-wise ID fraction (47%), while mitochondrial proteins exhibited the lowest (13%). Phosphorylation and O-linked glycosylation sites were found to be located preferentially in ID regions. As O-linked glycans are attached to residues in the extracellular regions of proteins, the modification is likely to protect the ID regions from proteolytic cleavage in the extracellular environment. Alternative splicing events tend to occur more frequently in ID regions. We interpret this as evidence that natural selection is operating at the protein level in alternative splicing.


We classified entire regions of proteins into the two categories, SDs and ID regions and thereby obtained various kinds of complete genome-wide statistics. The results of the present study are important basic information for understanding protein structural architectures and have been made publicly available at http://spock.genes.nig.ac.jp/~genome/DICHOT.  相似文献   
The C-terminal domain (CTD) of the capsid protein (CA) of HIV-1 participates both in the formation of CA hexamers and in the joining of hexamers through homodimerization to form the viral capsid. Intact CA and the CTD are able to homodimerize with similar affinity (~15 μM); CTD homodimerization involves mainly an α-helical region. We have designed peptides derived from that helix with predicted higher helical propensities than the wild-type sequence while keeping residues important for dimerization. These peptides showed a higher helicity than that of the wild-type peptide, although not as high as theoretically predicted, and proved to be able to self-associate with apparent affinities similar to that of the whole CTD. However, binding to CTD mainly occurs at the last helical region of the protein. Accordingly, most of those peptides are unable to inhibit CA polymerization in vitro. Therefore, there is a subtle tuning between monomer-monomer interactions important for CTD dimerization and the maximal helical content achieved by the wild-type sequence of the interface.  相似文献   
Matching the right medical strategy to the right patient is the key for modern clinical oncology. To this aim, we have many delicate drugs designed to target in elegant ways critical proteins identified in cancer cells. However, clinical oncologists and multidisciplinary groups devoted to treating patients in an integrative fashion have histology and an TNM staging system as the most relevant biomarkers to decide therapeutic approaches for our patients. In addition, the most used drugs are classical chemotherapeutic compounds such as cisplatin, epirrubicin, irinotecan, oxaliplatin, and so on. Thus, new targeted therapies, surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy will live together causing a duality for the immediate future. We will try to delineate unmet needs for clinical oncologists that would add value for cancer proteomics in terms of true patients.  相似文献   
In vitro regenerated plants of rye, Secale cereale L., Ailés and Merced cultivars, were studied to verify if genetic and/or epigenetic changes were promoted by in vitro conditions. Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) fingerprints on HpaII/MspI-digested and uncut DNA were generated. DNA digested with methylation-sensitive isoschizomers revealed epigenetic modifications, while modification of ISSR patterns obtained with undigested DNA indicated genetic changes. With this technique, it was possible to study both genetic and/or epigenetic changes within the same DNA sequences. The frequency of plants with at least one variation was high: 73% and 30% of rye plants showed at least one genetic change, and 50% and 73% carried at least one methylation change, in the Ailés and Merced cultivars, respectively. Further analyses revealed that a considerable number of variable markers showed both types of modifications, indicative of both genetic and epigenetic changes. Moreover, genetic variation was related to the presence of the CCGG target in the analyzed bands. These results indicate the possible existence of a common mechanism connecting both types of variation.  相似文献   
A family of restriction enzyme- and ligation-independent cloning vectors has been developed for producing recombinant His-tagged fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. These are based on pURI2 and pURI3 expression vectors which have been previously used for the successful production of recombinant proteins at the milligram scale. The newly designed vectors combines two different promoters (lpp(p)-5 and T7 RNA polymerase ?10), two different endoprotease recognition sites for the His?-tag removal (enterokinase and tobacco etch virus), different antibiotic selectable markers (ampicillin and erythromycin resistance), and different placements of the His?-tag (N- and C-terminus). A single gene can be cloned and further expressed in the eight pURI vectors by using six nucleotide primers, avoiding the restriction enzyme and ligation steps. A unique NotI site was introduced to facilitate the selection of the recombinant plasmid. As a case study, the new vectors have been used to clone the gene coding for the phenolic acid decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum. Interestingly, the obtained results revealed markedly different production levels of the target protein, emphasizing the relevance of the cloning strategy on soluble protein production yield. Efficient purification and tag removal steps showed that the affinity tag and the protease cleavage sites functioned properly. The novel family of pURI vectors designed for parallel cloning is a useful and versatile tool for the production and purification of a protein of interest.  相似文献   
Glucocorticoid actions on the immune system are diverse and cell type dependent, and little is known about cell type-specific interactions and cross-talk between hormones and cytokines. In this study we have analyzed the gene expression patterns of the rainbow trout macrophage cell line RTS-11 by quantitative PCR, after exposure to combinations of cortisol plus a pro-inflammatory cytokine (e.g. recombinant trout IL-1β, IFN-γ), type I IFN or a PAMP (LPS or poly I:C). Several key genes of the inflammatory process were targetted to assess whether any modulation of their expression occurred due to the addition of cortisol to this cell line. Incubation of macrophages for 3 or 6 h with a physiological concentration of cortisol caused a decrease in expression of IL-6 and IL-8, but no significant changes were observed for the other genes examined. Co-stimulation of cortisol with the inflammatory agents resulted in a general suppression of genes related to the inflammatory response. Cortisol inhibited the up-regulation of IL-8 by all the stimulants after 3 h of co-incubation. Suppression of the up-regulation of IL-6 by rIL-1β, rIFN-γ and poly I:C, of γIP by rIFN-γ or poly I:C, and of Cox-2 by rIL-1β was seen after 6 h. In contrast, cortisol in combination with the pro-inflammatory agents has a synergistic effect on IL-10 expression, an anti-inflammatory molecule, suggesting that the activation of certain macrophage functions that lead to the resolution of inflammation occurs in fish macrophages in response to cortisol treatment.  相似文献   
Listeria monocytogenes is the causative agent of listeriosis, a very serious food-borne human disease. The analysis of the proteins coded by the L. monocytogenes genome reveals the presence of two eukaryotic-type Ser/Thr-kinases (lmo1820 and lmo0618) and a Ser/Thr-phosphatase (lmo1821). Protein phosphorylation regulates enzyme activities and protein interactions participating in physiological and pathophysiological processes in bacterial diseases. However in the case of L. monocytogenes there is scarce information about biochemical properties of these enzymes, as well as the physiological processes that they modulate. In the present work the catalytic domain of the protein coded by lmo1820 was produced as a functional His(6)-tagged Ser/Thr-kinase, and was denominated PrkA. PrkA was able to autophosphorylate specific Thr residues within its activation loop sequence. A similar autophosphorylation pattern was previously reported for Ser/Thr-kinases from related prokaryotes, whose role in kinase activity and substrate recruitment was demonstrated. We studied the kinase interactome using affinity chromatography and proteomic approaches. We identified 62 proteins that interact, either directly or indirectly, with the catalytic domain of PrkA, including proteins that participate in carbohydrates metabolism, cell wall metabolism and protein synthesis. Our results suggest that PrkA could be involved in the regulation of a variety of fundamental biological processes.  相似文献   


Levothyroxine monotherapy is the treatment of choice for hypothyroid patients because peripheral T4 to T3 conversion is believed to account for the overall tissue requirement for thyroid hormones. However, there are indirect evidences that this may not be the case in all patients.


To evaluate in a large series of athyreotic patients whether levothyroxine monotherapy can normalize serum thyroid hormones and thyroid-pituitary feedback.


Retrospective study.


Academic hospital.


1,811 athyreotic patients with normal TSH levels under levothyroxine monotherapy and 3,875 euthyroid controls.


TSH, FT4 and FT3 concentrations by immunoassays.


FT4 levels were significantly higher and FT3 levels were significantly lower (p<0.001 in both cases) in levothyroxine-treated athyreotic patients than in matched euthyroid controls. Among the levothyroxine-treated patients 15.2% had lower serum FT3 and 7.2% had higher serum FT4 compared to euthyroid controls. A wide range of FT3/FT4 ratios indicated a major heterogeneity in the peripheral T3 production capacity in different individuals. The correlation between thyroid hormones and serum TSH levels indicated an abnormal feedback mechanism in levothyroxine-treated patients.


Athyreotic patients have a highly heterogeneous T3 production capacity from orally administered levothyroxine. More than 20% of these patients, despite normal TSH levels, do not maintain FT3 or FT4 values in the reference range, reflecting the inadequacy of peripheral deiodination to compensate for the absent T3 secretion. The long-term effects of chronic tissue exposure to abnormal T3/T4 ratio are unknown but a sensitive marker of target organ response to thyroid hormones (serum TSH) suggests that this condition causes an abnormal pituitary response. A more physiological treatment than levothyroxine monotherapy may be required in some hypothyroid patients.  相似文献   
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