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In this study, we developed an in vivo vitiligo induction model to explore the underlying mechanisms leading to Koebner's phenomenon and to evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic strategies. The model consisted of 12 pigmented test regions on the back of generalized vitiligo patients that were exposed to three Koebner induction methods: cryotherapy, 755 nm laser therapy, and epidermal abrasion. In addition, four cream treatments (pimecrolimus, tacrolimus, steroid and placebo) were randomly applied. Koebnerization was efficiently induced by all three induction methods. In general, cryotherapy was the best method of Koebner induction, followed by 755 nm laser therapy and epidermal abrasion. Reproducible results were obtained, which showed enhanced depigmented surface areas and higher amounts of T lymphocytes in placebo-treated test zones compared to active treated areas. Tacrolimus and local steroids were better inhibitors of Koebner's process (P < 0.05) compared to pimecrolimus. Our in vivo vitiligo induction model is very informative to investigate vitiligo induction and to determine the efficacy of topical treatments in vitiligo. This proof of concept confirms the efficient comparison of head-to-head therapeutic strategies intra-individually in a standardized, specific and better timed way.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: This pilot open noncontrolled study was designed to assess the efficacy of intra articular injections of a solution combining hyaluronic acid (HA) and chondroitin sulphate (CS) in the treatment of outpatients affected by knee osteoarthrosis. FINDINGS: Thirty patients with knee OA have been included. The primary objective was to assess clinical efficacy as measured by pain and Lequesne's index. Secondary objectives were to assess potential effect of the treatment on ultrasound parameters, safety and biomarkers of cartilage metabolism and joint inflammation. After a selection visit (V1), the study treatment was administered 3 times on a weekly basis (V2, V3, V4). Follow-up was planned 6 (V5) and 12 weeks (V6) after the first intra-articular injection. Efficacy results showed a reduction in mean pain at V3 and V6 and in functional impairment, the most marked changes being measured at the two follow-up visits (V5 and V6). Although statistical significance was not achieved due to small sample size, a clear tendency towards improvement was detectable for ultrasound assessments as well as biomarkers. Except for a mild injection site hematoma for which the drug causal relationship could not be excluded, no adverse effect of clinical relevance was recorded during the study. CONCLUSION: Although this pilot study was performed according to an open design only, the ultrasound as well as biomarkers changes strongly suggest a non-placebo effect. These preliminary results call now for a randomized controlled study to confirm the clinical relevance of the observed results. Trial registration #ISRCTN91883031.  相似文献   
This paper describes the discovery of non-peptidic, potent, and selective hydroxy ethylamine (HEA) inhibitors of BACE-1 by replacement of the prime side of a lead di-amide 2. Inhibitors with nanosmolar potency and high selectivity were identified. Depending on the nature of the P(1)(') and P(2)(') substituents, two different binding modes were observed in X-ray co-crystal structures.  相似文献   
Kono M  Goletz PW  Crouch RK 《Biochemistry》2008,47(28):7567-7571
Rhodopsin is the photosensitive pigment in the rod photoreceptor cell. Upon absorption of a photon, the covalently bound 11- cis-retinal isomerizes to the all- trans form, enabling rhodopsin to activate transducin, its G protein. All -trans-retinal is then released from the protein and reduced to all -trans-retinol. It is subsequently transported to the retinal pigment epithelium where it is converted to 11- cis-retinol and oxidized to 11- cis-retinal before it is transported back to the photoreceptor to regenerate rhodopsin and complete the visual cycle. In this study, we have measured the effects of all -trans- and 11- cis-retinals and -retinols on the opsin's ability to activate transducin to ascertain their potentials for activating the signaling cascade. Only 11- cis-retinal acts as an inverse agonist to the opsin. All -trans-retinal, all -trans-retinol, and 11- cis-retinol are all agonists with all -trans-retinal being the most potent agonist and all -trans-retinol being the least potent. Taken as a whole, our study is consistent with the hypothesis that the steps in the visual cycle are optimized such that the rod can serve as a highly sensitive dim light receptor. All -trans-retinal is immediately reduced in the photoreceptor to prevent back reactions and to weaken its effectiveness as an agonist before it is transported out of the cell; oxidation of 11- cis-retinol occurs in the retinal pigment epithelium and not the rod photoreceptor cell because 11- cis-retinol can act as an agonist and activate the signaling cascade if it were to bind an opsin, effectively adapting the cell to light.  相似文献   
In the acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line NB4, Bcl-2 downregulation occurred as a late event of retinoid-induced differentiation. In the maturation-resistant NB4-R1 subclone, retinoids failed to downregulate Bcl-2 even in the situation of apoptosis massively induced by pan-agonists and RXR-selective agonists. We observed that NB4 and NB4-R1 cells differed with respect to the intracellular localization of Bcl-2 which showed a perinuclear localization in NB4-R1 cells, while Bax was broadly expressed in the cytoplasm and to only a minor extent in the perinuclear area. Therefore, the distinct intracellular localization of Bcl-2 and Bax was in general nonoverlaping. Bcl-2 remained massively expressed until cell disruption. Bax was not significantly upregulated in cells committed to death. However, Bax localization changed from a diffuse pattern to concentrate in few specific cytoplasmic area at a stage preceding the formation of apoptotic bodies. A human Bcl-2 transgene was transiently overexpressed in NB4-R1 cells which showed increased resistance to apoptosis induced by retinoids. Stably transfected clones of NB4-R1 cells showed an increased expression of Bcl-2 and a marked resistance to apoptosis. Interestingly, the overexpression of Bcl-2 restored a pattern of uniform Bcl-2 labeling in the cytoplasm and, remarkably, the colocalization of Bcl-2 with Bax. This work demonstrates that the ability of retinoid-induced cells to undergo apoptosis depends on the level of expression and the functional interaction between Bcl-2 and Bax.  相似文献   
The gold standard for malaria diagnosis is the microscopic examination of Giemsa stained thick blood smears though microscopy mostly may not detect the presence of Plasmodium species infections in asymptomatic samples. In the reported study, we used two diagnostic methods viz. the conventional microscopic examination and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to analyse the asymptomatic malaria samples. PCR assay amplifying 18S small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene of Plasmodium in 122 samples confirmed 68% of isolates as asymptomatic P. falciparum infections; with 87.9% mono-infections. We observed that the P. malariae positive samples were not diagnosed in microscopic examination of the blood smears but the PCR based diagnostic method revealed the presence of 12% P. malariae infections in asymptomatic samples from Yaoundé region of Cameroon where no official cases of P. malariae have been reported for over a decade. The sequence analysis further confirmed the presence of 12% P. malariae in malaria positive samples with three base pair deletions and five substitutions in the SSU rRNA gene.  相似文献   
Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) is the primary receptor for the signaling agent nitric oxide (NO). Electronic absorption and resonance Raman spectroscopy were used to show that nitrosoalkanes bind to the heme of sGC to form six-coordinate, low-spin complexes. In the sGC-nitrosopentane complex, a band assigned to an Fe-N stretching vibration is observed at 543 cm(-)(1) which is similar to values reported for other six-coordinate NO-bound hemoproteins. Nitrosoalkanes activate sGC 2-6-fold and synergize with YC-1, a synthetic benzylindazole derivative, to activate the enzyme 11-47-fold. In addition, the observed off-rates of nitrosoalkanes from sGC were found to be dependent on the alkyl chain length. A linear correlation was found between the observed off-rates and the alkyl chain length which suggests that the sGC heme has a large hydrophobic distal ligand-binding pocket. Together, these data show that nitrosoalkanes are a novel class of heme-based sGC activators and suggest that heme ligation is a general requirement for YC-1 synergism.  相似文献   
The visual cycle comprises a sequence of reactions that regenerate the visual pigment in photoreceptors during dark adaptation, starting with the reduction of all-trans retinal to all-trans retinol and its clearance from photoreceptors. We have followed the reduction of retinal and clearance of retinol within bleached outer segments of red rods isolated from salamander retina by measuring its intrinsic fluorescence. Following exposure to a bright light (bleach), increasing fluorescence intensity was observed to propagate along the outer segments in a direction from the proximal region adjacent to the inner segment toward the distal tip. Peak retinol fluorescence was achieved after approximately 30 min, after which it declined very slowly. Clearance of retinol fluorescence is considerably accelerated by the presence of the exogenous lipophilic substances IRBP (interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein) and serum albumin. We have used simultaneous fluorometric and electrophysiological measurements to compare the rate of reduction of all-trans retinal to all-trans retinol to the rate of recovery of flash response amplitude in these cells in the presence and absence of IRBP. We find that flash response recovery in rods is modestly accelerated in the presence of extracellular IRBP. These results suggest such substances may participate in the clearance of retinoids from rod photoreceptors, and that this clearance, at least in rods, may facilitate dark adaptation by accelerating the clearance of photoproducts of bleaching.  相似文献   
Infectious and inflammatory diseases in the intestine remain a serious threat for patients world-wide. Reprogramming of the intestinal epithelium towards a protective effector state is important to manage inflammation and immunity and can be therapeutically targeted. The role of epigenetic regulatory enzymes within these processes is not yet defined. Here, we use a mouse model that has an intestinal-epithelial specific deletion of the histone demethylase Lsd1 (cKO mice), which maintains the epithelium in a fixed reparative state. Challenge of cKO mice with bacteria-induced colitis or a helminth infection model both resulted in increased pathogenesis. Mechanistically, we discovered that LSD1 is important for goblet cell maturation and goblet-cell effector molecules such as RELMß. We propose that this may be in part mediated by directly controlling genes that facilitate cytoskeletal organization, which is important in goblet cell biology. This study therefore identifies intestinal-epithelial epigenetic regulation by LSD1 as a critical element in host protection from infection.  相似文献   


Agriculture is a major water user worldwide, potentially depriving many ecosystems of water. Comprehensive global impact assessment methodologies are therefore required to assess impacts from water consumption on biodiversity. Since scarcity of water, as well as species richness, varies greatly between different world regions, a spatially differentiated approach is needed. Therefore, our aim is to enhance a previously published methodology in terms of spatial and species coverage.


We developed characterization factors for lifecycle impact assessment (LCIA) targeting biodiversity loss of various animal taxa (i.e., birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians) in wetlands. Data was collected for more than 22,000 wetlands worldwide, distinguishing between surface water- and groundwater-fed wetlands. Additionally, we account for a loss of vascular plant species in terrestrial ecosystems, based on precipitation. The characterization factors are expressed as global fractions of potential species extinctions (PDF) per cubic meter of water consumed annually and are developed with a spatial resolution of 0.05 arc degrees. Based on the geographic range of species, as well as their current threat level, as indicated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), we developed a vulnerability indicator that is included in the characterization factor.

Results and discussion

Characterization factors have maximal values in the order of magnitude of 10?11 PDF·year/m3 for animal taxa combined and 10?12 PDF·year/m3 for vascular plants. The application of the developed factors for global cultivation of wheat, maize, cotton, and rice highlights that the amount of water consumption alone is not sufficient to indicate the places of largest impacts but that species richness and vulnerability of species are indeed important factors to consider. Largest impacts are calculated for vascular plants in Madagascar, for maize, and for animal taxa; in Australia and the USA for surface water consumption (cotton); and in Algeria and Tunisia for groundwater consumption (cotton).


We developed a spatially differentiated approach to account for impacts from water consumption on a global level. We demonstrated its functionality with an application to a global case study of four different crops.
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