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Scaphopods (tusk shells) are infaunal marine predators that occur at locally high densities in coastal and deep‐sea mud habitats, and as consumers of foraminifera they are important in carbon cycling. We investigated oxygen metabolism and burying behavior of the scaphopod Rhabdus rectius and its responses to altered temperatures. These are the first measurements of oxygen uptake rates for any member of this taxonomic class. In response to elevated temperatures, oxygen uptake rates increased, but the ability of animals to bury themselves in sediment was compromised. Female scaphopods were significantly larger than males and, when corrected for body mass, oxygen uptake rates were consistently higher for female individuals than for males. This is consistent with previous anecdotal observations of females in other scaphopod species being larger and potentially more active. In conditions of declining oxygen availability, individuals of Rhabdus rectius showed strong oxyregulatory ability by maintaining the same oxygen uptake rate displayed in normoxic conditions. The ability to maintain normal metabolic functioning even in conditions of oxygen limitation would benefit a species living in a benthic environment that may be prone to temporary or transient anoxic events. Yet the decrease in normal escape response in moderately elevated temperatures indicates these animals may be at risk from rising sea temperatures.  相似文献   
We used structural genomic resources for Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench to target and develop multiple molecular cytogenetic probes that would provide extensive coverage for a specific chromosome of sorghum. Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones containing molecular markers mapped across sorghum linkage group A were labeled as probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Signals from single-, dual-, and multiprobe BAC-FISH to spreads of mitotic chromosomes and pachytene bivalents were associated with the largest sorghum chromosome, which bears the nucleolus organizing region (NOR). The order of individual BAC-FISH loci along the chromosome was fully concordant to that of marker loci along the linkage map. In addition, the order of several tightly linked molecular markers was clarified by FISH analysis. The FISH results indicate that markers from the linkage map positions 0.0-81.8 cM reside in the short arm of chromosome 1 whereas markers from 81.8-242.9 cM are located in the long arm of chromosome 1. The centromere and NOR were located in a large heterochromatic region that spans approximately 60% of chromosome 1. In contrast, this region represents only 0.7% of the total genetic map distance of this chromosome. Variation in recombination frequency among euchromatic chromosomal regions also was apparent. The integrated data underscore the value of cytological data, because minor errors and uncertainties in linkage maps can involve huge physical regions. The successful development of multiprobe FISH cocktails suggests that it is feasible to develop chromosome-specific "paints" from genomic resources rather than flow sorting or microdissection and that when applied to pachytene chromatin, such cocktails provide an especially powerful framework for mapping. Such a molecular cytogenetic infrastructure would be inherently cross-linked with other genomic tools and thereby establish a cytogenomics system with extensive utility in development and application of genomic resources, cloning, transgene localization, development of plant "chromonomics," germplasm introgression, and marker-assisted breeding. In combination with previously reported work, the results indicate that a sorghum cytogenomics system would be partially applicable to other gramineous genera.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet radiation (UV) therapy is sometimes used as a treatment for various common skin conditions, including psoriasis, acne, and eczema. The dosage of UV light is prescribed according to an individual''s skin sensitivity. Thus, to establish the proper dosage of UV light to administer to a patient, the patient is sometimes screened to determine a minimal erythema dose (MED), which is the amount of UV radiation that will produce minimal erythema (sunburn or redness caused by engorgement of capillaries) of an individual''s skin within a few hours following exposure. This article describes how to conduct minimal erythema dose (MED) testing. There is currently no easy way to determine an appropriate UV dose for clinical or research purposes without conducting formal MED testing, requiring observation hours after testing, or informal trial and error testing with the risks of under- or over-dosing. However, some alternative methods are discussed.  相似文献   
Cuprizone administration in mice provides a reproducible model of demyelination and spontaneous remyelination, and has been useful in understanding important aspects of human disease, including multiple sclerosis. In this study, we apply high spatial resolution quantitative MRI techniques to establish the spatio-temporal patterns of acute demyelination in C57BL/6 mice after 6 weeks of cuprizone administration, and subsequent remyelination after 6 weeks of post-cuprizone recovery. MRI measurements were complemented with Black Gold II stain for myelin and immunohistochemical stains for associated tissue changes. Gene expression was evaluated using the Allen Gene Expression Atlas. Twenty-five C57BL/6 male mice were split into control and cuprizone groups; MRI data were obtained at baseline, after 6 weeks of cuprizone, and 6 weeks post-cuprizone. High-resolution (100μm isotropic) whole-brain coverage magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) parametric maps demonstrated concurrent caudal-to-rostral and medial-to-lateral gradients of MTR decrease within corpus callosum (CC) that correlated well with demyelination assessed histologically. Our results show that demyelination was not limited to the midsagittal line of the corpus callosum, and also that opposing gradients of demyelination occur in the lateral and medial CC. T2-weighted MRI gray/white matter contrast was strong at baseline, weak after 6 weeks of cuprizone treatment, and returned to a limited extent after recovery. MTR decreases during demyelination were observed throughout the brain, most clearly in callosal white matter. Myelin damage and repair appear to be influenced by proximity to oligodendrocyte progenitor cell populations and exhibit an inverse correlation with myelin basic protein gene expression. These findings suggest that susceptibility to injury and ability to repair vary across the brain, and whole-brain analysis is necessary to accurately characterize this model. Whole-brain parametric mapping across time is essential for gaining a real understanding of disease processes in-vivo. MTR increases in healthy mice throughout adolescence and adulthood were observed, illustrating the need for appropriate age-matched controls. Elucidating the unique and site-specific demyelination in the cuprizone model may offer new insights into in mechanisms of both damage and repair in human demyelinating diseases.  相似文献   
We evaluated the potential of a granular formulation of Metarhizium brunneum F52 containing microsclerotia (MbMSc granules) for control of Aedes aegypti by targeting eggs. MbMSc granules produced infective conidia within 14 days after application to 2.5?g moist potting soil, producing 5.9?×?105, 2.08?×?106 and 6.85?×?106 conidia from 1, 5 and 25?mg MbMSc granules, respectively. Application of MbMSc triggered premature eclosion of eggs (EC50?=?12?mg) with percentages as high as 31?±?2.9% and 67?±?4.3% of the eggs treated with 5 and 25?mg MbMSc granules, respectively, after 14 days on moist filter paper. Premature eclosion of eggs started at 3 days subsequent to MbMSc granule application and survival of larvae was significantly reduced for granule treated eggs (74?±?2.2%, 39?±?2.0% and 23?±?4.9% larvae survived for 1, 5 and 25?mg granule treatments, respectively, EC50?=?4.9?mg). When MbMSc granules were applied in moist potting soil with mosquito eggs, rates of 1, 5 and 25?mg of MbMSc granules significantly reduced adult emergence with only 81?±?2.1%, 47?±?1.9%, and 34?±?2.1% emergence, respectively (EC50?=?7?mg). Eggs treated with increasing concentrations of fungal conidia enhanced premature eclosion of eggs with an EC50?=?1.6?×?106 conidia/mL. Our results demonstrate that MbMSc granules are a promising candidate for control of A. aegypti and that fermentative production of Mb F52 microsclerotia as the active propagule has the potential for use for mosquito control.  相似文献   
The cryopreservation of articular cartilage with survival of living cells has been a difficult problem. We have provided evidence that this is due to the formation of ice crystals in the chondrons. We have developed a method in which the concentration of the cryoprotectant dimethyl sulphoxide (Me(2)SO) is increased progressively, in steps, as cooling proceeds so that ice is never allowed to form, but the very high concentrations of Me(2)SO required at low temperatures are reached only at those low temperatures. In this paper, we describe some new experiments with discs of ovine articular cartilage similar to those used in our previous studies and we show that continuous stirring throughout the process resulted in a significant increase in the rate of (35)S sulphate incorporation into glycosoaminoglycans (GAGs), now reaching 87% of the corresponding fresh control values. We confirmed that the method is also effective for human knee joint cartilage, which gave 70% of fresh control ability to synthesise GAGs; continuous stirring was also used in this experiment. We then extended the method to ovine knee joint osteochondral dowels and showed that, again with continuous stirring, the method produced tissue concentrations of Me(2)SO that were sufficient to prevent freezing in dowels too, and to permit cell function at 60% of control. The most important mechanical property (instantaneous compressive modulus) was unaffected by the process. Finally, we experimented with some technical variations to facilitate clinical use-a more rapid process for warming and removal of Me(2)SO was developed and a method of short-term storage before or after cryopreservation was developed. Finally, pilot experiments were carried out to provide proof of principle for a closed, continuous flow method in which both temperature and Me(2)SO concentration were computer-controlled.  相似文献   
Detection of biological toxins on an active electronic microchip   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An electric-field-driven assay for fluorescein-labeled staphylococcal enterotoxin B and cholera toxin B was developed on an active electronic microchip. An array of microlocations was transformed into an immunoassay array by electronically biasing electrodes at each microlocation to attract biotinylated capture antibodies. The electric field generated on the array directed the transport, concentration, and binding of biotinylated capture antibodies to streptavidin-coated microlocations. Subsequently, solutions of fluorescein-labeled staphylococcal enterotoxin B and fluorescein-labeled cholera toxin B were electronically addressed to the assay sites by an applied electric field. Each toxin was specifically bound to microlocations containing the appropriate capture antibody with little nonspecific binding to assay sites lacking the appropriate capture antibody. It was possible to detect both toxins from a mixture in a single electronic addressing step; detection was accomplished after a 1-min application of the electric field followed by washing. The ability to perform a rapid, electric field-mediated immunoassay for multiple analytes may provide an advantage over existing approaches.  相似文献   
In many species of the protist phylum Apicomplexa, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene copies are structurally and functionally heterogeneous, owing to distinct requirements for rRNA-expression patterns at different developmental stages. The genomic mechanisms underlying the maintenance of this system over long-term evolutionary history are unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate what processes underlie the long-term evolution of apicomplexan 18S genes in representative species. The results show that these genes evolve according to a birth-and-death model under strong purifying selection, thereby explaining how divergent 18S genes are generated over time while continuing to maintain their ability to produce fully functional rRNAs. In addition, it was found that Cryptosporidium parvum undergoes a rapid form of birth-and-death evolution that may facilitate host-specific adaptation, including that of type I and II strains found in humans. This represents the first case in which an rRNA gene family has been found to evolve under the birth-and-death model.  相似文献   
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