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1. The effects in the cow of intravenous infusions of sodium acetate, butyrate, propionate, β-hydroxybutyrate, malonate, citrate or succinate, of glucose or of an emulsion of cottonseed oil on the secretion of the component fatty acids of milk fat and on the composition of the blood plasma of the jugular vein have been studied. 2. Glucose and cottonseed oil were the only metabolities consistently to affect the yield of milk fat. Glucose decreased the yield of milk fat through a diminished secretion of the C18 fatty acids and in two out of three cows also of the steam-volatile fatty acids (C4–C10). The cottonseed oil caused an increase in the yield of milk fat through an increased secretion of linoleic acid, the major component acid of the cottonseed oil. In three out of four cows, acetate caused an increase in the yield of milk fat through an increased secretion of mainly palmitic acid. 3. The effects of the infusions on milk-fat secretion are discussed in relation to existing knowledge on the origin of the fatty acids of milk fat.  相似文献   
All mammalian gap junction channels are sensitive to the voltage difference imposed across the junctional membrane, and parameters of voltage sensitivity have been shown to vary according to the gap junction protein that is expressed. For connexin43, the major gap junction protein in the cardiovascular system, in the uterus, and between glial cells in brain, voltage clamp studies have shown that transjunctional voltages (Vj) exceeding +/- 50 mV reduce junctional conductance (gj). However, substantial gj remains at even very large Vj values; this residual voltage-insensitive conductance has been termed gmin. We have explored the mechanism underlying gmin using several cell types in which connexin43 is endogenously expressed as well as in communication-deficient hepatoma cells transfected with cDNA encoding human connexin43. For pairs of transfectants exhibiting series resistance-corrected maximal gj (gmax) values ranging from < 2 to > 90 nS, the ratio gmin/gmax was found to be relatively constant (about 0.4-0.5), indicating that the channels responsible for the voltage-sensitive and -insensitive components of gj are not independent. Single channel studies further revealed that different channel sizes comprise the voltage-sensitive and -insensitive components, and that the open times of the larger, more voltage-sensitive conductance events declined to values near zero at large voltages, despite the high gmin. We conclude that the voltage-insensitive component of gj is ascribable to a voltage-insensitive substate of connexin43 channels rather than to the presence of multiple types of channels in the junctional membrane. These studies thus demonstrate that for certain gap junction channels, closure in response to specific stimuli may be graded, rather than all-or-none.  相似文献   
Summary The time course of gap junction formation and growth, following contraction synchronization of cardiac myocytes in culture, has been studied in a combined (electro)physiological and ultrastructural study. In cultures of collagenase-dissociated neonatal rat cardiocytes, pairs of spontaneously beating myocytes synchronized their contractions within one beat interval within 2–20 min after they apparently had grown into contact, 45 sec after the first synchronized beat an appreciable junctional region containing several small gap junctions was already present. In the following 30 min, neither the area of individual gap junctions nor their total area increased, 75 min after synchronization both the area of individual gap junctions and their total area had increased by a factor of 10–15 with respect to what was found in the first half hour. In the period between 75 and 300 min again no further increase in gap junctional area was found. In double voltage-clamp experiments, gap junctions between well-coupled cells behaved like ohmic conductors. In poorly coupled cells, in which the number of functional gap-junctional channels was greatly reduced, the remaining channels showed voltage-dependent gating. Their single-channel conductance was 40–50 pS. The electrophysiologically measured junctional conductance agreed well with the conductance calculated from the morphometrically determined gap-junctional area. It is concluded that a rapid initial gap junction formation occurs during the 2–20 min period prior to synchronization by assembly of functional channels from existing channel precursors already present in the cell membranes. It then takes at least another 30 min before the gap-junctional area increases possibly byde novo synthesis or by recruitment from intracellular stores or from nonjunctional membranes, a process completed in the next 45 min.  相似文献   
The establishment of an in vitro model for cutaneous T cell lymphomas and Sézary syndrome has been difficult since T cells from individuals with these diseases do not proliferate in response to T cell mitogens. We found that conditioned media, collected from mitogen-activated PBMC from Sézary patients, contain an IL-2 receptor inducing factor. Despite their ostensible proliferative disorder, using a combination Sézary cell-conditioned media and rIL-2, we established IL-2 responsive, human T cell lymphotropic virus type I negative T cell lines from 23 patients, nine of which contain cells with the structural and/or genetic characteristics of neoplastic Sézary T cells.  相似文献   
Summary Combined application of a non-radioactivein situ DNA hybridization procedure and the immunoperoxidase technique on one tissue section is described. Of six potential protocols, only one proved to be successful. First, the immunohistochemical procedure including visualization of enzyme activity is performed; thein situ DNA hybridization protocol is then applied. Using this protocol, several antigens, detected with monoclonal antibodies, and target DNAs, detected by using biotinylated human cytomegalovirus or human papilloma virus type 16 DNA probes, could be distinguished by their peroxidase activity (brown precipitate) and alkaline phosphatase activity (purple—blue precipitate) respectively. The method allows immunophenotyping of virus-infected cells as well as simultaneous visualization of two viral parameters. This technique has important implications for research and diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium tuberculosis cell walls are likely to contain critical T cell Ag capable of inducing protective immunity against the development of tuberculosis in animal models. Therefore, we characterized cell wall-associated Ag that stimulate T lymphocytes in tuberculosis patients and clinically well tuberculin-positive individuals. A protein-peptidoglycan complex isolated from the M. tuberculosis cell wall had potent immunologic activity, evoking PBMC proliferative responses similar to those induced by sonicated whole M. tuberculosis. In order to characterize the immunoreactive protein determinants associated with the protein-peptidoglycan complex, T cell lines were established to cell wall Ag and used to probe M. tuberculosis proteins separated by SDS-PAGE. These T cell lines proliferated primarily to protein Ag of 10, 19, 23, 28, 30, 40 to 50, and 65 kDa. Cell wall-reactive T cell clones that recognized the 10-, 23-, 28-, and 30-kDa proteins as single bands on SDS-PAGE did so under reducing and nonreducing conditions, suggesting that these are not proteolytic fragments or subunits of larger protein aggregates. We propose that these protein monomers, when post-translationally complexed with peptidoglycan, are the key ingredients of the immunogenic protein-peptidoglycan complex. In order to assess the relationship of the cell wall-associated Ag to those secreted proteins from "early culture filtrates" of actively growing M. tuberculosis recently implicated in eliciting protective immunity, cell wall-reactive T cell clones were tested for their ability to recognize early culture filtrates. Results revealed that at least three proteins shared with the cell wall complex are contained within early culture filtrates. Our data indicate that antigenic determinants associated with the protein-peptidoglycan complex of the M. tuberculosis cell wall may be involved in protective immunity and hence are potential candidates for inclusion in an effective antituberculosis vaccine.  相似文献   
Outward-rectifying K+ channels are modulated in response to environmental stimuli by a range of intracellular factors, such as cytoplasmic Ca2+, pH, kinases and phosphatases. Here we report that voltage-dependent outward-rectifying K+ channels in tomato cells are also targets for modulation by 14-3-3 proteins. In whole-cell patch-clamp experiments, recombinant 14-3-3 protein (tomato isoform TFT7) was introduced into tomato cell protoplasts via the patch pipette. As a result the steady-state outward K+ current increased twofold and this increase was not dependent upon the presence of cytoplasmic ATP. A phosphorylated peptide that contained a phosphorylated 14-3-3 target-binding motif (RSTS*TP), derived from nitrate reductase, blocked the effect of 14-3-3, thus showing the specific nature of 14-3-3 action. Kinetic parameters of the conductance, like (de)activation kinetics, voltage dependence of gating and activation potential, were not significantly different between control and 14-3-3 infused cells. Analysis of single-channel activity and whole-cell noise indicated that the single-channel conductance was not affected by 14-3-3 infusion. We conclude that 14-3-3 proteins recruit 'sleepy' channels into a voltage-activatable state. The molecular mechanism underlying the 1 : 1 ratio of constitutively active and 14-3-3 recruited channels is discussed in the light of known functions of 14-3-3 dimers.  相似文献   
In this study, we demonstrate that malignant mature CD4(+) T lymphocytes derived from cutaneous T cell lymphomas (CTCL) variably display some aspects of the T regulatory phenotype. Whereas seven cell lines representing a spectrum of primary cutaneous T cell lymphoproliferative disorders expressed CD25 and TGF-beta, the expression of FOXP3 and, to a lesser degree, IL-10 was restricted to two CTCL cell lines that are dependent on exogenous IL-2. IL-2, IL-15, and IL-21, all of which signals through receptors containing the common gamma chain, induced expression of IL-10 in the IL-2-dependent cell lines as well as primary leukemic CTCL cells. However, only IL-2 and IL-15, but not IL-21, induced expression of FOXP3. The IL-2-triggered induction of IL-10 and FOXP3 expression occurred by signaling through STAT3 and STAT5, respectively. Immunohistochemical analysis of the CTCL tissues revealed that FOXP3-expressing cells were common among the CD7-negative enlarged atypical and small lymphocytes at the early skin patch and plaque stages. Their frequency was profoundly diminished at the tumor stage and in the CTCL lymph node lesions with or without large cell transformation. These results indicate that the T regulatory cell features are induced in CTCL T cells by common gamma chain signaling cytokines such as IL-2 and do not represent a fully predetermined, constitutive phenotype independent of the local environmental stimuli to which these malignant mature CD4(+) T cells become exposed.  相似文献   
To identify the molecular mechanisms underlying carbohydrate allocation to storage processes, we have isolated mutants in which the sugar induction of starch biosynthetic gene expression was impaired. Here we describe the IMPAIRED SUCROSE INDUCTION1 (ISI1) gene, which encodes a highly conserved plant-specific protein with structural similarities to Arm repeat proteins. ISI1 is predominantly expressed in the phloem of leaves following the sink-to-source transition during leaf development, but is also sugar-inducible in mesophyll cells. Soil-grown isi1 mutants show reduced plant growth and seed set compared to wild-type Arabidopsis. This growth reduction is not due to reduced carbohydrate availability or a defect in sucrose export from mature leaves, suggesting that isi1 mutant plants do not utilize available carbohydrate resources efficiently. ISI1 interacts synergistically with, but is genetically distinct from, the abscisic acid (ABA) signalling pathway controlling sugar responses via ABI4. Our data show that ISI1 couples the availability of carbohydrates to the control of sugar-responsive gene expression and plant growth.  相似文献   
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