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Morphological plasticity helps plants to cope to environmental conditions. Allometric responses of the mangrove Avicennia germinans to increasing salinity are easily detectable when focusing on the top height trees.


Several studies show that mangrove trees possess high species- and site-related trait allometry, suggesting large morphological plasticity that might be related to environmental conditions, but the causes of such variation are not clearly understood and systematic quantification is still missing. Both aspects are essential for a mechanistic understanding of the development and functioning of forests. We analyzed the role of salinity in the allometric relations of the mangrove Avicennia germinans, using: (1) the top height trees (trees with the largest diameters at breast height, which reflect forest properties at the maximum use of resources); (2) the slenderness coefficient (which indicates competition and environmental conditions); and (3) the crown to DBH ratio. These standard tools for forest scientists dealing with terrestrial forests are suitable to analyze the plastic responses of mangroves to salinity. First, the top height trees help to recognize structural forest properties that are not detectable when studying the whole stand. Second, we found that at salinities above 55 ‰, trees are less slender and develop wider crowns in relation to DBH than when growing at lower salinities. Our results suggest a significant change in allometric traits in relation to salinity, and reflect the plastic responses of tree traits in response to environmental variation. Understanding the plastic responses of plants to their environment can help to better model, predict, and manage forests in changing environments.  相似文献   
The relative contribution of density-dependent and density-independent factors on variation in the population growth rate of an introduced population Svalbard reindeer was studied by time series analysis. No significant effects of either direct or delayed density-dependence were found. Annual variation in population growth rate was strongly negatively related to amount of precipitation during winter (i.e. high growth rates occurred when winters were dry). There was no significant relationship between the NAO-index and the population growth rate. However, there was an interaction between population density and the climatic variables, i.e. the effect of climate was stronger at high densities. These results support the view that population fluctuations of arctic ungulates are strongly influenced by stochastic variation in climate.  相似文献   


To identify metabolomic biomarkers predictive of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) mortality in adults.


Comprehensive metabolomic profiling of plasma at ICU admission to identify biomarkers associated with mortality has recently become feasible.


We performed metabolomic profiling of plasma from 90 ICU subjects enrolled in the BWH Registry of Critical Illness (RoCI). We tested individual metabolites and a Bayesian Network of metabolites for association with 28-day mortality, using logistic regression in R, and the CGBayesNets Package in MATLAB. Both individual metabolites and the network were tested for replication in an independent cohort of 149 adults enrolled in the Community Acquired Pneumonia and Sepsis Outcome Diagnostics (CAPSOD) study.


We tested variable metabolites for association with 28-day mortality. In RoCI, nearly one third of metabolites differed among ICU survivors versus those who died by day 28 (N = 57 metabolites, p<.05). Associations with 28-day mortality replicated for 31 of these metabolites (with p<.05) in the CAPSOD population. Replicating metabolites included lipids (N = 14), amino acids or amino acid breakdown products (N = 12), carbohydrates (N = 1), nucleotides (N = 3), and 1 peptide. Among 31 replicated metabolites, 25 were higher in subjects who progressed to die; all 6 metabolites that are lower in those who die are lipids. We used Bayesian modeling to form a metabolomic network of 7 metabolites associated with death (gamma-glutamylphenylalanine, gamma-glutamyltyrosine, 1-arachidonoylGPC(20:4), taurochenodeoxycholate, 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl) lactate, sucrose, kynurenine). This network achieved a 91% AUC predicting 28-day mortality in RoCI, and 74% of the AUC in CAPSOD (p<.001 in both populations).


Both individual metabolites and a metabolomic network were associated with 28-day mortality in two independent cohorts. Metabolomic profiling represents a valuable new approach for identifying novel biomarkers in critically ill patients.  相似文献   
Candida albicans and Candida glabrata account for the majority of candidiasis cases worldwide. Although both species are in the same genus, they differ in key virulence attributes. Within this work, live cell imaging was used to examine the dynamics of neutrophil activation after confrontation with either C. albicans or C. glabrata. Analyses revealed higher phagocytosis rates of C. albicans than C. glabrata that resulted in stronger PMN (polymorphonuclear cells) activation by C. albicans. Furthermore, we observed differences in the secretion of chemokines, indicating chemotactic differences in PMN signalling towards recruitment of further immune cells upon confrontation with Candida spp. Supernatants from co‐incubations of neutrophils with C. glabrata primarily attracted monocytes and increased the phagocytosis of C. glabrata by monocytes. In contrast, PMN activation by C. albicans resulted in recruitment of more neutrophils. Two complex infection models confirmed distinct targeting of immune cell populations by the two Candida spp.: In a human whole blood infection model, C. glabrata was more effectively taken up by monocytes than C. albicans and histopathological analyses of murine model infections confirmed primarily monocytic infiltrates in C. glabrata kidney infection in contrast to PMN‐dominated infiltrates in C. albicans infection. Taken together, our data demonstrate that the human opportunistic fungi C. albicans and C. glabrata are differentially recognized by neutrophils and one outcome of this differential recognition is the preferential uptake of C. glabrata by monocytes.  相似文献   
In birds with bi-parental care, the provisioning link between prey capture and delivery to dependent offspring is regarded as often symmetric between the mates. However, in raptors, the larger female usually broods and feeds the nestlings, while the smaller male provides food for the family, assisted by the female in the latter part of the nestling period, if at all. Prey items are relatively large and often impossible for nestlings to handle without extended maternal assistance. We video-recorded prey delivery and handling in nests of a raptor with a wide diet, the Eurasian kestrel Falco tinnunculus, and simultaneously observed prey transfer from male to female outside the nest. The male selectively allocated larger items, in particular birds and larger mammals, to the female for further processing and feeding of nestlings, and smaller items, in particular lizards and smaller mammals, directly to the nestlings for unassisted feeding. Hence, from the video, the female appeared to have captured larger prey than the male, while in reality no difference existed. The female’s size-biased interception of the male’s prey provisioning line would maximize the male’s foraging time, and maximize the female’s control of the allocation of food between her own need and that of the offspring. The male would maximize his control of food allocation by capturing smaller prey. This conflict would select for larger dominant females and smaller energy-efficient males, and induce stronger selection the longer the female depends on the male for self-feeding, as a proportion of the offspring dependence period.  相似文献   
Regulation by covalent modification is a common mechanism to transmit signals in biological systems. The modifying reactions are catalyzed either by two distinct converter enzymes or by a single bifunctional enzyme (which may employ either one or two catalytic sites for its opposing activities). The reason for this diversification is unclear, but contemporary theoretical models predict that systems with distinct converter enzymes can exhibit enhanced sensitivity to input signals whereas bifunctional enzymes with two catalytic sites are believed to generate robustness against variations in system’s components. However, experiments indicate that bifunctional enzymes can also exhibit enhanced sensitivity due to the zero-order effect, raising the question whether both phenomena could be understood within a common mechanistic model. Here, I argue that this is, indeed, the case. Specifically, I show that bifunctional enzymes with two catalytic sites can exhibit both ultrasensitivity and concentration robustness, depending on the kinetic operating regime of the enzyme’s opposing activities. The model predictions are discussed in the context of experimental observations of ultrasensitivity and concentration robustness in the uridylylation cycle of the PII protein, and in the phosphorylation cycle of the isocitrate dehydrogenase, respectively.  相似文献   
Due to the increasing number of strains of drug-resistant bacteria, the development of new antibiotics has become increasingly important. The antibacterial properties of quaternary amines and their derivatives on both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria are well known. However, an encompassing study with specific emphasis on the role of the counter-anion has not been reported in the literature. By monitoring the Zone of Inhibition of various concentrations of tetrabutylammonium (TBA) salts, we observed that the counter anion plays a significant role in activity. We developed a novel method of reporting activity using zone of inhibition tests (ZIMAX/KZI) and found it to be strongly correlated with the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC).  相似文献   
Lakes (including reservoirs) are an important component of the global carbon (C) cycle, as acknowledged by the fifth assessment report of the IPCC. In the context of lakes, the boreal region is disproportionately important contributing to 27% of the worldwide lake area, despite representing just 14% of global land surface area. In this study, we used a statistical approach to derive a prediction equation for the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in lakes as a function of lake area, terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP), and precipitation (r2 = .56), and to create the first high‐resolution, circumboreal map (0.5°) of lake pCO2. The map of pCO2 was combined with lake area from the recently published GLOWABO database and three different estimates of the gas transfer velocity k to produce a resulting map of CO2 evasion (FCO2). For the boreal region, we estimate an average, lake area weighted, pCO2 of 966 (678–1,325) μatm and a total FCO2 of 189 (74–347) Tg C year?1, and evaluate the corresponding uncertainties based on Monte Carlo simulation. Our estimate of FCO2 is approximately twofold greater than previous estimates, as a result of methodological and data source differences. We use our results along with published estimates of the other C fluxes through inland waters to derive a C budget for the boreal region, and find that FCO2 from lakes is the most significant flux of the land‐ocean aquatic continuum, and of a similar magnitude as emissions from forest fires. Using the model and applying it to spatially resolved projections of terrestrial NPP and precipitation while keeping everything else constant, we predict a 107% increase in boreal lake FCO2 under emission scenario RCP8.5 by 2100. Our projections are largely driven by increases in terrestrial NPP over the same period, showing the very close connection between the terrestrial and aquatic C cycle.  相似文献   
To increase our understanding of the role of new X-chromosome mutations in adaptive evolution, single-X Drosophila melanogaster males were mated with attached-X chromosome females, allowing the male X chromosome to accumulate mutations over 28 generations. Contrary to our hypothesis that male viability would decrease over time, due to the accumulation and expression of X-linked recessive deleterious mutations in hemizygous males, viability significantly increased. This increase may be attributed to germinal selection and to new X-linked beneficial or compensatory mutations, possibly supporting the faster-X hypothesis.  相似文献   
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