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An EPR spectrum of as synthesized [G.A. Tsigdinos, C.J. Hallada, Inorg. Chem. 7 (1968) 437-441], orange colored, H5PV2Mo10O40 polyoxometalate showed the presence of a reduced vanadium(IV) addenda atom. Surprisingly, further 31P ENDOR (electron-nuclear double resonance) measurements indicated the absence of a phosphorous heteroatom leading to the suggestion that H5VVVIVMo11O40 exists as a previously unrecognized impurity in the typically synthesized H5PV2Mo10O40 compound. H5/4PVVO4VIV/VMo11O36 was then synthesized in low yield (0.8 mol%) by omitting the addition of phosphate in a typical H5PV2Mo10O40 preparation. The molecular formulation and structure was supported by X-ray crystallography, infrared and mass spectrometry. Further use of EPR/ENDOR/ESEEM (electron-spin echo envelope modulation) allowed the formulation of [VVVIVMo11O40]5− as [VVO4VIVMo11O36]5−. Accordingly, the polyoxometalate has a heteroatom core with 11 molybdenum addenda and one VO2+ moiety at the polyoxometalate surface. The redox potential and the catalytic activity of the new vanadomolybdate polyoxometalate compound were essentially identical to the often-studied H5PV2Mo10O40 polyoxometalate isomeric mixture.  相似文献   
Using the mouse as a model organism in pharmaceutical research presents unique advantages as its physiology in many ways resembles the human physiology, it also has a relatively short generation time, low breeding and maintenance costs, and is available in a wide variety of inbred strains. The ability to genetically modify mouse embryonic stem cells to generate mouse models that better mimic human disease is another advantage. In the present study, a comprehensive phenotypic screening protocol is applied to elucidate the phenotype of a novel mouse knockout model of hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF) 4-gamma. HNF4-gamma is expressed in the kidneys, gut, pancreas, and testis. The first level of the screen is aimed at general health, morphologic appearance, normal cage behaviour, and gross neurological functions. The second level of the screen looks at metabolic characteristics and lung function. The third level of the screen investigates behaviour more in-depth and the fourth level consists of a thorough pathological characterisation, blood chemistry, haematology, and bone marrow analysis. When compared with littermate wild-type mice (HNF4-gamma(+/+)), the HNF4-gamma knockout (HNF4-gamma(-/-)) mice had lowered energy expenditure and locomotor activity during night time that resulted in a higher body weight despite having reduced intake of food and water. HNF4-gamma(-/-) mice were less inclined to build nest and were found to spend more time in a passive state during the forced swim test.  相似文献   


Olfactory receptors (ORs), the largest mammalian gene superfamily (900–1400 genes), has >50% pseudogenes in humans. While most of these inactive genes are identified via coding frame (nonsense) disruptions, seemingly intact genes may also be inactive due to other deleterious (missense) mutations. An ultimate assessment of the actual size of the functional human OR repertoire thus requires an accurate distinction between genes and pseudogenes.  相似文献   
Enterococcus faecalis exhibits high resistance to oxidative stress. Several enzymes are responsible for this trait. The role of alkyl hydroperoxide reductase (Ahp), thiol peroxidase (Tpx), and NADH peroxidase (Npr) in oxidative stress defense was recently characterized. Enterococcus faecalis, in contrast to many other streptococci, contains a catalase (KatA), but this enzyme can only be formed when the bacterium is supplied with heme. We have used this heme dependency of catalase activity and mutants deficient in KatA and Npr to investigate the role of the catalase in resistance against exogenous and endogenous hydrogen peroxide stress. The results demonstrate that in the presence of environmental heme catalase contributes to the protection against toxic effects of hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   
Abstract We examined whether differences in life-history characteristics can explain interspecific variation in stochastic population dynamics in nine marine fish species living in the Barents Sea system. After observation errors in population estimates were accounted for, temporal variability in natural mortality rate, annual recruitment, and population growth rate was negatively related to generation time. Mean natural mortality rate, annual recruitment, and population growth rate were lower in long-lived species than in short-lived species. Thus, important species-specific characteristics of the population dynamics were related to the species position along the slow-fast continuum of life-history variation. These relationships were further associated with interspecific differences in ecology: species at the fast end were mainly pelagic, with short generation times and high natural mortality, annual recruitment, and population growth rates, and also showed high temporal variability in those demographic traits. In contrast, species at the slow end were long-lived, deepwater species with low rates and reduced temporal variability in the same demographic traits. These interspecific relationships show that the life-history characteristics of a species can predict basic features of interspecific variation in population dynamical characteristics of marine fish, which should have implications for the choice of harvest strategy to facilitate sustainable yields.  相似文献   
In Indonesia, Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) is the most frequent cancer of the head and neck region. At first presentation in the hospital most patients already have advanced NPC. Our previous study showed that general practitioners (GPs) working in Yogyakarta, Indonesia lack the knowledge necessary for early detection of NPC. By providing training on early symptoms of NPC we hope that the diagnosis and referral will occur at an earlier stage. Here we assess the current NPC knowledge levels of GPs in Jakarta, evaluate improvement after training, compare the effectiveness of two training formats, and estimate the loss of recall over a two week period.


Two Indonesian GPs visited 31 Primary Health Care Centres (PHCCs) and provided a lecture on NPC. The alternative format consisted of a symposium at the Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, presented by local head and neck surgeons, with all GPs in the region being invited. To evaluate the effect of both formats a questionnaire was conducted before and after.


The lecture in the PHCCs was attended by 130 GPs. Sixty-six GPs attended the training in the university hospital and 40 GPs attended both. Pre training the NPC knowledge level was poor with an average of 1.6 symptoms being correctly identified out of a potential maximum of 12, this was increased to 4.9 post training (p<0.0001). GPs attending the PHCC course recorded a greater increase in correct symptoms than those attending the symposium (3.8 vs. 2.8; p = 0.01). After a two week period the knowledge levels had declined slightly from 5.5 correctly identified symptoms to 4.2 (p = 0.25).


These results confirm our findings regarding GPs insufficient knowledge of NPC. Lectures in the PHCC and a symposium have both been proven to be effective training tools in the education of GPs.  相似文献   
Under copper limiting growth conditions the methanotrophic bacterium Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) secrets essentially only one protein, MopE*, to the medium. MopE* is a copper-binding protein whose structure has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The structure of MopE* revealed a unique high affinity copper binding site consisting of two histidine imidazoles and one kynurenine, the latter an oxidation product of Trp130. In this study, we demonstrate that the copper ion coordinated by this strong binding site is in the Cu(I) state when MopE* is isolated from the growth medium of M. capsulatus. The conclusion is based on X-ray Near Edge Absorption spectroscopy (XANES), and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) studies. EPR analyses demonstrated that MopE*, in addition to the strong copper-binding site, also binds Cu(II) at two weaker binding sites. Both Cu(II) binding sites have properties typical of non-blue type II Cu (II) centres, and the strongest of the two Cu(II) sites is characterised by a relative high hyperfine coupling of copper (A|| = 20 mT). Immobilized metal affinity chromatography binding studies suggests that residues in the N-terminal part of MopE* are involved in forming binding site(s) for Cu(II) ions. Our results support the hypothesis that MopE plays an important role in copper uptake, possibly making use of both its high (Cu(I) and low Cu(II) affinity properties.  相似文献   
Adaptation to extreme environments affects the stability and catalytic efficiency of enzymes, often endowing them with great industrial potential. We compared the environmental adaptation of the secreted endonuclease I from the cold-adapted marine fish pathogen Vibrio salmonicida (VsEndA) and the human pathogen Vibrio cholerae (VcEndA). Kinetic analysis showed that VsEndA displayed unique halotolerance. It retained a considerable amount of activity from low concentrations to at least 0.6 m NaCl, and was adapted to work at higher salt concentrations than VcEndA by maintaining a low K(m) value and increasing k(cat). In differential scanning calorimetry, salt stabilized both enzymes, but the effect on the calorimetric enthalpy and cooperativity of unfolding was larger for VsEndA, indicating salt dependence. Mutation of DNA binding site residues (VsEndA, Q69N and K71N; VcEndA, N69Q and N71K) affected the kinetic parameters. The VsEndA Q69N mutation also increased the T(m) value, whereas other mutations affected mainly DeltaH(cal). The determined crystal structure of VcEndA N69Q revealed the loss of one hydrogen bond present in native VcEndA, but also the formation of a new hydrogen bond involving residue 69 that could possibly explain the similar T(m) values for native and N69Q-mutated VcEndA. Structural analysis suggested that the stability, catalytic efficiency and salt tolerance of EndA were controlled by small changes in the hydrogen bonding networks and surface electrostatic potential. Our results indicate that endonuclease I adaptation is closely coupled to the conditions of the habitats of natural Vibrio, with VsEndA displaying a remarkable salt tolerance unique amongst the endonucleases characterized so far.  相似文献   
A new arachnid (Chelicerata: Arachnida) from the Lower Carboniferous (Upper Viséan) Szczawno Formation of Kamienna Göra, Poland, is described asSchneidarachne saganii n. gen. et n. sp. Early Carboniferous arachnids are generally rare and this new fossil cannot be easily assigned to any of the known arachnid Orders. It shares a number of features with some members of the arachnid order Solifugae (camel spiders, sun spiders): namely large, forward-projecting, chelate chelicerae with dentate fixed and free fingers, a distinct median sulcus on the carapace and an interrupted ridge of tubercles on the dorsal opisthosoma set into a loosely-defïned median field. However, it lacks unequivocal autapomorphies of Solifugae. This fossil may be one of a growing number of stem-group Palaeozoic arachnids which lack the füll set of diagnostic characters seen in crown-group members of the various orders. Thus,Schneidarachne saganii could represent a basai member of the lineage leading up to modem solifuges.  相似文献   
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