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Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) is common in mitochondrial disorders and is frequently associated with multiple mtDNA deletions. The onset is typically in adulthood, and affected subjects can also present with general muscle weakness. The underlying genetic defects comprise autosomal-dominant or recessive mutations in several nuclear genes, most of which play a role in mtDNA replication. Next-generation sequencing led to the identification of compound-heterozygous RNASEH1 mutations in two singleton subjects and a homozygous mutation in four siblings. RNASEH1, encoding ribonuclease H1 (RNase H1), is an endonuclease that is present in both the nucleus and mitochondria and digests the RNA component of RNA-DNA hybrids. Unlike mitochondria, the nucleus harbors a second ribonuclease (RNase H2). All affected individuals first presented with CPEO and exercise intolerance in their twenties, and these were followed by muscle weakness, dysphagia, and spino-cerebellar signs with impaired gait coordination, dysmetria, and dysarthria. Ragged-red and cytochrome c oxidase (COX)-negative fibers, together with impaired activity of various mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes, were observed in muscle biopsies of affected subjects. Western blot analysis showed the virtual absence of RNase H1 in total lysate from mutant fibroblasts. By an in vitro assay, we demonstrated that altered RNase H1 has a reduced capability to remove the RNA from RNA-DNA hybrids, confirming their pathogenic role. Given that an increasing amount of evidence indicates the presence of RNA primers during mtDNA replication, this result might also explain the accumulation of mtDNA deletions and underscores the importance of RNase H1 for mtDNA maintenance.  相似文献   
Although plant‐inhabiting ants are known to act as effective deterrents to a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores, this has been reported only once before for primates, a group better known for their predation of ants. In the present study, we investigated the effects that colonies of Pseudomyrmex viduus ants living in individual Macrolobium acaciifolium (Fabaceae) trees have on the rates of visitation and fruit removal by four taxa of seed‐predating vertebrates: the primate Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary; macaws (Ara spp.); large parrots (Amazona spp.); and the Northern Amazonian red squirrel (Sciurus igniventris). We found that ant presence significantly reduced both rates of visitation and of fruit removal by C. m. ouakary. The same pattern of reduced fruit removal was also observed for other seed predators (parrots, macaws, and squirrels) but not for visitation rates (although this may be a result of the small sample size). This appears to be only the second‐known demonstration of the repellent effect of ants on primates and, indeed, the first for squirrels and psittacine birds. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 260–273.  相似文献   
Although accurate estimates of wild boar (Sus scrofa) populations are crucial for any effective resource management or pest control programme, this species is well-known to be difficult to monitor. We conducted a 10-year study in a fenced Mediterranean forest (Rome, Italy) to evaluate nocturnal line transect sampling performances. We focused on its accuracy in monitoring changes in density, which was independently estimated by capture–mark–resight (CMR) performed on counts at feeding sites. We carried out night surveys in the autumn of 2001–2010, using portable infrared cameras to detect animals. We sampled on foot to cover the whole study area and the different habitat types evenly. However, to ensure safe working conditions during night and to limit disturbance, we placed transects along paths and forest roads. Therefore, we investigated the potential impact of our convenience sampling on the detection process, using radiolocations of wild boars to assess their distribution with respect to selected transects. We found that our survey design should not have biased our estimates and that densities and coefficients of variations from line transect sampling were consistent with CMR results. Although labour-intensive, we believe that our approach can improve wild boar monitoring effectively, even in concealing habitats, providing decision makers with accurate estimates (and quantified confidence limits) which can help to develop the most appropriate management programme. Moreover, the current low price of new-generation infrared cameras can also increase strongly the cost-effectiveness of this method.  相似文献   
Nitration of tau protein is normally linked to neurodegeneration but, until now, no comprehensive information is available regarding tau nitration in healthy subjects. It has been previously reported that in differentiated PC12 cells, tau co-immunoprecipitated with alpha-tubulin is nitrated at tyrosine residues and that this post-translation modification doesn’t impair the association of tau with the cytoskeleton. The present paper is focused on the identification of tyrosine residues endogenously modified in tau from PC12 cells and reports for the first time that tau is also nitrated in vivo in normal mouse brain and that one tyrosine is endogenously modified.  相似文献   
D-amino acid oxidase, a flavoprotein from hog kidneys, has been crystalized in two different forms. Orthorhombic prisms have been obtained from the enzyme.benzoate complex at pH 8.3; the space group is C2221 and the cell dimensions are a = 325A, b = 138.8 A, c = 200 A. At lower pH values, the enzyme crystallizes in trigonal prisms with a = b = 116.0 A, c = 399 A, space group P3112 or its enantiomorph. The two crystal forms have been obtained at 28 degrees C while at 4 degrees C only weak evidence of crystallization has been detected. In both crystalline modifications, the protein is highly associated.  相似文献   
C5a and des-Arg-C5a have been purified from bovine serum in milligram amounts. The progress of the purification was followed by measuring the chemotactic activity of the complement fragments. The two polypeptides induce activation of neutrophil-oriented locomotion and secretion with very similar dose/response effects. After preparing a rabbit antiserum to bovine C5a/des-Arg-C5a, a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was set up for the detection of C5a from 5 ng/mol to 1 microgram/ml. The complete primary structure of bovine C5a, which consists of 74 amino acids, has been determined by sequence analysis of the tryptic peptides, aligned by peptides derived from a chymotryptic digest, and by partially sequencing the intact molecule. Bovine C5a has a sequence homology of 78% and 70% with porcine and human C5a, respectively, reacts with an antiserum to porcine C5a and is recognized by cell surface receptors on human neutrophils. Finally, the secondary structure of bovine C5a was investigated by circular dicroic spectroscopy and predicted from the amino acid sequence. A comparison of the content and distribution of alpha-helical and/or hydropathic regions, suggests that the three-dimensional structure of C5a might be modeled from the known crystal structure of the homologous C3a molecule.  相似文献   
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