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Bloom Syndrome and Maternal Uniparental Disomy for Chromosome 15   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Bloom syndrome (BS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by increases in the frequency of sister-chromatid exchange and in the incidence of malignancy. Chromosome-transfer studies have shown the BS locus to map to chromosome 15q. This report describes a subject with features of both BS and Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). Molecular analysis showed maternal uniparental disomy for chromosome 15. Meiotic recombination between the two disomic chromosomes 15 has resulted in heterodisomy for proximal 15q and isodisomy for distal 15q. In this individual BS is probably due to homozygosity for a gene that is telomeric to D15S95 (15q25), rather than to genetic imprinting, the mechanism responsible for the development of PWS. This report represents the first application of disomy analysis to the regional localization of a disease gene. This strategy promises to be useful in the genetic mapping of other uncommon autosomal recessive conditions.  相似文献   
The release of alanine and glutamine from perfused muscle of trained and control animals was investigated. Release rates did not differ between trained and control muscle at rest. During contractions in trained muscle, alanine release was higher than at rest, while glutamine release was transiently increased. Phenylalanine release did not differ between trained and control muscle, implying that protein degradation was not increased in trained muscle. The muscle cellular adaptations to training include a selective modification of amino acid output, which could potentially influence gluconeogenic flux and alter muscle ammonia levels during contractions.  相似文献   
This study examines the mechanism by which TGF-β1, an important mediator of cell growth and differentiation, blocks the differentiation of normal rat diploid fetal osteoblasts in vitro. We have established that the inability for pre-osteoblasts to differentiate is associated with changes in the expression of cell growth, matrix forming, and bone related genes. These include histone, jun B, c-fos, collagen, fibronectin, osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase, and osteopontin. Morphologically, the TGF-β1-treated osteoblasts exhibit an elongated, spread shape as opposed to the characteristic cuboidal appearance during the early stages of growth. This is followed by a decrease in the number of bone nodules formed and the amount of calcium deposition. These effects on differentiation can occur without dramatic changes in cell growth if TGF-β1 is given for a short time early in the proliferative phase. However, continuous exposure to TGF-β1 leads to a bifunctional growth response from a negative effect during the proliferative phase to a positive growth effect during the later matrix maturation and mineralization phases of the osteoblast developmental sequence. Extracellular matrix genes, fibronectin, osteopontin and α1(I) collagen, are altered in their expression pattern which may provide an aberrant matrix environment for mineralization and osteoblast maturation and potentiate the TGF-β1 response throughout the course of osteoblast differentiation. The initiation of a TGF-β1 effect on cell growth and differentiation is restricted to the proliferative phase of the culture before the cells express the mature osteoblastic phenotype. Second passage cells that are accelerated to differentiate by the addition of dexamethasone or by seeding cultures at a high density are refractory to TGF-β1. These in vitro results indicate that TGF-β1 exerts irreversible effects at a specific stage of osteoblast phenotype development resulting in a potent inhibition of osteoblast differentiation at concentrations from 0.1 ng/ml. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Carbon dioxide consumption during soil development   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Carbon is sequestered in soils by accumulation of recalcitrant organic matter and by bicarbonate weathering of silicate minerals. Carbon fixation by ecosystems helps drive weathering processes in soils and that in turn diverts carbon from annual photosynthesis-soil respiration cycling into the long-term geological carbon cycle. To quantify rates of carbon transfer during soil development in moist temperate grassland and desert scrubland ecosystems, we measured organic and inorganic residues derived from the interaction of soil biota and silicate mineral weathering for twenty-two soil profiles in arkosic sediments of differing ages. In moist temperate grasslands, net annual removal of carbon from the atmosphere by organic carbon accumulation and silicate weathering ranges from about 8.5 g m–2 yr–1 for young soils to 0.7 g M–2 yr–1 for old soils. In desert scrublands, net annual carbon removal is about 0.2 g m–2 yr–1 for young soils and 0.01 g m–2 yr–1 for old soils. In soils of both ecosystems, organic carbon accumulation exceeds CO2 removal by weathering, however, as soils age, rates of CO2 consumption by weathering accounts for greater amounts of carbon sequestration, increasing from 2% to 8% in the grassland soils and from 2% to 40% in the scrubland soils. In soils of desert scrublands, carbonate accumulation far outstrips organic carbon accumulation, but about 90% of this mass is derived from aerosolic sources that do not contribute to long-term sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide.  相似文献   
The 17 kb kps gene cluster of Escherichia coli K1, which encodes the information required for synthesis, assembly and translocation of the polysialic acid capsule of E. coli K1, is divided into three functional regions. Region 3 contains two genes, kpsM and kpsT, essential for the transport of capsule polymer across the cytoplasmic membrane. The hydrophobicity profile of KpsM suggests that it is an integral membrane protein while KpsT contains a consensus ATP-binding site. KpsM and KpsT belong to the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of membrane transporters. In this study, we investigate the topology of KpsM within the cytoplasmic membrane using β-lactamase fusions and alkaline phosphatase sandwich fusions. Our analysis provides evidence for a model of KpsM having six membrane-spanning regions, with the N- and C-terminal domains facing the cytoplasm, and a short domain within the third periplasmic loop, which we refer to as the SV–SVI linker localizing in the membrane. Protease digestion studies are consistent with regions of KpsM exposed to the periplasmic space. In vivo cross-linking studies provide support for dimerization of KpsM within the cytoplasmic membrane. Linker-insertion and site-directed mutagenesis define the N-terminus, the first cytoplasmic loop, and the SV-SVI linker as regions that are important for the function of KpsM in K1 polymer transport.  相似文献   
Recent literature indicates that specific glycosaminoglycanstructures are involved in various biological processes, suchas anticoagulation, growth factor activation and viral infection.The initial step in the structural analysis of glycosaminoglycansis a definitive compositional analysis of its characteristicdisaccharide repeat structures. Current chromatographic or electrophoreticprocedures may have limitations in analysing glycosaminoglycansamples that are in low abundance, contain novel structuresthat need to be further characterized, or are metabolicallylabelled from radioactive precursors as a result of biosyntheticexperiments. This study presents a new methodology for analysingdisaccharides and oligosaccharides derived from chondroitinsulphate, dermatan sulphate and hyaluronan that fulfils theabove criteria. The procedure involves the separation of reducedforms of these glycoconjugates on a CarboPac PA1 column usingalkaline eluants. This study adopted a strategy which uses specificenzymes to release these disaccharides from their glycosaminoglycanforms. A borohydride reduction reaction was modified to be compatiblewith the buffer conditions commonly used with these enzymesin order to quantitatively reduce the disaccharides to theiralditol forms (thereby stabilizing them to alkaline pH). Chromatographyconditions were established which separated all known disaccharidealditol structures from chondroitin sulphate, dermatan sulphateand hyaluronan with extremely high resolution in a single run.Integrated pulsed amperometry was compared to UV absorbancemeasurement at 232 nm as two sensitive methods for detectingthese reduced disaccharides; most of them could be routinelydetected in the range of 50–500 ng. Data are presentedapplying this method to quantify hyaluronan in a biologicalsample which contains {small tilde}5000 cells and only {smalltilde}10 ng of hyaluronan. Additional data are presented todemonstrate that this procedure will also separate oligosaccharidealditols derived from hyaluronan. borohydride reduction glycosaminoglycans integrated pulsed amperometry  相似文献   
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