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The TE671 human medulloblastoma cell line expresses a variety of characteristics of human neurons. Among these characteristics is the expression of membrane-bound high-affinity binding sites for alpha-bungarotoxin, which is a potent antagonist of functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on these cells. These toxin binding sites represent a class of nicotinic receptor isotypes present in mammalian brain. Treatment of TE671 cells during proliferative growth phase with nicotine or carbamylcholine, but not with muscarine or d-tubocurarine, induced up to a five-fold increase in the density of radiolabeled toxin binding sites in crude membrane fractions. This effect was blocked by co-incubation with the nicotinic antagonists d-tubocurarine and decamethonium, but not by mecamylamine or by muscarinic antagonists. Following a 10-13 h lag phase upon removal of agonist, recovery of the up-regulated sites to control values occurred within an additional 10-20 h. These studies indicate that the expression of functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on TE671 cells is subject to regulation by nicotinic agonists. Studies of the murine CNS have consistently indicated nicotine-induced up-regulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, thereby supporting the identification of the toxin binding site on these cells as the functional nicotinic receptor. Although a mechanism for this effect is not apparent, nicotine-induced receptor blockade does not appear to be involved.  相似文献   
Intravenously administered bombesin lowered basal PRL levels in conscious male rats and prevented the morphine, bremazocine and stress-induced PRL secretion. The same dose of bombesin had no effect on PRL levels in alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine pretreated rats and did not affect haloperidol-stimulated PRL release. These results show that bombesin given intravenously acts as an inhibitor of PRL secretion and suggests that it does not act on the lactotrope itself but rather by an increase of the inhibitory dopaminergic tone.  相似文献   
Membrane proteins labeled in vivo from cold-acclimated and ABA-treatedalfalfa seedlings of two cultivars differing in cold-tolerancehave been compared by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisand fluorography. Results thus obtained indicate that severalqualitative changes occur in the membrane protein-profile specificallyin response to cold acclimation or ABA treatment. While somepolypeptides disappear from the non-acclimated protein patterns,others specifically appear in response to acclimation. Separationby two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and fluorography hasconfirmed the above and has enabled us to detect two proteinsof Mr 42 kDa and 120 kDa that are induced by both acclimationand ABA treatment in the freezing tolerant cultivar. (Received November 30, 1987; Accepted February 22, 1988)  相似文献   
Adenosine-triphosphatase activity on the plasmalemma and tonoplast of isolated mesophyll protoplasts, isolated vacuoles and tonoplast-derived microsomes of the Crassulacean-acid-metabolism plant Kalanchoe daigremontiana Hamet et Perr., was localized by a cytochemical procedure using lead citrate. Enzyme activity was detected on the cytoplasmic surfaces of the plasmalemma and tonoplast. The identity of the enzymes was confirmed by various treatments differentiating the enzymes by their sensitivity to inhibitors of plasmalemma and tonoplast H+-ATPase. Isolated vacuoles and microsomes prepared from isolated vacuoles clearly exhibited single-sided deposition on membrane surfaces.Abbveviations CAM Crassulacean acid metabolism - H+-ATPase proton-translocating ATPase  相似文献   
Murine squamous carcinoma cells (KLN205) grown in a medium supplemented with the retinoid, 13-cis retinoic acid (RA), had dose-dependent, selective increases in the expression of certain lectin receptors, which correlated with a dramatic decrease in the ability to form pulmonary colonies (P ?.0003) (Couch MJ, Pauli BU, Weinstein RS, Coon JS: JNCI, 78:971 ?977, 1987). These findings suggest a possible relationship between the RA-induced glycoconjugate alterations and the decreased experimental metastatic behavior. We further define the mechanism of RA's action. The finding that RA treatment (5 × 10?6 M, 5 × 10?7 M) did not perturb the cell cycle of KLN205 cells provides further proof that the decreased metastatic behavior is not attributable to any inhibition in the rate of growth or to alterations in the cell cycle. Furthermore, since stable subpopulations with variable lectin binding could not be detected, the mechanism of RA's action does not appear to be due to selection of variant tumor-cell subpopulations. Finally, in a scries of experiments designed to determine the reversibility of the RA treatment, the RA-induced decrease in metastatic behavior reverted back to a more metastatic state in the same time frame (3 days) as the reversion of the RA-induced changes in cell-surface glycoconjugate expression. This reversion provides further evidence for a close relationship between the RA-induced modulation of tumor cell-surface glycoconjugate expression and the decreased metastatic behavior; it suggests that transient, reversible modulation of the tumor cell surface may play a role in determining metastatic behavior.  相似文献   
Development of empirical feeding models for a benthic predator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Feeding on Chironomus riparius, Glyptotendipes paripes (Chironomidae). and Daphnia magna by the predatory freshwater leech, Nephelopsis obscura , was investigated in the laboratory and predictive models developed to estimate prey capture rate in the field. Experimental arena (container) size significantly affected predation rates when arena diameter was less than twice the total body length of the predator. Both chironomid and Daphnia magna capture rates were influenced by predator size, temperature and prey density.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effect of daily relaxation on concentrations of serum immunoglobulins A, G, and M and secretion rates of salivary immunoglobulin A (S-IgA). Twenty-four volunteers were randomly assigned to practice a relaxation technique daily for 3 weeks and 16 to a waiting list control condition. Blood and saliva samples were collected before and after a supervised 20-min relaxation session at the beginning and end of the 3-week practice period. S-IgA secretion rate increased significantly (p<.001) after 20 min of relaxation. A longer-term practice effect also occurred in that the increase in secretion rate in before to after relaxation samples was higher (p=.014) in subjects who had practiced relaxation once a day for 3 weeks than in waiting list control subjects practicing for the first time. Serum IgA (p<.001), IgG (p<.001), and igM (p<.05) increased significantly over the 3-week practice period. Relaxation may be a self-regulating strategy affecting both humoral and cellular divisions of the immune system.Parts of this paper were presented at the annual meeting of the Biofeedback Society of America, March 1987. Materials for the IgA assays were provided by Cooper Biomedical, Malvern, Pennsylvania.  相似文献   
Summary Baculovirus-derived recombinant simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor antigen (SV40 T-Ag), a monoclonal antibody specific for SV40 T-Ag (Ab-1 preparation), and a monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibody (anti-Id), designated 58D, were used to analyze the humoral immune response of Balb/c mice either immunized with recombinant SV40 T-Ag or challenged with SV40-transformed cells. Inhibition assays indicated that antibodies from mice immunized with SV40 T-Ag and from those bearing SV40 tumor inhibited the SV40 T-Ag/Ab-1 reaction. These data suggested that the antibody response in immunized or tumorchallenged mice recognized similar epitope(s) on SV40 T-Ag to that detected by the monoclonal Ab-1. These anti-(SV40 T-Ag) response antibodies also inhibited the Ab-1/anti-Id reaction and recognized the anti-Id in direct binding assays. Together, these data indicate that murine anti-(SV40 T-Ag) responses shared an idiotope with a monoclonal anti-(SV40 T-Ag) Ab-1 preparation. This idiotope, which is recognized by the monoclonal anti-Id preparation, 58D, appears to be involved in the humoral immune response to SV40 T-Ag in both SV40-T-Ag-immunized and tumor-bearing mice. The monoclonal anti-Id preparation may represent a focal point for manipulating the humoral immune response to tumors induced by SV40-transformed cells.  相似文献   
Summary Temperature effects on calling song production and recognition were investigated in the North American field cricket, Gryllus firmus. Temporal parameters of field-recorded G. firmus calling song are strongly affected by temperature. Chirp rate and syllable rate increase, by factors of 4 and 2, respectively, as linear functions of temperature over the range in which these animals sing in the field (12°–30 °C). Temperature affects syllable duration to a lesser extent, and does not influence calling song carrier frequency. Female phonotactic preference, measured on a spherical treadmill in the laboratory, also changes with temperature such that warmer females prefer songs with faster chirp and syllable rates. Best phonotaxis, measured as accuracy of orientation to the sound source, and highest walking velocity, occur in response to temperature-matched songs at 15°, 21°, and 30 °C. Experiments under semi-natural conditions in an outdoor arena revealed that females perform phonotaxis at temperatures as low as 13 °C. Taken together, the song and phonotaxis data demonstrate that this communication system is temperature coupled. A strategy is outlined by which temperature coupling may be exploited to test hypotheses about the organization of neural networks subserving song recognition.Abbreviations CP chirp period - SP syllable period - SD syllable duration  相似文献   
Summary The anterior burster neuron of the lobster (Panulirus interruptus) stomatogastric ganglion is a conditional burster that functions as the primary pacemaker for the pyloric motor network. When modulatory inputs to this cell are blocked, it loses its bursting properties and becomes quiescent. Applications of the monoamines, dopamine, octopamine or serotonin restore rhythmic bursting in this cell (Flamm and Harris-Warrick 1986). At 15 °C, serotonin- and octopamine-induced oscillations depend critically upon sodium entry (blocked by low sodium saline or tetrodotoxin); dopamine-induced oscillations depend upon calcium entry (blocked by reduced extracellular calcium; Harris-Warrick and Flamm 1987). We show here that the ionic dependence of amine-induced oscillations in the anterior burster cell differs at 15 and 21 °C. At 21 °C, all amines have the potential to induce rhythmic oscillations in saline containing tetrodotoxin. At the elevated temperature and in tetrodotoxin, both calcium and sodium currents are essential for the maintenance of dopamine-induced oscillaions; serotonin-induced oscillations do not depend upon either calcium or sodium alone; octopamine-induced oscillations do not depend upon calcium and show a variable dependence upon sodium. Thus, multiple ionic mechanisms, which vary with both the modulator and the ambient temperature, can be recruited to support rhythmic activity in a conditional burster neuron.Abbreviations AB anterior burster - PD pyloric dilator - PY pyloric constrictor - DA dopamine - 5HT serotonin - Oct octopamine - STG stomatogastric ganglion - TTX tetrodotoxin - GSP graded synaptic potential  相似文献   
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