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This account describes the comparative response of four species of benthic invertebrates to burial in terms of vertical migration and mortality, and provides a synthesis of studies and recommendations upon which to assess future impacts. The species featured were the bivalve Mercenaries mercenaria, the amphipod crustacean Parahaustorius longimerus, and the polychaetes Scoloplos fragilis and Nereis succinea. There was evidence of synergistic effects on burrowing activity and mortality with changes in time of burial, sediment depth, sediment type and temperature. In sediment with silt-clay, N. succinea was the most resistant species followed by M. mercenaria, S. fragilis and P. longimerus. In sediment without silt-clay the order of percent mortality was reversed. Studies of surface water chemistry and sediment geochemistry showed that dissolved oxygen decreased significantly and ammonia and sulfide increased significantly between the surface and below 2.0 cm within a 15-day period. Based on these results and physiological tolerances from the literature it was concluded that M. mercenaria and N. succinea would be relatively resistant to chemical effects of spoil disposal, whereas S. fragilis and P. longimerus would be less resistant to such effects. Vertical migration of benthic invertebrates through dredge disposal can be a viable mechanism of recolonization under certain conditions. Some effects of burial of benthos can be predicted based on morphology, behavior and physiology. These biological features were discussed with examples dealing with molluscs, crustaceans, and polychaetes. Finally, recommendations were made concerning the type of studies to provide additional data to aid management agencies in decision making about future dredging and disposal practices.  相似文献   
Habitat loss is the most prevalent threat to biodiversity in North America. One of the most threatened landscapes in the United States is the sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) ecosystem, much of which has been fragmented or converted to non‐native grasslands via the cheatgrass‐fire cycle. Like many sagebrush obligates, greater sage‐grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) depend upon sagebrush for food and cover and are affected by changes to this ecosystem. We investigated habitat selection by 28 male greater sage‐grouse during each of 3 years after a 113,000‐ha wildfire in a sagebrush steppe ecosystem in Idaho and Oregon. During the study period, seeding and herbicide treatments were applied for habitat restoration. We evaluated sage‐grouse responses to vegetation and post‐fire restoration treatments. Throughout the 3 years post‐fire, sage‐grouse avoided areas with high exotic annual grass cover but selected strongly for recovering sagebrush and moderately strongly for perennial grasses. By the third year post‐fire, they preferred high‐density sagebrush, especially in winter when sagebrush is the primary component of the sage‐grouse diet. Sage‐grouse preferred forb habitat immediately post‐fire, especially in summer, but this selection preference was less strong in later years. They also selected areas that were intensively treated with herbicide and seeded with sagebrush, grasses, and forbs, although these responses varied with time since treatment. Wildfire can have severe consequences for sagebrush‐obligate species due to loss of large sagebrush plants used for food and for protection from predators and thermal extremes. Our results show that management efforts, including herbicide application and seeding of plants, directed at controlling exotic annual grasses after a wildfire can positively affect habitat selection by sage‐grouse.  相似文献   
In rhesus monkeys undergoing ovarian stimulation for in vitro fertilization (IVF), a midcycle injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) substitutes for the LH surge and induces preovulatory oocyte maturation. The time interval between injection and oocyte collection, ideally, allows for the completion of oocyte maturation without ovulation, which would reduce the number of oocytes available for harvest. To evaluate the influence of this time interval on oocyte parameters following hCG administration, we conducted a series of gonadotropin treatment protocols in 51 animals in which the interval from hCG administration to follicular aspiration was systematically varied from 27 to 36 hr. Follicle number and size, evaluated prior to hCG administration by sonography, did not vary significantly or consistently with preovulatory maturation time. Oocytes were harvested by laparotomy or laparoscopy, and scored for maturity before insemination. The percentage of mature, metaphase II (MII) oocytes at recovery increased significantly with increasing preovulatory time and was inversely proportional to that of metaphase I (MI) oocytes. However, oocyte yield tended toward a progressive decrease with increasing preovulatory maturation times from a high of 27 oocytes at 27 hr to a low of 17 oocytes/animal at the 36 hr time interval. Fertilization levels declined significantly from a high of 50% at 27 hr to a low of 30% at 36 hr. Thus, although higher percentages of mature oocytes were recovered at the longer time intervals, optimal oocyte/embryo harvests were realized after the shorter time intervals (27 and 32 hr) and are most compatible with the goal of achieving high yields of fertile oocytes and embryos following gonadotropin stimulation in rhesus monkeys. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Bioenergy has to meet increasing sustainability criteria in the EU putting conventional bioenergy crops under pressure. Alternatively, perennial bioenergy crops, such as Miscanthus, show higher greenhouse gas savings with similarly high energy yields. In addition, Miscanthus plantations may sequester additional soil organic carbon (SOC) to mitigate climate change. As the land‐use change in cropland to Miscanthus involves a C3‐C4 vegetation change (VC), it is possible to determine the dynamic of Miscanthus‐derived SOC (C4 carbon) and of the old SOC (C3 carbon) by the isotopic ratio of 13C to 12C. We sampled six croplands and adjacent Miscanthus plantations exceeding the age of 10 years across Europe. We found a mean C4 carbon sequestration rate of 0.78 ± 0.19 Mg ha?1 yr?1, which increased with mean annual temperature. At three of six sites, we found a significant increase in C3 carbon due to the application of organic fertilizers or difference in baseline SOC, which we define as non‐VC‐induced SOC changes. The Rothamsted Carbon Model was used to disentangle the decomposition of old C3 carbon and the non‐VC‐induced C3 carbon changes. Subsequently, this method was applied to eight more sites from the literature, resulting in a climate‐dependent VC‐induced SOC sequestration rate (0.40 ± 0.20 Mg ha?1 yr?1), as a step toward a default SOC change function for Miscanthus plantations on former croplands in Europe. Furthermore, we conducted a SOC fractionation to assess qualitative SOC changes and the incorporation of C4 carbon into the soil. Sixteen years after Miscanthus establishment, 68% of the particulate organic matter (POM) was Miscanthus‐derived in 0–10 cm depth. POM was thus the fastest cycling SOC fraction with a C4 carbon accumulation rate of 0.33 ± 0.05 Mg ha?1 yr?1. Miscanthus‐derived SOC also entered the NaOCl‐resistant fraction, comprising 12% in 0–10 cm, which indicates that this fraction was not an inert SOC pool.  相似文献   
Intestinal helminth parasites (worms) have afflicted humans throughout history and their eggs are readily detected in archaeological deposits including at locations where intestinal parasites are no longer considered endemic (e.g. the UK). Parasites provide valuable archaeological insights into historical health, sanitation, hygiene, dietary and culinary practices, as well as other factors. Differences in the prevalence of helminths over time may help us understand factors that affected the rate of infection of these parasites in past populations. While communal deposits often contain relatively high numbers of parasite eggs, these cannot be used to calculate prevalence rates, which are a key epidemiological measure of infection. The prevalence of intestinal helminths was investigated through time in England, based on analysis of 464 human burials from 17 sites, dating from the Prehistoric to Industrial periods. Eggs from two faecal-oral transmitted nematodes (Ascaris sp. and Trichuris sp.) and the food-derived cestodes (Taenia spp. and Diphyllobothrium latum syn Dibothriocephalus latus) were identified, although only Ascaris was detected at a high frequency. The changing prevalence of nematode infections can be attributed to changes in effective sanitation or other factors that affect these faecal-oral transmitted parasites and the presence of cestode infections reflect dietary and culinary preferences. These results indicate that the impact of helminth infections on past populations varied over time, and that some locations witnessed a dramatic reduction in parasite prevalence during the industrial era (18th-19th century), whereas other locations continued to experience high prevalence levels. The factors underlying these reductions and the variation in prevalence provide a key historical context for modern anthelmintic programs.  相似文献   


HIV in Vietnam and Southern China is driven by injection drug use. We have implemented HIV prevention interventions for IDUs since 2002–2003 in Lang Son and Ha Giang Provinces, Vietnam and Ning Ming County (Guangxi), China.


Interventions provide peer education and needle/syringe distribution. Evaluation employed serial cross-sectional surveys of IDUs 26 waves from 2002 to 2011, including interviews and HIV testing. Outcomes were HIV risk behaviors, HIV prevalence and incidence. HIV incidence estimation used two methods: 1) among new injectors from prevalence data; and 2) a capture enzyme immunoassay (BED testing) on all HIV+ samples.


We found significant declines in drug-related risk behaviors and sharp reductions in HIV prevalence among IDUs (Lang Son from 46% to 23% [p<0.001], Ning Ming: from 17% to 11% [p = 0.003], and Ha Giang: from 51% to 18% [p<0.001]), reductions not experienced in other provinces without such interventions. There were significant declines in HIV incidence to low levels among new injectors through 36–48 months, then some rebound, particularly in Ning Ming, but BED-based estimates revealed significant reductions in incidence through 96 months.


This is one of the longest studies of HIV prevention among IDUs in Asia. The rebound in incidence among new injectors may reflect sexual transmission. BED-based estimates may overstate incidence (because of false-recent results in patients with long-term infection or on ARV treatment) but adjustment for false-recent results and survey responses on duration of infection generally confirm BED-based incidence trends. Combined trends from the two estimation methods show sharp declines in incidence to low levels. The significant downward trends in all primary outcome measures indicate that the Cross-Border interventions played an important role in bringing HIV epidemics among IDUs under control. The Cross-Border project offers a model of HIV prevention for IDUs that should be considered for large-scale replication.  相似文献   


To examine herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2)/HIV co-infection as a contributing factor in the increase in HIV infection among non-injecting heroin and cocaine users in New York City.


Subjects were recruited from the Beth Israel Medical Center drug detoxification and methadone maintenance programs in New York City in 1995–1999 and 2005–2011. All reported current heroin and/or cocaine use and no injection drug use. A structured questionnaire was administered and serum samples collected for HIV and HSV-2 testing. Population-attributable risk percentages (PAR%s) were estimated for associations between HSV-2 and increased susceptibility to and increased transmissibility of HIV among female NIDUs.


785 subjects were recruited from 1995–1999, and 1764 subjects from 2005–2011. HIV prevalence increased from 7% to 13%, with nearly uniform increases among all demographic subgroups. HSV-2/HIV co-infection was common in both time periods, with an average (over the two time periods) of 80% of HIV negative females infected with HSV-2, an average of 43% of HIV negative males infected with HSV-2; an average of 97% of HIV positive females also infected with HSV-2 and an average of 67% of HIV positive males also infected with HSV-2. The increase in HIV prevalence was predominantly an increase in HSV-2/HIV co-infection, with relatively little HIV mono-infection in either time period. The estimated PAR%s indicate that approximately half of HIV acquisition among females was caused by HSV-2 infection and approximately 60% of HIV transmission from females was due to HSV-2 co-infection.


The increase in HIV infection among these non-injecting drug users is better considered as an increase in HSV-2/HIV co-infection rather than simply an increase in HIV prevalence. Additional interventions (such as treatment as prevention and suppressing the effects of HSV-2 on HIV transmission) are needed to reduce further HIV transmission from HSV-2/HIV co-infected non-injecting drug users.  相似文献   
Plasmid pJP4 is an 80-kilobase, IncP1, broad-host-range conjugative plasmid of Alcaligenes eutrophus encoding resistance to mercuric chloride and phenyl mercury acetate and degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, and 3-chlorobenzoate. By the use of cloning, transposon mutagenesis, and restriction endonuclease analysis, a biophysical and genetic map of pJP4 was generated.  相似文献   
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