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In the Calvin cycle of eubacteria, the dephosphorylations of both fructose-1, 6-bisphosphate (FBP) and sedoheptulose-1, 7-bisphosphate (SBP) are catalyzed by the same bifunctional enzyme: fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase/sedoheptulose-1, 7-bisphosphatase (F/SBPase), while in that of eukaryotic chloroplasts by two distinct enzymes: chloroplastic fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) and sedoheptulose-1, 7-bisphosphatase (SBPase), respectively. It was proposed that these two eukaryotic enzymes arose from the divergence of a common ancestral eubacterial bifunctional F/SBPase of mitochondrial origin. However, no specific affinity between SBPase and eubacterial FBPase or F/SBPase can be observed in the previous phylogenetic analyses, and it is hard to explain why SBPase and/or F/SBPase are/is absent from most extant nonphotosynthetic eukaryotes according to this scenario.


Domain analysis indicated that eubacterial F/SBPase of two different resources contain distinct domains: proteobacterial F/SBPases contain typical FBPase domain, while cyanobacterial F/SBPases possess FBPase_glpX domain. Therefore, like prokaryotic FBPase, eubacterial F/SBPase can also be divided into two evolutionarily distant classes (Class I and II). Phylogenetic analysis based on a much larger taxonomic sampling than previous work revealed that all eukaryotic SBPase cluster together and form a close sister group to the clade of epsilon-proteobacterial Class I FBPase which are gluconeogenesis-specific enzymes, while all eukaryotic chloroplast FBPase group together with eukaryotic cytosolic FBPase and form another distinct clade which then groups with the Class I FBPase of diverse eubacteria. Motif analysis of these enzymes also supports these phylogenetic correlations.


There are two evolutionarily distant classes of eubacterial bifunctional F/SBPase. Eukaryotic FBPase and SBPase do not diverge from either of them but have two independent origins: SBPase share a common ancestor with the gluconeogenesis-specific Class I FBPase of epsilon-proteobacteria (or probably originated from that of the ancestor of epsilon-proteobacteria), while FBPase arise from Class I FBPase of an unknown kind of eubacteria. During the evolution of SBPase from eubacterial Class I FBPase, the SBP-dephosphorylation activity was acquired through the transition ??from specialist to generalist??. The evolutionary substitution of the endosymbiotic-origin cyanobacterial bifunctional F/SBPase by the two light-regulated substrate-specific enzymes made the regulation of the Calvin cycle more delicate, which contributed to the evolution of eukaryotic photosynthesis and even the entire photosynthetic eukaryotes.  相似文献   
Insulin is an important regulator of hepatic carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism, and the regulation of these processes by insulin is disturbed under conditions of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Despite these alterations, the impact of insulin resistance on insulin signalling in the liver is not well defined. Variations in time and dose of insulin stimulation as well as plasma glucose levels may underlie this. The present study aimed at determining the dynamics of activation of hepatic insulin signalling in vivo at insulin concentrations resembling those achieved after a meal, and addressing the effects of high-fat feeding. An unexpected finding of this study was the biphasic activation pattern of the IRS-PI3K-PKB/Akt pathway. Our findings indicate that the first burst of activation contributes to regulation of glucose metabolism. The physiological function of the second peak is still unknown, but may involve regulation of protein synthesis. Finally, high-fat feeding caused hepatic insulin resistance, as illustrated by a reduced suppression of hepatic glucose production. A sustained increased phosphorylation of the serine/threonine kinases p70S6kinase and Jun N-terminal kinase in the absence of insulin may underlie the abrogated phosphorylation of the IRS proteins and their downstream targets.  相似文献   
Centrioles are intriguing cylindrical organelles composed of triplet microtubules. Proteomic data suggest that a large number of proteins besides tubulin are necessary for the formation and maintenance of a centriole''s complex structure. Expansion of the preexisting centriole proteome from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii revealed additional human disease genes, emphasizing the significance of centrioles in normal human tissue homeostasis. We found that two classes of ciliary disease genes were highly represented among the basal body proteome: cystic kidney disease (especially nephronophthisis) syndromes, including Meckel/Joubert-like and oral-facial-digital syndrome, caused by mutations in CEP290, MKS1, OFD1, and AHI1/Jouberin proteins and cone-rod dystrophy syndrome genes, including UNC-119/HRG4, NPHP4, and RPGR1. We further characterized proteome of the centriole (POC) 1, a highly abundant WD40 domain-containing centriole protein. We found that POC1 is recruited to nascent procentrioles and localizes in a highly asymmetrical pattern in mature centrioles corresponding to sites of basal-body fiber attachment. Knockdown of POC1 in human cells caused a reduction in centriole duplication, whereas overexpression caused the appearance of elongated centriole-like structures. Together, these data suggest that POC1 is involved in early steps of centriole duplication as well as in the later steps of centriole length control.  相似文献   
To evaluatewhether interferon- (IFN-) is involved in the interaction betweenthe immune and endocrine systems in vivo, we studied six healthysubjects twice in a placebo-controlled trial: once after administrationof recombinant human IFN- and, on another occasion, afteradministration of saline. The rate of appearance of glucose wasdetermined by infusion of[6,6-2H2]glucoseand resting energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry. Human leukocyteantigen-DR gene expression on monocytes and serum neopterin increased after administration of IFN-(P < 0.05 vs. control). IFN-increased serum interleukin-6 levels significantly. Levels of tumornecrosis factor- remained below detection limits. IFN- increasedplasma concentrations of ACTH and cortisol(P < 0.05 vs. control), IFN- didnot alter concentrations of growth hormone,(nor)epinephrine, insulin, C peptide, glucagon, or insulin-like growthfactor I. IFN- did not alter plasma concentrations of glucose andfree fatty acids nor the rate of appearance of glucose. IFN-increased resting energy expenditure significantly. We conclude thatIFN- is a minor stimulator of the endocrine and metabolic pathways.Therefore, IFN- by itself is probably not a major mediator in theinteraction between the immune and the endocrine and metabolic systems.  相似文献   
(1) A flash number dependency of flash-induced absorbance changes was observed with whole cells of Rhodospirillum rubrum and chromatophores of R. rubrum and Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides wild type and the G1C mutant. The oscillatory behavior was dependent on the redox potential; it was observed under oxidizing conditions only. Absorbance difference spectra measured after each flash in the 275--500 nm wavelength region showed that a molecule of ubiquinone, R, is reduced to the semiquinone (R-) after odd-numbered flashes and reoxidized after even-numbered flashes. The amount of R reduced was approximately one molecule per reaction center. (2) The flash number dependency of the electrochromic shift of the carotenoid spectrum was studied with chromatophores of Rps. sphaeroides wild type and the G1C mutant. At higher values of the ambient redox potential a relatively slow phase with a rise time of 30 ms was observed after even-numbered flashes, in addition to the fast phase (completed within 0.2 ms) occurring after each flash. Evidence was obtained that the slow phase represents the formation of an additional membrane potential during a dark reaction that occurs after flashes with an even number. This reaction is inhibited by antimycin A, whereas the oscillations of the R/R- absorbance changes remain unaffected. At low potentials (E = 100 mV) no oscillations of the carotenoid shift were observed: a fast phase was followed by a slow phase (antimycin-sensitive) with a half-time of 3 ms after each flash. (3) The results are discussed in terms of a model for the cyclic electron flow as described by Prince and Dutton (Prince, R.C. and Dutton, P.L. (1976) Bacterial Photosynthesis Conference, Brussels, Belgium, September 6--9, Abstr. TB4) employing the so-called Q-cycle.  相似文献   
Short-term caloric restriction increases plasma levels of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFAs) and is associated with increased myocardial triglyceride (TG) content and decreased myocardial function in healthy subjects. Whether this flexibility of myocardial TG stores and myocardial function is also present in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is yet unknown. Myocardial TG content and left ventricular (LV) ratio between the early (E) and atrial (A) diastolic filling phase (E/A) were determined using magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy and MR imaging, respectively, before and after a 3-day very low-calorie diet (VLCD) in 11 patients with T2DM. In addition, we studied patients after a 3-day VLCD combined with the antilipolytic drug acipimox. The VLCD induced myocardial TG accumulation [from 0.66 +/- 0.09% (mean +/- SE, baseline) to 0.98 +/- 0.16%, P = 0.028] and a decrease in E/A ratio [from 1.00 +/- 0.05 (baseline) to 0.90 +/- 0.06, P = 0.002]. This was associated with increased plasma NEFA levels (from 0.57 +/- 0.08 mmol/l at baseline to 0.92 +/- 0.12, P = 0.019). After the VLCD with acipimox, myocardial TG content, diastolic function, and plasma NEFA levels were similar to baseline values. In conclusion, in patients with T2DM, a VLCD increases myocardial TG content and is associated with a decrease in LV diastolic function. These effects were not observed when a VLCD was combined with acipimox, illustrating the physiological flexibility of myocardial TG stores and myocardial function in patients with T2DM.  相似文献   
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