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Abstract: Calcium/calmodulin-stimulated protein kinase II (CaMPK II). a major kinase in brain, has been established to play an important role in neurotransmitter release and organization of postsynaptic receptors, and it is known to be involved in long-term potentiation and memory. Less is known about the function of this enzyme in nonneural cells. Here we report on the production, presence, and phosphorylation of the α-subunit of CaM-PK II in primary cultures of cerebral endothelial cells. These results raise the possibility that α-CaM-PK II can act as one of the key enzymes of calcium-mediated intracellular signaling in the cerebral endothelial cells and suggest that α-CaM-PK II may participate in such basic cellular processes as permeability in physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   
Three new benthic dinoflagellate species, Prorocentrum belizeanum, Prorocentrum elegans, and Prorocentrum caribbaeum, from mangrove floating detritus are described from scanning electron micrographs. Species were identified based on shape, size, surface micromorphology, ornamentation of thecal plates, and architecture of the periflagellar area and intercalary band. Cells of P. belizeanum are round to slightly oval with a cell size of 55–60 μm long and 50–55 μm wide. Areolae are round and numerous (853–1024 per valve) and range from 0.66 to 0.83 μm in size. The periflagellar area of P. belizeanum is a broad V-shaped depression; it accommodates a flagellar and an auxiliary pore and a flared, curved apical collar. The intercalary band of P. belizeanum is horizontally striated. Prorocentrum elegans is a small species 15–20 μm long and 10–14 μm wide, with an ovate cell shape. The thecal surface is smooth. Two sizes of valve pores were recognized: large, round pores (20–22 per valve) arranged in a distinct pattern and smaller pores situated in an array along the intercalary band. The periflagellar area is V-shaped; it accommodates an uneven sized flagellar pore, an auxiliary pore, and an angled protuberant flagellar plate. The intercalary band is transversely striated. It is a bloom-forming species. Prorocentrum caribbaeum cells are heart-shaped with a rounded anterior end and a pointed posterior end. Cells range from 40 to 45 μm long and 30 to 35 μm wide. Thecal surface has two different-sized pores: large, round pores (145–203 per valve) arranged perpendicularly from the posterior margins, and small, round pores unevenly distributed on the thecal surface. The periflagellar area is ornate. It is V-shaped with a curved apical collar located next to the auxiliary pore; a smaller protuberant apical plate is adjacent to the flagellar pore. The intercalary band is transversely striated and sinuous. Cells are active swimmers.  相似文献   
The sequence determination of several genomic clones isolated from the Mediterranean fruitfly Ceratitis capitata identified the existence of opa-like repeats, often more than one being clustered in small chromosomal segments. These repeats have previously been shown to consist of stretches of tandemly reiterated glutamine-encoding residues, and they are found in multiple genes of several organisms. Most of the repeats described here are flanked or interrupted by stop codons in all reading frames and, thus, could not possibly be part of protein-coding sequences. Furthermore, these repeats, of which there are several hundred in the genome of the Medfly, can be used effectively for the determination of sequence polymorphisms, providing a convenient approach to obtain additional landmarks for the construction of genomic maps of this economically important insect.This paper is dedicated to the memory of our colleague and friend Dr. Jim Flach who took part in the initial phase of this work and died during the course of the investigation.  相似文献   
Vertical distribution of planktonic rotifers in a karstic meromictic lake   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Vertical distribution of planktonic rotifers is described in relation to temperature and oxygen in Lake La Cruz, a single-doline, closed karstic lake (121 m diameter and 25 m maximum depth) which shows iron meromixis. Samples were taken by peristaltic pumping at 10 cm depth intervals in the oxycline zone from June 1987 to September 1988. A model of rotifer vertical structure in stratified lakes is proposed. Rotifers concentrate their populations at the depths with intense gradients. As stratification develops some rotifer populations show a downward migration following the thermocline and some others show an upward migration following the oxycline. The production-respiration balance in the lake, and so the position of the oxycline with respect to the thermocline and the layer of maximum production, depends on meteorological conditions. A shift in the dominance of congeneric or related species can occur in consecutive years. In Lake La Cruz, mixing conditions and subterranean inflow in spring were much more intense in 1988 than 1987, and the distance between production and decomposition depths was smaller in 1988. Anuraeopsis miraclei, an oxycline-bound species with high abundance in 1987, was displaced by A. fissa in 1988. A. fissa, which was a metalimnetic species during early summer, reached peak densities (3 × 104 ind l–1) at the oxycline, equaling the abundance of A. miraclei the preceeding year.  相似文献   
Mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of the Antarctic lysianassoid amphipod Waldeckia obesa are described. The modal chromosome number is n = 25 and 2n = 50. The potential applications of cytogenetical studies in this group are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Eighteen populations, composed of four wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties that were originally mixed together at equal frequencies, were grown for one-to-three generations at two locations. In addition, pure stands of the four varieties were grown in each year. Populations were either exposed to two stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) races, protected from stripe rust, or exposed to alternating years of diseased and disease-free conditions. Regression of the logit of a variety's frequency versus generation number was used to calculate the relative fitness of each variety in each population. These analyses suggest that the relative fitnesses of the wheat varieties were affected by disease and geographic location and were constant over time. However, frequency-changes of varieties in the mixtures were negatively correlated with their planting frequencies (0.0001 < P < 0.085 in 14 out of 16 cases), suggesting that fitnesses were frequency-dependent in both the presence and absence of disease. We hypothesize that failure to detect frequency-dependence of fitness in the logit analyses was due to a limited number of generations and a limited range of initial variety frequencies. This is supported by data from longer-term studies in the literature that provide evidence for frequency-dependence of fitness in plant mixtures. Analyses of currently available field data suggest that stable equilibria may be a more likely outcome for mixtures of varieties that are more closely related and/or more uniformly adapted to the environment in which they are grown.Paper No. 9820 of the journal series of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   
In situ hybridization of a telomeric (TTA-GGG) n sequence to metaphases from three cases of ring chromosome, involving respectively chromosomes 4, 16, and 20, showed the presence of the cognate sequences in all three rings. To investigate whether these ring chromosomes originated by telomere-telomere fusion, we determined, by in situ hybridization, whether telomere-associated sequences and/or specific distal sequences were still present in the ring chromosomes. The finding that these sequences were preserved in all the ring chromosomes strongly indicates that they originated by telomere-telomere fusion. All three subjects carrying the ring chromosomes are affected by the so-called ring syndrome, with failure to thrive, minor dysmorphic signs and no major anomalies. The r(4) patient has the ring in mosaic form with a normal cell line and has normal intelligence. The r(16) and the r(20) patients have moderate mental retardation and suffer from seizures. We conclude that the ring syndrome, even in its more severe manifestation, is caused by ring chromosome instability.  相似文献   
Four families, each with two individuals affectecd by Rett Syndrome (RS), were analysed using restriction fragment lenght polymorphisms and microsatellite markers from the X chromosome. In two of the families, X-linked dominant inheritance of the RS defect from a germinally mosaic mother could be assumed. Therefore, maternal X chromosome markers showing discordant inheritance were used to exclude regions of the X chromosome as locations of the RS gene. Much of the short arm could be excluded, including regions containing three candidate genes, OTC, synapsin 1 and synaptophysin. Although most of the long arm was inherited in common it was possible to exclude a centromeric region. Inheritance of X chromosome markers is also presented for two families with affected aunt-niece pairs, one of which has not been previously studied at the DNA level.  相似文献   
An in vitro superfusion method was used to test sex hormone release from different kinds of ovarian follicle (growing follicles, postovulatory follicles, and atretic follicles) in the lizard Podarcis sicula sicula. Sex hormone output changes with the stage of follicle evolution and sexual cycle. Previtellogenetic follicles prevail in early-spring quiescent ovaries and secrete mainly progesterone, which is probably utilized at that phase to delay ovarian resumption. In the active ovary, progesterone output from previtellogenetic follicles decreases, whereas vitellogenetic follicles produce a significant amount of 17β-estradiol, which is necessary for sustaining vitellogenin synthesis by the liver and oviduct growth. As follicles become ripe, progesterone production is resumed, and it increases in young postovulatory follicles. This is in line with the functions assigned to the hormone at that phase of the sexual cycle, i.e., the induction of oocyte maturation and the regulation of egg retention in the oviduct. Postovulatory follicles can also synthetize 17β-estradiol. After oviposition, this hormone, which is secreted by the old postovulatory follicles, can reinitiate vitellogenin synthesis, allowing the development of a new oocyte set. Our data confirm that active, although ephemeral, corpora lutea are also formed in oviparous species. A limited contribution to ovarian sex steroid production derives also from atretic follicles, at least at the early stages of the breeding cycle. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We describe sperm ultrastructure and acrosome differentiation during spermiogenesis in Crassostrea gigas (Mollusca Bivalvia). The sperm cell is a uniflagellated cell of the primitive type. The head region contains a rounded or conical nucleus surmounted by small acrosome. This organelle consists of a membrane-bound acrosomal granule, the contents of which have a homogeneous density, except in the anterior region, which is positive for PTA. The acrosome also surrounds the perforatorium, which includes oriented fibrillar elements: this is the axial body. The middle piece contains four mitochondria encircling two perpendicular centrioles. The distal centriole is provided with a system of mechanical fixation to the plasma membrane, consisting of nine fibers in radial arrangement. The tail flagellum, about 50 m?m long, contains the usual microtubular axoneme. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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