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Limberger R  Wickham SA 《Oecologia》2012,168(3):785-795
The spatial scale of disturbance is a factor potentially influencing the relationship between disturbance and diversity. There has been discussion on whether disturbances that affect local communities and create a mosaic of patches in different successional stages have the same effect on diversity as regional disturbances that affect the whole landscape. In a microcosm experiment with metacommunities of aquatic protists, we compared the effect of local and regional disturbances on the disturbance–diversity relationship. Local disturbances destroyed entire local communities of the metacommunity and required reimmigration from neighboring communities, while regional disturbances affected the whole metacommunity but left part of each local community intact. Both disturbance types led to a negative relationship between disturbance intensity and Shannon diversity. With strong local disturbance, this decrease in diversity was due to species loss, while strong regional disturbance had no effect on species richness but reduced the evenness of the community. Growth rate appeared to be the most important trait for survival after strong local disturbance and dominance after strong regional disturbance. The pattern of the disturbance–diversity relationship was similar for both local and regional diversity. Although local disturbances at least temporally increased beta diversity by creating a mosaic of differently disturbed patches, this high dissimilarity did not result in regional diversity being increased relative to local diversity. The disturbance–diversity relationship was negative for both scales of diversity. The flat competitive hierarchy and absence of a trade-off between competition and colonization ability are a likely explanation for this pattern.  相似文献   
We analysed the intestinal helminth community of 70 loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta with a curved carapace length ranging from 25 to 85.4 cm, recovered dead in neritic foraging habitats in the Adriatic Sea in 1995 to 2004. The overall prevalence of infection was high (70.0%), with a mean abundance of 36.8 helminth parasites per turtle. Helminth fauna comprised 5 trematodes (Calycodes anthos, Enodiotrema megachondrus, Orchidasma amphiorchis, Pachypsolus irroratus, Rhytidodes gelatinosus) and 3 nematodes (Sulcascaris sulcata, Anisakis spp., Hysterothylacium sp.), with 6 taxa specific for marine turtles. In terms of infection intensity and parasite abundance, O. amphiorchis was the dominant species (mean intensity: 49.8; mean abundance: 12.8), followed by R. gelatinosus (30.5 and 8.3, respectively) and P. irroratus (23.5 and 7.0, respectively), while larval Anisakis spp. exhibited the highest prevalence (34.3%). The intensity of helminth infection ranged from 1 to 302 (mean: 52.6 ± 69.1) and was not correlated with the size of turtles; this relationship held for all species, except R. gelatinosus (rS = 0.556, p < 0.05). In comparison to other marine habitats, the helminth community of Adriatic loggerheads is characterised by higher species diversity (Shannon-Wiener H' = 1.58) and evenness (E = 0.76), and lower dominance values (Berger-Parker d = 0.35), which can be attributed to the life history and feeding ecology of sea turtles in recruited neritic grounds and the diversity of their benthic prey.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial Complex I (NADH Coenzyme Q oxidoreductase) is the least understood of respiratory complexes. In this review we emphasize some novel findings on this enzyme that are of relevance to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. Besides Coenzyme Q (CoQ), also oxygen may be an electron acceptor from the enzyme, with generation of superoxide radical in the mitochondrial matrix. The site of superoxide generation is debated: we present evidence based on the rational use of several inhibitors that the one-electron donor to oxygen is an iron-sulphur cluster, presumably N2. On this assumption we present a novel mechanism of electron transfer to the acceptor, CoQ. Strong evidence is accumulating that electron transfer from Complex I to Complex III via CoQ is not performed by operation of the CoQ pool but by direct channelling within a super-complex including Complex I, Complex III and bound CoQ. Besides structural evidence of a Complex I -Complex III aggregate obtained by native electrophoresis, we have obtained kinetic evidence based on metabolic flux analysis, demonstrating that Complexes I and III behave as an individual enzyme. Quantitative and qualitative changes of phospholipids, including peroxidation, may affect the supercomplex formation. Complex I is deeply involved in pathological changes, including neurodegeneration. Maternally inherited mutations in mitochondrial DNA genes encoding for Complex I subunits are at the basis of Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy; a decrease of electron transfer in the complex, due to the mutations, is not sufficient per se to explain the clinical phenotype, and other factors including proton translocation and oxygen radical generation have been considered of importance. Complex I changes are also involved in more common neurological diseases of the adult and old ages. In this review we discuss Parkinson's disease, where the pathogenic involvement of Complex I is better understood; the accumulated evidence on the mode of action of Complex I inhibitors and their effect on oxygen radical generation is discussed in terms of the aetiology and pathogenesis of the disease.  相似文献   
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate patterns of oral care, dental attendance and oral health‐related quality of life among adults who had suffered a stroke. Background: Stroke is the most common cause of adult disability in the UK. Seventy per cent of strokes occur in adults over 65 years of age. A mild stroke may leave little residual disability but in cases of moderate or severe stroke the disability may be significant and may impact on oral health and function. Materials and methods: A cross‐sectional survey was conducted among adults surviving 1 year after stroke, between January and July 2001. A medical screening was carried out which included an assessment of disability and handicap using the modified Rankin scale. A structured interview was conducted to identify normal patterns of oral care and dental attendance and to elicit if since suffering a stroke any changes had occurred or were likely to occur. The Short Form Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP‐14) was administered prior to an oral examination. Analysis used SPSS 11.0 for Windows. Parametric and nonparametric tests were undertaken (t‐tests and chi‐squared tests with Yates correction where appropriate). Results: Forty‐one adults were recruited into the study comprising 21 female and 20 male. They ranged in age from 50 to 87 years and the mean age was 69 years (SD = 9.8). Forty per cent of participants experienced moderate disability or greater following their stroke. Thirty‐seven per cent had difficulty with tooth cleaning. The most frequently reported problem was being unable to use one hand properly as a result of the stroke. There was a significant association between the degree of disability following stroke and difficulty with tooth cleaning (P = 0.015). Disability as a result of the stroke was cited as the main reason for reported or projected attendance pattern change. The most frequently experienced OHIP‐14 dimension was functional limitation (39%). Conclusion: Individuals who have been left disabled after a stroke may require help with or advice on oral care and information on how to access dental services in a setting appropriate to their disability. Further research is needed to identify the dental needs of adults with stroke and to identify appropriate interventions to meet these needs.  相似文献   
Inflammatory response has recently been shown to induce endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and the unfolded protein response (UPR), which either recovers proper ER function or activates apoptosis. Here we show that endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide = LPS) can lead to functional ER failure tentatively via a mitochondrion-dependent pathway in livers of rats. Histological examination did not reveal significant damage to liver in form of necroses. Electron microscopy displayed transparent rings appearing around morphologically unchanged mitochondria, which were identified as dilated ER. The spliced mRNA variant of X-box protein-1 (XBP1) and also the mRNA of 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP78) were up-regulated, both typical markers of ER stress. However, GRP78 was down-regulated at the protein level. A pro-apoptotic shift in the bax/bcl-XL mRNA ratio was not accompanied by translocation of apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) to the nucleus, suggesting that the cells entered a pre-apoptotic state, but apoptosis was not executed. Monooxygenase activity of p450, representing the detoxification system in ER, was decreased after administration of endotoxin. Biochemical analysis of proteins important for ER function revealed the impairment of protein folding, transport, and detoxification suggesting functional ER failure. We suggest that functional ER failure may be a reason for organ dysfunction upon excessive inflammatory response mediated by endotoxin.  相似文献   
Pancreatic β-cells couple the oxidation of glucose to the secretion of insulin. Apart from the canonical KATP-dependent glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS), there are important KATP-independent mechanisms involving both anaplerosis and mitochondrial GTP (mtGTP). How mtGTP that is trapped within the mitochondrial matrix regulates the cytosolic calcium increases that drive GSIS remains a mystery. Here we have investigated whether the mitochondrial isoform of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK-M) is the GTPase linking hydrolysis of mtGTP made by succinyl-CoA synthetase (SCS-GTP) to an anaplerotic pathway producing phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP). Although cytosolic PEPCK (PEPCK-C) is absent, PEPCK-M message and protein were detected in INS-1 832/13 cells, rat islets, and mouse islets. PEPCK enzymatic activity is half that of primary hepatocytes and is localized exclusively to the mitochondria. Novel 13C-labeling strategies in INS-1 832/13 cells and islets measured substantial contribution of PEPCK-M to the synthesis of PEP. As high as 30% of PEP in INS-1 832/13 cells and 41% of PEP in rat islets came from PEPCK-M. The contribution of PEPCK-M to overall PEP synthesis more than tripled with glucose stimulation. Silencing the PEPCK-M gene completely inhibited GSIS underscoring its central role in mitochondrial metabolism-mediated insulin secretion. Given that mtGTP synthesized by SCS-GTP is an indicator of TCA flux that is crucial for GSIS, PEPCK-M is a strong candidate to link mtGTP synthesis with insulin release through anaplerotic PEP cycling.β-Cells in pancreatic islets of Langerhans make and release insulin in response to changes in blood glucose levels. The mechanisms by which high concentrations of glucose stimulate insulin release from islets remain unclear. The canonical explanation for GSIS2 is that glucose metabolism increases mitochondrial ATP production, thereby raising the cytosolic ATP:ADP ratio that triggers the closure of ATP-sensitive K+ channels. This, in turn, depolarizes the membrane and stimulates the opening of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels with increased Ca2+ influx promoting the exocytosis of insulin. Although KATP channels certainly have an important role in β-cells, KATP-independent signals are implicated to play a fundamental role in GSIS. In particular, β-cells are known to have notably elevated rates of anaplerotic flux of the carbon from glucose into the mitochondria and back out to pyruvate (pyruvate cycling) that is tightly correlated with insulin secretion (14).Recently, mtGTP synthesis was identified as a novel KATP-independent mitochondrial signal for insulin secretion (5). mtGTP is synthesized as a product of glucose metabolism by the GTP-specific isoform of the matrix enzyme SCS. mtGTP synthetic rates are determined by the rate of TCA cycle flux as well as by the ratio of activities of the ATP-specific and GTP-specific isoforms of SCS. The mtGTP signal is trapped within the matrix of the mitochondria, suggesting that another GTPase in the matrix transmits the mtGTP signal to the cytosol. Because both mtGTP synthesis and anaplerotic flux correlate with insulin secretion, we investigated whether the GTP-dependent mitochondrial isoform of PEPCK, an enzyme that lies at the intersection of anaplerosis and mtGTP metabolism (see Fig. 1A), is important for GSIS.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.PEP cycle. PEP is produced during glycolysis and is further metabolized to pyruvate by PK. Pyruvate that enters the TCA cycle by pyruvate dehydrogenase will generate GTP via direct synthesis by SCS-GTP. Anaplerotic pyruvate entry by PC will generate oxaloacetate. PEPCK-M will then consume oxaloacetate and GTP to produce PEP, GDP, and CO2. PEP is then transported out of the mitochondrial matrix by an anion transporter (Ex) in exchange for another metabolite depending on the transporter. Mitochondrial PEP, thus, contributes to the PEP pool that is determined by the rate of appearance (νPEPCK-M+1+ νGlyc+1) of PEP minus the rate of disappearance (νPK+1). One turn of the PEP cycle will result in the net exchange of one ion into the mitochondrial matrix. Unidirectional fluxes are indicated by ν followed by the enzyme with the forward direction being +1 and the reverse −1. GDP in turn can be reused by SCS-GTP. PDH, pyruvate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   
As for other rodents, peri-anal glands are well developed in the crested porcupine Hystrix cristata. Their waxy secretion has a peculiar odour, usually perceivable around the dens. Male African H. africaeaustralis use this secretion to mark feeding sites in captivity, but its function in H. cristata has never been studied yet. Through live-trapping in Central Italy, we sampled gland contents of 33 freely living crested porcupines (19 males and 14 females), and, in 5 animals, 2-3 subsequent collections were made at different times.GC-MS analyses showed that the secretion volatile component is a complex mixture, mainly constituted by aliphatic compounds. The principal constituents were saturated and unsaturated γ-lactones, macrolactones, primary alcohols and fatty acids. The composition was similar between sexes, but for two compounds (nonadecan-1-ol and a compound tentatively identified as 16-methyl oxacyclohexadecan-2-one) that were significantly more frequent in males than in females.We compared the squared Euclidean distances of the relative abundances of constituents in all possible couple of specimens, and found that the average distance between males and females was significantly higher than the distance between males, but significantly lower than the distance between females. We hypothesized that, although all the females were adult, this variability might be due to physiological differences between individuals (e.g. reproductive status). Using the same approach, we found that the chemical profiles of different individuals (inter-individual variability) was greater than intra-individual variability, suggesting that the peri-anal secretions may play a role in individual recognition.  相似文献   
Human IGFBP-3 contains three potential N-linked glycosylation sites. Published data concerning the type and saccharide composition of the N-glycans is scarce. The aim of this study was to characterise N-glycans covalently attached to IGFBP-3 from sera of healthy adults (men and women). In order to do that a panel of eight lectins covering broad saccharide specificity was used: agarose-immobilised SNA (Sambucus nigra agglutinin), Con A (lectin from Canavalia ensiformis), RCA I (Ricinus communis agglutinin I), PHA-E (Phaseolus vulgaris erythroagglutinin), PHA-L (P. vulgaris leukoagglutinin), succinylated WGA (wheat germ agglutinin), ECL (Erythrina cristagalli lectin) and UEA (Ulex europaeus agglutinin). IGFBP-3 interacted with SNA, Con A, RCA I, PHA-E and, to a much lesser extent, with PHA-L. These results indicate that human IGFBP-3 bears mostly biantennary complex type N-glycans with a very high content of α-2,6-linked Sia at their termini. Hybrid type and high-mannose type N-glycans are present, as well as a bisecting GlcNAc residue, which may be core fucosylated. N-glycosylation of IGFBP-3 follows the N-glycosylation pattern of major serum proteins. This study represents a ground for the future research of glycosylation pattern of IGFBP-3 from the circulation of men and women diagnosed with different illnesses.  相似文献   
Angiogenesis is a process of new blood vessel formation from pre-existing ones. The most important steps in angiogenesis include detachment, proliferation, migration, homing and differentiation of vascular wall cells, which are mainly endothelial cells and their progenitors. The study focused on the effect of beta-carotene (BC) supplementation (12,000 mg/kg) in the diet on angiogenesis in Balb/c mice. Female Balb/c mice were fed for 5 weeks with two different diets: with BC or without BC supplementation. After 4 weeks of feeding, Balb/c mice were injected subcutaneously with two matrigel plugs with or without basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). Six days later, the animals were killed, and the matrigel plugs were used for immunohistochemical staining with CD31 antibody and for gene expression analysis. Microarray and Real-Time PCR data showed down-regulation of genes involved in proliferation and up-regulation of genes encoding inhibitors of apoptosis, proteins regulating cell adhesion, matrix-degrading enzymes and proteins involved in the VEGF pathway. The results of this study demonstrated that BC proangiogenic activity (with or without bFGF) in vivo seemed to be more significantly associated with cells’ protection from apoptosis and their stimulation of chemotaxis/homing than cell proliferation.  相似文献   
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