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Plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, triggers die-offs in colonies of black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus), but the time-frame of plague activity is not well understood. We document plague activity in fleas from prairie dogs and their burrows on three prairie dog colonies that suffered die-offs. We demonstrate that Y. pestis transmission occurs over periods from several months to over a year in prairie dog populations before observed die-offs.  相似文献   
Endocrine control of follicular growth was determined by observing the left ovary of prepubertal calves previously treated with a potent GnRH agonist for 13 days. The ovarian response to hormonal stimulation was determined using the right ovaries of the same animals. Three-month-old crossbred calves were assigned to one of the two following treatment groups: 1) saline control for 13 days, with purified porcine FSH for the last 3 days (n = 5); and 2) GnRHa for 13 days, with purified porcine FSH for the final 3 days (n = 5). The left ovaries were removed from all calves after 10 days, and the right ovaries were removed at the end of treatment. Plasma concentrations of FSH, LH and oestradiol-17 beta were followed up during the GnRHa and pFSH treatments. The maximum macroscopic diameter of the F1 follicle, as determined by daily ultrasonography, did not differ between GnRHa-treated calves (from 6.6 to 10.4 mm) and the saline control calves (from 6.7 to 10.3 mm). Histological analysis of the ovaries showed that the number of follicles > 0.40 mm in diameter varied greatly for calves of the two groups (from 11 to 220 at 10 days). GnRHa significantly increased the mean number of follicles (total and nonatretic) of size class > 5.4 mm as compared to saline control calves (P < 0.05). The FSH treatment significantly increased the mean number of follicles 3.00-5.4 and > 5.4 mm in diameter (P < 0.05), with no change in the number of follicles smaller than 3.00 mm. The rate of atresia of large follicles (3.01-5.40 mm) was significantly reduced by purified porcine FSH treatment in both groups (P < 0.05). In no case did the GnRHa induce ovulation or luteinization of follicles. The LH and FSH concentrations increased transiently after GnRHa treatment on the first day, but afterwards, both hormones increased to only one sixth of what was observed after the initial GnRHa injection treatment. This increase in LH and FSH was observed 1 h after GnRHa treatment on each consecutive day of the experiment and were significantly different in the control group (0 h versus 1 h versus 2 h x saline control versus GnRH agonists groups; P < 0.01). During the superovulatory treatment, FSH concentrations peaked at around 0.70 ng.mL-1 in both saline- and GnRHa-treated groups on the first day but on the last day of surovulatory treatment, FSH concentrations were higher in GnRHa agonist-treated calves than in the control calves (day 11 versus day 12 versus day 13 x saline control versus GnRH agonist treatment groups; P < 0.01). LH profiles were unchanged by surovulatory treatment. Concentrations of oestradiol-17 beta increased significantly over the three days (P < 0.001) of the superovulatory treatments in both groups (P < 0.01). These results indicate that GnRH agonist treatment allows recruited antral follicles to pursue their growth during the early selection process via sustained FSH and LH secretion allowing more than a single large follicle to maintain their growth without going to atresia.  相似文献   
Environmental factors such as temperature strongly impact microbial communities. In the current context of global warming, it is therefore crucial to understand the effects of these factors on human, animal, or plant pathogens. Here, we used a common‐garden experiment to analyze the thermal responses of three life‐history traits (latent period, lesion growth, spore number) in isolates of the potato late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans from different climatic zones. We also used a fitness index (FI) aggregating these traits into a single parameter. The experiments revealed patterns of local adaptation to temperature for several traits and for the FI, both between populations and within clonal lineages. Local adaptation to temperature could result from selection for increased survival between epidemics, when isolates are exposed to more extreme climatic conditions than during epidemics. We also showed different thermal responses among two clonal lineages sympatric in western Europe, with lower performances of lineage 13_A2 compared to 6_A1, especially at low temperatures. These data therefore stress the importance of thermal adaptation in a widespread, invasive pathogen, where adaptation is usually considered almost exclusively with respect to host plants. This must now be taken into account to explain, and possibly predict, the global distribution of specific lineages and their epidemic potential.  相似文献   
Knowledge on molecular systems involved in myogenic precursor cell (mpc) fusion into myotubes is fragmentary. Previous studies have implicated the a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) family in most mammalian cell fusion processes. ADAM12 is likely involved in fusion of murine mpc and human rhabdomyosarcoma cells, but it requires yet unknown molecular partners to launch myogenic cell fusion. ADAM12 was shown able to mediate cell-to-cell attachment through binding alpha9beta1 integrin. We report that normal human mpc express both ADAM12 and alpha9beta1 integrin during their differentiation. Expression of alpha9 parallels that of ADAM12 and culminates at time of fusion. alpha9 and ADAM12 coimmunoprecipitate and participate to mpc adhesion. Inhibition of ADAM12/alpha9beta1 integrin interplay, by either ADAM12 antisense oligonucleotides or blocking antibody to alpha9beta1, inhibited overall mpc fusion by 47-48%, with combination of both strategies increasing inhibition up to 62%. By contrast with blockade of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1/alpha4beta1, which also reduced fusion, exposure to ADAM12 antisense oligonucleotides or anti-alpha9beta1 antibody did not induce detachment of mpc from extracellular matrix, suggesting specific involvement of ADAM12-alpha9beta1 interaction in the fusion process. Evaluation of the fusion rate with regard to the size of myotubes showed that both ADAM12 antisense oligonucleotides and alpha9beta1 blockade inhibited more importantly formation of large (> or =5 nuclei) myotubes than that of small (2-4 nuclei) myotubes. We conclude that both ADAM12 and alpha9beta1 integrin are expressed during postnatal human myogenic differentiation and that their interaction is mainly operative in nascent myotube growth.  相似文献   
Changes in glycosylation have been associated with human cancer, but their complexity poses an analytical challenge. Ovarian cancer is a major cause of death in women because of an often late diagnosis. At least one‐third of patients presents ascites fluid at diagnosis, and almost all have ascites at recurrence. Vitronectin (Vn) is a multifunctional glycoprotein that is suggested to be implicated in ovarian cancer metastasis and is found within ascites. The present study evaluated the potential of using lectin affinity for characterizing the glycosylation pattern of Vn. Human Vn was purified from 1 sample of ovarian cancer ascites or a pool of plasma samples. Consistent findings were observed with both dot blot and lectin array assays. Based on a panel of 40 lectins, the lectin array revealed discriminant patterns of lectin binding to Vn glycans. Interestingly, almost all the highlighted interactions were found to be higher with Vn from ascites relative to the plasma counterpart. Also, the lectin array was able to discriminate profiles of lectin interactions (ConA, SNA‐I, PHA‐E, PHA‐L) between Vn samples that were not evident using dot blot, indicating its high sensitivity. The model of ConA binding during thermal unfolding of Vn confirmed the higher accessibility of mannosylated glycans in Vn from ascites as monitored by turbidimetry. Thus, this study demonstrated the usefulness of lectins and the lectin array as a glycoproteomic tool for high throughput and sensitive analysis of glycosylation patterns. Our data provide novel insights concerning Vn glycosylation patterns in clinical specimens, paving the way for further investigations regarding their functional impact and clinical interest.  相似文献   
The interaction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) with pulmonary epithelial cells is critical for early stages of bacillus colonization and during the progression of tuberculosis. Entry of Mtb into epithelial cells has been shown to depend on F‐actin polymerization, though the molecular mechanisms are still unclear. Here, we demonstrate that mycobacterial uptake into epithelial cells requires rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton, which are regulated by ADP‐ribosylation factor 1 (Arf1) and phospholipase D1 (PLD1), and is dependent on the M3 muscarinic receptor (M3R). We show that this pathway is controlled by Arf GTPase‐activating protein 1 (ArfGAP1), as its silencing has an impact on actin cytoskeleton reorganization leading to uncontrolled uptake and replication of Mtb. Furthermore, we provide evidence that this pathway is critical for mycobacterial entry, while the cellular infection with other pathogens, such as Shigella flexneri and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, is not affected. Altogether, these results reveal how cortical actin plays the role of a barrier to prevent mycobacterial entry into epithelial cells and indicate a novel role for ArfGAP1 as a restriction factor of host–pathogen interactions.  相似文献   
The predominant form of life for microorganisms in their natural habitats is the biofilm mode of growth. The adherence and colonization of probiotic bacteria are considered as essential factors for their immunoregulatory function in the host. Here, we show that Lactobacillus casei ATCC334 adheres to and colonizes the gut of zebrafish larvae. The abundance of pro‐inflammatory cytokines and the recruitment of macrophages were low when inflammation was induced in probiotic‐fed animals, suggesting that these bacteria have anti‐inflammatory properties. We treated human macrophage‐differentiated monocytic THP‐1 cells with supernatants of L. casei ATCC334 grown in either biofilm or planktonic cultures. TNF‐α production was suppressed and the NF‐κB pathway was inhibited only in the presence of supernatants from biofilms. We identified GroEL as the biofilm supernatant compound responsible, at least partially, for this anti‐inflammatory effect. Gradual immunodepletion of GroEL demonstrated that the abundance of GroEL and TNF‐α were inversely correlated. We confirmed that biofilm development in other Lactobacillus species affects the immune response. The biofilms supernatants of these species also contained large amounts of GroEL. Thus, our results demonstrate that the biofilm enhances the immunomodulatory effects of Lactobacillus sp. and that secreted GroEL is involved in this beneficial effect.  相似文献   
In the early 1980s, the remains of a large crocodilian, consisting of a nearly complete lower jaw, were referred to a distinct species of Sunosuchus, S. thailandicus. The specimen was recovered from a road‐cut near Nong Bua Lamphu, north‐eastern Thailand, in the upper part of the continental Phu Kradung Formation, and then considered Early to Middle Jurassic in age. Since then, this age has been revised and most of the formation is now considered Early Cretaceous, although a Late Jurassic age is possible for its lowermost part. Here, we report for the first time cranial elements associated with mandibular remains assignable to ‘S’. thailandicus. An attribution to Pholidosauridae is proposed on the basis of premaxillary morphology, and the original referral of this taxon to the goniopholidid Sunosuchus is discarded. A new genus name Chalawan now designates the originally described material of S. thailandicus. Nevertheless, the newly described specimen shares a characteristic with both ‘traditional’ Goniopholididae and Pholidosauridae: the presence of a depression located on the lateral wall of the maxilla and jugal. A phylogenetic analysis confirms the inclusion of both Goniopholididae and Pholidosauridae into a common clade, Coelognathosuchia tax. nov. Although the new Thai skull is much fragmented, its original shape is reconstructed and is compared with other pholidosaurid genera, namely Elosuchus, Meridiosaurus, Oceanosuchus, Pholidosaurus, Sarcosuchus and Terminonaris. The presence of the genus Sunosuchus being highly questionable in Thailand, it cannot be used as evidence to link the Chinese and Indochinese blocks. Instead, the recognition of a freshwater pholidosaurid in a continental formation of the Indochinese block suggests that early in their evolutionary history, these crocodilians, already known from Europe, Africa and South America, were more widely distributed along the northern margin of the Tethys than previously recognized.  相似文献   
Plasma membrane vesicles were prepared by phase partition from a microsomal fraction of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) leaf. In order to study the effects of sodium sulfite on active uptake of sucrose, the vesicles were artificially energized by a transmembrane pH gradient (delta pH) and/or a transmembrane electrical gradient (delta psi). At 1 mM, sulfite strongly inhibited sucrose uptake but did not affect the two components of the proton motive force, delta pH (measured by dimethyloxazolidine dione) and delta psi (measured by tetraphenylphosphonium). Moreover, sulfite did not inhibit the proton-pumping ATPase of the plasma membrane vesicles. These data demonstrate that sulfite may inhibit transport of photoassimilates in plant by a direct inhibition of the sucrose carrier of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   


To describe rounding practices in Canadian adult Intensive Care Units (ICU) and identify opportunities for improvement.


Mixed methods design. Cross sectional survey of Canadian Adult ICUs (n = 180) with purposefully sampled follow-up interviews (n = 7).

Measurements and Main Results

Medical directors representing 111 ICUs (62%) participated in the survey. Rounding practices varied across ICUs with the majority reporting the use of interprofessional rounds (81%) that employed an open (94%) and collaborative (86%) approach, occurred at the patient’s bedside (82%), and started at a standard time (79%) and standard location (56%). Most participants reported that patients (83%) and family members (67%) were welcome to attend rounds. Approximately half of ICUs (48%) used tools to facilitate rounds. Interruptions during rounds were reported to be common (i.e., ≥1 interruption for ≥50% of patients) in 46% of ICUs. Four themes were identified from qualitative analysis of participant responses to open-ended survey questions and interviews: multidisciplinarity, patient and family involvement, factors influencing productivity, and teaching and learning.


There is considerable variation in current rounding practices in Canadian medical/surgical ICUs. Opportunities exist to improve ICU rounds including ensuring the engagement of essential participants, clearly defining participant roles, establishing a standardized approach to the rounding process, minimizing interruptions, modifying the role of teaching, utilizing a structured rounding tool, and developing a metric for measuring rounding quality.  相似文献   
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