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Small geographic ranges make species especially prone to extinction from anthropogenic disturbances or natural stochastic events. We assemble and analyse a comprehensive dataset of all the world's lizard species and identify the species with the smallest ranges—those known only from their type localities. We compare them to wide‐ranging species to infer whether specific geographic regions or biological traits predispose species to have small ranges.




We extensively surveyed museum collections, the primary literature and our own field records to identify all the species of lizards with a maximum linear geographic extent of <10 km. We compared their biogeography, key biological traits and threat status to those of all other lizards.


One in seven lizards (927 of the 6,568 currently recognized species) are known only from their type localities. These include 213 species known only from a single specimen. Compared to more wide‐ranging taxa, they mostly inhabit relatively inaccessible regions at lower, mostly tropical, latitudes. Surprisingly, we found that burrowing lifestyle is a relatively unimportant driver of small range size. Geckos are especially prone to having tiny ranges, and skinks dominate lists of such species not seen for over 50 years, as well as of species known only from their holotype. Two‐thirds of these species have no IUCN assessments, and at least 20 are extinct.

Main conclusions

Fourteen per cent of lizard diversity is restricted to a single location, often in inaccessible regions. These species are elusive, usually poorly known and little studied. Many face severe extinction risk, but current knowledge is inadequate to properly assess this for all of them. We recommend that such species become the focus of taxonomic, ecological and survey efforts.
alpha-1-Antitrypsin has been isolated and purified from the serum of an individual with the Pi S phenotype whose serum contains only 50--60% as much alpha-1-antitrypsin as normal M-type serum. The preparation was homogeneous by the criteria of sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and sedimentation equilibrium ultracentrigufation. When analyzed in the ultracentrifuge, the S-type alpha-1-antitrypsin exhibited a molecular weight of 47,500 which was essentially the same as that of the M-type (47,300) and the Z-type (47,500) alpha-1-antitrypsin. The S-type alpha-1-antitrypsin contains 15.2% carbohydrate consisting of 16.4 residues/mol of N-acetylglucosamine, 7.8 residues/mol of mannose. 6.7 residues/mol of galactose and 7.1 residues/mol of sialic acid which is essentially the same as the carbohydrate composition of the M-type alpha-1-antitrypsin. In addition, M- and S-type alpha-1-antitrypsin have very similar amino acid compositions.  相似文献   
A new SimPlate heterotrophic plate count (HPC) method (IDEXX Laboratories, Westbrook, Maine) was compared with the pour plate method at 35 degrees C for 48 h. Six laboratories tested a total of 632 water samples. The SimPlate HPC method was found to be equivalent to the pour plate method by regression analysis (r = 0. 95; y = 0.99X + 0.06).  相似文献   
Glutathione reacts with orthophthalaldehyde to form a stable, highly fluorescent tricyclic derivative which is easily separated and quantitated by high-performance liquid chromatography. Separation of the glutathione adduct is achieved by isocratic elution over a reverse-phase column with 7.5% methanol/92.5% 0.15 M sodium acetate, pH 7.00. The adduct is detected fluorometrically and quantitated by integration of peak area. Detection of 0.1 to 200 pmol glutathione produces a linear response and the recovery of reduced and oxidized glutathione from rat liver homogenate, bile, and plasma is quantitative. The chemical identity of the adduct was confirmed by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   
Two-dimensional PAGE analysis of proteins associated with the slowly sedimenting fibrillar structures of HeLa nucleoli revealed a protein with a M of 19,000 and a pI of 4.5 which was highly labeled both with 32P-orthophosphate and 35S-methionine. The protein was isolated from Novikoff hepatoma nucleoli by extraction in 0.35 M NaCl and 5 mM DTT followed by chromatography in EDTA on DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-100. The protein was homogeneous with respect to two-dimensional PAGE, number of tryptic peptides and carboxyl terminal analysis. The protein contained an acidic/basic amino acid ratio of 2.1, 7 residues of methionine, 2 residues of cysteine, a blocked amino terminus and a carboxyl terminal lysylleucine.  相似文献   
Abstract: Two Swedish zinc sulfide ores, from Saxberget (S-ore) and Kristineberg (K-ore), respectively, were compared for bacterial leachability with respect to grain size, and additions of ammonia, iron and phosphate. 87 days of column leaching resulted in 2.4–3.2 g Zn/I in solution and 1.5–1.9 g Cu/I from the K-ore and 1.2–5.3 g Zn/l and 0–0.3 g Cu/l from the S-ore. The highest values were achieved for grain sizes between 16 and 64 mm. Ammonium showed a stimulating effect on bacterial leaching, increasing leached Zn in the K-ore from 27% to 35% and from 7% up to 70% Zn in the S-ore after 53 days of batch leaching. Phosphate additions showed negative effects. Iron additions had a positive effect for the K-ore, increasing the leaching from 48% to 78% Zn at an addition of 6 mg Fe2+.  相似文献   
When human hepatocytes were incubated with low concentrations of ethanol they general chemotactic activity for human neutrophils. Generation of chemotactic activity was dependent upon duration of incubation and concentration of ethanol used. Production of chemotactic activity by ethanol-treated hepatocytes was inhibited completely in the presence of the alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor 4-methylpyrazole. PMN isolated from rats, in contrast, do not respond chemotactically to the factor released by homologous cells. Preliminary studies indicated that the chemotactic factor is non-polar in nature (perhaps related to leukotriene B4). These results indicate that human hepatocytes, when exposed to ethanol, generate chemotactic factor(s) for human PMN. The occurrence of this phenomenon may explain, in part, the PMN infiltrates observed in human liver during the course of acute alcoholic hepatitis.  相似文献   
Paroxysmal Kinesigenic Dyskinesia with Infantile Convulsions (PKD/IC) is an episodic movement disorder with autosomal dominant inheritance and high penetrance, but the causative gene is unknown. We have now identified four truncating mutations involving the PRRT2 gene in the vast majority (24/25) of well characterized families with PKD/IC. PRRT2 truncating mutations were also detected in 28 of 78 additional families. The PRRT2 gene encodes a proline-rich transmembrane protein of unknown function that has been reported to interact with the t-SNARE, SNAP25. PRRT2 localizes to axons but not to dendritic processes in primary neuronal culture and mutants associated with PKD/IC lead to dramatically reduced PRRT2 protein levels leading ultimately to neuronal hyperexcitability that manifests in vivo as PKD/IC.  相似文献   
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