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The synthetic steroid, pregnenolone-16-alpha-carbonitrile (PCN), has served for decades as a probe for a postulated series of hepatic defenses activated under situations of environmental "stress". PCN, an antiglucocorticoid, and also such glucocorticoids as dexamethasone (Dex) appear to stimulate hepatic metabolism and elimination of xenobiotics by binding to the nuclear pregnane X receptor (PXR) which then interacts with a distinct DNA response element associated with induction of cytochrome P450 3A genes. To explore the full domain of genes controlled by PCN/PXR, we used differential display to detect rat liver mRNA species selectively induced by PCN or by Dex. Sequence analysis identified one of many PCN induced cDNA fragments as RT1.B(I)beta, a member of the major histocompatability class II (MHC) gene family usually found only in antigen presenting cells. Northern blot analysis of RNA from rat liver or from cultured hepatocytes confirmed that amounts of RT1.B(I)beta mRNA and also of its companion gene, RT1.B(I)alpha mRNA, became readily detectable within 3-6 hours following treatment with PCN or Dex, whereas no induction was observed in spleen RNA. Induction by PCN of RT1.B(I)beta immunoreactive protein was localized to the hepatocytes as judged by immunofluorescence. We conclude that ectopic expression of MHC II genes, an unprecedented effect of steroids or drugs, is rapidly evoked by PCN acting on the liver, directly. The concept of a set of genes coordinately controlled to maintain homeostasis in parenchymal tissues during toxic stress must now be extended to include the immune system.  相似文献   
Stress, a state of threatened homeostasis, may be induced by various physical or psychological factors (stressors), including antigenic stimulation. Stressful experiences may affect both physical/psychological well being and immune functioning of humans and animals; the ongoing immune reaction may affect other physiological functions and psychological comfort. The molecular basis of these effects involves a network of multidirectional signalling and feedback regulations of neuroendocrine- and immunocyte-derived mediators. The consecutive stages of the multistep immune reactions might be either inhibited or enhanced owing to the previous and/or parallel stress experiences, depending on the kind of stressor and the animal species, strain, gender, or age. Therefore, the final results of stress-induced alteration of immune reactions are difficult to predict. The effect of a particular stressor on immune functions varies according to the previous stress experience of the individual (e.g. social confrontation, sterile saline injection) while various stressors may act in the same or in opposite ways on the same immune parameter. In general, the efficacy of immune response depends on the neuroendocrine environment on which it is superimposed. Conversely, neural and endocrine responses depend on the concurrent immune events upon which they are superimposed. It seems that the consequences of stress on the immune functioning are generally adaptive in the short run but can be damaging when stress is chronic.  相似文献   
A candidate gene approach has been used as a first step to identify the molecular basis of quantitative trait variation in potato. Sugar content of tubers upon cold storage was the model trait chosen because the metabolic pathways involved in starch and sugar metabolism are well known and many of the genes have been cloned. Tubers of two F(1) populations of diploid potato grown in six environments were evaluated for sugar content after cold storage. The populations were genotyped with RFLP, AFLP, and candidate gene markers. QTL analysis revealed that QTL for glucose, fructose, and sucrose content were located on all potato chromosomes. Most QTL for glucose content mapped to the same positions as QTL for fructose content. QTL explaining >10% of the variability for reducing sugars were located on linkage groups I, III, VII, VIII, IX, and XI. QTL consistent across populations and/or environments were identified. QTL were linked to genes encoding invertase, sucrose synthase 3, sucrose phosphate synthase, ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, sucrose transporter 1, and a putative sucrose sensor. The results suggest that allelic variants of enzymes operating in carbohydrate metabolic pathways contribute to the genetic variation in cold sweetening.  相似文献   
Short chain carboxylic acids are well known as the precursors of fatty acid and polyketide biosynthesis. Iso-fatty acids, which are important for the control of membrane fluidity, are formed from branched chain starter units (isovaleryl-CoA and isobutyryl-CoA), which in turn are derived from the degradation of leucine and valine, respectively. Branched chain carboxylic acids are also employed as starter molecules for the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, e.g. the therapeutically important anthelmintic agent avermectin or the electron transport inhibitor myxothiazol. During our studies on myxothiazol biosynthesis in the myxobacterium, Stigmatella aurantiaca, we detected a novel biosynthetic route to isovaleric acid. After cloning and inactivation of the branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase complex, which is responsible for the degradation of branched chain amino acids, the strain is still able to produce iso-fatty acids and myxothiazol. Incorporation studies employing deuterated leucine show that it can only serve as precursor in the wild type strain but not in the esg mutant. Feeding experiments using (13)C-labeled precursors show that isovalerate is efficiently made from acetate, giving rise to a labeling pattern in myxothiazol that provides evidence for a novel branch of the mevalonate pathway involving the intermediate 3,3-dimethylacryloyl-CoA. 3,3-Dimethylacrylic acid was synthesized in deuterated form and fed to the esg mutant, resulting in strong incorporation into myxothiazol and iso-fatty acids. Similar experiments employing Myxococcus xanthus revealed that the discovered biosynthetic route described is present in other myxobacteria as well.  相似文献   
Cell characterization of primary cultures in vertebrates is well established but not in marine invertebrates. This fact is hampering advances in the development of tissue cultures from this species. In the present study, a panel of antibodies to structural proteins, stress proteins, oncogenes and proliferation antigens, developed against mammalian antigens, were tested in paraffin sections of the crustacean Pandalus borealis tissues. Several tissues were analysed: hepatopancreas, gills, ovaries, epithelium under the cuticle and abdominal muscle. Specific antibodies to crustacean proteins are not commercially available. The immunocytochemical results show that antibodies to human epitopes cross-react with antigens in the crustacean Pandalus borealis indicating that some cellular proteins are highly conserved in evolution. Cytokeratin, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, ras and p-glycoprotein were detected by immunocytochemistry in Pandalus borealis. No immunoreactivity for Ki-67 and metallothionein was observed. This system can help in validation and characterization of invertebrate cultures.  相似文献   
A set of methods suitable for assessment of respiratory chain function in mitochondria isolated from 25mg of muscle is described. This set of methods includes determination of the mitochondrial ATP production rate (MAPR) and the activities of the respiratory chain complexes I, I+III, II+III, and IV and citrate synthase. MAPR is determined with an optimized version of a luminometric method previously described. The optimized method measures 50-220% higher activities than the original method. The highest MAPRs are recorded using the substrate combinations glutamate+succinate and N,N,N(1),N(1)-tetramethyl-1,4-phenyldiamine+ascorbate. The respiratory chain complex activities are determined with standard spectrophotometric methods, adapted to an automated photometer. The sensitivity in the determination of complex I, I+III, and II+III activities was increased considerably by pretreating the samples with saponin. The set of methods was evaluated on double biopsy samples from five healthy volunteers and showed coefficients of variation between 7 and 14% when citrate synthase was used as reference base. All of the various measures of mitochondrial function showed high correlation coefficients to each other (r=0.84-0.98; p<0.01). It is concluded that the set of methods is suitable for diagnosis of mitochondrial disorders in adults and small children.  相似文献   
The paucity of lymph node (LN) T cells (plt) mutation in mice results in strongly reduced T cell numbers in LNs and homing defects of both dendritic cells (DCs) and naive T cells. In this study, we investigated the functional significance of the plt phenotype for the generation of antiviral immune responses against cytopathic and noncytopathic viruses. We found that DC-CD8(+) T cell contacts and the initial priming of virus-specific T cells in plt/plt mice occurred mainly in the marginal zone of the spleen and in the superficial cortex of LNs. The magnitude of the initial response and the maintenance of protective memory responses in plt/plt mice was only slightly reduced compared with plt/+ controls. Furthermore, plt/plt mice mounted rapid neutralizing antiviral B cell responses and displayed normal Ig class switch. Our data indicate that the defective homing of DCs and naive T cells resulting from the plt/plt mutation results in a small, but not significant, effect on the induction of protective antiviral T and B cell immunity. Overall, we conclude that the spatial organization of secondary lymphoid T cell zones via the CCR7-CC chemokine ligand 19/CC chemokine ligand 21 pathway is not an absolute requirement for the initial priming and the maintenance of protective antiviral T and B cell responses.  相似文献   
Xenotransplantation of porcine organs carries the risk of reactivation of latent virus in donor and recipient tissues as well as transmission of viruses between species. We have investigated the activation of baboon cytomegalovirus (BCMV) and porcine CMV (PCMV) in a pig-to-primate model of xenotransplantation. Tissues originating from a series of six swine-to-baboon composite thymokidney xenotransplants were investigated. Four immunosuppressed baboons died (survival range, 7 to 27 days) with the graft in situ. Increases in BCMV DNA copy numbers occurred in three (75%) of these baboons and was thought to be responsible for pneumonitis and the death of one animal. In two baboons, disseminated intravascular coagulation was successfully treated by graftectomy and discontinuation of immunosuppression. PCMV was upregulated in five of six xenografts (83%). PCMV infection was associated with ureteric necrosis in one xenograft. Although significantly increased in native tissues, low levels of BCMV and PCMV were also detected in tissues other than that of the native viral host species. The cross-species presence of CMV did not appear to cause clinical or histological signs of invasive disease. Thus, viral infections with clinical disease were restricted to tissues of the native species of each virus. Intensive immune suppression currently required for xenotransplantation results in a significant risk of reactivation of latent infections by BCMV and PCMV. It is not yet known whether viral DNA detected across species lines represents cellular microchimerism, ongoing viral infection, or uptake of free virus. The observation of graft injury by PCMV demonstrates that CMV will be an important pathogen in immunosuppressed xenograft recipients. Strategies must be developed to exclude CMV from porcine organ donors.  相似文献   
A novel type of liposomal vector for gene therapy is described (Artificial Virus Particles; AVPs). This vector is based on the composition of retroviral envelopes, serum-resistant and non-toxic and smaller than 200 nm in size. The DNA is condensed using low molecular weight branched PEI. Equipment of these particles with a cyclic RGD peptide ligand as targeting device renders them selective for tumor endothelial and melanoma cells expressing high levels of alphavbeta3-integrins, and allows for an efficient delivery of the enclosed genetic material. The specificity of the vector system for melanoma cells could be further improved by using a melanocyte-specific tyrosinase promoter to drive transgene expression.  相似文献   
Two secreted signaling molecules, wingless (wg) and decapentaplegic (dpp), are required to specify the heart in Drosophila. wg and dpp are also required to specify other cell types within the mesoderm and in many other regions of the embryo. Because the spatial patterns of wg and dpp are dynamic, different populations of mesodermal cells are exposed to different combinations of wg and/or dpp at different times. To determine whether the patterns of wg and dpp expression provide unique positional information for the specification of heart precursors, we altered these patterns. Our data suggest that wg and dpp contribute progressively to the elaboration of the expression pattern of the mesoderm-specific homeobox-containing gene tinman (tin), and that the overlap of wg and dpp at an early stage (9) as well as at a later stage (11) in the presence of tin-expressing cells directs cardiac-specific differentiation. Furthermore, ectopic tin expression in the ectoderm at wg/dpp intersects (the primordia of the thoracic imaginal disks) also leads to cardiac-specific differentiation, suggesting that tin confers mesoderm-specificity to the wg/dpp response. We conclude that ectopic heart can be generated by altering the patterns of wg and dpp within the tin-expressing mesoderm, or by ectopic induction of tin within the wg- and dpp-expressing ectoderm.  相似文献   
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