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We describe here an intensive outbreak of mostly symptomatic (90%) Giardia lamblia infestation in a Swedish student group visiting the U.S.S.R. A new antiflagellate drug, ethyl (2-(2-methyl-5-nitro-1-imidazolyl)ethyl) sulphone, tinidazole, Pfizer, was given in a dosage of 150 mg twice daily for seven days to 10 healthy volunteers and to 24 students infested with G. lamblia. The drug was found to be effective in curing giardiasis and in eradicating G. lamblia from the intestinal tract. All the students with symptomatic giardia infestation became free from gastrointestinal disturbance, usually soon after treatment was started. None of the 24 students had G. lamblia in their stools after tinidazole treatment was discontinued or at follow-up. No side effects of the drug were seen and all of the subjects tolerated it very well.  相似文献   
1. The cytosol alcohol dehydrogenase (alcohol-NAD oxidoreductase, EC of Astasia longa was partially purified and characterized from cells grown in the presence of air+CO(2) (95:5) or of O(2)+CO(2) (95:5). 2. Under both these growth conditions, the cells contained a fraction, ADHII, which was characterized by its electrophoretic properties, by a high degree of resistance to heat inactivation, by a sharp pH optimum at 8.2 and by its kinetic properties. The estimated molecular weight of this fraction was approx. 150000, which is similar to that of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase. 3. Cells grown in air+CO(2) (95:5) contain another fraction, ADHI, which can be further separated into two subfractions by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. This was termed fraction ;ADHI-air'. 4. In addition to fraction ADHII, cells grown in the presence of O(2) have a twofold increase in fraction ADHI-air activity as well as two new fractions that could not be demonstrated in air-grown cells. These new fractions which we have called fraction ;ADHI-O(2)', account for about 10% of the total activity. 5. The ADHI fractions (air) and (O(2)) have similar broad pH-activity curves and similar kinetic properties, both having a lower K(m) for ethanol and NAD than fraction ADHII. However, they differ from each other with respect to their activity with various substrates. The estimated molecular weight of these two ADHI fractions and their chromatographic behaviour on hydroxyapatite and on DEAE-cellulose also distinguish them.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der cis-trans-Positionseffekt in Heterokaryen der nicht gekoppelten morphologischen Mutanten z und oct-1 von Podospora anserina wird durch quantitative Kernunterschiede vorgetäuscht.Im cis-Fall führt die Wuchsverminderung von Hyphen mit überwiegendem Gehalt an Doppelmutantenkernen nach Mikrosektorenbildung im Mycel zu einer Selektion der Hyphen mit überwiegendem Wildkerngehalt. Die Doppelmutantenkerne sind nach 6 cm Wuchsstrecke aus dem Mycel verschwunden. Dieses weist daher Wildphänotyp auf.Im trans-Fall wird eine Kernentmischung durch Anastomosenbildung kompensiert, da die entestehenden Kleinsektoren gleich schnell wachsen. Das Mycel bringt daher die oct-1- und z-Merkmale in einem intermediären Phänotyp zum Ausdruck.
The cis-trans position effect in heterocaryons of morphological mutants of Podospora anserina
Summary The cis-trans position effect of the two non-linked morphological mutants z and oct-1 in heterocaryons of Podospora anserina is caused by quantitative differences of the two types of nuclei.In the cis configuration, there is a growth diminuition of hyphae containing predominantly nuclei of the double mutant type which leads to a selection of hyphae containing mainly the wildtype nuclei. This is due to the formation of microsectors. After 6 cm of mycelial growth the double mutant nuclei are no longer distinguishable; the mycelium adopts the wild phenotype.In the trans configuration, the microsectors of both types of mutant nuclei exhibit the same growth rate; the separation of nuclei is prevented as a result of the formation of hyphal anastomoses. The mycelium shows then an intermediate phenotype with both mutant characteristics.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
A neutralized Schiff's reagent (pH 6.7) was prepared and used to investigate the role of the acidic nature of the routine Schiff's reagent (pH 2.6) in the plasmal reaction. The neutralized reagent was satisfactory as an aldehyde reagent in the nucleal reaction on gut and, although giving a less intense reaction than the routine reagent in the PAS reaction on the gut and plasmal reaction on the aorta, was satisfactory here in respect to localization and thus to aldehyde specificity. Control sections for the plasmal reaction of unfixed nerve and aorta gave positive results when placed in the routine Schiff's, this increasing with time left in the reagent. Similar control sections in the neutralized Schiff's reagent remained consistently negative even though left in this reagent for 0.5 hr. The positive reaction of such control sections is apparently due to acid hydrolysis of labile plasmalogens by the routine Schiff's reagent in myelin and elastin and not to the presence of “free” aldehydes in these tissue elements  相似文献   
Summary Solutions containing ferritin or thorotrast particles were microperfused through the ureteric duct of the hagfish. The markers were taken up by the epithelial cells by way of endocytosis and were transported in bulk in apical vesicles. Newly formed apical vesicles containing marker showed bristle coating on the cytoplasmic side of their limiting membrane. This coating appeared to be lost during the movement of vesicles deeper into the cytoplasm.The findings indicate that the epithelial cells in the ureteric duct have capablity for extensive bulk uptake of macromolecules from the luminal fluid. The mechanisms involved in absorption appear to be similar to those in proximal convoluted tubules of mammals.The apical dense tubules observed with some fixation techniques appear to represent collapsed endocytotic vesicles.The authors are indebted to Finn Walwig, Cand. real., Marine Biology Station, University of Oslo, Dröbak, Norway for kindly supplying the hagfishes used in this study. The technical assistance of Miss Signe Fjeldsenden and Miss Britt-Marie Pettersson is gratefully acknowledged.This work has been supported by grants from the Karolinska Institutet Medical School, Stockholm, Sweden (Therese och Johan Anderssons Minne).  相似文献   
Summary The cellular localization of biogenic monoamines in crustaceans was studied by means of a highly specific and sensitive fluorescence method devised by Falck and Hillarp. It was found that neurons displaying specific fluorescence in the central nervous system were confined to the protocerebrum, the medulla externa and interna and the ventral nerve cord. The method allows a distinction between the fluorophores of 5-hydroxytryptamine (and 5-hydroxytryptophan), which emit the yellow light, and the fluorophores deriving from the catecholamines (and DOPA), which emit the green light. Green-fluorescent neurons occurred abundantly in the aforementioned parts of the central nervous system while yellow-fluorescent neurons were sparsely present in the same parts.The present work has been carried out at the departments of Histology and Zoology at the University of Lund. The authors take great pleasure in expressing their warmest thanks for laboratory facilities, provided by Professors Erik Dahl (Zoological Institute) and Bengt Falck (Histological Institute).The research reported in this document has been sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Grant AF EOAR 66-14 through the European Office of Aerospace Research (OAR), United States Air Force and by a grant from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council 99-32 (nr 5995).  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Quantitative Untersuchungen über den Farbstoffgehalt der Drosophilaaugen haben schon wiederholt gezeigt, daß die Werte bei bestimmten Mutanten von der Erwartung abweichen. So fand man regelmäßig bei den rotäugigen Mutanten v bzw. cn weniger Pterin und bei der braunäugigen Mutante bw weniger Ommochrom als bei Wildfliegen.Wir haben diese Befunde zunächst mit Hilfe einer vereinfachten Extraktions- und Meßtechnik nachgeprüft und bestätigt. Die genauere Analyse ergab dann aber, daß das Farbstoffdefizit der Mutanten v, cn und bw lediglich darauf beruht, daß diese Tiere kleinere Augen haben als die Wildfliegen. Die Augenverkleinerung ist jedoch nicht, wie gelegentlich vermutet wurde, die Folge einer polyphänen Wirkung der Gene v, cn und bw, sondern nur eine besondere Eigenschaft bestimmter Fliegenstämme, die heute in fast allen Laboratorien gehalten werden.Die Erscheinung selbst beruht auf der Wirkung augenverkleinernder Modifikationsgene, die bei diesen Stämmen zufällig mit den Farbgenen gekoppelt sind, durch geeignete Kreuzungen aber eliminiert werden können. Unsere so erhaltenen neuen v-, cn- und bw-Stämme besitzen nicht nur ebenso große Augen wie die Wildfliegen, sondern enthalten auch die theoretisch erwarteten Mengen an Augenfarbstoffen. Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Größe der Augen und ihrem Farbstoffgehalt hat u. a. zur Folge, daß die Männchen, die ja stets kleinere Augen haben als die Weibchen, bei allen Mutanten weniger Augenpigment besitzen als jene.Der Farbstoffgehalt der Augen hängt außerdem von der Zucht-temperatur ab. Fliegen, die sich bei 18° C entwickeln, besitzen weniger Pterin aber mehr Ommochrom als solche, die bei 26° C aufgezogen werden. Auch die Melaninsynthese im Integument der Tiere wird durch Temperaturerniedrigung begünstigt; aus 18°-Zuchten stammende Fliegen sind deutlich dunkler als die entsprechenden 26°-Tiere.  相似文献   
Ohne ZusammenfassungDie Arbeit wurde auf Anregung von Herrn Prof. Dr. H.Wurmbach ausgeführt. Ich danke ihm für die freundliche Förderung der Arbeit, sowie Herrn Prof. Dr. A.Goebel, Pathol. Inst. d. Univ. Köln, für wertvolle Hinweise. Die Untersuchungen wurden von derDeutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bad Godesberg, gefördert.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es werden die Exopeptidase- und Dipeptidaseaktivitäten des Hepatopankreas und Magensaftes von Astacus astacus (L.) und Cambarus affinis (Say) quantitativ bestimmt (Durchschnittswerte von ca. 90 Tieren). Die besonders im Magensaft vorkommende Carboxypeptidase hydrolysiert Carbobenzoxyglycyl-l- phenylalanin und Carbobenzoxy-l-glutamyl-l-tyrosin ungefähr gleichstark (pH-Optimum 7,6 bzw. 7,0). Im Vergleich zur kristallisierten Pankreascarboxypeptidase wird das Magensaftenzym stärker durch Hydrozimtsäure als durch o-Phenanthrolin gehemmt. SH-Gruppen sind für die Wirkung nicht nötig. Die Leucinamid- und Leucin--naphthylamid-Hydrolyse ist nicht auf die klassische Leucinaminopeptidase, sondern auf eine metallionenunabhängige und puromycinempfindliche Arylamidase-ähnliche Wirkung (pH-Optimum 7,7–8,0) zurückzuführen. Amidase- und Dipeptidase (Substrat: Glycyl-l-lencin)-Wirkung sind besonders im Hepatopankreas aktiv.
Occurrence and properties of proteolytic enzymes in the gastric juice and hepatopancreas of the crayfishes Astacus astacus (L.) and cambarus affinis (Say)I. Exopeptidases
Summary The exopeptidase and dipeptidase activities of the hepatopanereas and gastric juice of Astacus astacus (L.) and Cambarus affinis (Say) were determined (mean values from approximately 90 exemplares). The carboxypeptidase which was highly active in the gastric juice hydrolyzes carbobenzoxyglycyl-l-phenylalanine and carbobenzoxy-l-glutamyl-l-tyrosine at about the same rate (pH-optimum at 7,6 and 7,0 respectively). Compared with the crystalline pancreas carboxypeptidase the gastric juice enzyme was stronger inhibited by hydrocinnamic acid than by o-phenanthroline. Sulfhydryl groups are not essential for the enzyme action. The observed hydrolysis of leucine amide and leucine--naphthyl amide could not be attributed to the classic leucine aminopeptidase but to an arylamidase like action (pH Optimum 7,7 to 8,0) which was independent of metal ions and puromycin-sensitive. The amidase and dipeptidase (substrate: glycyl-l-leucine) are mainly localized in hepatopanereas.
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