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After activation, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) insecticidal toxin forms pores in larval midgut epithelial cell membranes, leading to host death. Although the crystal structure of the soluble form of Cry1Aa has been determined, the conformation of the pores and the mechanism of toxin interaction with and insertion into membranes are still not clear. Here we show that Cry1Aa spontaneously inserts into lipid mono- and bilayer membranes of appropriate compositions. Fourier Transform InfraRed spectroscopy (FTIR) indicates that insertion is accompanied by conformational changes characterized mainly by an unfolding of the β-sheet domains. Moreover, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) imaging strongly suggests that the pores are composed of four subunits surrounding a 1.5 nm diameter central depression. Received: 14 July 2000/Revised: 28 December 2000  相似文献   
In maximally activated skinned fibers, the rate of tension redevelopment (ktr) following a rapid release and restretch is determined by the maximal rate of cross-bridge cycling. During submaximal Ca2+ activations, however, ktr regulation varies with thin filament dynamics. Thus, decreasing the rate of Ca2+ dissociation from TnC produces a higher ktr value at a given tension level (P), especially in the [Ca2+] range that yields less than 50% of maximal tension (Po). In this study, native rabbit TnC was replaced with chicken recombinant TnC, either wild-type (rTnC) or mutant (NHdel), with decreased Ca2+ affinity and an increased Ca2+ dissociation rate (koff). Despite marked differences in Ca2+ sensitivity (>0.5 DeltapCa50), fibers reconstituted with either of the recombinant proteins exhibited similar ktr versus tension profiles, with ktr low (1-2 s-1) and constant up to approximately 50% Po, then rising sharply to a maximum (16 +/- 0.8 s-1) in fully activated fibers. This behavior is predicted by a four-state model based on coupling between cross-bridge cycling and thin filament regulation, where Ca2+ directly affects only individual thin filament regulatory units. These data and model simulations confirm that the range of ktr values obtained with varying Ca2+ can be regulated by a rate-limiting thin filament process.  相似文献   
The matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) belong to a growing family of secreted or membrane-bound (MT-MMP) enzymes that cleave protein components of the extracellular matrix and bioactive factors involved in intercellular signaling. MMP activity is counterbalanced by their four physiological inhibitors, the tissue inhibitors of MMP (TIMPs). Together, MMP and TIMP control cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions associated with physiological processes. However, the breakdown of the protease-inhibitor balance may lead to the loss of tissue homeostasis and the development of degenerative and tumorigenic processes in various tissues. The emerging idea is that the MMP/TIMP system also plays a major role in the pathology and physiology of the nervous system and that mastering MMP activity will set the basis for new and more efficient therapeutic strategies against nervous system disorders.  相似文献   
Distribution of ascorbate into tissues is an essential process in ascorbate antioxidant defense. Hibernating animals are studied as a model of tolerance to ischemia-reperfusion because of their tolerance to fluctuations in blood flow associated with prolonged torpor and periodic arousal episodes. Throughout hibernation, plasma ascorbate concentration ([Asc](p)) repetitively increases during torpor, then falls during periodic arousal bouts. We previously proposed that high [Asc](p) provides a ready source of antioxidant protection for distribution to the central nervous system and peripheral tissues during arousal. Here we tested whether deliberate oxidation of plasma ascorbate by intravenous administration of ascorbate oxidase (AO), prior to arousal, compromised tissue levels of ascorbate or the other water-soluble antioxidants, glutathione (GSH) and urate. Although AO decreased [Asc](p) to below the level of detection during torpor and after arousal, ascorbate oxidation did not decrease post-arousal tissue levels of reduced ascorbate, glutathione, or urate in any tissue examined, except liver. The data imply that ascorbate is taken up equally well into brain and other tissues as either ascorbate or its oxidized product dehydroascorbate, with subsequent intracellular reduction of dehydroascorbate. Lack of effect of ascorbate oxidation on tissue levels of GSH or urate indicates that dehydroascorbate uptake and reduction do not compromise tissue concentrations of these other water-soluble antioxidants. Thus, we show equal availability of reduced and oxidized plasma ascorbate during metabolically demanding thermogenesis and reperfusion associated with arousal from hibernation.  相似文献   
The major pigments responsible for the flower color within the black flowered Gentianaceae, Lisianthius nigrescens, were characterized by HPLC and chemical analyses HPLC analysis showed one major and one minor anthocyanin and 3 major and 3 minor flavone glycosides. The anthocyanins [delphinidin-3-O-rhamnol(1-6)galactoside and its 5-O-glucoside] comprised an extraordinary 24% of the dry weight of wild collected L. nigrescens corallas, and were accompanied in a 1:1 ratio by a range of apigenin and luteolin 8-C-glucosides and their 7-O-methyl ethers. The high levels of anthocyanins and flavones (and their co-pigmentation) is thought to account for the almost complete absorption of both UV and visible wavebands observed by reflectance photography.  相似文献   
The seasonality of twinning in the Spanish populations has not been studied until now. Differences between seasonal distribution of the twin conceptions and those of the single births have been observed in other populations. The aim of this work is to explore the frequency of twinning in a rural population from Catalonia during the nineteenth century, as well as the seasonality patterns characterizing each of the twinning types. Data corresponding to all births recorded at Tortosa (South Catalonia) from 1801 to 1900 have been analyzed in order to study the twinning distribution. The distribution of the moving averages of the monthly rates of twins shows a peak in autumn. Twinning distribution differs from the total births' distribution in Tortosa. This fact is very clear in the case of unlike-sexed twins that have their greater incidence in the last quarter of the year, while the total maternities have their peak in the first one.  相似文献   
Distress signals produced by dung beetles of the genus Trypocopris (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae) were analysed to test whether interspecific and intraspecific acoustic variability are species- and subspecies-specific and to ascertain to what extent bioacoustic parameters depend upon the morphology of the stridulatory organs (pars stridens). Bioacoustic analyses showed that the three species were clearly differentiated, despite the fact that disturbance stridulations presented the same stereotyped spectrographic pattern. Within each species, most of the subspecies and populations considered were also bioacoustically distinguishable. Subspecies and populations within each species were differentiated with regard to body size and stridulatory organ, and the length of the pars stridens was positively correlated with the width of the coxa, in turn positively correlated with body size. A few spectrographic measures were significantly constrained by the morphology of the stridulatory apparatus; in particular the duration of sound emission was positively correlated with the length of the apparatus and the sub-pulse rate was negatively related to the distance between two consecutive crests. For T. pyrenaeus, with the largest number of populations sampled, there was no significant correlation between morphological and spectrographic distances, but there were significant positive correlations between morphological and geographical distances and between morphological and genetic distances. It is hypothesized that genetic differentiation might directly affect variability of the stridulatory apparata which would also be indirectly influenced and constrained by external morphological traits (like the width of the coxa and body size). Stridulatory organs, in turn, would affect the ways a few stridulatory traits (especially the temporal ones) change in time and space.  相似文献   
Despite a century of study, the relationship between Ag-specific Ig concentration and protection remains poorly understood for the majority of pathogens. In certain conditions, administration of high Ab doses before challenge with an infectious agent can be less effective than smaller Ab doses, a phenomenon which is consistent with a prozone-like effect. In this study, the relationship between IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, and IgG3 dose, infective inocula, and protection was investigated in a mouse model of Cryptococcus neoformans infection. The activity of each IgG subclass ranged from protective to disease-enhancing depending on both the Ab dose and infective inocula used. Enhanced dissemination to the brain was observed in mice given a high IgG2a dose and a relatively low inoculum. Ab administration had immunomodulatory effects, with cytokine expression in lung, brain, and spleen varying as a function of the infective inoculum Ab dose and IgG subclass. In vitro studies did not predict or explain the mechanism of in vivo prozone-like effects, because all isotypes were opsonic and elicited NO release from macrophages. IgG2a was most efficient in inducing a macrophage oxidative burst. These results reveal that an individual Ab can be protective, nonprotective, or disease-enhancing depending on its concentration relative to a challenge inoculum. Our findings have implications for the potential contribution of Ab responses to defense against microbial diseases because Ab-mediated immunity may be protective, nonprotective, or even deleterious to the host.  相似文献   
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