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A kinetic model accounting for all salient features of the Na+ channel of the squid giant axon is provided. The model furnishes explanations for the Cole-Moore-like effect, the rising phase of the ON gating current and the slow ‘intermediate component’ of its decaying phase, as well as the gating charge immobilization. Experimental ON ionic currents are semi-quantitatively simulated by the use of only three free parameters, upon assuming that the Na+ channel opening proceeds along with the stepwise aggregation of its four domains, while they are moving their gating charge outward under depolarizing conditions. The inactivation phase of the ON ionic current is interpreted by a progressive electrostatic attraction between the positively charged ‘hinged lid’ containing the hydrophobic IFM triad and its receptor inside the channel pore, as the stepwise outward movement of the S4 segments of the Na+ channel progressively increases the negative charge attracting the triad to its receptor. The Na+ channel closing is assumed to proceed by repolarization-induced disaggregation of its domains, accompanied by inward movement of their gating charge. The phenomenon of ‘gating charge immobilization’ can be explained by assuming that gradual structural changes of the receptor over the time course of depolarization strengthen the interaction between the IFM triad and its receptor, causing a slow release of the gating charge during the subsequent repolarization.  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - Overweight produces oxidative stress (OS) on the articular cartilage, with the subsequent risk of developing knee osteoarthritis (OA). Associations between genetic...  相似文献   
Summary The foraging behaviour of the Alpine Chough was studied around Cervinia (Aosta, Italy) in June and July 1989 and 1990. The birds foraging in loose flocks (of mean size 32.4) which flew to new foraging patches at very frequent intervals (median stay time 74.5 s in 1989 and 75.0 s in 1990). The Choughs' peck rates declined significantly through the summer, from around 17 items per min in mid-June to around 9 per min in late July. Examination of faeces and regurgitated pellets showed that the most common food items were Orthoptera (grasshoppers) which occurred in 83 % of samples, Coleoptera Curculionidae (55 %) and Elateridae (27 %), invertebrate eggs (26 %), Lepidopteran larvae (24 %), Hymenoptera Formicidae (18 %) and vegetable matter (18 %). Grasshoppers remained very small until mid-July and varied greatly in size and density between different parts of the study area. The Choughs' very short stay time in any one patch of meadow is consistent with their high intake rates and apparently low costs of movement between feeding sites, but they may also be sampling in a highly variable environment.
Zusammenfassung Die Nahrungssuche von AlpendohlenPyrrhocorax graculus wurde im Juni und Juli 1989 und 1990 in der Umgebung von Cervinia (Aosta, Italien) untersucht. Die Vögel bewegten sich in losen Gruppen (mittlere Gruppengröße 32,3) und wechselten in regelmäßigen Intervallen zu neuen Futterplätzen (Median der Aufenthaltsdauer 74,5 s 1989 und 75,0 s 1990). Die Pickraten der Alpendohlen nahmen im Lauf des Sommers signifikant von ca. 17 Objekten (Mitte Juni) auf 9 pro min (Ende Juli) ab. Untersuchungen von Kot, Gewöllen und einem Magen erbrachten als häufigste Nahrungsbestandteile Geradflügler (wahrscheinlich Heuschrecken) in 83 % der Proben, Käfer Curculionidae (55 %) und Elateridae (27 %), Eier von Wirbellosen (26 %), Schmetterlingslarven (24 %), Ameisen (18 %) und pflanzliches Material (18 %). Heuschrecken blieben bis Mitte Juli sehr klein und unterschieden sich in verschiedenen Teilen des Untersuchungsgebietes beträchtlich in Größe und Dichte. Die sehr kurze Aufenthaltsdauer der Alpendohlen an allen Futterplätzen stimmt mit ihren hohen Nahrungsaufnahmeraten und den offensichtlich niedrigen Kosten für Ortsveränderungen zwischen den Plätzen überein; es ist aber ebensogut möglich, daß die Beutedichte in den genutzten Gebieten sehr variabel ist.
The seasonality of twinning in the Spanish populations has not been studied until now. Differences between seasonal distribution of the twin conceptions and those of the single births have been observed in other populations. The aim of this work is to explore the frequency of twinning in a rural population from Catalonia during the nineteenth century, as well as the seasonality patterns characterizing each of the twinning types. Data corresponding to all births recorded at Tortosa (South Catalonia) from 1801 to 1900 have been analyzed in order to study the twinning distribution. The distribution of the moving averages of the monthly rates of twins shows a peak in autumn. Twinning distribution differs from the total births' distribution in Tortosa. This fact is very clear in the case of unlike-sexed twins that have their greater incidence in the last quarter of the year, while the total maternities have their peak in the first one.  相似文献   
Distress signals produced by dung beetles of the genus Trypocopris (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae) were analysed to test whether interspecific and intraspecific acoustic variability are species- and subspecies-specific and to ascertain to what extent bioacoustic parameters depend upon the morphology of the stridulatory organs (pars stridens). Bioacoustic analyses showed that the three species were clearly differentiated, despite the fact that disturbance stridulations presented the same stereotyped spectrographic pattern. Within each species, most of the subspecies and populations considered were also bioacoustically distinguishable. Subspecies and populations within each species were differentiated with regard to body size and stridulatory organ, and the length of the pars stridens was positively correlated with the width of the coxa, in turn positively correlated with body size. A few spectrographic measures were significantly constrained by the morphology of the stridulatory apparatus; in particular the duration of sound emission was positively correlated with the length of the apparatus and the sub-pulse rate was negatively related to the distance between two consecutive crests. For T. pyrenaeus, with the largest number of populations sampled, there was no significant correlation between morphological and spectrographic distances, but there were significant positive correlations between morphological and geographical distances and between morphological and genetic distances. It is hypothesized that genetic differentiation might directly affect variability of the stridulatory apparata which would also be indirectly influenced and constrained by external morphological traits (like the width of the coxa and body size). Stridulatory organs, in turn, would affect the ways a few stridulatory traits (especially the temporal ones) change in time and space.  相似文献   
The oxirane ring-opening of an anhydro sugar with diethylaluminum cyanide (Et(2)AlCN) is a direct approach for obtaining a cyano derivative. Methyl 2,3-anhydro-4,6-O-benzylidene-alpha-D-allopyranoside showed anomalous chemical behavior when treated with Et(2)AlCN. The reaction afforded the corresponding beta-cyanohydrin as the minor component from a mixture of compounds resulting from the benzylidene acetal ring-opening caused by the attack of ethyl or cyano groups.  相似文献   
Administration of the ovarian hormone relaxin to nonpregnant rats vasodilates the renal circulation comparable to pregnancy. This vasodilation is mediated by endothelin (ET), the ET(B) receptor, and nitric oxide. Furthermore, endogenous relaxin mediates the renal vasodilation and hyperfiltration that occur during gestation. The goal of this study was to investigate whether myogenic reactivity of small renal and mesenteric arteries is reduced in relaxin-treated rats comparable to the pregnant condition. Relaxin or vehicle was administered to virgin female Long-Evans rats for 5 days at 4 microg/h, thereby producing midgestational blood levels of the hormone. The myogenic responses of small renal arteries (200-300 microm in diameter) isolated from these animals were evaluated in an isobaric arteriograph system. Myogenic reactivity was significantly reduced in the small renal arteries from relaxin-treated compared with vehicle-treated rats. The reduced myogenic responses were mediated by the ET(B) receptor and nitric oxide since the selective ET(B) receptor antagonist RES-701-1 and the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester restored myogenic reactivity to virgin levels. The influence of relaxin was not limited to the renal circulation because myogenic reactivity was also reduced in small mesenteric arteries isolated from relaxin-treated rats. Thus relaxin administration to nonpregnant rats mimics pregnancy, insofar as myogenic reactivity of small renal and mesenteric arteries is reduced in both conditions.  相似文献   
To determine the genetic characteristics of the rabies virus in the Philippines, 59 rabies virus isolates were obtained from domestic rabid dogs and their partial nucleotide sequences of nucleoprotein (N) gene were compared. Based on comparison with reported sequences, phylogenetic analysis revealed that all isolates from the Philippines had close genetic relations and formed two subgroups. The Philippines isolates belonged to a different lineage from other Asian isolates but were closer to them than to terrestrial isolates and laboratory strains. Several specific nucleotide and amino acid substitutions were observed among the Philippines isolates. Our results suggest that rabies viruses in the Philippines might have a characteristic evolution.  相似文献   
Cytotoxicity assays of 24 new 3,5-disubstituted-tetrahydro-2H-1,3,5-thiadiazin-2-thione derivatives were performed. The 17 compounds with higher anti-epimastigote activity and lower cytotoxicity were, thereafter, screened against amastigote of Trypanosoma cruzi. Out of these 17 derivatives S-2d was selected to be assayed in vivo, because of its remarkable trypanocidal properties. To determine toxicity against J774 macrophages, a method based on quantification of cell damage, after 24 h, was used. Cell respiration, an indicator of cell viability, was assessed by the reduction of MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide] to formazan. Anti-amastigote activity was estimated after 48 h by microscopic counts of May Grünwald-Giemsa-stained monolayers. Nifurtimox and benznidazole were used as reference drugs. For the in vivo experiences, mice were infected with 10(4) blood trypomastigotes and then treated during 15 days with S-2d or nifurtimox by oral route. All of the compounds were highly toxic at 100 micro g/ml for macrophages and a few of them maintained this cytotoxicity even at 10 microg/ml. Of the derivatives assayed against amastigotes 3k and S-2d showed an interesting activity, that was held even at 1microg/ml. It is demonstrated that the high anti-epimastigote activity previously reported is mainly due to the non-specific toxicity of these compounds. In vivo assays assessed a reduction of parasitemia after administration of S-2d to infected mice.  相似文献   
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