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Insects express diverse behavioral rhythms synchronized to environmental cycles. While circadian entrainment to light–dark cycles is ubiquitous in living organisms, synchronization to non-photic cycles may be critical for hematophagous bugs that depend on rhythmic hosts. The purpose was to determine whether Triatoma infestans are capable of synchronizing to the circadian rhythms of potential hosts with temporally distinct activity patterns; and, if so, if this synchronization occurs through masking or entrainment. Precise synchronization with the food source may be critical for the insects’ survival due to the specific predatory or defensive nature of each host. Kissing bugs were housed in a compartment in constant dark, air-flow-connected to another compartment with a nocturnal or a diurnal host; both hosts were synchronized to a light–dark cycle. The activity rhythms of kissing bugs were modulated by the daily activity rhythms of the vertebrates. Effects were a decrease in the endogenous circadian period, independent of the host being nocturnal or diurnal; in some cases relative coordination occurred and in others synchronization was clearly achieved. Moreover, splitting and bimodality arose, phenomena that were also affected by the host presence. The results indicate that T. infestans were able to detect the non-photic cycle of their potential hosts, an ability that surely facilitates feeding and hinders predation risk. Understanding triatomines behavior is of fundamental importance to the design of population control methods.  相似文献   
Circadian rhythms are regarded as essentially ubiquitous features of animal behavior and are thought to confer important adaptive advantages. However, although circadian systems of rodents have been among the most extensively studied, most comparative biology is restricted to a few related species. In this study, the circadian organization of locomotor activity was studied in the subterranean, solitary north Argentinean rodent, Ctenomys knightii. The genus, Ctenomys, commonly known as Tuco‐tucos, comprises more than 50 known species over a range that extends from 12°S latitude into Patagonia, and includes at least one social species. The genus, therefore, is ideal for comparative and ecological studies of circadian rhythms. Ctenomys knightii is the first of these to be studied for its circadian behavior. All animals were wild caught but adapted quickly to laboratory conditions, with clear and precise activity‐rest rhythms in a light‐dark (LD) cycle and strongly nocturnal wheel running behavior. In constant dark (DD), the rhythm expression persisted with free‐running periods always longer than 24 h. Upon reinstatement of the LD cycle, rhythms resynchronized rapidly with large phase advances in 7/8 animals. In constant light (LL), six animals had free‐running periods shorter than in DD, and 4/8 showed evidence of “splitting.” We conclude that under laboratory conditions, in wheel‐running cages, this species shows a clear nocturnal rhythmic organization controlled by an endogenous circadian oscillator that is entrained to 24 h LD cycles, predominantly by light‐induced advances, and shows the same interindividual variable responses to constant light as reported in other non‐subterranean species. These data are the first step toward understanding the chronobiology of the largest genus of subterranean rodents.  相似文献   
Lily-Arison, R.de R. 2000. Breeding biology of Frances's Sparrowhawk Accipiter francesii in a lowland rainforest of northeastem Madagascar. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 332–335.

Frances's Sparrowhawks Accipiter fmncesii were studied during the breeding seasons 1994 and 1995 on Masoala Peninsula of northeastern Madagascar. Breeding coincides with the dry season, nest building in October, egg laying in November, hatching in December and fledging in January (beginning of the wet season). All but one of 10 pairs built new nests in 1995 and the mean distance of nest site from 1994 and 1995 nests was 105± 100 m (n = 6, ranging from 0 to 250m). Nests in primary forest were incubated for 79% of the observation time by females, 3% by males and eggs were unattended for 18% of the observation time. On a numerical basis the diet was composed of lizards (56%) and birds (23%), making up more than 79% of the identified prey items. A total of 33 eggs was laid in 13 nests (average clutch size 2.5). In 13 breeding attempts 29 (88%) hatched and all of those hatchlings fledged. Of the 14 My-documented breeding attempts 2.1 young fledged per breeding attempt and overall nesting success was 93%.

L'Épervier de France Accipiter francesii a été étudié pendant la saison de reproduction en 1994 et 1995 dans la Presqu'Ile Masoala, au partie Nord-Est de Madagascar. La saison de reproduction de cette espkce coincide avec la saison sèche: la construction du nid en Octobre, la ponte en Novembre, I'élosion en Déembre et l'envol du poussin en Janvier (début de la saison pluviale). Tous, sauf une des 10 paires ont construit des nouveaw nids en 1995 et la distance moyenne de I'endroit du nid de I'anné 1994 et 1995 est de 105 + 100 m (n = 6, variant de 0 à 250m). Dans la for[ebar]t primaire, les oeufs ont éeté incubés par la femelle pendant 79% du temps d'observation, 3% par le mile et non incubés pendant 18% du temps. Les proies sont principalement composées de lkzards (56%) et oiseaux (23%), atteignant plus de 79% des proies identifiés. 33 oeufs ont été pondus dans 13 nids (en moyenne 2.5 oeufs par nid). Pour ces 13 nids, 29 oeufs (88%) ont été éclos et tous ces poussins (100%) sont capables de voler. Sur 14 nids observés, 2.1 poussins par nid s'envolent et le tam de succés est de 93%.  相似文献   
We used a molecular phylogenetic approach to investigate species delimitations and diversification in the mussel drills of the Ocinebrina edwardsii complex by means of a combination of nuclear (internal transcribed spacer 2, ITS2) and mitochondrial [cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S] sequences. Our sample included 243 specimens ascribed to seven currently accepted species from 51 sites. Five of the samples were from either the type locality of a nominal species or a close nearby locality (O. edwardsii from Corsica, O. carmelae and O. piantonii from the Kerkennah Islands, O. hispidula from the Gulf of Gabès and O. leukos from the Canary Islands), one from the inferred original locality (O. ingloria from Venice Lagoon), and specimens assigned in the recent literature to O. nicolai. We used a combination of distance‐ and tree‐based species delimitation methods to identify Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units (MOTUs) to compare with the a priori species identifications. The consensus tree obtained by BEAST on the COI alignment allows the recognition of several distinct clades supported by the three species delimitation methods employed. The eight‐MOTUs scenario, shared by the Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD) and Generalized Mixed Yule‐Coalescent (GMYC) methods, comprises the following major clades: clade A contains the south Tunisian species Ocinebrina piantonii Cecalupo, Buzzurro & Mariani from which the sympatric taxon O. carmelae Cecalupo, Buzzurro & Mariani (new synonym) cannot be separated; clades B and C bring together all populations from the Aegean Sea and some from the Ionian Sea, respectively; clade D groups, on the one hand, the south Tunisian samples morphologically assigned to O. hispidula Pallary and, on the other, Atlantic and Alboran Sea samples (including the Canarian taxon O. leukos Houart); clade E includes a sample from the type locality of O. edwardsii and several samples from the Tyrrhenian Sea; clades F and G correspond to a few samples from the Venice Lagoon and the Tyrrhenian Sea, respectively; clade H groups the bulk of samples from the Adriatic Sea, including samples from the Venice Lagoon morphologically identified as Ocinebrina ingloria (Crosse), and some from the Ionian Sea. No final conclusions could be reached to reconcile the currently recognized morphological taxa with the clades suggested by the COI data. The geographical structure proposed by the mitochondrial markers is similar to that found in other marine invertebrates and partially corresponds to the species defined by shell characters. We propose here a framework for the revision of the Ocinebrina edwardsii species complex, suggesting a geographical pattern for the diversification of this group in the studied area. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
Amongst the most significant metazoan taxa associated with gastropod molluscs is the endoparasitic copepod family Splanchnotrophidae. Currently it contains five genera with highly modified morphology and exclusively infesting nudibranch and sacoglossan sea slug hosts. The present study is a first approach towards reconstructing their phylogeny and evolution. Cladistic analysis of 109 morphological characters including 24 known splanchnotrophid species resulted in a fully resolved strict consensus tree that is discussed in morphological, functional, and geographical frameworks. Alternative topologies are also explored. Originating from paraphyletic Philoblennidae, the Splanchnotrophidae emerge as sister group to the genus Briarella. Unique synapomorphies, such as the bizarre body shapes and successive reduction of mouthparts, are discussed as adaptive traits to endoparasitism that evolved only once within copepods infesting shell‐less heterobranch gastropods. The ancestrally Indo‐Pacific Splanchnotrophidae split up into a clade of the still Indo‐Pacific genera Ceratosomicola and Arthurius, sister to a clade composed of the monophyletic amphi‐American genus Ismaila and European Splanchnotrophus emerging from paraphyletic Lomanoticola. Although initial radiation of Briarella and Splanchnotrophidae is likely to have involved chromodoridid nudibranch hosts, later phylogenies of parasites and their hosts are incongruent; intriguingly, host shifts from nudibranch to only distantly related sacoglossan species occurred at least two times independently. Such remarkable ecological plasticity is assumed to have driven splanchnotrophid diversification. Topological hypotheses and historical biogeographical and evolutionary scenarios inferred herein can be tested by future molecular research. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is usually depicted as a circular molecule, however, there is increasing evidence that linearization of mtDNA evolved independently many times in organisms such as fungi, unicellular eukaryotes, and animals. Recent observations in various models with linear mtDNA revealed the presence of conserved inverted repeats (IR) at both ends that, when they become single-stranded, may be able to fold on themselves to create telomeric-hairpins involved in genome architecture conversions. The atypical mtDNA of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Oniscidea) composed of linear monomers and circular dimers is an interesting model to study genome architecture conversions. Here, we present the mtDNA control region sequences of two species of the genus Armadillidium: A. vulgare and A. pelagicum. All features of arthropods mtDNA control regions are present (origin of replication, poly-T stretch, GA and TA-rich blocks and one variable domain), plus a conserved IR. This IR can potentially fold into a hairpin structure and is present in two different orientations among the A. vulgare populations: either in one sense or in its reverse complement. This polymorphism, also observed in a single individual (heteroplasmy), might be a signature of genome architecture conversions from linear to circular monomeric mtDNA via successive opening and closing of the molecules.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial amidoxime reducing component mARC is a recently discovered molybdenum enzyme in mammals. mARC is not active as a standalone protein, but together with the electron transport proteins NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase (CYB5R) and cytochrome b5 (CYB5), it catalyzes the reduction of N-hydroxylated compounds such as amidoximes. The mARC-containing enzyme system is therefore considered to be responsible for the activation of amidoxime prodrugs. All hitherto analyzed mammalian genomes code for two mARC genes (also referred to as MOSC1 and MOSC2), which share high sequence similarities. By RNAi experiments in two different human cell lines, we demonstrate for the first time that both mARC proteins are capable of reducing N-hydroxylated substrates in cell metabolism. The extent of involvement is highly dependent on the expression level of the particular mARC protein. Furthermore, the mitochondrial isoform of CYB5 (CYB5B) is clearly identified as an essential component of the mARC-containing N-reductase system in human cells. The participation of the microsomal isoform (CYB5A) in N-reduction could be excluded by siRNA-mediated down-regulation in HEK-293 cells and knock-out in mice. Using heme-free apo-CYB5, the contribution of mitochondrial CYB5 to N-reductive catalysis was proven to strictly depend on heme. Finally, we created recombinant CYB5B variants corresponding to four nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Investigated mutations of the heme protein seemed to have no significant impact on N-reductive activity of the reconstituted enzyme system.  相似文献   
In the low-G+C-content Gram-positive bacteria, resistance to antimicrobial peptides is often mediated by so-called resistance modules. These consist of a two-component system and an ATP-binding cassette transporter and are characterized by an unusual mode of signal transduction where the transporter acts as a sensor of antimicrobial peptides, because the histidine kinase alone cannot detect the substrates directly. Thus, the transporters fulfill a dual function as sensors and detoxification systems to confer resistance, but the mechanistic details of these processes are unknown. The paradigm and best-understood example for this is the BceRS-BceAB module of Bacillus subtilis, which mediates resistance to bacitracin, mersacidin, and actagardine. Using a random mutagenesis approach, we here show that mutations that affect specific functions of the transporter BceAB are primarily found in the C-terminal region of the permease, BceB, particularly in the eighth transmembrane helix. Further, we show that while signaling and resistance are functionally interconnected, several mutations could be identified that strongly affected one activity of the transporter but had only minor effects on the other. Thus, a partial genetic separation of the two properties could be achieved by single amino acid replacements, providing first insights into the signaling mechanism of these unusual modules.  相似文献   
The yeast protein Zim17 belongs to a unique class of co-chaperones that maintain the solubility of Hsp70 proteins in mitochondria and plastids of eukaryotic cells. However, little is known about the functional cooperation between Zim17 and mitochondrial Hsp70 proteins in vivo. To analyze the effects of a loss of Zim17 function in the authentic environment, we introduced novel conditional mutations within the ZIM17 gene of the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae that allowed a recovery of temperature-sensitive but respiratory competent zim17 mutant cells. On fermentable growth medium, the mutant cells were prone to acquire respiratory deficits and showed a strong aggregation of the mitochondrial Hsp70 Ssq1 together with a concomitant defect in Fe/S protein biogenesis. In contrast, under respiring conditions, the mitochondrial Hsp70s Ssc1 and Ssq1 exhibited only a partial aggregation. We show that the induction of the zim17 mutant phenotype leads to strong import defects for Ssc1-dependent matrix-targeted precursor proteins that correlate with a significantly reduced binding of newly imported substrate proteins to Ssc1. We conclude that Zim17 is not only required for the maintenance of mtHsp70 solubility but also directly assists the functional interaction of mtHsp70 with substrate proteins in a J-type co-chaperone-dependent manner.  相似文献   
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