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We have previously studied B cells, from people and mice, that express rotavirus-specific surface immunoglobulin (RV-sIg) by flow cytometry with recombinant virus-like particles that contain green fluorescent protein. In the present study we characterized circulating B cells with RV-sIg in children with acute and convalescent infection. During acute infection, circulating RV-sIgD(-) B cells are predominantly large, CD38(high), CD27(high), CD138(+/-), CCR6(-), alpha4beta7(+), CCR9(+), CCR10(+), cutaneous lymphocyte antigen-negative (CLA(-)), L-selectin(int/-), and sIgM(+), sIgG(-), sIgA(+/-) lymphocytes. This phenotype likely corresponds to gut-targeted plasma cells and plasmablasts. During convalescence the phenotype switches to small and large lymphocytes, CD38(int/-), CD27(int/-), CCR6(+), alpha4beta7(+/-), CCR9(+/-) and CCR10(-), most likely representing RV-specific memory B cells with both gut and systemic trafficking profiles. Of note, during acute RV infection both total and RV-specific murine IgM and IgA antibody-secreting cells migrate efficiently to CCL28 (the CCR10 ligand) and to a lesser extent to CCL25 (the CCR9 ligand). Our results show that CCR10 and CCR9 can be expressed on IgM as well as IgA antibody-secreting cells in response to acute intestinal infection, likely helping target these cells to the gut. However, these intestinal infection-induced plasmablasts lack the CLA homing receptor for skin, consistent with mechanisms of differential CCR10 participation in skin T versus intestinal plasma cell homing. Interestingly, RV memory cells generally lack CCR9 and CCR10 and instead express CCR6, which may enable recruitment to diverse epithelial sites of inflammation.  相似文献   
In this study, we describe the female reproductive cycle of Philodryas patagoniensis in south Brazil, which was described through morpho‐anatomical and histological analyses. The peak of secondary vitellogenesis occurred during winter–spring (July–December), ovulation in spring (October–December), mating and fertilization in spring–summer (October–February), oviposition in spring–autumn (October–May) and births from late spring to autumn (December–July). The diameter of vitellogenic follicles/eggs was larger in winter–spring than in other seasons. The diameter of the shell glands was also larger in winter–spring. In spite of the clear reproductive peak, gonads only showed reduced activity in the autumn. Therefore, at the individual level, females have a discontinuous cyclical reproduction; in the populational level, the reproductive cycle is seasonal semisynchronous. We support the hypothesis that P. patagoniensis have the ability to produce multiple clutches with long‐term stored sperm. Sexual dimorphism in body size was evident, and females are significantly larger and heavier than males. Larger females were able to produce follicles and eggs in larger amount and size. The maternal body size was positively related to the reproductive effort and fecundity. To conclude, we deliberated about the proximal and distal causes that influence the reproductive traits and patterns of P. patagoniensis.  相似文献   
In this study, we prepared translucid hydrogels with different concentrations of silk fibroin, extracted from raw silk fibers, and used them as a matrix to incorporate the photosensitizer 5-(4-aminophenyl)-10,15,20-tris-(4-sulphonatophenyl) porphyrin trisodium for application in photodynamic therapy (PDT). The hydrogels obtained were characterized by rheology, spectrophotometry, and scattering techniques to elucidate the factors involved in the formation of the hydrogel, and to characterize the behavior of silk fibroin (SF) after incorporating of the porphyrin to the matrix. The rheology results demonstrated that the SF hydrogels had a shear thinning behavior. In addition, we were able to verify that the structure of the material was able to be recovered over time after shear deformation. The encapsulation of porphyrins in hydrogels leads to the formation of self-assembled peptide nanostructures that prevent porphyrin aggregation, thereby greatly increasing the generation of singlet oxygen. Also, our findings suggest that porphyrin can diffuse out of the hydrogel and permeate the outer skin layers. This evidence suggests that SF hydrogels could be used as porphyrin encapsulation and as a drug carrier for the sustained release of photosensitizers for PDT.  相似文献   
景观格局分异特征在相当程度上影响着城市热环境.本研究以国家森林城市龙泉市为对象,通过地温反演和空间分析反映9类景观温度特征,运用景观格局分析方法从1~3.5 km 6个尺度探索格局指数与热环境的相关性.结果表明: 龙泉市高温区及次高温区主要分布于东北至西南一带,以城乡居民地为主,低温区和次低温区主要分布于西北、东南区域,以公益林为主;对海拔700 m以下区域各景观类型地表温度的统计发现,针叶林地、阔叶林地、针阔混交林地、竹林地、水域的地温均值相对较低,灌木林地、其他林地、耕地、建设用地的地温均值相对较高;对景观格局与热环境的分析发现,类型水平格局指数较景观水平格局指数更具实际意义,建设用地与热环境的相关系数可达0.835,针叶林地、阔叶林地、针阔混交林地、水域次之,在-0.5~-0.4,不同林地类型的降温效果在空间尺度上的表达不同,阔叶林地、针阔混交林地更利于在大尺度上降温;林地的面积和蓄积量越大,越易出现地表温度低值.  相似文献   
A nitrifying consortium was kinetically, stoichiometrically and molecularly characterized via the in situ pulse respirometric method and pyrosequencing analysis before and after the addition of m-cresol (25 mg C L?1) in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR). Five important kinetic and stoichiometric parameters were determined: the maximum oxygen uptake rate, the maximum nitrification rate, the oxidation yield, the biomass growth yield, and the substrate affinity constant. An inhibitory effect was observed in the nitrification process with a recovery of this by up to eight SBR cycles after m-cresol was added to the system. However, full recovery of the nitrification process was not observed, as the maximum oxygen uptake rate was 25% lower than that of the previous operation without m-cresol addition. Furthermore, the pyrosequencing analyses of the nitrifying consortium after the addition of only two pulses of 25 mg C L?1 m-cresol showed an important microbial community change represented by a decrease in the nitrifying populations and an increase in the populations degrading phenolic compounds.  相似文献   
A strategy to obtain axenic cultures of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira sp. (‘platensis’) Lefevre 1963/M-132-1 strain, consisting of a series of physical and chemical procedures, and the application of an optimized pool of antibiotics, is described in this paper. This strategy, which is an inexpensive and fast way to obtain axenic cultures, can be applied to Arthrospira spp. from culture collections or samples from their natural habitats to eliminate a wide spectrum of contaminants. A high alkaline treatment (pH 12, using KOH) of 72 h is a determinant initial procedure applied to eliminate protozoa and Microcystis sp. Bacteria were eliminated by an optimal antibiotic pool treatment, and Chroococcus sp. residuals were discarded by serial dilution. Optimal concentrations of the antibiotics composing the pool were obtained by a 24 factorial central composite rotatable design (CCRD) and Response Surface Methodology (RSM), resulting in: ampicillin 61.6 μg/ml, penicillin 85.8 μg/ml, cefoxitin 76.9 μg/ml, and meropenem 38.9 μg/ml. The results also indicate that cefoxitin was the most effective antibiotic of this pool. After obtaining the axenic culture, identification of Lefevre 1963/M-132-1 strain was performed using amplification and sequencing of the ITS region (including part of 16S rRNA, tRNA Ile, ITS, tRNA Ala and part of 23S rRNA region) and fatty acid composition data. Data base comparison revealed that Lefevre strain is closely related to A. platensis species (99% identity), while fatty acid composition data suggested A. maxima. These seemingly contradictory results are discussed.  相似文献   
Nectar robbers use a hole made in the perianth to extract nectar. Since robbers may modify plant fitness, they play an important role by driving evolution on floral traits, shaping population structure and influencing community dynamics. Although nectar robbing is widespread in angiosperms, the causes and ecological implications of this behaviour on large ecological scales are still unexplored. Our aim is to study the frequency of nectar robbing in plants of temperate and tropical regions and examine its association with plant traits. We characterised the levels of nectar robbing in 88 species of Mediterranean, Alpine, Antillean and Andean plant communities and identified the most important nectar robbers. We analysed associations between the levels of robbing and floral morphology, production and density of energy rewards, mechanisms of protection against nectar robbers, plant life form and geographic origin. Nectar robbing was present at all sampling sites. Within communities two patterns of robbing levels related to the diversity and specialization of robbers were detected. In most communities one plant species presented very high levels of robbing while other species had intermediate to low robbing levels. There, nectar robbers are opportunists, robbing highly rewarding plants. In the Andean community the high specialization of several co‐existing flowerpiercers produced an even pattern of robbing levels in the plant community. Plants with long flowers, abundant nectar and a high energy density are more likely to be robbed by both insects and birds. A high aggregation of the flowers within the plants and the presence of long calyxes and bracts are associated to low robbing rates by insects and to a lesser extent by birds. Besides the morphological constraints that operate on a single flower basis, nectar robbing is a phenomenon dependent upon the density of energy rewards reflecting the presence of mechanisms on higher ecological scales.  相似文献   
Due to the importance of cysticercosis in Mexico and Latin America and to the fact that in the last years another mechanism of infection for this disease has been proposed, i.e. through postoncospheres and immunosuppression of the host, we have considered relevant to perform the present work, which consisted in assessing the immune response induced by dexamethasone as well as that produced by parasites in pigs infected with T. solium eggs, or postoncosphere-infected, and in postoncosphere-infected and dexamethasone-treated animals. We used 10 recently weaned pigs, three were used as controls, two of them without the drug and one with it; two were infected with T. solium eggs; five with postoncospheres receiving also dexamethasone three of them. We evaluated the humoral response against parasite antigen using indirect haemagglutination (IH) and ELISA methods. Results of the immune humoral response revealed titres of up to 1:128 in T. solium eggs infected animals, of 1:16 in postoncosphere infected animals, and of 1:32 towards the end of the experiment in postoncosphere plus dexamethasone animals. Absorbance titres with ELISA confirmed these findings. Data obtained by IH show that the antibody titres of the pigs challenged with postoncospheres and postoncospheres plus dexamethasone are positive as compared to the titres obtained in the pigs infected with T. solium eggs. Results from the ELISA confirmed this finding, since, from weeks 14 to 17, the pigs became positive, behaving as those pigs that developed cysticercosis. This is relevant as it indicates that the antiposcosphere antibodies recognized antigens of T. solium larvae.  相似文献   
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