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The current study collected the first quantitative data on lateral line pore squamation patterns in sharks and assessed whether divergent squamation patterns are similar to experimental models that cause reduction in boundary layer turbulence. In addition, the hypothesis that divergent orientation angles are exclusively found in fast‐swimming shark species was tested. The posterior lateral line and supraorbital lateral line pore squamation of the fast‐swimming pelagic shortfin mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus and the slow‐swimming epi‐benthic spiny dogfish shark Squalus acanthias was examined. Pore scale morphology and pore coverage were qualitatively analysed and compared. In addition, pore squamation orientation patterns were quantified for four regions along the posterior lateral line and compared for both species. Isurus oxyrinchus possessed consistent pore scale coverage among sampled regions and had a divergent squamation pattern with multiple scale rows directed dorsally and ventrally away from the anterior margin of the pore with an average divergent angle of 13° for the first row of scales. Squalus acanthias possessed variable amounts of scale coverage among the sampled regions and had a divergent squamation pattern with multiple scale rows directed ventrally away from the anterior margin of the pore with an average angle of 19° for the first row of scales. Overall, the squamation pattern measured in I. oxyrinchus fell within the parameters used in the fluid flow analysis, which suggests that this pattern may reduce boundary layer turbulence and affect lateral line sensitivity. The exclusively ventral oriented scale pattern seen in S. acanthias possessed a high degree of divergence but the pattern did not match that of the fluid flow models. Given current knowledge, it is unclear how this would affect boundary layer flow. By studying the relationship between squamation patterns and the lateral line, new insights are provided into sensory biology that warrant future investigation due to the implications for the ecology, morphology and sensory evolution of sharks.  相似文献   
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in males in the United States, yet the etiology of this disease is still poorly understood. In previous work from our laboratory, one or more deleted regions were found in prostate tumors distal to the breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene (BRCA1) on chromosome 17. This suggested that genes at 17q21 may play a pivotal role in prostate cancer progression, and there may be new tumor suppressor genes at this locus. We now present a physical map built with P1, P1 artificial chromosome, and bacterial artificial chromosome clones encompassing a DNA sequence anchored by multiple STS markers. The analysis of prostate tumors indicated an 85-kb novel commonly deleted interval flanked by D17S1184-D17S183-D17S1203-D17S1860, which is at least 470 kb distal to the BRCA1 gene. Fifty-four of 126 prostrate cancer cases (43%) showed a deletion by a direct FISH technique using P1 probes in this region. Searching with clone end sequences in the sequence database BLAST, the deleted clone covered genomic DNA sequence that contained upstream binding factor (UBF), EPB3 genes, SHCL1, ASB-4-like sequence, and acidic protein-like sequence. PCR for the ESTs confirmed that these genes or ESTs are within the deletion region. Our results will be helpful for finding candidate tumor suppressor genes in prostate cancer.  相似文献   
Ecophylogenetics can be viewed as an emerging fusion of ecology, biogeography and macroevolution. This new and fast-growing field is promoting the incorporation of evolution and historical contingencies into the ecological research agenda through the widespread use of phylogenetic data. Including phylogeny into ecological thinking represents an opportunity for biologists from different fields to collaborate and has provided promising avenues of research in both theoretical and empirical ecology, towards a better understanding of the assembly of communities, the functioning of ecosystems and their responses to environmental changes. The time is ripe to assess critically the extent to which the integration of phylogeny into these different fields of ecology has delivered on its promise. Here we review how phylogenetic information has been used to identify better the key components of species interactions with their biotic and abiotic environments, to determine the relationships between diversity and ecosystem functioning and ultimately to establish good management practices to protect overall biodiversity in the face of global change. We evaluate the relevance of information provided by phylogenies to ecologists, highlighting current potential weaknesses and needs for future developments. We suggest that despite the strong progress that has been made, a consistent unified framework is still missing to link local ecological dynamics to macroevolution. This is a necessary step in order to interpret observed phylogenetic patterns in a wider ecological context. Beyond the fundamental question of how evolutionary history contributes to shape communities, ecophylogenetics will help ecology to become a better integrative and predictive science.  相似文献   
Combinatorial biosynthesis was applied to Streptomyces deoxysugar biosynthesis genes in order to reconstitute "unnatural natural gene clusters" for the biosynthesis of four D-deoxysugars (D-olivose, D-oliose, D-digitoxose, and D-boivinose). Expression of these gene clusters in Streptomyces albus 16F4 was used to prove the functionality of the designed clusters through the generation of glycosylated tetracenomycins. Three glycosylated tetracenomycins were generated and characterized, two of which (D-digitoxosyl-tetracenomycin C and D-boivinosyl-tetracenocmycin C) were novel compounds. The constructed gene clusters may be used to increase the capabilities of microorganisms to synthesize new deoxysugars and therefore to produce new glycosylated bioactive compounds.  相似文献   
Resource availability can significantly alter host–parasite dynamics. Abundant food can provide more resources for hosts to resist infections, but also increase host tolerance of infections by reducing competition between hosts and parasites for food. Whether abundant food favors host resistance or tolerance (or both) might depend on the type of resource that the parasite exploits (e.g., host tissue vs. food), which can vary based on the stage of infection. In our study, we evaluated how low and high resource diets affect Cuban tree frog (Osteopilus septentrionalis) resistance and tolerance of a skin-penetrating, gut nematode Aplectana sp. at each stage of the infection. Compared to a low resource diet, a high resource diet enhanced frog resistance to worm penetration and tolerance while worms traveled to the gut. In contrast, a low resource diet increased resistance to establishment of the infection. After the infection established and worms could access food resources in the gut, a high resource diet enhanced host tolerance of parasites. On a high resource diet, parasitized frogs consumed significantly more food than non-parasitized frogs; when food was then restricted, mass of non-parasitized frogs did not change, whereas mass of parasitized frogs decreased significantly. Thus, a high resource diet increased frog tolerance of established worms because frogs could fully compensate for energy lost to the parasites. Our study shows that host–parasite dynamics are influenced by the effect of resource availability on host resistance and tolerance, which depends on when parasites have access to food and the stage of infection.  相似文献   
How species diversity influences ecosystem functioning has been the subject of many experiments and remains a key question for ecology and conservation biology. However, the fact that diversity cannot be manipulated without affecting species composition makes this quest methodologically challenging. Here, we evaluate the relative importance of diversity and of composition on biomass production, by using partial Mantel tests for one variable while controlling for the other. We analyse two datasets, from the Jena (2002–2008) and the Grandcour (2008–2009) Experiments. In both experiments, plots were sown with different numbers of species to unravel mechanisms underlying the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF). Contrary to Jena, plots were neither mowed nor weeded in Grandcour, allowing external species to establish. Based on the diversity–ecosystem functioning and competition theories, we tested two predictions: 1) the contribution of composition should increase with time; 2) the contribution of composition should be more important in non‐weeded than in controlled systems. We found support for the second hypothesis, but not for the first. On the contrary, the contribution of species richness became markedly more important few years after the start of the Jena Experiment. This result can be interpreted as suggesting that species complementarity, rather than intraspecific competition, is the driving force in this system. Finally, we explored to what extent the estimated relative importance of both factors varied when measured on different spatial scales of the experiment (in this case, increasing the number of plots included in the analyses). We found a strong effect of scale, suggesting that comparisons between studies, and more generally the extrapolation of results from experiments to natural situations, should be made with caution.  相似文献   
In standard laboratory environments mice are housed at 20–24 °C. However, their thermoneutral zone ranges between 26 °C and 34 °C. This challenge to homeostasis is by definition stressful, and could therefore affect many aspects of physiology and behavior. We tested the hypothesis that mice under standard laboratory conditions are not housed at a preferred temperature, and predicted that this would be evident in thermotaxis and other behavioral responses to ambient cage temperature. We assessed the temperature preferences of C57BL/6J mice in standard laboratory housing from 4 to 11 weeks of age. Forty-eight mice (24 male and 24 female in groups of three) all born on the same day were randomly assigned to one of eight age treatments. One cage of males and one cage of females were tested each consecutive week. Mice were tested in a set of three connected cages with each cage's temperature set using a water bath. On days 1–3 each group of mice was acclimated to each of the three temperatures (20 °C, 25 °C, or 30 °C) in a random order. Then each group was given free access to all temperatures on days 4–6, and video taped continuously. The location of each mouse and the occurrence of three behavioral categories (Active, Inactive, and Maintenance) were recorded by instantaneous scan samples every 10 min over the 3 days, and time budgets calculated. While both sexes chose warmer temperatures overall (P < 0.001), they preferred warmer temperatures only for maintenance and inactive behavior (P < 0.001). This effect was most pronounced in females (P = 0.017). As temperature selection varied with time of day (P < 0.001), these behavioral differences cannot be due to ambient temperature dictating behavior. We conclude that C57BL/6J mice at 20–24 °C are not housed at their preferred temperature for all behaviors or genders, and that it may not be possible to select a single preferred temperature for all mice.  相似文献   
A radioimmunoassay that measures Leb-active glycolipids in human plasma has been developed using antiserum from a goat immunized with a Leb blood group hapten, lacto-N-difucohexaose I, conjugated to polylysine. Binding by the antiserum of lacto-N-difucohexaose I conjugated to 125I-labeled bovine serum albumin is specifically inhibited by Leb-active ceramide hexasaccharide. Plasma levels of the glycolipid are quantitated by comparing the inhibitory activity of plasma with that of the purified Leb-active glycolipid. Plasma samples from 35 blood group O Le(a ? b +) individuals contain Leb-active ceramide hexasaccharide at an average concentration of 0.9 μg/ml (range: 0.2 to 2.5 μg/ml); no Leb-active glycolipid (less than 0.02 μg/ml) could be detected in plasma from blood group O Le(a + b?) or O Le(a? b?) individuals. Plasma from A1 Le(a ? b+) individuals contains less Leb-active glycolipid than plasma from A2 Le(a? b+) individuals: its level in 19 samples of A, Le(a? b+) plasma averages 0.2 μg/ml (range: 0.1 to 0.45 μg/ml), and its level in 9 samples of A2 Le(a? b+) plasma averages 1.1 μg/ml (range 0.8 to 1.3 μg/ml). About one-third of the total Leb-active glycolipid in whole blood is associated with erythrocytes and the rest is found in plasma.  相似文献   
Mithramycin is an antitumor polyketide drug produced by Streptomyces argillaceus that contains two deoxysugar chains, a disaccharide consisting of two d-olivoses and a trisaccharide consisting of a d-olivose, a d-oliose, and a d-mycarose. From a cosmid clone (cosAR3) which confers resistance to mithramycin in streptomycetes, a 3-kb PstI-XhoI fragment was sequenced, and two divergent genes (mtmGI and mtmGII) were identified. Comparison of the deduced products of both genes with proteins in databases showed similarities with glycosyltransferases and glucuronosyltransferases from different sources, including several glycosyltransferases involved in sugar transfer during antibiotic biosynthesis. Both genes were independently inactivated by gene replacement, and the mutants generated (M3G1 and M3G2) did not produce mithramycin. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis of ethyl acetate extracts of culture supernatants of both mutants showed the presence of several peaks with the characteristic spectra of mithramycin biosynthetic intermediates. Four compounds were isolated from both mutants by preparative high-performance liquid chromatography, and their structures were elucidated by physicochemical methods. The structures of these compounds were identical in both mutants, and the compounds are suggested to be glycosylated intermediates of mithramycin biosynthesis with different numbers of sugar moieties attached to C-12a-O of a tetracyclic mithramycin precursor and to C-2-O of mithramycinone: three tetracyclic intermediates containing one sugar (premithramycin A1), two sugars (premithramycin A2), or three sugars (premithramycin A3) and one tricyclic intermediate containing a trisaccharide chain (premithramycin A4). It is proposed that the glycosyltransferases encoded by mtmGI and mtmGII are responsible for forming and transferring the disaccharide during mithramycin biosynthesis. From the structures of the new metabolites, a new biosynthetic sequence regarding late steps of mithramycin biosynthesis can be suggested, a sequence which includes glycosyl transfer steps prior to the final shaping of the aglycone moiety of mithramycin.

Many bioactive drugs contain sugars attached to their aglycones which are usually important or, in some cases, essential for bioactivity. Most of these sugars belong to the family of the 6-deoxyhexoses (6-DOH) (18, 20, 27) and are transferred to the different aglycones as late steps in biosynthesis. Genes involved in the biosynthesis of different 6-DOH have been reported elsewhere and participate in the biosynthesis of erythromycin (9, 12, 31, 38, 39), daunorubicin (13, 26, 36), mithramycin (22), granaticin (2), streptomycin (10, 28), and tylosin (14, 23). However, information about the glycosyltransferases (GTFs) responsible for the transfer of the sugars to the respective aglycones is quite scarce. So far, only two GTFs from antibiotic producers have been biochemically characterized in detail, and they are involved in macrolide inactivation: Mgt, from Streptomyces lividans, a nonmacrolide producer (7, 17); and OleD, from the oleandomycin producer Streptomyces antibioticus (15, 29), which inactivates oleandomycin by addition of glucose to the 2′-OH group of the desosamine attached to the macrolactone ring (40). In the last several years, a few genes have been proposed to encode GTFs involved in the transfer of sugars to various aglycones during biosynthesis: dnrS and dnrH, from Streptomyces peucetius, involved in daunorubicin (26) and baumycin (36) biosynthesis, respectively; gra-orf5, involved in granaticin biosynthesis (2); eryCIII and eryBV, involved in the transfer of desosamine and mycarose, respectively, in erythromycin biosynthesis (12, 32, 38); and tylM2, from Streptomyces fradiae, involved in sugar transfer during tylosin biosynthesis (14).Mithramycin (Fig. (Fig.1)1) is an aromatic polyketide which shows antibacterial activity against gram-positive bacteria and also antitumor activity (30, 37). Together with the chromomycins and the olivomycins, mithramycin constitutes the so-called aureolic acid group of antitumor drugs. The polyketide moiety of mithramycin is derived from the condensation of 10 acetate building blocks in a series of reactions catalyzed by a type II polyketide synthase (5, 21). The mithramycin aglycone is glycosylated at positions 6 and 2 with disaccharide (d-olivose- d-olivose) and trisaccharide (d-olivose-d-oliose-d-mycarose) moieties, respectively. All of these sugars belong to the 6-DOH family. In the mithramycin pathway, two genes (mtmD and mtmE) encoding two enzymes (glucose-1-phosphate:TTP thymidylyl transferase and dTDP-4,6-dehydratase, respectively) involved in the biosynthesis of the mithramycin 6-DOH have been cloned, and their participation in mithramycin biosynthesis has been demonstrated by insertional inactivation (22). Here we report the characterization of two Streptomyces argillaceus genes (mtmGI and mtmGII) that encode two putative GTFs responsible for the formation and transfer of the disaccharide chain. Inactivation of these genes by gene replacement showed identical accumulated compounds and allowed the isolation of four glycosylated compounds which are likely to be intermediates in mithramycin biosynthesis. Open in a separate windowFIG. 1Structures of mithramycin, premithramycinone, and the new premithramycins.  相似文献   
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