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While large herbivores can have strong impacts on terrestrial ecosystems, much less is known of their role in aquatic systems. We reviewed the literature to determine: 1) which large herbivores (> 10 kg) have a (semi‐)aquatic lifestyle and are important consumers of submerged vascular plants, 2) their impact on submerged plant abundance and species composition, and 3) their ecosystem functions. We grouped herbivores according to diet, habitat selection and movement ecology: 1) Fully aquatic species, either resident or migratory (manatees, dugongs, turtles), 2) Semi‐aquatic species that live both in water and on land, either resident or migratory (swans), 3) Resident semi‐aquatic species that live in water and forage mainly on land (hippopotamuses, beavers, capybara), 4) Resident terrestrial species with relatively large home ranges that frequent aquatic habitats (cervids, water buffalo, lowland tapir). Fully aquatic species and swans have the strongest impact on submerged plant abundance and species composition. They may maintain grazing lawns. Because they sometimes target belowground parts, their activity can result in local collapse of plant beds. Semi‐aquatic species and turtles serve as important aquatic–terrestrial linkages, by transporting nutrients across ecosystem boundaries. Hippopotamuses and beavers are important geomorphological engineers, capable of altering the land and hydrology at landscape scales. Migratory species and terrestrial species with large home ranges are potentially important dispersal vectors of plant propagules and nutrients. Clearly, large aquatic herbivores have strong impacts on associated species and can be critical ecosystem engineers of aquatic systems, with the ability to modify direct and indirect functional pathways in ecosystems. While global populations of large aquatic herbivores are declining, some show remarkable local recoveries with dramatic consequences for the systems they inhabit. A better understanding of these functional roles will help set priorities for the effective management of large aquatic herbivores along with the plant habitats they rely on.  相似文献   
Persoonia longifolia is a common mid-storey species that is difficult to return to post-mining environments. This study aimed to quantify in situ emergence of P. longifolia seeds on restored areas, investigate seed cueing prior to use in restoration and assess different tree guards for increasing seedling survival and health. Initial investigations found that <1 % of seeds buried or scattered on restored areas produced seedlings. However, if seeds were cued through burial in surrounding forest, retrieved and sown on restored areas, seedling emergence increased to 24 %. Significantly more seeds emerged as seedlings when buried (14.6 %) compared to those scattered on the soil surface (2.7 %). There was no significant difference in survival between seedlings planted at 2-3 weeks of age compared with those planted at 12 months of age after 20 months in situ growth. Additionally, those seedlings planted when younger were significantly taller (29.0 ± 2.9 cm) than those that were planted at 12 months of age (4.7 ± 0.3 cm). Use of “onion bag” guards improved survival from 58.1 ± 4.0 % (no guard) to 70.8 ± 3.4 % with an onion bag guard. The use of shade cloth guards did not significantly improve survival, however plant height did increase substantially after 32 months growth (22 cm compared with 7.2 cm for no guard). These data demonstrate that consideration needs to be given to specific species requirements to improve seedling emergence and survival when attempting to return difficult to germinate species to the post-mining environment.  相似文献   
An anti-inflammatory active extract from the seeds of the Australian rainforest vine Celastrus subspicata was identified from high throughput screening of a plant and marine invertebrate extract library using an assay which detects down regulation of expression of pro-inflammatory genes associated with the glucocorticoid receptor ligand complex. The anti-inflammatory properties of the extract were found to be associated with a group of fatty acids that were present in the extract in high yield. Two agarofurans were also isolated and shown to possess minimal anti-inflammatory activity and to be cytotoxic towards HeLa cancer cells.  相似文献   
We have investigated the enzyme inhibition characteristics of a natural product (NP)-based phenolic library against a panel of human carbonic anhydrases (hCAs, EC which included hCAs I and II (cytosolic) and hCA VA/VB (mitochondrial isoforms). Most of these compounds were weak, micromolar inhibitors of the two cytosolic hCAs (KIs >10 μM) but showed good hCA VA/VB inhibitory activity with inhibition constants in the range of 70–125 nM. The selectivity ratios for inhibiting the mitochondrial over the cytosolic isoforms for these phenol derivatives were in the range of 120–3800, making them the most isoform-selective compounds for inhibiting hCA VA/VB known to date. The CA VA/VB enzymes are involved in biosynthetic processes such as gluconeogenesis, lipogenesis and ureagenesis, and no pharmacological inhibitors with good selectivity are currently available. Thus the NP inhibitors identified during these studies are excellent leads for obtaining even more effective compounds that selectively target mitochondrial hCAs, and also have the potential to be used as tools for understanding the physiological processes that are regulated by the two mitochondrial CA isoforms.  相似文献   
The Lord Howe Island stick insect (Dryococelus australis) is one of the world’s rarest insects. However, the opportunity to reintroduce the species to Lord Howe Island, and commence the path to recovery, may occur within the next 5 years. Understanding the insect’s host plant and habitat preferences on Lord Howe Island is critical to maximising the likelihood of reintroduction success. However, very little ecological information was documented before the species became extinct on the island in the 1930s. Here we examine the Lord Howe Island stick insect’s preference for potential host plants, a key aspect of habitat suitability. We conducted preference trials using 15 common plant species found on Lord Howe Island. Both nymphs and adults consumed some but not all of these plant species. Nymphs were able to survive on 7 of these 15 plants for the duration of the 26-day trials although failed to survive on some of the plants most preferred by adults. Overall, these data reveal that there are numerous plants on Lord Howe Island that the stick insect can consume, though their suitability varies with different developmental stages of the insect. These data are encouraging for any future reintroduction attempts and would greatly aid the selection and monitoring of release sites.  相似文献   
The social organization of the sexually dimorphic and dichromatic Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera (Latham 1801) was studied at Wilsons Promontory National Park between January 1994 and January 1997. All breeding attempts at one site were followed during the spring and summer of 1996. Most pairs were multibrooded, with pair-bonds maintained throughout the study. Breeding males held well-defined territories. Females, although generally restricting their activities to within their mate’s territory, visited other males’ territories more frequently than did their mates and did so close to the time of egg laying. Males aggressively chased intruding males, but appeared to permit intrusions by non-mate females. Circumstantial evidence suggests some males may kill neighbour’s nestlings. Female Crescent Honeyeaters are solely responsible for nest construction and incubation. While both sexes attended nestlings, males contributed to parental care significantly less than females. Males also provided significantly less parental care than has been reported for monomorphic species of honeyeater. Single syllable calls are given throughout the year. Peaks in the rate of double and multisyllable calls corresponded with peaks in breeding activity. Only males were observed uttering loud multisyllable calls. In contrast to predictions arising from sexual selection theory and observations of the mating system of sexually dimorphic hummingbirds, the population of Crescent Honeyeaters studied exhibited a socially monogamous mating system. However, the very limited male role in parental care and non-observance of male territory boundaries by females suggest the genetic mating system may not be one of monogamy.  相似文献   
Factors affecting the specific activity of immobilized antibodies and their biologically active fragments were studied with goat anti-mouse and goat anti-human immunoglobulin G. Antibodies were immobilized on HW 65 polymeric support matrix activated with carbonyldiimidazole, hydrazide and iodoacetic acid. The most significant factors influencing the specific activity of stochastic coupling of antibodies are multisite attachment, multiple orientations and steric hindrance imposed by crowding of antibody and the size of the antigen. In oriented immobilization the specific activity is affected only by steric hindrance. The specific activity of immunosorbents prepared by immobilization of F(ab′) fragments can be improved to almost 100% by limiting the amount of protein immobilization and the size of the antigen. The present study shows the protocols for optimizing immobilized antibody performance.  相似文献   
R M Rohan  D King    W I Frels 《Nucleic acids research》1990,18(20):6089-6095
When microinjected foreign genes integrate into the genomes of mice, multiple copies are frequently found clustered together at one location. How they concatamerize--by the integration of large linearized concatamers that are formed by simple end-to-end linkage, by circularization of individual DNA fragments and recombination, or by some other means--is not understood. In the transgenic animals studied thus far by ourselves and others, integration frequency and transgene copy number do not seem to be significantly influenced by the complementarity of the ends of the DNA fragments that have been microinjected. We have utilized PCR amplification and DNA sequence analysis to study selected transgene junctions at the nucleotide level. In two transgenic mice carrying the synthetic RSVcat gene (injected with noncomplementary overhangs on the fragment ends), ends were 'nibbled' from 1 to 62 bases before being joined to an adjacent gene copy. Repeated dinucleotides, providing the most minimal of homologies, are present in half of the characterized junctions. Determination of the relative copy number of the junctions in each mouse supports the idea that transgene complexes can undergo additional rearrangements after the initial formation event.  相似文献   
Chronic kidney disease constitutes an increasing medical burden affecting 26 million people in the United States alone. Diabetes, hypertension, ischemia, acute injury, and urological obstruction contribute to renal fibrosis, a common pathological hallmark of chronic kidney disease. Regardless of etiology, elevated TGF-β1 levels are causatively linked to the activation of profibrotic signaling pathways initiated by angiotensin, glucose, and oxidative stress. Unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) is a useful and accessible model to identify mechanisms underlying the progression of renal fibrosis. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), a major effector and downstream target of TGF-β1 in the progression of several clinically important fibrotic disorders, is highly up-regulated in UUO and causatively linked to disease severity. SMAD and non-SMAD pathways (pp60c-src, epidermal growth factor receptor [EGFR], mitogen-activated protein kinase, p53) are required for PAI-1 induction by TGF-β1. SMAD2/3, pp60c-src, EGFR, and p53 activation are each increased in the obstructed kidney. This review summarizes the molecular basis and translational significance of TGF-β1-stimulated PAI-1 expression in the progression of kidney disease induced by ureteral obstruction. Mechanisms discussed here appear to be operative in other renal fibrotic disorders and are relevant to the global issue of tissue fibrosis, regardless of organ site.  相似文献   
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