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A three-dimensional model of the human extracellular Ca(2+)-sensing receptor (CaSR) has been used to identify specific residues implicated in the recognition of two negative allosteric CaSR modulators of different chemical structure, NPS 2143 and Calhex 231. To demonstrate the involvement of these residues, we have analyzed dose-inhibition response curves for the effect of these calcilytics on Ca(2+)-induced [(3)H]inositol phosphate accumulation for the selected CaSR mutants transiently expressed in HEK293 cells. These mutants were further used for investigating the binding pocket of two chemically unrelated positive allosteric CaSR modulators, NPS R-568 and (R)-2-[1-(1-naphthyl)ethylaminomethyl]-1H-indole (Calindol), a novel potent calcimimetic that stimulates (EC(50) = 0.31 microM) increases in [(3)H]inositol phosphate levels elicited by activating the wild-type CaSR by 2 mM Ca(2+). Our data validate the involvement of Trp-818(6.48), Phe-821(6.51), Glu-837(7.39), and Ile-841(7.43) located in transmembranes (TM) 6 and TM7, in the binding pocket for both calcimimetics and calcilytics, despite important differences observed between each family of compounds. The TMs involved in the recognition of both calcilytics include residues located in TM3 (Arg-680(3.28), Phe-684(3.32), and Phe-688(3.36)). However, our study indicates subtle differences between the binding of these two compounds. Importantly, the observation that some mutations that have no effect on calcimimetics recognition but which affect the binding of calcilytics in TM3 and TM5, suggests that the binding pocket of positive and negative allosteric modulators is partially overlapping but not identical. Our CaSR model should facilitate the development of novel drugs of this important therapeutic target and the identification of the molecular determinants involved in the binding of allosteric modulators of class 3 G-protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   
Computer simulation of the conformations of short antigenic peptides (5-10 residues) either free or bound to their receptor, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-encoded glycoprotein H-2 Ld, was employed to explain experimentally determined differences in the antigenic activities within a set of related peptides. Starting for each sequence from the most probable conformations disclosed by a pattern-recognition technique, several energy-minimized structures were subjected to molecular dynamics simulations (MD) either in vacuo or solvated by water molecules. Notably, antigenic potencies were found to correlate to the peptides propensity to form and maintain an overall alpha-helical conformation through regular i,i + 4 hydrogen bonds. Accordingly, less active or inactive peptides showed a strong tendency to form i,i + 3 hydrogen bonds at their N-terminal end. Experimental data documented that the C-terminal residue is critical for interaction of the peptide with H-2 Ld. This finding could be satisfactorily explained by a 3-D Q.S.A.R. analysis postulating interactions between ligand and receptor by hydrophobic forces. A 3-D model is proposed for the complex between a high-affinity nonapeptide and the H-2 Ld receptor. First, the H-2 Ld molecule was built from X-ray coordinates of two homologous proteins: HLA-A2 and HLA-Aw68, energy-minimized and studied by MD simulations. With HLA-A2 as template, the only realistic simulation was achieved for a solvated model with minor deviations of the MD mean structure from the X-ray conformation. Water simulation of the H-2 Ld protein in complex with the antigenic nonapeptide was then achieved with the template-derived optimal parameters. The bound peptide retains mainly its alpha-helical conformation and binds to hydrophobic residues of H-2 Ld that correspond to highly polymorphic positions of MHC proteins. The orientation of the nonapeptide in the binding cleft is in accordance with the experimentally determined distribution of its MHC receptor-binding residues (agretope residues). Thus, computer simulation was successfully employed to explain functional data and predicts alpha-helical conformation for the bound peptide.  相似文献   
Mannitol plays a central role in brown algal physiology since it represents an important pathway used to store photoassimilate. Several specific enzymes are directly involved in the synthesis and recycling of mannitol, altogether forming the mannitol cycle. The recent analysis of algal genomes has allowed tracing back the origin of this cycle in brown seaweeds to a horizontal gene transfer from bacteria, and furthermore suggested a subsequent transfer to the green micro-alga Micromonas. Interestingly, genes of the mannitol cycle were not found in any of the currently sequenced diatoms, but were recently discovered in pelagophytes and dictyochophytes. In this study, we quantified the mannitol content in a number of ochrophytes (autotrophic stramenopiles) from different classes, as well as in Micromonas. Our results show that, in accordance with recent observations from EST libraries and genome analyses, this polyol is produced by most ochrophytes, as well as the green alga tested, although it was found at a wide range of concentrations. Thus, the mannitol cycle was probably acquired by a common ancestor of most ochrophytes, possibly after the separation from diatoms, and may play different physiological roles in different classes.Key words: algae, stramenopiles, mannitol cycle, primary metabolism, osmotic stress, evolutionBrown algae produce mannitol directly from the photoassimilate fructose-6-phosphate. Its metabolism occurs through the mannitol cycle, which involves four enzymatic reactions: (1) the reduction of fructose-6-phosphate (F6P) to mannitol-1-phosphate (M1P) via the activity of an M1P dehydrogenase (M1PDH); (2) the production of mannitol from M1P via an M1P phosphatase (M1Pase); (3) the oxidation of mannitol via the activity of a mannitol-2-dehydrogenase (M2DH) yielding fructose; and (4) the phosphorylation of fructose yielding F6P and involving a hexokinase (HK).1,2 The first completed draft of a brown algal genome enabled the identification of candidate genes for each of these steps.3 As these genes were not found in the genomes of the diatoms Thalassiosira pseudonana and Phaeodactylum tricornutum, mannitol metabolism in stramenopiles was considered a trait typical for brown algae. The corresponding genes were thought to have been acquired horizontally from bacteria and subsequently transferred to some green algae.4 Recently, however, homologs of several genes of the cycle were also found in the genome of the pelagophyte Aureococcus anophagefferens5 and an EST library produced for the dictyochophyte Pseudochattonella farcimen (Dittami et al. personal communication). These observations prompted us to examine the presence of mannitol in a range of strains covering different classes of autotrophic stramenopiles (ochrophytes). In addition, because of the identification of genes encoding enzymes for the production of mannitol through the mannitol cycle in the green alga Micromonas, one strain of this genus was also included in our analysis.  相似文献   
大港孔店油田油藏特征、流体和微生物性质分析结果表明, 属于高温生态环境, 地层水矿化度较低, 氮、磷浓度低, 而且缺乏电子受体, 主要的有机物来源是油气。油田采用经过除油处理的油藏产出水回注方式开发, 油层中存在的微生物类型主要是厌氧嗜热菌, 包括发酵菌(102个/mL~105个/mL), 产甲烷菌(103个/mL); 好氧菌主要存在于注水井周围。硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)还原速率0.002 mg S2-/(L·d) ~18.9 mg S2-/(L·d), 产甲烷菌产甲烷速率0.012 mgCH4/(L·d)~16.2 mgCH4/(L·d)。好氧菌能够氧化油形成生物质, 部分氧化产物为挥发性脂肪酸和表面活性剂。产甲烷菌在油氧化菌液体培养基中产生CH4, CO2为好氧微生物和厌氧微生物的共同代谢产物。这些产物具有提高原油流动性的作用。用示踪剂研究了注入水渗流方向。通过综合分析, 油藏微生物具有较大的潜力, 基于激活油层菌的提高采收率方法在该油田是可行的。  相似文献   
de Graaf C  Foata N  Engkvist O  Rognan D 《Proteins》2008,71(2):599-620
The current study describes the validation of high-throughput modeling procedures for the construction of the second extracellular loop (ecl2) of all nonolfactory human G Protein-coupled receptors. Our modeling flowchart is based on the alignment of essential residues determining the particular ecl2 fold observed in the bovine rhodopsin (bRho) crystal structure. For a set of GPCR targets, the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2), adenosine A3 receptor (AA3R), and the thromboxane A2 receptor (TA2R), the implications of including ecl2 atomic coordinates is evaluated in terms of structure-based virtual screening accuracy: the suitability of the 3D models to distinguish between known antagonists and randomly chosen decoys using automated docking approaches. The virtual screening results of different models describing increasingly exhaustive receptor representations (seven helices only, seven helices and ecl2 loop, full model) have been compared. Explicit modeling of the ecl2 loop was found to be important in only one of three test cases whereas a loopless model was shown to be accurate enough in the two other receptors. An exhaustive comparison of ecl2 loops of 365 receptors to that of bRho suggests that explicit ecl2 loop modeling should be reserved to receptors where loop building can be guided by experimental restraints.  相似文献   
A tailor-made free energy scoring method (Fresno) has been compared to six universal scoring functions (Chemscore, Dock, FlexX, Gold, Pmf, Score) for predicting the binding affinity of 26 peptides to the class I human major histocompatibility protein HLA-B*2705. Fresno clearly outperforms all six universal scoring functions.  相似文献   
A model of the Ca2+-sensing receptor (CaSR) seven transmembrane domains was constructed based on the crystal structure of bovine rhodopsin. This model was used for docking (1S,2S,1'R)-N1-(4-chlorobenzoyl)-N2-[1-(1-naphthyl)ethyl]-1,2-diaminocyclohexane (Calhex 231), a novel potent negative allosteric modulator that blocks (IC50 = 0.39 microm) increases in [3H]inositol phosphates elicited by activating the human wild-type CaSR transiently expressed in HEK293 cells. In this model, Glu-8377.39 plays a pivotal role in anchoring the two nitrogen atoms of Calhex 231 and locating the aromatic moieties in two adjacent hydrophobic pockets delineated by transmembrane domains 3, 5, and 6 and transmembrane domains 1, 2, 3, and 7, respectively. To demonstrate its validity, we have mutated selected residues and analyzed the biochemical and pharmacological properties of the mutant receptors transfected in HEK293 cells. Two receptor mutations, F684A3.32 and E837A7.39, caused a loss of the ability of Calhex 231 to inhibit Ca2+-induced accumulation of [3H]inositol phosphates. Three other mutations, F688A3.36, W818A6.48, and I841A7.43, produced a marked increase in the IC50 of Calhex 231 for the Ca2+ response, whereas L776A5.42 and F821A6.51 led to a decrease in the IC50. Our data validate the proposed model for the allosteric interaction of Calhex 231 with the seven transmembrane domains of the CaSR. Interestingly, the residues at the same positions have been shown to delimit the antagonist-binding cavity of many diverse G-protein-coupled receptors. This study furthermore suggests that the crystal structure of bovine rhodopsin exhibits sufficient mimicry to the ground state of a very divergent class 3 receptor to predict the interaction of antagonists with the heptahelical bundle of diverse G-protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   
Although some Girella species are herbivorous, having basically tricuspid teeth, some are omnivorous. To determine the evolutionary trends in feeding habits of Girella, the phylogenetic relationships of several species of Girella were estimated by partially sequencing the mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene, and the dentition and adductor mandibulae complex of each species were examined. The cladogram determined from the mitochondrial DNA analysis indicated that multiple tooth-rows containing incisor-like teeth existed in adults of the ancestral species of Girella, species with a single tooth-row of tricuspid teeth in the adult stage having diverged subsequently on several occasions. The tendinous connections between each section of the adductor mandibulae complex are believed to have been simple in the ancestral species, more complicated connections also having diverged later on several occasions. Multiple tooth-rows containing incisor-like teeth and the simple adductor mandibulae complex are deduced as adaptations to herbivory; on the other hand, a single tooth-row of tricuspid teeth and the complicated adductor mandibulae complex are deduced as adaptations to omnivory. Therefore, the ancestral species of Girella is suggested as having been adapted to herbivory, with species adapted to omnivory having diverged on several subsequent occasions.  相似文献   
A molecular dynamics method has been developed to describe the structural and dynamic properties of protein-ligand complexes that are truncated to their active sites. The active site is comprised of the ligand and discontinuous, positionally unrestrained peptide chains. This truncated active-site complex is surrounded by big unspecific pseudo-particles representing the complete protein and the solvent. Thus, knowledge of the folding of the outer parts of the protein is not required, and the method can be applied to protein models, derived from homology modeling. The method has been tested using ligand complexes of adenylate kinase, retinol binding protein, HIV-1 protease, and human leucocyte antigen. Comparisons with their crystal structures and with results from time-demanding simulations of the whole complexes in explicit water solvent show that the ligand binding properties are conserved. Most of the hydrogen bonds between the ligand and the active-site residues are reproduced and, furthermore, the simulation time is reduced. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
B*2701 differs from all other HLA-B27 subtypes of known peptide specificity in that, among its natural peptide ligands, arginine is not the only allowed residue at peptide position 2. Indeed, B*2701 is unique in binding many peptides with Gln2 in vivo. However, the mutation (Asp74Tyr) responsible for altered selectivity is far away from the B pocket of the peptide binding site to which Gln/Arg2 binds. Here, we present a model that explains this effect. It is proposed that a new rotameric state of the conserved Lys70 is responsible for the unique B*2701 binding motif. This side chain should be either kept away from pocket B through its interaction with Asp74 in most HLA-B27 subtypes, or switched to this pocket if residue 74 is Tyr as in B*2701. Involvement of Lys70 in pocket B would thus allow binding of peptides with Gln2. Binding of Arg2-containing peptides to B*2701 is also possible because Lys70 could adopt another conformation, H-bonded to Asn97, which preserves the same binding mode of Arg2 as in B*2705. This model was experimentally validated by mutating Lys70 into Ala in B*2701. Edman sequencing of the B*2701(K70A) peptide pool showed only Arg2, characteristic of HLA-B27-bound peptides, and no evidence for Gln2. This supports the computational model and demonstrates that allowance of B*2701 for peptides with Gln2 is due to the long-range effect of the polymorphic residue 74 of HLA-B27, by inducing a conformational switch of the conserved Lys70.  相似文献   
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