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Two unicellular and two filamentous cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) were exposed under conditions optimal for photoautotrophic growth to eleven pesticides. Low concentrations (0.01 to 5 ppm) of diuron, atrazine, and paraquat inhibited growth. With MCPA, MCPP, 2,4-D, milstem and ethrel, marked inhibitory effects were achieved only at concentrations above 100 ppm. Growth was inhibited by glyphosate, DDT, and thiram at intermediate concentrations. In some cases, the effective concentration of the pesticide varied considerably with the organism tested.  相似文献   
The effect of saturated and unsaturated lipids on the composition of mesenteric lymph triglyceride-rich lipoproteins was studied in rats. A short-term steady-state infusion model was developed in mesenteric lymph fistula rats. Micellar solutions of linoleate, oleate, or palmitate were infused intraduodenally. Steady-state conditions of lymph flow, triglyceride, and apoA-I and apoB secretion rates were achieved in hours 3-5 after the start of the infusion. During this steady-state period, triglyceride-rich lipoproteins were prepared and characterized. With lipid infusion there were the expected increases in secretion rates of triglyceride, apoB, and apoA-I both in whole lymph and in the d less than 1.006 g/ml lipoproteins. Compositional analysis of d less than 1.006 g/ml lipoproteins revealed no difference in the ratios of phospholipid or apoA-I (surface) to triglyceride (core) constituents between saturated and unsaturated lipids, suggesting a similar particle size. This was directly verified by agarose gel filtration and electron microscopy carried out at 27 degrees C, which showed no difference in particle size between linoleate and palmitate chylomicrons. When these lipoproteins were prepared at 4 degrees C, palmitate lipoproteins exhibited dramatically changed gel filtration elution profiles, suggesting a shift to smaller or at least distorted particles and questioning earlier results suggesting a smaller size for saturated fat d less than 1.006 g/ml lipoproteins. Despite the similarity of size between saturated and unsaturated chylomicrons, the apoB content of unsaturated linoleate chylomicrons was significantly lower than that of palmitate chylomicrons. This difference was present whether chylomicrons were prepared by centrifugation or by gel filtration. The clearance of palmitate chylomicrons from the circulation of recipient rats was slightly more rapid than that of linoleate chylomicrons. The mechanism for this apparently selective increase in the apoB content of saturated fat chylomicrons is unknown but the present studies suggest that these changes may be of physiologic significance, perhaps relating to the potential atherogenicity of saturated lipids.  相似文献   
Manifestations of profound perturbations in biogeochemical systems during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) include a prominent global negative δ13C and a pronounced increase in the relative abundance of dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) assigned to the genus Apectodinium. While motile representatives of Apectodinium were most likely thermophilic and heterotrophic, the underlying causes of this dinoflagellate response are not well understood. Here we provide new insight by examining the palynology, chemistry and calcareous nannoplankton across the PETM in a continental slope section at Tawanui, New Zealand. Across the PETM, marked changes in the relative abundance of Apectodinium vary antithetically with significant changes in the δ13C of carbonate and organic matter. In general, the high relative abundance of Apectodinium relates to enhanced concentrations of dinocysts, signifying a ‘bloom’ of Apectodinium in surface waters during the PETM. Changes in Apectodinium and δ13C records correspond to variations in many other parameters, including a smaller negative shift in bulk carbonate δ13C than expected, increased terrestrial palynomorphs, elevated TOC and C/N ratios, lower carbonate contents, higher SiO2 and Al2O3 contents, and lower Si/Al ratios. All of these variations can be explained by an increase in delivery of terrigenous material to the continental margin. A peak in the relative abundance of Glaphyrocysta dinocysts at the onset of the PETM may indicate greater down slope transport of neritic material. Changes in calcareous nannoplankton abundances suggest increased nutrient availability in surface waters during the PETM. The combined results show that Apectodinium-dominated assemblages, global perturbations in carbon isotopes and enhanced terrigenous delivery closely correspond in time at Tawanui. A sudden and massive carbon injection to the ocean-atmosphere system may have enhanced weathering and increased terrigenous inputs to continental margins during the PETM. We further suggest that these inputs caused the Apectodinium acme by elevating primary productivity in marginal seas.  相似文献   
Aim Three‐quarters of Octocorallia species are found in deep waters. These cold‐water octocoral colonies can form a major constituent of structurally complex habitats. The global distribution and the habitat requirements of deep‐sea octocorals are poorly understood given the expense and difficulties of sampling at depth. Habitat suitability models are useful tools to extrapolate distributions and provide an understanding of ecological requirements. Here, we present global habitat suitability models and distribution maps for seven suborders of Octocorallia: Alcyoniina, Calcaxonia, Holaxonia, Scleraxonia, Sessiliflorae, Stolonifera and Subselliflorae. Location Global. Methods We use maximum entropy modelling to predict octocoral distribution using a database of 12,508 geolocated octocoral specimens and 32 environmental grids resampled to 30 arc‐second (approximately 1 km2) resolution. Additionally, a meta‐analysis determined habitat preferences and niche overlap between the different suborders of octocorals. Results Suborder Sessiliflorae had the widest potential habitat range, but all records for all suborders implied a habitat preference for continental shelves and margins, particularly the North and West Atlantic and Western Pacific Rim. Temperature, salinity, broad scale slope, productivity, oxygen and calcite saturation state were identified as important factors for determining habitat suitability. Less than 3% of octocoral records were found in waters undersaturated for calcite, but this result is affected by a shallow‐water sampling bias. Main conclusions The logistical difficulties, expense and vast areas associated with deep‐sea sampling leads to a gap in the knowledge of faunal distributions that is difficult to fill without predictive modelling. Global distribution estimates are presented, highlighting many suitable areas which have yet to be studied. We suggest that approximately 17% of oceans are suitable for at least one suborder but 3.5% may be suitable for all seven. This is the first global habitat suitability modelling study on the distribution of octocorals and forms a useful resource for researchers, managers and conservationists.  相似文献   
A hybrid method of ecological habitat survey and mapping is presented, bridging paper-based methods and mobile electronic procedures. The hybrid approach uses a hand-held PDA with real-time dGPS to map habitats and record habitat attributes. It retains paper field maps to facilitate ecological decisions and to overcome the need for field surveyors to operate a fully functional mobile GIS system. The transition from paper records to a full GIS implementation is bridged by secondary digitisation in which a GIS specialist, trained in field survey procedures, interacts routinely with the field surveyors, throughout the field season to assure data quality standards. The methodology is practical and affordable, particularly if there are multiple field surveyors.  相似文献   
How inflammatory responses are mechanistically modulated by nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR), especially by receptors composed of alpha7 (α7) subunits, is poorly defined. This includes a precise definition of cells that express α7 and how these impact on innate inflammatory responses. To this aim we used mice generated through homologous recombination that express an Ires-Cre-recombinase bi-cistronic extension of the endogenous α7 gene that when crossed with a reporter mouse expressing Rosa26-LoxP (yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)) marks in the offspring those cells of the α7 cell lineage (α7lin+). In the adult, on average 20–25 percent of the total CD45+ myeloid and lymphoid cells of the bone marrow (BM), blood, spleen, lymph nodes, and Peyers patches are α7lin+, although variability between litter mates in this value is observed. This hematopoietic α7lin+ subpopulation is also found in Sca1+cKit+ BM cells suggesting the α7 lineage is established early during hematopoiesis and the ratio remains stable in the individual thereafter as measured for at least 18 months. Both α7lin+ and α7lin– BM cells can reconstitute the immune system of naïve irradiated recipient mice and the α7lin+:α7lin– beginning ratio is stable in the recipient after reconstitution. Functionally the α7lin+:α7lin– lineages differ in response to LPS challenge. Most notable is the response to LPS as demonstrated by an enhanced production of IL-12/23(p40) by the α7lin+ cells. These studies demonstrate that α7lin+ identifies a novel subpopulation of bone marrow cells that include hematopoietic progenitor cells that can re-populate an animal’s inflammatory/immune system. These findings suggest that α7 exhibits a pleiotropic role in the hematopoietic system that includes both the direct modulation of pro-inflammatory cell composition and later in the adult the role of modulating pro-inflammatory responses that would impact upon an individual’s lifelong response to inflammation and infection.  相似文献   
Exercise is associated with release of catecholamines and vasoactive intestinal polypeptides. Recurrent exposure to catecholamines modifies the sensitivity of adrenoceptors. To test the hypothesis that exercise training may affect the sensitivity of the epicardial coronary arteries, we performed studies on isolated coronary arteries from male dogs capable of running on a treadmill. The animals were separated randomly into two groups: sedentary and exercise training. After 11 wk, rings of left circumflex and left anterior descending coronary arteries were studied in vitro. Contractions to alpha 1-adrenergic agonists (norepinephrine and phenylephrine) were not affected by exercise training. During contractions with prostaglandin F2 alpha, endothelium-dependent relaxations to alpha 2-adrenergic agonists (norepinephrine and UK 14304) were not reduced significantly by exercise training. The concentration-relaxation curves to beta-adrenergic agonists (norepinephrine, isoproterenol, and epinephrine) were shifted to the right after training. The concentration-response curves to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, but not that to substance P, were shifted to the right in rings with endothelium from exercise-trained animals. These findings demonstrate a decrease in responsiveness of canine vascular smooth muscle to beta-adrenergic agonists and to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide after exercise training.  相似文献   
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