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The selective type A and B cholecystokinin (CCK) receptor antagonists L364,718 and L365,260 were used to identify the receptor subtype that mediates the satiety effect of endogenous CCK. Male rats (n = 12–13/group), fed ground rat chow ad lib, received L364,718 (0, 1, 10, 100, or 1000 μg/kg IP) or L365,260 (0, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, or 10,000 μg/kg IP) 2 h after lights off, and food intake was measured 1.5, 3.5, and 5.5 h later. L364,718 significantly stimulated 1.5-h food intake by more than 40% at 10 μg/kg and higher doses; cumulative intake at 3.5 and 5.5 h remained elevated by about 20% at 1000 and 100 μg/kg of L364,718, respectively. In contrast, L365,260 had no significant stimulatory effect on feeding at any dose. The potency of L365,260 for antagonizing gastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion was examined in unanesthetized rats. Male rats (n = 14), prepared with gastric and jugular vein cannulas, received doubling doses of gastrin (G-17I) (0.16–5 nmol/kg/h IV), each dose for 30 min, and gastric juice was collected for each 30-min period. G-17I stimulated gastric acid output dose dependently; the minimal effective dose was 0.16 nmol/kg/h, while maximal output (5-fold above basal) occurred at 5 nmol/kg/h. L365,260 (0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, or 10,000 μg/kg IV), administered 30 min before continuous infusion of G-17I (1.25 or 5 nmol/kg/h), significantly inhibited acid output only at 10,000 μg/kg; cumulative 60-min output was decreased by 60%. These results suggest that CCK acts at CCK-A receptors to produce satiety during the dark period in ad lib-feeding rats.  相似文献   
A 41 amino acid peptide, probably identical in structure to human corticotropin releasing factor, was isolated from 70 equine hypothalami by methanol extraction, immunoaffinity chromatography and single step of reverse phase HPLC. The amino acid sequence was determined by gas phase sequence analysis. Probable carboxyl terminal amidation was demonstrated by similar retention times for equine and human corticotropin releasing factor on reverse phase HPLC at pH 8. The likely structure of equine corticotropin releasing factor is: Ser-Glu-Glu-Pro-Pro- Ile-Ser-Leu-Asp-Leu-Thr-Phe-His-Leu-Leu-Arg-Glu-Val-Leu-Glu-Met-Ala-Arg-Ala-Glu-Gln-Leu-Ala-Gln-Gln-Ala-His-Ser-Asn- Arg-Lys-Leu-Met-Glu-Ile-Ile-NH2. The purified peptide is equipotent with human corticotropin releasing factor in an in vitro bioassay and in a human plasma binding protein assay.  相似文献   
The linear dichroism of single monolayers of lutein, zeaxanthin and a mixture of lutein and synthetic phosphatidylcholine has been measured. The angle of orientation of the carotenoid molecules was found to lie between 45° and 51° relative to the plane of the solid support. Although the adsorbed monolayers were mostly in a monomeric state, microscopic observations, as well as the II-A isotherms, indicated the existence of crystalline islets. The results have been interpreted in connection with Haidinger's polarization brushes.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas putida B2 is able to grow on o-nitrophenol (ONP) as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen. ONP was converted by a nitrophenol oxygenase to nitrite and catechol. Catechol was then attacked by a catechol 1,2-dioxygenase and further degraded through an ortho-cleavage pathway. ONP derivatives which were para-substituted with a methyl-, chloro-, carboxy-, formyl- or nitro-group failed to support growth of strain B2. Relevant catabolic enzymes were characterized to analyze why these derivatives were not mineralized. Nitrophenol oxygenase of strain B2 is a soluble, NADPH-dependent enzyme that is stimulated by magnesium, manganese, and calcium ions. It is active toward ONP, 4-methyl-, 4-chloro-, and to a lesser extent, 4-formyl-ONP but not toward 4-carboxy- or 4-nitro-ONP. In addition, 4-formyl-, 4-carboxy-, and 4-nitro-ONP failed to induce the formation of nitrophenol oxygenase. Catechol 1,2-dioxygenase of strain B2 is active toward catechol and 4-methyl-catechol but only poorly active toward chlorinated catechols. 4-Methyl-catechol is likely to be degraded to methyl-lactones, which are often dead-end metabolites in bacteria. Thus, of the compounds tested, only unsubstituted ONP acts as an inducer and substrate for all of the enzymes of a productive catabolic pathway.  相似文献   
Effects on Ca++ translocation and [Ca++]i were studied in dog thyro?d cell monolayers using both 45Ca++ efflux and the indicator quin-2. Carbamylcholine, a non hydrolysable analog of acetylcholine, through muscarinic receptors, and to a lesser extent TRH and PGF2 alpha increased both these parameters. [Ca++]i increased by 171, 100 and 75% respectively over a basal level of 66 +/- 17 nM (mean +/- SD). The response to carbamylcholine was biphasic. A transient increase in [Ca++]i was followed by a more sustained phase where the [Ca++]i was slightly higher than the basal level. Only the first phase was insensitive to extracellular Ca++ depletion. This phase is probably due to a release of Ca++ from an intracellular store. NaF also induced a sustained rise in [Ca++]i dependent on extracellular Ca++ and affected 45Ca++ efflux. Our data provide direct evidence of an implication of intracellular Ca++ in the response of dog thyro?d cells to all these agents.  相似文献   
TOL plasmid pWW0 specifies enzymes for the oxidative catabolism of toluene and xylenes. The upper pathway converts the aromatic hydrocarbons to aromatic carboxylic acids via corresponding alcohols and aldehydes and involves three enzymes: xylene oxygenase, benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase, and benzaldehyde dehydrogenase. The synthesis of these enzymes is positively regulated by the product of xylR. Determination of upper pathway enzyme levels in bacteria carrying Tn5 insertion mutant derivatives of plasmid pWW0-161 has shown that the genes for upper pathway enzymes are organized in an operon with the following order: promoter-xylC (benzaldehyde dehydrogenase gene[s])-xylA (xylene oxygenase gene[s])-xylB (benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase gene). Subcloning of the upper pathway genes in a lambda pL promoter-containing vector and analysis of their expression in Escherichia coli K-12 confirmed this order. Two distinct enzymes were found to attack benzyl alcohol, namely, xylene oxygenase and benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase; and their catalytic activities were additive in the conversion of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde. The fact that benzyl alcohol is both a product and a substrate of xylene oxygenase indicates that this enzyme has a relaxed substrate specificity.  相似文献   
Sedimentation studies of DNA from chromosomes extracted from human mitotic cells showed that highmolecular-weight DNA can be obtained if cell hypotonic treatments and prolonged metaphase blocks are avoided. Two types of large double-stranded DNA were observed. One of these (M r = 2.5×108) appeared as a size class with characteristics reminiscent of the chromosomal DNA subunit hypothesis. However, this DNA is the decay product of larger molecules, whose minimum molecular weight is 6×108.  相似文献   
Evolutionary change is opportunistic, but its course is strongly constrained in several fundamental ways. These constraints (historical/phylogenetic, functional/adaptive, constructional/morphogenetic) and their dynamic relationships are discussed here and shown to constitute the conceptual framework of Constructional Morphology. Notwithstanding recent published opinions which claim that the discovery of constraints renders Neodarwinian selection theory obsolete, we regard the insights of Constructional Morphology as being entirely consistent with this theory. As is shown here in the case of the Hyracoidea, formal analysis of the constraints which have framed the evolution of various characters extends our understanding of the evolution of a taxon.  相似文献   
The R6-5 plasmid-specified outer membrane protein, TraT protein, has previously been shown to mediate resistance to bacterial killing by serum. Colony hybridization with a 700 bp DNA fragment carrying most of the traT gene was used to examine the prevalence of traT in Gram-negative bacteria, particularly strains of Escherichia coli, isolated from clinical specimens. traT was found in isolates of E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella and Klebsiella, but not in Pseudomonas, Aeromonas or Plesiomonas, nor in the few isolates of Enterobacter, Proteus, Acinetobacter, Citrobacter, Serratia or Yersinia that were examined. It was detected in a significantly higher proportion of the E. coli strains isolated from the blood of patients with bacteraemia/septicaemia or from faeces of patients with enteric infections (50-70%) than in that of strains isolated from normal faeces (20-40%). The incidence of traT in strains isolated from cases of urinary tract infections was variable. traT was found to be frequently associated with production of the K1 capsule and with the carriage of ColV plasmids, but not with the carriage of R plasmids, nor with serum resistance or the production of haemolysin.  相似文献   
Both thyrotropin (TSH) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) are potent mitogenic agents when added to dog thyroid cells in primary culture [Roger, P. P. and Dumont, J. E. (1984) Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 36, 79-93]. The concomitant effect of these agents on the differentiation state of the cells was appreciated using cell morphology, iodide trapping, thyroglobulin synthesis and cytoplasmic thyroglobulin mRNA content as markers. Together with previous results [Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 36, 79-93 (1984)] it is shown that cells cultured in the continuous presence of TSH maintain all the parameters at a near normal level. In the absence of TSH, thyroglobulin mRNA decreased to very low, though still detectable levels. Addition of TSH restored subnormal mRNA levels. Culture of cells in the presence of EGF for 4-6 days affected profoundly their morphology, abolished iodide trapping and decreased thyroglobulin synthesis and cytoplasmic mRNA content to undetectable levels. Addition of TSH to cells previously exposed to EGF reversed the growth factor effect on all four indexes. The redifferentiating effect of TSH was well observed within 3-4 days and was mimicked by the adenylate cyclase activators, forskolin and cholera toxin. When administered simultaneously, TSH and EGF achieved an intermediate situation, EGF antagonizing partially the effect of TSH on the expression of thyroglobulin gene. Another growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, while promoting thyroid cell proliferation also, did not interfere at all with TSH effects on cytoplasmic thyroglobulin mRNA content. Our results make the dog thyroid cell in primary culture an appropriate model to study the mechanisms involved in gene regulation by cyclic AMP and growth factors.  相似文献   
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