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HPLC and 1H-NMR methods for the quantitation of the (R)-enantiomer in (?)-(S)-timolol maleate were developed and validated. The HPLC method requires a 25 cm × 4.6 mm 5 μm Chiracel OD-H (cellulose tris-3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) column, a mobile phase of 0.2% (v/v) diethylamine and 4% (v/v) isopropanol in hexane at a flow rate of 1 ml/min and UV detection at 297 nm. A system suitability test was devised to verify the separation of the (R)- and (S)-enantiomers of timolol from other drug-related impurities. The NMR method requires the use of a high-field NMR spectrometer (>360 MHz) and a chiral solvating agent, (?)-(R)-2,2,2-trifluoro-1-(9-anthrylethanol) (R-TFAE). The limits of quantitation were 0.05% and 0.2% (m/m) for HPLC and NMR, respectively. The methods were applied to the determination of the (R)-enantiomer in eight lots of raw material. The results for the two methods were in very good agreement, with results ranging from 0.1 to 4.1% (m/m) by HPLC and none detected to 4.3% (m/m) by NMR. The USP method for specific rotation was found to be unsuitable for detecting the presence of low levels of the (R)-enantiomer in (?)-(S)-timolol maleate. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary The secondary culture of non-transformed parenchymal hepatocytes has not been possible. STO feeder cell-dependent secondary cultures of fetal pig hepatocytes were established by colony isolation from primary cultures of 26-d fetal livers. The liver cells had the typical polygonal morphology of parenchymal hepatocytes. They also spontaneously differentiated to form small biliary canaliculi between individual cells or progressed further to large multicellular duct-like structures or cells undergoing gross lipid accumulation and secretion. The secondary hepatocyte cultures expressed alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), albumin, and β-fibrinogen mRNA, and conditioned medium from the cells contained elevated levels of transferrin and albumin. STO feeder cell co-culture may be useful for the sustainable culture of hepatocytes from other species.  相似文献   
Tobacco plants were transformed with derivatives of a binary vector pMON505 and two kanamycin resistant lines that were nopaline positive were selected for second transformation. The plasmids used for the second transformation were derivatives of pMON850 which carries the nopaline synthase gene in addition to a gene for gentamicin resistance. Insertion of each transgene was confirmed by Southern hybridization. Surprisingly, we found that more than 50% of the doubly transformed tobacco plants were nopaline negative. Tobacco plants that were transformed only by the second vector exhibited nopaline accumulation. DNA methylation patterns at the HpaII site in the promoter region of the nopaline synthase gene did not correlate with the nopaline phenotype. In some plant lines, seedlings of the R1 generation which segregated out the second T-DNA insertion recovered the nop+ phenotype. These results indicate that nopaline accumulation was inhibited by the presence of the second T-DNA.Abbreviations T-DNA transferred DNA - NPTII neomycin phosphotransferase II - uidA -glucuronidase - Km kanamycin - Gm gentamicin - nop+ nopaline positive - nop nopaline negative - MS medium, Murashige-Skoog medium  相似文献   
In this paper it is argued that an expert system requires morethan factual knowledge before it can display expertise in agiven domain. The additional knowledge consists of the heuristicsor ‘rules of thumb’ used by an expert to manipulateand interpret the factual knowledge. The knowledge acquisitionphase of an expert system project involves determining the factualknowledge (which may be obtained from published sources) andthe heuristics used by an expert to manipulate that knowledge-theseheuristics can only be obtained from an expert. In reviewingexisting biological expert systems it is apparent that manycontain only the factual knowledge relating to the domain, andlack the heuristics that enable such systems to show expertise.This paper reviews a number of knowledge acquisition techniqueswhich could be used for acquiring heuristic knowledge and discusseswhen their use is appropriate. The knowledge acquisition techniquesdiscussed are those suitable for the development of small-scaleexpert systems as these are most likely to be of interest tobiologists. The techniques include the use of questionnaires,interview techniques and protocol analysis; particular emphasisis placed on a mod cation to the ‘twenty questions’interview technique which was developed specifically to elicittaxonomic knowledge relating to water mite identification.  相似文献   
Analysis of a new antibacterial agent, Ro 23-9424 (I), in plasma has been complicated by the fact that its metabolite, fleroxacin (II), is formed not only in vivo, but also nonenzymatically by the hydrolysis of the ester bond of I. In order to minimize sample preparation time and possible hydrolysis during sample preparation, a high-performance liquid chromatographic procedure was developed which features direct injection of plasma and multidimensional chromatography. The first dimension size-exclusion separation allows plasma proteins to elute with the column void volume. The second dimension reversed-phase column provides a high-resolution separation dependent upon the hydrophobicity of the sample species. With a 5-μl injection, the limit of quantitation of the method is 0.35 μg/ml for I and 0.27 μg/ml for II. The method was used to determine steady state plasma vs. time profiles for I and II from 750 mg i.v. doses of I administered twice daily.  相似文献   
Rainbow lizards (Agama agama) are common in suburban areas throughout Africa, and have an opportunistic foraging strategy, with arthropods being the main prey source. In a coastal resort in southern Togo, West Africa, several individuals in a population were observed while feeding regularly upon non-natural human-made food (pizza) and showing a clear preference for a given type of food versus others that were offered (‘four cheeses’ being the preferred one). The fact that all monitored individuals fed upon a same type of pizza suggests that they may have some chemical cues attracting them.  相似文献   
The longitudinal glia (LG), progeny of a single glioblast, form a scaffold that presages the formation of longitudinal tracts in the ventral nerve cord (VNC) of the Drosophila embryo. The LG are used as a substrate during the extension of the first axons of the longitudinal tract. I have examined the differentiation of the LG in six mutations in which the longitudinal tracts were absent, displaced, or interrupted to determine whether the axon tract malformations may be attributable to disruptions in the LG scaffold. Embryos mutant for the gene prospero had no longitudinal tracts, and glial differentiation remained arrested at a preaxonogenic state. Two mutants of the Polycomb group also lacked longitudinal tracts; here the glia failed to form an oriented scaffold, but cytological differentiation of the LG was unperturbed. The longitudinal tracts in embryos mutant for slit fused at the VNC midline and scaffold formation was normal, except that it was medially displaced. Longitudinaltracts had intersegmental interruptions in embryos mutant for hindsight and midline. In hindsight, there were intersegmental gaps in the glial scaffold. In midline, the glial scaffold retracted after initial extension. LG morphogenesis during axonogenesis was abnormal in midline. Commitment to glial identity and glial differentiation also occurred before scaffold formation. In all mutants examined, the early distribution of the glycoprotein neuroglian was perturbed. This was indicative of early alterations in VNC pattern present before LG scaffold formation began. Therefore, some changes in scaffold formation may have reflected changes in the placement and differentiation of other cells of the VNC. In all mutants, alterations in scaffold formation preceded longitudinal axon tract formation. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Are the spatial patterns of weeds scale-invariant?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In previous empirical and modelling studies of rare species and weeds, evidence of fractal behaviour has been found. We propose that weeds in modern agricultural systems may be managed close to critical population dynamic thresholds, below which their rates of increase will be negative and where scale-invariance may be expected as a consequence. We collected detailed spatial data on five contrasting species over a period of three years in a primarily arable field. Counts in 20×20 cm contiguous quadrats, 225,000 in 1998 and 84,375 thereafter, could be re-structured into a wide range of larger quadrat sizes. These were analysed using three methods based on correlation sum, incidence and conditional incidence. We found non-trivial scale invariance for species occurring at low mean densities and where they were strongly aggregated. The fact that the scale-invariance was not found for widespread species occurring at higher densities suggests that the scaling in agricultural weed populations may, indeed, be related to critical phenomena.  相似文献   
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