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Metagenomics has transformed our understanding of the microbial world, allowing researchers to bypass the need to isolate and culture individual taxa and to directly characterize both the taxonomic and gene compositions of environmental samples. However, associating the genes found in a metagenomic sample with the specific taxa of origin remains a critical challenge. Existing binning methods, based on nucleotide composition or alignment to reference genomes allow only a coarse-grained classification and rely heavily on the availability of sequenced genomes from closely related taxa. Here, we introduce a novel computational framework, integrating variation in gene abundances across multiple samples with taxonomic abundance data to deconvolve metagenomic samples into taxa-specific gene profiles and to reconstruct the genomic content of community members. This assembly-free method is not bounded by various factors limiting previously described methods of metagenomic binning or metagenomic assembly and represents a fundamentally different approach to metagenomic-based genome reconstruction. An implementation of this framework is available at http://elbo.gs.washington.edu/software.html. We first describe the mathematical foundations of our framework and discuss considerations for implementing its various components. We demonstrate the ability of this framework to accurately deconvolve a set of metagenomic samples and to recover the gene content of individual taxa using synthetic metagenomic samples. We specifically characterize determinants of prediction accuracy and examine the impact of annotation errors on the reconstructed genomes. We finally apply metagenomic deconvolution to samples from the Human Microbiome Project, successfully reconstructing genus-level genomic content of various microbial genera, based solely on variation in gene count. These reconstructed genera are shown to correctly capture genus-specific properties. With the accumulation of metagenomic data, this deconvolution framework provides an essential tool for characterizing microbial taxa never before seen, laying the foundation for addressing fundamental questions concerning the taxa comprising diverse microbial communities.  相似文献   
Extensive evidence exists that the reaction of estrogen metabolites with DNA produces depurinating adducts that, in turn, induce mutations and cellular transformation. While it is clear that these estrogen metabolites result in a neoplastic phenotype in vitro, further evidence supporting the link between estrogen-DNA adduct formation and its role in neoplasia induction in vivo would strengthen the evidence for a genotoxic mechanism. Diethylstilbestrol (DES), an estrogen analogue known to increase the risk of breast cancer in women exposed in utero, is hypothesized to induce neoplasia through a similar genotoxic mechanism. Cultured MCF-10F human breast epithelial cells were treated with DES at varying concentrations and for various times to determine whether the addition of DES to MCF-10F cells resulted in the formation of depurinating adducts. This is the first demonstration of the formation of DES-DNA adducts in human breast cells. A dose-dependent increase in DES-DNA adducts was observed. Demonstrating that treatment of MCF-10F cells with DES, a known human carcinogen, yields depurinating adducts provides further support for the involvement of these adducts in the induction of breast neoplasia. Previous studies have demonstrated the ability of antioxidants such as resveratrol to prevent the formation of estrogen-DNA adducts, thus preventing a key carcinogenic event. In this study, when MCF-10F cells were treated with a combination of resveratrol and DES, a dose-dependent reduction in the level of DES-DNA adducts was also observed.  相似文献   
In the Indian subcontinent, infection with Leishmania donovani can cause fatal visceral leishmaniasis. Genetic variation in L. donovani is believed to occur rapidly from environmental changes and through selective drug pressures, thereby allowing continued disease occurrence in this region. All previous molecular markers that are commonly in use multilocus microsatellite typing and multilocus sequence typing, were monomorphic in L. donovani originating from the Indian subcontinent (with only a few exceptions) and hence are not suitable for this region. An multilocus sequence typing scheme consisting of a new set of seven housekeeping genes was developed in this study, based on recent findings from whole genome sequencing data. This new scheme was used to assess the genetic diversity amongst 22 autochthonous L. donovani isolates from Bangladesh. Nineteen additional isolates of the L. donovani complex (including sequences of L. donovani reference strain BPK282A1) from other countries were included for comparison. By using restriction fragment length polymorphism of the internal transcribed spacer 1 region (ITS1-RFLP) and ITS1 sequencing, all Bangladeshi isolates were confirmed to be L. donovani. Population genetic analyses of 41 isolates using the seven new MLST loci clearly separated L. donovani from Leishmania infantum. With this multilocus sequence typing scheme, seven genotypes were identified amongst Bangladeshi L. donovani isolates, and these isolates were found to be phylogenetically different compared with those from India, Nepal, Iraq and Africa. This novel multilocus sequence typing approach can detect intra- and inter-species variations within the L. donovani complex, but most importantly these molecular markers can be applied to resolve the phylogenetically very homogeneous L. donovani strains from the Indian subcontinent. Four of these markers were found suitable to differentiate strains originating from Bangladesh, with marker A2P being the most discriminative one.  相似文献   
Fluoro substitution of benzo[a]pyrene (BP) has been very useful in determining the mechanism of cytochrome P450-catalyzed oxygen transfer in the formation of 6-hydroxyBP (6-OHBP) and its resulting BP 1,6-, 3,6-, and 6,12-diones. We report here the metabolism of 1-FBP and 3-FBP, and PM3 calculations of charge densities and bond orders in the neutral molecules and radical cations of BP, 1-FBP, 3-FBP, and 6-FBP, to determine the mechanism of oxygen transfer for the formation of BP metabolites. 1-FBP and 3-FBP were metabolized by rat liver microsomes. The products were analyzed by HPLC and identified by NMR. Formation of BP 1,6-dione and BP 3,6-dione from 1-FBP and 3-FBP, respectively, can only occur by removal of the fluoro ion from C-1 and C-3, respectively, via one-electron oxidation of the substrate. The combined metabolic and theoretical studies reveal the mechanism of oxygen transfer in the P450-catalyzed formation of BP metabolites. Initial abstraction of a pi electron from BP by the [Fe(4+)=O](+)(*) of cytochrome P450 affords BP(+)(*). This is followed by oxygen transfer to the most electropositive carbon atoms, C-6, C-1, and C-3, with formation of 6-OHBP (and its quinones), 1-OHBP, and 3-OHBP, respectively, or the most electropositive 4,5-, 7,8-, and 9,10- double bonds, with formation of BP 4,5-, 7,8-, or 9,10-oxide.  相似文献   
Substantial evidence suggests that catechol estrogen-3,4-quinones react with DNA to form predominantly the depurinating adducts 4-hydroxyestrone (estradiol)-1-N3Ade [4-OHE(1)(E(2))-1-N3Ade] and 4-OHE(1)(E(2))-1-N7Gua. Apurinic sites resulting from these adducts generate critical mutations that can initiate cancer. The paradigm of cancer initiation is based on an imbalance in estrogen metabolism between activating pathways that lead to estrogen-DNA adducts and deactivating pathways that lead to estrogen metabolites and conjugates. This imbalance can be improved to minimize formation of adducts by using antioxidants, such as resveratrol (Resv) and N-acetylcysteine (NAcCys). To compare the ability of Resv and NAcCys to block formation of estrogen-DNA adducts, we used the human breast epithelial cell line MCF-10F treated with 4-OHE(2). Resv and NAcCys directed the metabolism of 4-OHE(2) toward protective pathways. NAcCys reacted with the quinones and reduced the semiquinones to catechols. This pathway was also carried out by Resv. In addition, Resv induced the protective enzyme quinone reductase, which reduces E(1)(E(2))-3,4-quinones to 4-OHE(1)(E(2)). Resv was more effective at increasing the amount of 4-OCH(3)E(1)(E(2)) than NAcCys. Inhibition of estrogen-DNA adduct formation was similar at lower doses, but at higher doses Resv was about 50% more effective than NAcCys. Their combined effects were additive. Therefore, these two antioxidants provide an excellent combination to protect catechol estrogens from oxidation to catechol quinones.  相似文献   
Systems Biology involves the study of the interactions of biological systems and ultimately their functions. Down''s syndrome (DS) is one of the most common genetic disorders which are caused by complete, or occasionally partial, triplication of chromosome 21, characterized by cognitive and language dysfunction coupled with sensory and neuromotor deficits. Neural Tube Disorders (NTDs) are a group of congenital malformations of the central nervous system and neighboring structures related to defective neural tube closure during the first trimester of pregnancy usually occurring between days 18-29 of gestation. Several studies in the past have provided considerable evidence that abnormal folate and methyl metabolism are associated with onset of DS & NTDs. There is a possible common etiological pathway for both NTDs and Down''s syndrome. But, various research studies over the years have indicated very little evidence for familial link between the two disorders. Our research aimed at the gene expression profiling of microarray datasets pertaining to the two disorders to identify genes whose expression levels are significantly altered in these conditions. The genes which were 1.5 fold unregulated and having a p-value <0.05 were filtered out and gene interaction network were constructed for both NTDs and DS. The top ranked dense clique for both the disorders were recognized and over representation analysis was carried out for each of the constituent genes. The comprehensive manual analysis of these genes yields a hypothetical understanding of the lack of familial link between DS and NTDs. There were no genes involved with folic acid present in the dense cliques. Only – CBL, EGFR genes were commonly present, which makes the allelic variants of these genes – good candidates for future studies regarding the familial link between DS and NTDs.


NTD - Neural Tube Disorders, DS - Down''s Syndrome, MTHFR - Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, MTRR– 5 - methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase reductase.  相似文献   
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