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Whole leaf and mesophyll cell concentrations of pyruvate, phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), ATP, and ADP were determined in Zea mays during the reversible light activation of pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase in vivo. Mesophyll cell levels of the four metabolites were estimated by extrapolation from values in freeze-quenched leaf samples that were fractionated by differential filtration through nylon mesh nets (adapted from M Stitt, HW Heldt [1985] Planta 164: 179-188). During the 3 minutes required for complete light activation of dikinase, pyruvate levels in the mesophyll cell decreased (from 166 ± 15 to 64 ± 10 nanomoles per milligram of chlorophyll [nmol/mg Chl]) while PEP levels increased (from 31 ± 4 to 68 ± 4 nmol/mg Chl, with a transient burst of 133 ± 16 nmol/mg Chl at 1 minute). Mesophyll cell levels of ATP increased (from 22 ± 4 to 48 ± 3 nmol/mg Chl) and ADP levels decreased (from 16 ± 4 to 7 ± 6 nmol/mg Chl) during the first minute of illumination. Upon darkening of the leaf and inactivation of dikinase, pyruvate levels initially increased in the mesophyll (from 160 ± 30 to a maximum of 625 ± 40 nmol/mg Chl), and then slowly decreased to about the initial value in the light over an hour. PEP levels dropped (from 176 ± 5 to 47 ± 3 nmol/mg Chl) in the first 3 minutes and remained low for the remainder of the dark period. Mesophyll levels of ATP and ADP rapidly decreased and increased, respectively, about twofold upon darkening. The trends observed for these metabolite levels in the mesophyll cell during the light/dark regulation of pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase activity suggest that pyruvate and PEP do not play a major role in vivo in regulating the extent of light activation (dephosphorylation) or dark inactivation (ADP-dependent threonyl phosphorylation) of dikinase by its bifunctional regulatory protein. While the changes in ADP levels appear qualitatively consistent with a regulatory role for this metabolite in the light activation and dark inactivation of dikinase, they are not of a sufficient magnitude to account completely for the tenfold change in enzyme activity observed in vivo.  相似文献   
The effect of fluoride ion on the binding of the specific muscarinic agonist ligand [3H]c is methyldioxolane ([3H]CD) to the mouse cardiac muscarinic receptor was investigated. Utilizing equilibrium ligand binding experiments, sodium fluoride (10mM) was shown to decrease [3H]CD binding, measured at a concentration of 2 nM, by 52%. Studies with several different ions demonstrated that the reduction in [3H]CD binding was a specific effect of fluoride. This fluoride modulation was selective for agonist binding, as no effect of fluoride on the binding of the muscarinic antagonist [3H](?) quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) was observed.  相似文献   
Digitonin-solubilized cardiac muscarinic receptors were reconstituted by dialysis into human erythrocyte acceptor membranes which lack high-affinity muscarinic receptors. The number of receptors reconstituted was proportional to the quantity of soluble receptors added to the reconstitution system. Specific [3H](-)-quinuclidinyl benzilate binding to the reconstituted receptor was found to be saturable with a Kd (dissociation constant) equal to 48 +/- 4 pM and a Bmax (maximal density of binding sites) equal to 50 +/- 5 fmol/mg of protein. Competitive binding studies indicated that the reconstituted receptors showed stereoselectivity and drug specificity consistent with a high-affinity muscarinic receptor. Agonist binding to the reconstituted receptor was decreased by the addition of guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate. Sixty per cent of the reconstituted receptors were found to be integral membrane proteins. The molecular weight of the reconstituted receptor as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis was 76,000 +/- 2,000 and was identical to the molecular weight of the muscarinic receptor in the original cardiac membranes. The data indicate that a partially functional, intact muscarinic receptor was reconstituted into human erythrocyte acceptor membranes and that membrane constituents may be required to stabilize the receptor in a high-affinity state for antagonists.  相似文献   
A selective amplification of the coding sequence of the rat M2 muscarinic receptor gene was achieved by the polymerase chain reaction. The error rate of this amplification system under conditions specified was 1 nucleotide substitution in 841 base pairs. In vitro expression of this gene in murine fibroblasts (B82) via the eukaryotic expression vector, pH beta APr-1-neo, resulted in high level expression of specific [3H] (-)MQNB binding in transfected B82 cell lines. One of these clones, M2LKB2-2, showed a stable expression of [3H] (-)MQNB binding with a Kd value of 265 pM and a Bmax value of 411 +/- 50 fmol/10(6) cells. Cardiac selective muscarinic antagonists such as himbacine and AF-DX 116 show high affinities for this binding site in the M2LKB2-2 cells. The rank order of potency of several antagonists in inhibiting [3H] (-)MQNB binding in these cells conformed to the characteristics of an M2 type muscarinic receptor. Carbachol showed a single affinity state for the receptors in the M2LKB2-2 cells with a Ki value of 2.0 microM. This receptor appeared to be inversely coupled to adenylate cyclase via a pertussis toxin sensitive G-protein. Carbachol also had a slight stimulatory effect on the hydrolysis of inositol lipids. The polymerase chain reaction proves highly effective in cloning genes from genomic material, as demonstrated by the first in vitro functional expression of the rat M2 type muscarinic receptor.  相似文献   
This report describes the membrane binding properties of [3H]hemicholinium-3 ([3H]HC-3), a selective inhibitor of sodium-dependent high-affinity choline uptake (SDHACU) in cholinergic nerve terminals. Under the described assay conditions, [3H]HC-3 bind with a saturable population of high-affinity (apparent Kd = 1.9 nM) CNS membrane sites having the regional distribution: striatum much greater than hippocampus greater than cerebral cortex greater than cerebellum. High-affinity [3H]HC-3 binding is entirely dependent upon the presence of sodium chloride (EC50 = 35-50 mM) and is markedly reduced when other salts of sodium or monovalent ions are substituted. [3H]HC-3 binding is inhibited by choline (Ki = 6 microM) and acetylcholine (Ki = 35 microM) but markedly less sensitive to other cholinergic agents and metabolic inhibitors. In light of the similar ionic dependencies, regional distributions and pharmacological specificities of [3H]HC-3 binding and SDHACU, closely associated sites may be involved in both processes.  相似文献   
Saturable, high affinity binding of tritiated pirenzepine [( 3H]-PZ) was obtained in slide mounted tissue sections prior to performing autoradiographic localization of these binding sites. The binding in tissue sections of rostral rat forebrain gave a KD of 18nM and a Bmax of 51 fmoles/mg tissue. These binding characteristics are similar to those previously obtained in homogenate membrane preparations and indicate the binding is taking place in a similar manner. The distribution of the binding sites labeled with [3H]-PZ represented a subpopulation of those which could be labeled with tritiated quinuclidinyl benzilate [( 3H]-QNB). Thus, [3H]-PZ and [3H]-QNB both label regions of the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, striatum and dorsal horn of the spinal cord, while sites in the cerebellum, nucleus tractus solitarius, facial nucleus and ventral horn of the spinal cord are labeled with [3H]-QNB and not by [3H]-PZ. These observations indicate separate regions of the brain where antagonists bind to subtypes of muscarinic receptors.  相似文献   
Binding studies with the 1,4-dihydropyridine calcium channel antagonist [3H]nitrendipine [( 3H]NTD) were performed in uninephrectomized, deoxycorticosterone (DOCA)-NaCl hypertensive rats and vehicle treated normotensive control littermates. After 6 weeks of treatment, hypertensive (199 mmHg, systolic arterial pressure) DOCA rats showed significantly increased heart, left ventricle, and kidney weight in contrast to normotensive (135 mmHg) controls. [3H]NTD binding in the brainstem was significantly reduced (51 +/- 5 fmol/mg protein) in DOCA-NaCl rats, as compared to controls (116 +/- 24 fmol/mg protein). However, no significant differences were found in the [3H]NTD dissociation constants for DOCA-NaCl (0.43 +/- 0.03 nM) or control rats (0.62 +/- 0.06 nM). Cerebral cortical and left ventricular tissue showed no significant alterations in receptor binding density or affinity. Specific [3H]NTD binding was not significantly altered in other selected brain regions or the atria. These data suggest that alterations in the dihydropyridine binding sites associated with calcium channels in the brainstem may be involved in the etiology of DOCA-NaCl-induced hypertension.  相似文献   
The regulation of muscarinic receptor binding by guanine nucleotides and N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) was investigated using the agonist ligand, [3H] cis methyldioxolane ([3H] CD). Characterization studies on rat forebrain homogenates showed that [3H] CD binding was linear with tissue concentration and was unaffected by a change in pH from 5.5 to 8.0. The regional variation in [3H] CD binding in the rat brain correlated generally with [3H] (?)3-quinuclidinyl benzilate ([3H] (?)QNB) binding, although the absolute variation in binding was somewhat less. At a concentration of 100 μM, the GTP analogue, guanyl-5′-yl imidodiphosphate [Gpp(NH)p], caused a 43–77% inhibition of [3H] CD binding in the corpus striatum, ileum, and heart. The results of binding studies using several Gpp(NH)p concentrations demonstrated that the potency of this guanine nucleotide for inhibition of [3H] CD binding was greater in the heart than in the ileum. In contrast to its effects on [3H] CD binding, Gpp(NH)p caused an increase in [3H] (?)QNB binding in the heart heart and ileum and no change in [3H] (?)QNB binding in the corpus striatum. When measured by competitive inhibition of [3H] (?)QNB binding to the longitudinal muscle of the ileum, Gpp(NH)p (100 μM) caused an increase in the IC50 values of a series of agonists in a manner that was correlated with the efficacy of these compounds. The results of binding studies on NEM treated forebrain homogenates revealed an enhancement of [3H] CD binding by NEM.  相似文献   
The binding of the dihydropyridine calcium channel antagonist [3H]nitrendipine to whole rat brain synaptosomes was studied. Binding was specific, saturable, and of high affinity (Kd = 170 pM). The calcium channel antagonist diltiazem enhanced [3H]nitrendipine binding in synaptosomes in concentrations of 1 and 10 μM. Equilibrium saturation analysis demonstrated that this effect was mediated by a decrease in the dissociation constant, due to a 3-fold reduction in the rate of ligand-receptor complex dissociation. It is concluded that diltiazem allosterically modulates the calcium channel drug receptor labeled by [3H]nitrendipine in this preparation.  相似文献   
Synthesis and channel properties of [Tau 16]gramicidin A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Des(ethanolamine)-taurine16-gramicidin A ([Tau 16]gramicidin A) was synthesized by the solid phase method and its channel-forming behavior in planar lipid bilayers was examined. The purified monovalent anionic peptide formed channels when applied to the aqueous compartments on both sides of the bilayer, but not when applied to one side only. The single-channel conductance was measured for KCl concentrations between 0.1 and 1.0 M and was found to be higher than that of gramicidin A in each case. Single-channel lifetimes were similar to those of gramicidin A suggesting that the channels have the beta 6.3 helix structure.  相似文献   
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