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Exposure of macrophages to phorbol esters or the calcium ionophore A23187 increases the number of several surface receptors due to recruitment of receptors from internal pools (Buys, S. S., Keogh, E. A., and Kaplan, J. (1984) Cell 38, 569-576). We have examined the mechanism by which these agents increase surface receptor number. Cells which were preloaded with either fluid phase or receptor-mediated ligands did not lose ligand following exposure to ionophore or phorbol ester. The rate of movement of ligands to the lysosome was also unaffected. These results suggest that A23187 does not induce the fusion of ligand-containing compartments with the cell surface. Ionophore treatment did, however, produce a severalfold increase in the rate at which unoccupied receptors reappear on the cell surface. These results suggest that the compartment of receptors affected by the ionophore formed subsequent to the dissociation of ligand from receptor. The altered rate of receptor reappearance was transitory (90 s), and the increase in receptor number was subsequently maintained by a decrease in the rate of internalization. Changes in the rate of receptor internalization did not correlate with changes in the rate of fluid phase pinocytosis, suggesting that the effect on receptor internalization was selective.  相似文献   
Analysis of the expression and assembly of the anion transporter by metabolic pulse-chase and steady-state protein and RNA measurements reveals that the extent of association of band 3 with the membrane cytoskeleton varies during chicken embryonic development. Pulse-chase studies have indicated that band 3 polypeptides do not associate with the membrane cytoskeleton until they have been transported to the plasma membrane. At this time, band 3 polypeptides are slowly recruited, over a period of hours, onto a preassembled membrane cytoskeletal network and the extent of this cytoskeletal assembly is developmentally regulated. Only 3% of the band 3 polypeptides are cytoskeletal-associated in 4-d erythroid cells vs. 93% in 10-d erythroid cells and 36% in 15-d erythroid cells. This observed variation appears to be regulated primarily at the level of recruitment onto the membrane cytoskeleton rather than by different transport kinetics to the membrane or differential turnover of the soluble and insoluble polypeptides and is not dependent upon the lineage or stage of differentiation of the erythroid cells. Steady-state protein and RNA analyses indicate that the low levels of cytoskeletal band 3 very early in development most likely result from limiting amounts of ankyrin and protein 4.1, the membrane cytoskeletal binding sites for band 3. As embryonic development proceeds, ankyrin and protein 4.1 levels increase with a concurrent rise in the level of cytoskeletal band 3 until, on day 10 of development, virtually all of the band 3 polypeptides are cytoskeletal bound. After day 10, the levels of total and cytoskeletal band 3 decline, whereas ankyrin and protein 4.1 continue to accumulate until day 18, indicating that the cytoskeletal association of band 3 is not regulated solely by the availability of membrane cytoskeletal binding sites at later stages of development. Thus, multiple mechanisms appear to regulate the recruitment of band 3 onto the erythroid membrane cytoskeleton during chicken embryonic development.  相似文献   
Autostimulation of dihydrostreptomycin uptake in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Bacillus subtilis it was shown that the membrane potential (delta psi) has to reach a threshold value of -180 to -190 mV for efficient uptake of dihydrostreptomycin to occur. The magnitude of delta psi is raised above this threshold, and dihydrostreptomycin uptake greatly enhanced, not only by dihydrostreptomycin itself (autostimulation) and by other miscoding aminoglycoside antibiotics, but also by puromycin, bacitracin and N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Stimulation of uptake by dihydrostreptomycin or puromycin was dependent on a specific interference with ongoing protein synthesis. Thus, chloramphenicol prevented the stimulating effect of puromycin by lowering the magnitude of delta psi. Although normally severely antagonizing streptomycin accumulation, K+, as well as spermidine and putrescine, which are known to stabilize ribosomes, consequently enhanced autostimulation of dihydrostreptomycin uptake in a K+-retention mutant with impaired protein synthesis. It is suggested that miscoding aminoglycosides and puromycin both enhance dihydrostreptomycin uptake by increasing delta psi due to ion fluxes, which are themselves caused by a dramatic stimulation of intracellular proteolysis of faulty proteins.  相似文献   
Biochemical reactions, O and K serotypes and presence of P-fimbriae were analysed in 116 Escherichia coli strains isolated in blood cultures from patients with bacteraemia and in 99 faecal strains isolated from healthy individuals. By using biochemical typing, the strains could be grouped into six main clusters with similarity index less than 0.8 (Gower, 1971) and altogether 16 subclusters with similarity index 0.82-0.89. The most discriminating tests between the clusters were fermentation of D-tagatose, saccharose, salicin and sorbose. No single biochemical property could differentiate bacteraemic isolates from faecal strains, although strains isolated from blood were significantly more often found in certain subclusters, whereas other subclusters contained mainly control strains. Bacteraemic strains possessed P-fimbriae more often, especially strains isolated from patients with E. coli in the urine concomitantly with bacteraemia. Equally, no single reaction could separate P-fimbriated from non-P-fimbriated strains. D-Tagatose was fermented more often by the P-fimbriated strains; on the other hand, melibiose and lactose fermentation tests were less often positive. Certain O serotypes (O1, O4, O6, O7, O18 and O25) were more common among bacteraemic isolates than controls. K serotypes such as K1, K5 and K52 were also more frequent among blood isolates. We conclude that a combination of biochemical tests, fimbriation and serotyping might be used to identify potentially pathogenic clusters of E. coli.  相似文献   
Study of the lactose and galactose transport systems in Kluyveromyces lactis has shown that lactose uptake is by active transport. The transport system is under monogenic control and is inducible. Galactose uptake is also by active transport but the system is controlled by two genes which, in the four strains we studied, are present only in K. lactis CBS 2359. Galactose uptake in the other K. lactis strains is by a simple diffusion process.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies that bind to the T cell MHC-antigen recognition complex (anti-T3 or anti-Ti) are known to either mimic ligand binding and activate T cells or block ligand binding, leading to an inhibition of T cell activation. In the present experiments, we demonstrate a direct inhibitory effect on the growth of human T cells by anti-T3 or anti-Ti antibodies. The proliferation of human peripheral blood T cells preactivated by exposure to PHA was inhibited in a specific manner by anti-T3. Colony formation in soft agar by REX cells, a leukemic cell line of early T cell phenotype, was completely inhibited by anti-T3 or anti-Ti antibodies, whereas isotype-matched antibodies to a variety of other T cell markers had no effect. Growth of REX cells in suspension culture was not affected by anti-T3 or anti-Ti. A cell line, T3.N1, was established from an agar colony of anti-T3-resistant REX cells. T3.N1 was phenotypically identical to REX except for failure to express any detectable T3 or Ti surface antigen. T3.N1 colony formation in soft agar was not inhibited by anti-T3 or anti-Ti. There was no rise in [Ca2+]i of T3.N1 cells after anti-T3 or anti-Ti exposure. These results indicate that in addition to the well-known positive regulatory effects of ligand binding to the T3/Ti complex, T3/Ti binding can also result in a down-regulatory signal for human T cell growth.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that acidosis increases myoplasmic [Ca2+] (Cai). We have investigated whether this facilitates spontaneous sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ release and its functional sequelae. In unstimulated rat papillary muscles, exposure to an acid solution (produced by increasing the [CO2] of the perfusate from 5 to 20%) caused a rapid increase in the mean tissue Cai, as measured by the photoprotein aequorin. This was paralleled by an increase in spontaneous microscopic tissue motion caused by localized Ca2+ myofilament interactions, as monitored in fluctuations in the intensity of laser light scattered by the muscle. In regularly stimulated muscles, acidosis increased the size of the Ca2+ transient associated with each contraction and caused the appearance of Cai oscillations in the diastolic period. In unstimulated single myocytes, acidosis depolarized the resting membrane potential by approximately 5 mV and enhanced the frequency of spontaneous contractile waves. The small sarcolemmal depolarization associated with each contractile wave increased and occasionally initiated spontaneous action potentials. In regularly stimulated myocytes, acidosis caused de novo spontaneous contractile waves between twitches; these waves were associated with a decrease in the amplitude of the subsequent stimulated twitch. Ryanodine (2 microM) abolished all evidence of spontaneous Ca2+ release during acidosis, markedly reduced the acidosis-induced increase in aequorin light, and reduced resting tension. We conclude that acidosis increases the likelihood for the occurrence of spontaneous SR Ca2+ release, which can cause spontaneous action potentials, increase resting tension, and negatively affect twitch tension.  相似文献   
By the neuroanatomical tracing technique based on uptake, transport, and immunocytochemical detection of injected Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L), fiber trajectories of labeled neurons can be followed with great accuracy to their termination areas. To further analyze the connectivity of these fibers, the target neurons must be chemically characterized. In vibratome and frozen sections of rat brain, we tried to visualize PHA-L-labeled fibers and, simultaneously, the target neuron-related antigen. As a model system we used the projection from the pre-frontal cortex to histaminergic neurons in the posterior hypothalamic region. We tested "sequential" and "pooled" immunocytochemical procedures. In the sequential procedure, the two antigens are detected by two successive and complete immunocytochemical staining procedures, with primary antibodies raised in different animal species and with different chromogens for the final visualization. In the pooled procedure, the sections are incubated with mixtures of primary and secondary antibodies, after which the procedure is similar to the sequential procedure. We obtained excellent results on vibratome sections with a sequential procedure using first conventional peroxidase immunocytochemistry (goat anti-PHA-L primary antibody) to visualize the transported PHA-L (brown reaction product), and subsequently alkaline phosphatase immunocytochemistry (rabbit anti-histidine decarboxylase primary antibody) to locate the histaminergic neurons (blue reaction product). The resulting preparations deteriorate, however, after 1-2 months of storage. Good results were also obtained with a double peroxidase procedure on frozen sections, using nickel-enhanced diaminobenzidine to visualize the PHA-L (dark blue reaction product), and diaminobenzidine (brown reaction product) to visualize the second antigen. The quality of these preparations is permanent.  相似文献   
Previous investigations have demonstrated that the function of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) is stimulated by hyaluronic acid (HA). The aim of the present investigation was to study the molecular basis for the effect of HA. HA fragments of m.w. in the range from 792 (tetrasaccharide) to 3,000,000 all stimulated the chemotactic and phagocytic function of PMN. The active concentration ranged from 4 to 64 pmol/liter, irrespective of the molecular size. Further investigations demonstrated that N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (NAGA) was the smallest active fragment of HA. NAGA is one of the components from which HA is built up; the other component glucuronic acid was without effect, and so were the other glycosaminoglycans, N-acetyl-D-mannosamine, N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, and D-glucosamine. Finally, Con A, the glucopyranosyl and glucomannosyl binding lectin, inhibited the stimulatory effect of NAGA. As is the case with HA, fibronectin also acts as a necessary cofactor to NAGA when incubations are made in the absence of whole blood or serum. The present results strongly indicated that the combined action of NAGA and fibronectin worked directly on the PMN by an interaction at the cellular membrane level. We conclude that the stimulatory action of HA on granulocyte functions is mediated through one of its two structural components, i.e., NAGA.  相似文献   
Culture of human thymocytes in interleukin 2 (IL 2) results in the generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) that kill tumor cell targets without major histocompatibility complex (MHC) restriction. Thymic non-MHC restricted CTL expressed Leu-19 antigen, but were generated from thymic precursor cells that lacked expression of Leu-19. In contrast, short term culture in Il 2 of peripheral blood lymphocytes depleted of Leu-19+ lymphocytes did not result in the generation of cytotoxic activity. IL 2 was necessary and sufficient for the generation of cytotoxic thymocytes and induction of Leu-19 antigen expression. Thymic non-MHC restricted CTL were generated from precursor cells expressing CD1, an antigen present on the majority of thymocytes. Furthermore, cytotoxic activity was detected in IL 2 cultured thymocyte populations with an "immature" antigenic phenotype, i.e. CD1+ and CD4+, CD8+. Upon subsequent culture, thymic non-MHC restricted CTL lost expression of CD1, and developed an antigenic phenotype similar to peripheral blood non-MHC-restricted CTL, suggesting that peripheral non-MHC-restricted CTL may originate from these thymic precursors.  相似文献   
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