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We studied the effects of a hypocaloric diet (D, n = 24, age: 32.2 +/- 1.4 yr, body mass index: 34.7 +/- 0.5 kg/m2) and a hypocaloric diet associated with exercise training (D + T, n = 25, age: 32.3 +/- 1.3 yr, body mass index: 32.9 +/- 0.4 kg/m2) on muscle metaboreflex control, muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA, microneurography), blood pressure, and forearm blood flow (plethysmography) levels during handgrip exercise at 10% and 30% of maximal voluntary contraction in normotensive obese women. An additional 10 women matched by age and body mass index were studied as a nonadherent group. D or D + T significantly decreased body mass index. D or D + T significantly decreased resting MSNA (bursts/100 heartbeats). The absolute levels of MSNA were significantly lower throughout 10% and 30% exercise after D or D + T, although no change was found in the magnitude of response of MSNA. D + T, but not D, significantly increased resting forearm vascular conductance. D + T significantly increased the magnitude of the response of forearm vascular conductance during 30% exercise. D or D + T significantly increased MSNA levels during posthandgrip circulatory arrest when muscle metaboreflex is isolated. In conclusion, weight loss improves muscle metaboreflex control in obese women. Weight loss reduces MSNA, which seems to be centrally mediated. Weight loss by D + T increases forearm vascular conductance at rest and during exercise in obese individuals.  相似文献   
Perceiving a possible predator may promote physiological changes to support prey ‘fight or flight’. In this case, an increase in ventilatory frequency (VF) may be expected, because this is a way to improve oxygen uptake for escape tasks. Therefore, changes in VF may be used as a behavioral tool to evaluate visual recognition of a predator threat. Thus, we tested the effects of predator visual exposure on VF in the fish Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. For this, we measured tilapia VF before and after the presentation of three stimuli: an aquarium with a harmless fish or a predator or water (control). Nile tilapia VF increased significantly in the group visually exposed to a predator compared with the other two, which were similar to each other. Hence, we conclude that Nile tilapia may recognize an allopatric predator; consequently VF is an effective tool to indicate visual recognition of predator threat in fish.  相似文献   
The retroviral integrase (IN) carries out the integration of the viral DNA into the host genome. Both IN and the DNA sequences at the viral long-terminal repeat (LTR) are required for the integration function. In this report, a series of minor groove binding hairpin polyamides targeting sequences within terminal inverted repeats of the Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) LTR were synthesized, and their effects on integration were analyzed. Using cell-free in vitro integration assays, polyamides targeting the conserved CA dinucleotide with cognate sites closest to the terminal base pairs were effective at blocking 3' processing but not strand transfer. Polyamides which efficiently inhibited 3' processing and strand transfer targeted the LTR sequences through position 9. Polyamides that inhibited integration were effective at nanomolar concentrations and showed subnanomolar affinity for their cognate LTR sites. These studies highlight the role of minor groove interactions within the LTR termini for retroviral integration.  相似文献   
Hookworm infection is one of the most important parasitic infections of humans, possibly outranked only by malaria as a cause of misery and suffering. An estimated 1.2 billion people are infected with hookworm in areas of rural poverty in the tropics and subtropics. Epidemiological data collected in China, Southeast Asia and Brazil indicate that, unlike other soil-transmitted helminth infections, the highest hookworm burdens typically occur in adult populations, including the elderly. Emerging data on the host cellular immune responses of chronically infected populations suggest that hookworms induce a state of host anergy and immune hyporesponsiveness. These features account for the high rates of hookworm reinfection following treatment with anthelminthic drugs and therefore, the failure of anthelminthics to control hookworm. Despite the inability of the human host to develop naturally acquired immune responses to hookworm, there is evidence for the feasibility of developing a vaccine based on the successes of immunising laboratory animals with either attenuated larval vaccines or antigens extracted from the alimentary canal of adult blood-feeding stages. The major antigens associated with each of these larval and adult hookworm vaccines have been cloned and expressed in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. However, only eukaryotic expression systems (e.g., yeast, baculovirus, and insect cells) produce recombinant proteins that immunologically resemble the corresponding native antigens. A challenge for vaccinologists is to formulate selected eukaryotic antigens with appropriate adjuvants in order to elicit high antibody titres. In some cases, antigen-specific IgE responses are required to mediate protection. Another challenge will be to produce anti-hookworm vaccine antigens at high yield low cost suitable for immunising large impoverished populations living in the developing nations of the tropics.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to characterise the protein phosphatases in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells acting on tyrosine hydroxylase. Cells were pre-labelled with 32Pi and permeabilized with digitonin. The extent of dephosphorylation of Ser-8, Ser-19, Ser-31 and Ser-40 on tyrosine hydroxylase was found to be 30%, 38%, 37% and 71% respectively over 5 min. For Ser-19, Ser-31 and Ser-40 the dephosphorylation was entirely due to protein phosphatase 2A, as the dephosphorylation could be completely blocked by microcystin, but not by the protein phosphatase 1 inhibitory peptide. Permeabilization did not change the distribution of protein phosphatase 2A or tyrosine hydroxylase, or the activity of PP2A, from that occurring in intact cells. The dephosphorylation of Ser-8 was not altered by any inhibitor, suggesting the involvement of other protein phosphatases. The method developed here can be used to determine the protein phosphatases acting on substrates in conditions closely approximating those in situ, including the endogenous state of substrate phosphorylation and phosphatase location.  相似文献   
During the year 2002 we have continued the works in the massive of Ardines at Ribadesella, Asturias, and especially in its fundamental cave, Tito Bustillo. Here the prospection has permitted us to find several new elements of great cultural and graphic value. A consistent deposit in four cutted contours in the form of head of hind and also two new galleries, called gallery of the Bisons and gallery of the Anthropomorphes, communicated with the Principal Gallery of the cave and mutually. In this last one exist remains of adaptation of the space, bony remains that we are yet digging and two figures of painted anthropomorphes with an exceptional interest. Finally, in the ensemble N XI, place where it is found the habitation deposit, and where we have found large masses of red colourings prepared for its use, exists a small final cave, where also it has been painted in its interior, and where the mouth is opened among the remains of a great deposit in surface that occupies all its northern part.  相似文献   
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, at least three proteins (IF(1), STF(1), and STF(2)) appear to be involved in the regulation of ATP synthase. Both IF(1) and STF(1) inhibit F(1), whereas the proposed function for STF(2) is to facilitate the binding of IF(1) and STF(1) to F(1). The oligomerization properties of yeast IF(1) and STF(1) have been investigated by sedimentation equilibrium analytical ultracentrifugation and by covalent cross-linking. Both techniques confirm that IF(1) and STF(1) oligomerize in opposite directions in relation to pH, suggesting that both proteins might regulate yeast F(1)F(0)-ATPase under different conditions. Their effects on bovine F-ATPases are also described. Whereas bovine IF(1) inhibits yeast F(1)-ATPase even better than yeast IF(1) or STF(1), the capability of yeast IF(1) to inhibit the bovine enzyme is very low and decreases with time. Such an effect is also observed in the study of the homologous inhibition of yeast F(1)-ATPase. Yeast inhibitors are not as effective as their bovine counterpart, and the complex seems to dissociate gradually.  相似文献   
Coelomera lanio (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is the most important defoliator of Cecropia trees. Natural enemies of C. lanio collected in the region of Vi?osa, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil were identified on field observations in a forest fragment and on laboratory analyses. Individuals of C. lanio were not found on Cecropia pachystachya trees colonized by Azteca mülleri (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). The majority of the egg masses of C. lanio collected in the field were found to be parasitised by a species of the family Eulophidae (Hymenoptera), while larvae of this pest were attacked by a parasitoid of the family Tachinidae (Diptera). Individuals of Oplomus catena (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) were observed preying on C. lanio larvae. The fungus Beauveria bassiana was found growing on larvae, pupae and adults of C. lanio while the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae only affected pupae of this insect in laboratory conditions.  相似文献   
We present a predator-prey metaphysiological model, based on the available behavioral and physiological information of the sigmodontine rodent Phyllotis darwini. The model is focused on the population-level consequences of the antipredator behavior, performed by the rodent population, which is assumed to be an inducible response of predation avoidance. The decrease in vulnerability is explicitly considered to have two associated costs: a decreasing foraging success and an increasing metabolic loss. The model analysis was carried out on a reduced form of the system by means of numerical and analytical tools. We evaluated the stability properties of equilibrium points in the phase plane, and carried out bifurcation analyses of rodent equilibrium density under varying conditions of three relevant parameters. The bifurcation parameters chosen represent predator avoidance effectiveness (A), foraging cost of antipredator behavior (C(1)'), and activity-metabolism cost (C(4)'). Our analysis suggests that the trade-offs involved in antipredator behavior plays a fundamental role in the stability properties of the system. Under conditions of high foraging cost, stability decreases as antipredator effectiveness increases. Under the complementary scenario (not considering the highest foraging costs), the equilibria are either stable when both costs are low, or unstable when both costs are higher, independent of antipredator effectiveness. No evidence of stabilizing effects of antipredator behavior was found.  相似文献   
We selected 38 consecutive celiac disease (CD) patients (from a group of 316 consecutive CD patients) and 91 healthy blood donors, all of whom were HLA-DQ2 (DQA1*0501/DQB1*0201) negative, and investigated the presence of the classically associated alleles HLA-DQ8 and HLA-DRB4. We also studied the distribution of MICA transmembrane alleles in the two clinical forms of the disease. For this reason, these 38 DQ2-negative patients were subdivided into two groups: 18 typical CD patients and 20 atypical CD patients. No differences were found in the distribution of the DRB4 allele between DQ2-negative patients and controls. The HLA-DQ8 heterodimer (DQA1*03xx/DQB1*0302) was increased in CD patients (29%) compared with controls (10%), but no statistical differences were found. No differences were observed in the frequency of these alleles between either group of CD DQ2-negative patients. MICA-A5.1 was increased in atypical CD patients when compared with the typical forms of disease ( P(c)=0.03) and with healthy controls (P(c)=0.002). No other MICA allele was found to be significantly increased in the groups under study. The presence of MICA-A5.1 in atypical CD DQ2-negative patients may indicate a possible role of this allele in the development of CD.  相似文献   
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