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Annual recurrent blooms of the toxic dinoflagellates Alexandrium catenella and Alexandrium minutum were detected from 2000 to 2003 in harbours along the Catalan coast. The interrelation study between the occurrence of the blooms and specific external conditions at the study sites demonstrated that different factors are required for the bloom of each Alexandrium species. Concentrations higher than 105 cells l−1 of A. catenella were only detected in Tarragona harbour. These blooms were associated with water surface temperature between 21 and 25 °C and salinities of around 34 psu or higher than 37 psu. A. minutum appeared widely spread along the Catalan coast, though the most intensive and recurrent blooms of this species were observed in Arenys de Mar harbour. Concentrations of millions of cells per litre of A. minutum were associated with water temperatures below 14 °C and salinities of around 34–36 psu. A. minutum cell densities showed a positive significant correlation with NO3 but a negative correlation with NH4. On the other hand, A. catenella blooms dominated when both NO3 and NH4 levels were high. The prevailing inorganic nitrogen form (NO3 vs. NH4) could explain why these two species rarely coincide in the same harbours. Accumulation of cysts in the sediment was found to be an important potential factor for the recurrence of these species. The 4.3 × 103 A. catenella cysts cm−3 of wet sediment in Tarragona harbour and the 3.02 × 103 A. minutum cysts cm−3 of wet sediment in Vilanova harbour were the highest concentrations observed from the cyst study. Confined waters such as harbours play an important role as reservoirs for the accumulation of cysts and vegetative cells, which contributes to the expansion of these dinoflagellates in the region. However, the particular environmental conditions are also decisive factors of bloom intensity.  相似文献   
We use eddy covariance measurements of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) from 21 FLUXNET sites (153 site-years of data) to investigate relationships between phenology and productivity (in terms of both NEP and gross ecosystem photosynthesis, GEP) in temperate and boreal forests. Results are used to evaluate the plausibility of four different conceptual models. Phenological indicators were derived from the eddy covariance time series, and from remote sensing and models. We examine spatial patterns (across sites) and temporal patterns (across years); an important conclusion is that it is likely that neither of these accurately represents how productivity will respond to future phenological shifts resulting from ongoing climate change. In spring and autumn, increased GEP resulting from an ‘extra’ day tends to be offset by concurrent, but smaller, increases in ecosystem respiration, and thus the effect on NEP is still positive. Spring productivity anomalies appear to have carry-over effects that translate to productivity anomalies in the following autumn, but it is not clear that these result directly from phenological anomalies. Finally, the productivity of evergreen needleleaf forests is less sensitive to phenology than is productivity of deciduous broadleaf forests. This has implications for how climate change may drive shifts in competition within mixed-species stands.  相似文献   
The Augochlora clade includes four genera: Augochlora Smith, Augochlorella Sandhouse, Ceratalictus Moure, and Pereirapis Moure. This is one of the richest and most widespread groups of Augochlorini bees. There are about 150 species, which occur from Argentina to Canada. The species of Augochlora clade are considered solitary to facultatively social, except Ceratalictus for which nothing is known. Wood nesting behavior arose once in the clade, in Augochlora sensu strictu. The objective of this study is to describe four new species and to present a revised phylogenetic analysis of the Augochlora clade for the placement of these species. The morphological matrix comprised 77 characters and 42 terminals, and resulted in two most parsimonious trees. The monophyly of the Augochlora clade is corroborated. Ceratalictus and Pereirapis are considered as sister groups and Ceratalictus inflexus sp. nov. came as sister to other species of Ceratalictus. Augochlora and Augochlorella are monophyletic and sister groups. Both extant subgenera of Augochlora were corroborated as monophyletic. Augochlorella comis is considered as sister group to the rest of Augochlorella species. All Augochlorella new species described belong to the Augochlorella ephyra group. Augochlorella kelliae sp. nov. is phylogenetically related to Augochlorella una. Augochlorella procliva sp. nov. and Augochlorella mavricera sp. nov. constitute a clade with Augochlorella acarinata. Including the new species, Augochlorella has 19 species and Ceratalictus 11 species. A revised key for species of Augochlorella and Ceratalictus is also presented in the Supplementary Information.  相似文献   
Incorporation of zinc-binding groups into the side-chain of 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D) fully bifunctional hybrid molecules which act both as vitamin D receptor agonists and histone deacetylase inhibitors. These bifunctional hybrids display in vitro antiproliferative activity against the AT84 squamous carcinoma cell line while lacking the in vivo hypercalcemic effects of 1,25D.  相似文献   
The biomethane potential and biodegradability of an array of substrates with highly heterogeneous characteristics, including mono- and co-digestion samples with dairy manure, was determined using the biochemical methane potential (BMP) assay. In addition, the ability of two theoretical methods to estimate the biomethane potential of substrates and the influence of biodegradability was evaluated. The results of about 175 individual BMP assays indicate that substrates rich in lipids and easily-degradable carbohydrates yield the highest methane potential, while more recalcitrant substrates with a high lignocellulosic fraction have the lowest. Co-digestion of dairy manure with easily-degradable substrates increases the specific methane yields when compared to manure-only digestion. Additionally, biomethane potential of some co-digestion mixtures suggested synergistic activity. Evaluated theoretical methods consistently over-estimated experimentally-obtained methane yields when substrate biodegradability was not accounted. Upon correcting the results of theoretical methods with observed biodegradability data, an agreement greater than 90% was achieved.  相似文献   
The combined effect of ocean acidification and warming is expected to have significant effects on several traits of marine organisms. The gastropod Concholepas concholepas is a rocky shore keystone predator characteristic of the south-eastern Pacific coast of South America and an important natural resource exploited by small-scale artisanal fishermen along the coast of Chile and Peru. In this study, we used small juveniles of C. concholepas collected from the rocky intertidal habitats of southern Chile (39°S) to evaluate under laboratory conditions the potential consequences of projected near-future levels of ocean acidification and warming for important early ontogenetic traits. The individuals were exposed long-term (5.8 months) to contrasting pCO2 (ca. 500 and 1400 μatm) and temperature (15 and 19°C) levels. After this period we compared body growth traits, dislodgement resistance, predator-escape response, self-righting and metabolic rates. With respect to these traits there was no evidence of a synergistic interaction between pCO2 and temperature. Shell growth was negatively affected by high pCO2 levels only at 15°C. High pCO2 levels also had a negative effect on the predator-escape response. Conversely, dislodgement resistance and self-righting were positively affected by high pCO2 levels at both temperatures. High tenacity and fast self-righting would reduce predation risk in nature and might compensate for the negative effects of high pCO2 levels on other important defensive traits such as shell size and escape behaviour. We conclude that climate change might produce in C. concholepas positive and negative effects in physiology and behaviour. In fact, some of the behavioural responses might be a consequence of physiological effects, such as changes in chemosensory capacity (e.g. predator-escape response) or secretion of adhesive mucous (e.g. dislodgement resistance). Moreover, we conclude that positive behavioural responses may assist in the adaptation to negative physiological impacts, and that this may also be the case for other benthic organisms.  相似文献   
Cellulases participate in a number of biological events, such as plant cell wall remodelling, nematode parasitism and microbial carbon uptake. Their ability to depolymerize crystalline cellulose is of great biotechnological interest for environmentally compatible production of fuels from lignocellulosic biomass. However, industrial use of cellulases is somewhat limited by both their low catalytic efficiency and stability. In the present study, we conducted a detailed functional and structural characterization of the thermostable BsCel5A (Bacillus subtilis cellulase 5A), which consists of a GH5 (glycoside hydrolase 5) catalytic domain fused to a CBM3 (family 3 carbohydrate-binding module). NMR structural analysis revealed that the Bacillus CBM3 represents a new subfamily, which lacks the classical calcium-binding motif, and variations in NMR frequencies in the presence of cellopentaose showed the importance of polar residues in the carbohydrate interaction. Together with the catalytic domain, the CBM3 forms a large planar surface for cellulose recognition, which conducts the substrate in a proper conformation to the active site and increases enzymatic efficiency. Notably, the manganese ion was demonstrated to have a hyper-stabilizing effect on BsCel5A, and by using deletion constructs and X-ray crystallography we determined that this effect maps to a negatively charged motif located at the opposite face of the catalytic site.  相似文献   
A common observation in different plant species is a massive abscission of flowers and fruitlets even after adequate pollination, but little is known as to the reason for this drop. Previous research has shown the importance of nutritive reserves accumulated in the flower on fertilization success and initial fruit development but direct evidence has been elusive. Avocado (Persea americana) is an extreme case of a species with a very low fruit to flower ratio. In this work, the implications of starch content in the avocado flower on the subsequent fruit set are explored. Firstly, starch content in individual ovaries was analysed from two populations of flowers with a different fruit set capacity showing that the flowers from the population that resulted in a higher percentage of fruit set contained significantly more starch. Secondly, in a different set of flowers, the style of each flower was excised one day after pollination, once the pollen tubes had reached the base of the style, and individually fixed for starch content analysis under the microscope once the fate of its corresponding ovary (that remained in the tree) was known. A high variability in starch content in the style was found among flowers, with some flowers having starch content up to 1,000 times higher than others, and the flowers that successfully developed into fruits presented significantly higher starch content in the style at anthesis than those that abscised. The relationship between starch content in the ovary and the capacity of set of the flower together with the correlation found between the starch content in the style and the fate of the ovary support the hypothesis that the carbohydrate reserves accumulated in the flower at anthesis are related to subsequent abscission or retention of the developing fruit.  相似文献   
Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is common and associated with multiple serious public health implications. A consensus definition of TRD with demonstrated predictive utility in terms of clinical decision-making and health outcomes does not currently exist. Instead, a plethora of definitions have been proposed, which vary significantly in their conceptual framework. The absence of a consensus definition hampers precise estimates of the prevalence of TRD, and also belies efforts to identify risk factors, prevention opportunities, and effective interventions. In addition, it results in heterogeneity in clinical practice decision-making, adversely affecting quality of care. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) have adopted the most used definition of TRD (i.e., inadequate response to a minimum of two antidepressants despite adequacy of the treatment trial and adherence to treatment). It is currently estimated that at least 30% of persons with depression meet this definition. A significant percentage of persons with TRD are actually pseudo-resistant (e.g., due to inadequacy of treatment trials or non-adherence to treatment). Although multiple sociodemographic, clinical, treatment and contextual factors are known to negatively moderate response in persons with depression, very few factors are regarded as predictive of non-response across multiple modalities of treatment. Intravenous ketamine and intranasal esketamine (co-administered with an antidepressant) are established as efficacious in the management of TRD. Some second-generation antipsychotics (e.g., aripiprazole, brexpiprazole, cariprazine, quetiapine XR) are proven effective as adjunctive treatments to antidepressants in partial responders, but only the olanzapine-fluoxetine combination has been studied in FDA-defined TRD. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is established as effective and FDA-approved for individuals with TRD, with accelerated theta-burst TMS also recently showing efficacy. Electroconvulsive therapy is regarded as an effective acute and maintenance intervention in TRD, with preliminary evidence suggesting non-inferiority to acute intravenous ketamine. Evidence for extending antidepressant trial, medication switching and combining antidepressants is mixed. Manual-based psychotherapies are not established as efficacious on their own in TRD, but offer significant symptomatic relief when added to conventional antidepressants. Digital therapeutics are under study and represent a potential future clinical vista in this population.  相似文献   
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