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The nonproliferating chicken liver cell culture system described yields cell monolayers with morphological and lipogenic properties characteristic of the physiological-nutritional state of donor animals. Synthesis and secretion of fatty acid, cholesterol, and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) occur at in vivo rates and respond to hormones and agents which affect these processes in vivo. Cells derived from fed chickens maintain high rates of synthesis of fatty acid and cholesterol for several days if insulin is present in the medium. High rates of fatty acid synthesis are correlated with the appearance of membrane-enclosed triglyceride-rich vesicles in the cytoplasm; deletion of insulin causes a decrease (T1/2 = 22 h) in fatty acid synthetic activity. Addition of glucagon or cyclic AMP (cAMP) causes an immediate cessation of fatty acid synthesis and blocks the appearance of the triglyceride-rich vesicles. Fatty acid synthesis in liver cells prepared from fasted chickens is less than 5% that of cells from fed animals. After 2-3 days in culture with serum-free medium containing insulin +/- triiodothyronine, fatty acid synthesis is restored to normal; glucagon or dibutyryl cAMP blocks this recovery. Liver cells derived from estradiol-treated chickens synthesize and secrete VLDL for at least 48 h in culture. Electron micrographs of these cells reveal more extensive development of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex compared to cells from untreated chickens. Whereas [3H]leucine incorporation into total protein is unaffected by estrogen treatment, [3H]leucine incorporation into cellular and secreted immunoprecipitable VLDL is markedly increased indicating specific activation of VLDL apopeptide synthesis; 8-10% of the labeled protein synthesized and secreted is VLDL. Dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitated 3H-VLDL reveals three major apopepetides of 300,000, 11,000, and 8,000 daltons corresponding to those of purified chicken VLDL.  相似文献   
A method has been developed for the separation of radioactive inorganic phosphate from rat liver homogenates by a combination of ion-exchange and precipitation chromatography. The method has been applied to normal rat liver.  相似文献   
The four mutant genes, cyc2, cyc3, cyc8 and cyc9, that affect the levels of the two iso-cytochromes c in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been characterized and mapped. Both cyc2 and cyc3 lower the amount of iso-1-cytochrome c and iso-2-cytochrome c; whereas, cyc8 and cyc9 increase the amount of iso-2-cytochrome c. The cyc2, cyc3, cyc8 and cyc9 genes are located, respectively, on chromosomes XV, I, II and III, and are, therefore, unlinked to each other and unlinked to CYC1, the structural gene of iso-1-cytochrome c and to CYC7, the structural gene of iso-2-cytochrome c. While some cyc3 mutants are completely or almost completely deficient in cyotchromes c, none of the cyc2 mutants contained less than 10% of parental level of cytochrome c even though over one-half of the mutants contain UAA or UAG nonsense mutations. Thus, it appears as if a complete block of the cyc2 gene product still allows the formation of a residual fraction of cytochrome c. The cyc2 and cyc3 mutant genes cause deficiencies even in the presence of CYC7, cyc8 and cyc9, which normally cause overproduction of iso-2-cytochrome c. We suggest that cyc2 and cyc3 may be involved with the regulation or maturation of the iso-cytochromes c. In addition to having high levels of iso-2-cytochromes c, the cyc8 and cyc9 mutants are associated with flocculent cells and other abnormal phenotypes. The cyc9 mutant was shown to be allelic with the tup1 mutant and to share its properties, which include the ability to utilize exogenous dTMP, a characteristic flocculent morphology, the lack of sporulation of homozygous diploids and low frequency of mating and abnormally shaped cells of alpha strains. The diverse abnormalities suggest that cyc8 and cyc9 are not simple regulatory mutants controlling iso-2-cytochrome c.  相似文献   
Summary The characteristics of recombination of several petite (rho -) mutants of S. cerevisiae that retain the -influenced region of the mitochondrial genome, identified by the markers cap1-r, ery1-r and tsr1, are described. The petites were derived from an grande (rho +) strain and those petites which retain all three markers show recombination properties similar to those of the - parental strain. However, other rho - mutants that retain the cap1 and ery1 loci but have lost the tsr1 locus, which is located between cap1 and ery1, show markedly different properties of mitochondrial transmission and recombination, consistent with the presence of + alleles. The association of an internal deletion between the cap1 and ery1 loci with a change in phenotype provides additional evidence for the location of between these two loci.Although the petites deleted for the tsr1 locus exhibited the recombination properties of + strains, it was not possible to transmit this characteristic to rho + recombinant cells. Experiments on the kinetics of elimination by ethidium bromide of the cap1 and eryl markers from the petites and measurements of the buoyant densities of their mtDNA species did not indicate major changes (such as selective sequence repetition) in the sequences of the mtDNAs. The possible nature of the changes in the mtDNAs of these petites is discussed in light of recent studies on the physical nature of the alleles.  相似文献   
We use a highly specific and sensitive antibody to further characterize the distribution of dystrophin in skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle. No evidence for localization other than at the cell surface is apparent in skeletal muscle and no 427-kD dystrophin labeling was detected in sciatic nerve. An elevated concentration of dystrophin appears at the myotendinous junction and the neuromuscular junction, labeling in the latter being more intense specifically in the troughs of the synaptic folds. In cardiac muscle the distribution of dystrophin is limited to the surface plasma membrane but is notably absent from the membrane that overlays adherens junctions of the intercalated disks. In smooth muscle, the plasma membrane labeling is considerably less abundant than in cardiac or skeletal muscle and is found in areas of membrane underlain by membranous vesicles. As in cardiac muscle, smooth muscle dystrophin seems to be excluded from membrane above densities that mark adherens junctions. Dystrophin appears as a doublet on Western blots of skeletal and cardiac muscle, and as a single band of lower abundance in smooth muscle that corresponds most closely in molecular weight to the upper band of the striated muscle doublet. The lower band of the doublet in striated muscle appears to lack a portion of the carboxyl terminus and may represent a dystrophin isoform. Isoform differences and the presence of dystrophin on different specialized membrane surfaces imply multiple functional roles for the dystrophin protein.  相似文献   
The Silurian (Wenlockian) Tofta Beds at Galgberget 1, Gotland, Sweden, formed in a protected intertidal setting. Massive fenestral limestone at this locality contains a low diversity community dominated by stromatoporoids, calcareous algae, and ostracods, with less common rugose corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, and trilobites. Abundance of stromatoporoids, which form about 40% of sediment volume, suggests reef-like conditions. The Tofta community differs from typical Silurian reef communities, however, in its low diversity, very limited tiering, and absence of groups such as crionozoans and tabulates. These differences are possibly due to intertidal conditions which precluded upward growth of a mound structure and subjected the community to periodic desication.  相似文献   
The survival and replication of male-specific bacteriophages in hard-shelled clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) and their homogenates were examined to further assess their potential utility as indicator organisms. Trials were conducted in the presence and absence of a suitable bacterial host, Escherichia coli HS[pFamp]R. Results of this study demonstrated that male-specific bacteriophages were unable to replicate in hard-shelled clams, with or without added host cells. In addition, the densities of these bacteriophages were stable for up to 7 days in shellfish held at ambient seawater temperatures (less than 25 degrees C). Evidence of replication, although not observed in live shellfish, was found to occur in temperature-abused shellfish homogenates and supernatants, but only when a suitable bacterial host was present.  相似文献   
Two species of the Zoogonidae are recorded from Heron Island on the southern Great Barrier Reef. Steganoderma (Lecithostaphylus) gibsoni n. sp. is described from the intestine of Abudefduf whitleyi (Pomacentridae). The new species is distinguished by the combination of the following: pedunculate ventral sucker, caeca extending well past testes, presence of two-chambered internal seminal vesicle, vitelline follicles extending only to anterior margin of testes, and testes close to ventral sucker. Zoogonus pagrosomi Yamaguti, 1939 is recorded from Lethrinus atkinsoni (Lethrinidae). This species has been recorded previously only from a sparid from Japan. A new combination, Steganoderma (Lecithostaphylus) fugus (Zhang, Qiu & Li, 1986), is made.  相似文献   
The plastid ribisomal RNA (rRNA) operon of the achlorophyllous root parasite Conopholis americana was completely sequenced. Full-length rRNA genes are retained in the gene cluster, but significant divergence has occurred in the 16S, 23S and 5S genes. Both the 16S–23S intergenic spacer and the 4.5S–5S intergenic spacer have suffered substantial deletions, including the two tRNA genes typically found in prokaryotic and plastid 16S–23S spacers.  相似文献   
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