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Ananain: a novel cysteine proteinase found in pineapple stem   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A previously unknown cysteine proteinase, named ananain, has been isolated from crude commercial pineapple stem bromelain. The purification procedure involved affinity chromatography on Sepharose-Gly-Phe-glycinaldehyde semicarbazone, and cation-exchange chromatography. The relative molecular mass of ananain was very similar to that of bromelain (25,000 and 26,000, respectively), but ananain differed greatly in specificity for hydrolysis of peptide and protein substrates. The new enzyme behaved as a typical cysteine proteinase in showing strong inhibition by chicken cystatin, whereas bromelain was scarcely affected. Ananain was also shown to be immunologically distinct from bromelain. The significance of the discovery of ananain for the interpretation of previous work on "bromelain" is pointed out.  相似文献   
The effects of Ro 15-1788 and ethyl-beta-carboline-3-carboxylate (beta-CCE) were studied alone and in combination on the behavioral performances of squirrel monkeys. Under one procedure, performances maintained by food were suppressed by electric shock presentation (punishment or "conflict" procedure). Under a second procedure, responding was maintained either by food or electric shock delivery under a 5-min fixed-interval schedule. Doses of beta-CCE between 0.1 and 3.0 mg/kg, i.m., produced graded decreases in punished responding which were reversed by pretreatment with Ro 15-1788 (1.0 - 10.0 mg/kg, i.m.). Low doses of beta-CCE (0.03 - 0.3 mg/kg, i.m.) increased responding of monkeys maintained by shock presentation, but did not affect food-maintained responding; higher doses of beta-CCE decreased responding under both schedules. These effects of beta-CCE are opposite those produced by the benzodiazepines under this procedure. Ro 15-1788 (1.0 mg/kg i.m.) antagonized the effects of beta-CCE, producing a shift to the right in the dose-response curves. These findings provide further support for the view that beta-CCE and Ro 15-1788 produce effects mediated by the same benzodiazepine receptor recognition site.  相似文献   
Human liver cathepsin L.   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cathepsin L was purified to apparent homogeneity from human liver obtained post mortem. It was necessary to treat the homogenate at pH 4.2 and 37 degrees C to release active enzyme. The purification procedure involved ion-exchange chromatography on carboxymethyl-Sephadex and the Mono S column of a Pharmacia fast-protein-liquid-chromatography system. The enzyme was found to consist of two polypeptide chains of Mr 25 000 and 5000. The larger chain was shown to contain the active-site cysteine residue. Human cathepsin L proved to be similar to the rat and rabbit enzymes in regard to kinetic constants for the substrate benzyloxycarbonylphenylalanylarginine 7-(4-methyl)coumarylamide and rates of inactivation by the active-site-directed reagents benzyloxycarbonylphenylalanylphenylalanyldiazomethane and benzyloxycarbonylphenylalanylalanyldiazomethane. Thus clear characteristics of cathepsin L are now emerging, and these should simplify the identification of the enzyme in other tissues and species.  相似文献   
To better understand the immunologic effects of lymphoid irradiation (LI), blood levels of T cell subsets were sequentially monitored in 15 patients before, during, and after irradiation treatment for Hodgkin's disease. Blood levels of all lymphocytes, T cells, and T cell subsets (defined by OKT4 and OKT8) fell dramatically and in similar proportions during early therapy, reaching levels less than 20 to 25% of control by the completion of mantle irradiation, and continuing at very depressed levels through the completion of therapy. Blood levels of OKT8-reactive (OKT8+) cells returned to pretreatment levels (402 +/- 38/mm3 vs 360 +/- 32/mm3 pretreatment) between 6 to 8 mo after LI, whereas blood levels of OKT4-reactive (OKT4+) cells returned to only 42% of previous values (242 +/- 22/mm3 vs 584 +/- 34/mm3 pretreatment) over the same period. The pre-LI ratio of OKT4+ to OKT8+ cells was 1.85 +/- 0.24 and fell to 0.65 +/- 0.05 between 6 to 8 mo after LI. During the recovery period, discrepancies of 208 +/- 32 cells/mm3 (3 to 5 months post LI) and 198 +/- 32 cells/mm3 (6 to 8 mo post LI) developed between the blood levels of OKT3+ cells and the sum of OKT4+ and OKT8+ cells. This suggests the emergence of OKT4+/OKT3-, OKT8+/OKT3-, and/or OKT4+/OKT8+ cells. In five patients, the sum of OKT4+ and OKT8+ cells was compared with the number of cells simultaneously co-stained by OKT4 and OKT8. It appeared that a significant proportion of the cells were OKT4+/OKT3- and OKT8+/OKT3- lymphocytes. We concluded that LI is similarly cytotoxic to peripheral blood T cell subpopulations. The reversed ratio after LI is a result of a slower repopulation of the peripheral blood by OKT4+ cells relative to OKT8+ cells. T cells after LI show a high degree of antigenic immaturity. It is postulated that the bone marrow that lies outside the fields of treatment and contains predominantly immature OKT8+/OKT3- cells is a major source of T cells repopulating the peripheral blood after LI.  相似文献   
Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) and body composition have been shown to deteriorate with age. How much of the decline is attributable to aging and how much is affected by reduced physical activity is not known. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the aerobic capacity and body composition of 24 master track athletes and to evaluate the relationship to age and maintenance of training over a 10-yr period. The subjects (50-82 yr of age) were retested after a 10.1-yr follow-up (T2). All continued their aerobic training, but only 11 were still highly competitive (COMP) and continued to train at the same intensity. The other 13 athletes studied became noncompetitive (post-COMP) and reduced their training intensity. The results showed the COMP group to maintain its VO2max and maximum O2 pulse while the post-COMP group showed a significant decline (54.2-53.3 vs. 52.5-45.9 ml X kg-1 X min-1; 20.7-20.8 vs. 22.4-20.0 ml/beat from test one (T1) to T2 for the COMP vs. post-COMP groups, respectively). Maximum heart rate declined 7 beats/min for both groups. Body composition showed no difference between groups from T1 to T2. For both groups body weight declined slightly (70.0-68.9 kg), percent fat increased significantly (13.1-15.1%), and fat-free weight decreased significantly (61.0-59.0 kg). Thus, when training was maintained, aerobic capacity remained unchanged over the follow-up period. Body composition changed for both groups and may have been related to aging and/or the type of training performed.  相似文献   
Human cathepsin B was purified by affinity chromatography on the semicarbazone of Gly-Phe-glycinal linked to Sepharose 4B, with elution by 2,2'-dipyridyl disulphide at pH 4.0. The product obtained in high yield by the single step from crude starting material was 80-100% active cathepsin B. The possibility that this new form of affinity chromatography may be of general usefulness in the purification of cysteine proteinases is discussed.  相似文献   
The temporal patterns of protein phosphorylation in the adrenal glomerulosa cell were analysed by two-dimensional electrophoresis after stimulation with 10 nM-angiotensin II or various agents [10 nM-12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA), 50 nM-A23187, 1 microM-nitrendipine], administered singly or in combination. These patterns were compared with the temporal patterns of aldosterone secretion induced by the same agonists and antagonists. After 1 and 30 min of stimulation with angiotensin II, different patterns of protein phosphorylation were observed. A comparison of these patterns reveals that: the phosphorylation of only one protein was persistently enhanced during the continuous incubation with angiotensin II; the phosphorylation of five proteins was transiently enhanced (at 1 min but not 30 min); and the phosphorylation of three proteins did not occur at 1 min but was seen at 30 min. Addition of the phorbol ester TPA alone, which at 30 min is without effect in enhancing aldosterone production, has no effect on protein phosphorylation. The combined addition of TPA and the Ca2+ ionophore, A23187, which, like angiotensin II, evokes a sustained increase in aldosterone production, reproduced the temporal patterns of protein phosphorylation seen after angiotensin II action. Manipulations (A23187 alone, angiotensin II plus nitrendipine) which evoke only a transient rise in aldosterone production rate induce a transient rise in cellular protein phosphorylation. The 1 min patterns of phosphorylation seen after A23187 or combined angiotensin II and nitrendipine (a Ca2+ channel antagonist) are similar to those observed after 1 min of angiotensin II stimulation. These results suggest that, when angiotensin II acts, the initial cellular response is mediated by a different mechanism than that responsible for the sustained response.  相似文献   
Three groups of mutants defective in trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) reduction were isolated from Salmonella typhimurium LT2 subjected to transposition mutagenesis with Mu d(Apr lac). Mutants were identified by their acidic reaction on a modified MacConkey-TMAO medium. Group I consisted of pleiotropic chlorate-resistant mutants which were devoid of TMAO reductase activity. None expressed the lac operon. Group II mutants were partially defective in TMAO reductase. Electrophoretic studies revealed that they lacked the inducible TMAO reductase, but retained the constitutive activity. The genotypic designation tor was suggested for these mutants. The tor mutation in one was located between 80 and 83 U on the S. typhimurium chromosome. Expression of the lac operon in these mutants was not affected by air, TMAO, or nitrate. Group III mutants reduced little or no TMAO in vivo, but their extracts retained full capacity to reduce it with methyl viologen. These mutants also failed to produce hydrogen sulfide from thiosulfate and could not grow anaerobically on glycerol-fumarate. Two subgroups were distinguished. Vitamin K5 restored wild-type phenotype in subgroup IIIa only; vitamin K1 restored wild-type phenotype in both IIIa and IIIb isolates. The genotypic designation men (menaquinone) was suggested for group III isolates. The mutation in IIIa mutants was cotransducible with glpT, which corresponds to the menBCD site in Escherichia coli. That in IIIb mutants was cotransducible with glpK, which corresponds to the menA site in E. coli. Expression of the lac operon in IIIa, but not IIIb, mutants was repressed by air. An additional mutant group isolated on the same medium consisted of strains defective in formate hydrogenlyase.  相似文献   
Two temperature-sensitive mutants of satellite phage P4 which do not synthesize P4 DNA at the nonpermissive temperature have been isolated. One of these phage is mutated in the P4 alpha gene. It complements a P4 delta mutant, but not a P4 alpha amber mutant; both mutants are phenotypically identical to alpha amber mutants in all properties studied. They synthesize P4 early proteins 1 and 2 as well as two additional P4-induced early proteins, 5 and 6, which are described here. P4 late proteins are not synthesized by these mutants and cannot be transactivated by helper phage P2. The mutants are unable to transactivate P2 late proteins from a P2 AB mutant. The P4 RNA polymerase activity which has been suggested to be involved in P4 DNA synthesis is not detected at the nonpermissive temperature. The P4 polymerase activity in partially purified extracts prepared from cells infected with the mutant at the permissive temperature is temperature sensitive. Reduced activity is found in vitro when these extracts are preincubated at 41 degrees C or assayed at temperatures higher than 37 degrees C. Thus, the P4 RNA polymerase is the product of the alpha gene. Temperature shift experiments show that the alpha gene product is required until late in the P4 cycle.  相似文献   
The mutagenicity of diethylstilbestrol (DES) in V79 Chinese hamster cells was examined under a variety of conditions. DES over a concentration range 0.01–10 μg/ml failed to induce any increase above the spontaneous frequency of 6-thioguanine-resistant V79 cells. The effect of varying the expression time after treatment in the mutation assay from 3 to 9 days was studied and DES was nonmutagenic at all time points, while N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine was highly mutagenic with a peak response after a 5–7 day expression time. The mutagenicity of benzo[a]pyrene and DES, both of which induce morphological and neoplastic transformation of Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells, was tested by cocultivating V79 cells with SHE cells for possible metabolic activation of the chemicals. Neither compound was mutagenic to V79 cells in the absence of SHE cells. Benzo[a]pyrene, but not DES, was mutagenic to V79 cells cocultivated with SHE cells. These results support the observation that DES can induce cell transformation under conditions that do not result in any measurable gene mutations. Moreover, the ability of DES to enhance the recovery of 6-thioguanine-resistant mutations was studied by determining the ability of DES to inhibit metabolic cooperation of V79 cells. Unlike the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate, DES was a weak or inactive inhibitor of metabolic cooperation.  相似文献   
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