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The role of pheromones in orchestrating social behaviors in reptiles is reviewed. Although all reptile orders are examined, the vast majority of the literature has dealt only with squamates, primarily snakes and lizards. The literature is surprisingly large, but most studies have explored relatively few behaviors. The evolution of chemical signaling in reptiles is discussed along with behaviors governed by pheromones including conspecific trailing, male-male agonistic interactions, sex recognition and sex pheromones, and reptilian predator recognition. Nonreptilian prey recognition by chemical cues was not reviewed. The recent literature has focused on two model systems where extensive chemical ecology studies have been conducted: the reproductive ecology of garter snakes and the behavioral ecology of Iberian lacertid lizards. In these two systems, enough is known about the chemical constituents that mediate behaviors to explore the evolution of chemical signaling mechanisms that affect life history patterns. In addition, these models illuminate natural and sexual selection processes which have lead to complex chemical signals whose different components and concentrations provide essential information about individuals to conspecifics. Reptiles provide excellent candidates for further studies in this regard not only in squamates, but also in the orders where little experimental work has been conducted to date.  相似文献   
EMT6 mouse mammary tumors were treated in vivo with 5 mg/mouse of hydroxyurea (HU) or 300 rads of X-rays. the proliferation of the tumor cells was followed for 28 hr after treatment. Changes in the 3H-TdR labeling index, the mitotic index, the specific activity of the 3H-TdR-labeled DNA, and the proportion of suspended, clonogenic cells in the S phase of the cell cycle were examined and compared. Evidence was found for reassortment of the surviving cells in treated tumors into partially synchronous cohorts. the partial synchrony in the proliferation of the surviving cells was not accurately predicted by the changes in the labeling index and the mitotic index. the changes in DNA specific activity proved unacceptable as an indicator of cell proliferation in solid EMT6 tumors treated with low doses of radiation or HU.  相似文献   
This article accentuates the cultural/historical nature of teaching. Drawing on Bakhtin's theory of speech genres, it approaches classroom discourse as a composite genre that reflects the history of teaching in each locality. The analysis of a lesson observed in a rural school in Mexico shows how genres drawn from a variety of sources convey different sorts of knowledge as they are woven into ongoing classroom conversation.  相似文献   
Vertebrates communicate their sex to conspecifics through the use of sexually dimorphic signals, such as ornaments, behaviors and scents. Furthermore, the physiological connection between hormones and secondary sexual signal expression is key to understanding their dimorphism, seasonality and evolution. The red-sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) is the only reptile for which a described pheromone currently exists, and because garter snakes rely completely on the sexual attractiveness pheromone for species identification and mate choice, they constitute a unique model species for exploring the relationship between pheromones and the endocrine system. We recently demonstrated that estrogen can activate female pheromone production in male garter snakes. The purpose of this study was to determine the mechanism(s) acting to prevent female pheromone production in males. We found that castrated males (GX) are courted by wild males in the field and produce appreciable amounts of female sex pheromone. Furthermore, pheromone production is inhibited in castrates given testosterone implants (GX + T), suggesting that pheromone production is actively inhibited by the presence of testosterone. Lastly, testosterone supplementation alone (T) increased the production of several saturated methyl ketones in the pheromone but not the unsaturated ketones; this may indicate that saturated ketones are testosterone-activated components of the garter snake's skin lipid milieu. Collectively, our research has shown that pheromone expression in snakes results from two processes: activation by the feminizing steroid estradiol and inhibition by testosterone. We suggest that basal birds and garter snakes share common pathways of activation that modulate crucial intraspecific signals that originate from skin.  相似文献   
Cavitation has long been recognized as a key constraint on the structure and functional integrity of the xylem. Yet, recent results call into question how well we understand cavitation in plants. Here, we consider embolism formation in angiosperms at two scales. The first focuses on how air-seeding occurs at the level of pit membranes, raising the question of whether capillary failure is an appropriate physical model. The second addresses methodological uncertainties that affect our ability to infer the formation of embolism and its reversal in plant stems. Overall, our goal is to open up fresh perspectives on the structure-function relationships of xylem.A central question in the biology of vascular plants is under what conditions the continuity of the liquid phase, essential for the transport of water from soil to leaves, is lost (Tyree and Zimmerman, 2002). Without the high-conductance pathway for water movement through the xylem, vascular plants could not sustain the water loss associated with the diffusional uptake of CO2 from a subsaturated atmosphere. As a result, substantial effort in the field of xylem transport focuses on quantifying vulnerability to cavitation and its impact. Yet, a number of recent studies raise questions regarding how well we understand cavitation in plant stems, pointing to apparently anomalous or inconsistent experimental results that suggest methodological artifacts (Choat et al., 2010; Ennajeh et al., 2011; Wheeler et al., 2013). Such results provide the motivation for this Update. We recognize that there is currently no consensus on the extent to which any particular experimental approach is subject to a problem; in addition, we note that the implications of such potential artifacts for the estimation of leaf xylem vulnerability involves further methodological considerations beyond our current scope. Our intention with this Update is to clarify the physical basis for a number of potential experimental artifacts relating to angiosperm stem xylem, in the hope that this will be useful for designing experiments that can resolve these issues.In this spirit, we begin with a discussion of how cavitation occurs, sketch an alternative model to meniscal failure for how air seeding across homogenous pit membranes could occur in the absence of discrete pores, and discuss the implications of these two models for the relative importance of probabilistic versus deterministic constraints on air-seeding resistance. We then turn to recent evidence that xylem vulnerability to cavitation in some species may have been overestimated and consider possible physical effects that could lead to biases sensitive to conduit size in the three principal methods of vulnerability estimation (dehydration, air injection, and centrifugation); to the extent that such biases are quantitatively important, these methods cannot be considered independent for long-vesseled species. Experimental approaches that may prove helpful in reconciling some of the divergent results between methods or protocols are proposed. The potential for measurement artifacts to impact our understanding of embolism repair is also discussed.  相似文献   
Phytochromes are red/far-red photosensory proteins that regulate adaptive responses to light via photoswitching of cysteine-linked linear tetrapyrrole (bilin) chromophores. The related cyanobacteriochromes (CBCRs) extend the photosensory range of the phytochrome superfamily to shorter wavelengths of visible light. CBCRs and phytochromes share a conserved Cys residue required for bilin attachment. In one CBCR subfamily, often associated with a blue/green photocycle, a second Cys lies within a conserved Asp-Xaa-Cys-Phe (DXCF) motif and is essential for the blue/green photocycle. Such DXCF CBCRs use isomerization of the phycocyanobilin (PCB) chromophore into the related phycoviolobilin (PVB) to shorten the conjugated system for sensing green light. We here use recombinant expression of individual CBCR domains in Escherichia coli to survey the DXCF subfamily from the cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme. We describe ten new photoreceptors with well-resolved photocycles and three additional photoproteins with overlapping dark-adapted and photoproduct states. We show that the ability of this subfamily to form PVB or retain PCB provides a powerful mechanism for tuning the photoproduct absorbance, with blue-absorbing dark states leading to a broad range of photoproducts absorbing teal, green, yellow, or orange light. Moreover, we use a novel green/teal CBCR that lacks the blue-absorbing dark state to demonstrate that PVB formation requires the DXCF Cys residue. Our results demonstrate that this subfamily exhibits much more spectral diversity than had been previously appreciated.  相似文献   
Our recent studies with lactacystin, a prototype proteasome inhibitor, have suggested that the proteasome is a key regulator of LPS-induced signaling pathways contributing to the inflammatory process. Moreover, lactacystin protects animals from LPS-induced shock. Therefore, we sought to identify other less toxic compounds that would block the chymotrypsin-like activity of the proteasome or LPS-induced nitric oxide (NO). After screening over 100 natural compounds (based on chemistry and inhibition of LPS-induced biological activities), we now report for the first time that quercetin, like lactacystin (the prototype proteasome inhibitor), and mevinolin are also inhibitors of the chymotrypsin-like activity of the cellular proteasome within living cells. In addition, this study also suggests that mevinolin and quercetin both have relatively potent anti-inflammatory effects on LPS-treated macrophages in vitro. Interestingly, both of these compounds behave like lactacystin in that they block LPS-induced NO to a greater extent than TNF-alpha. The results of our experiments clearly suggest that mevinolin, in combination with the antibiotic imipenem, can provide protection against polymicrobial septic lethality induced by cecal-ligation and puncture in mice. Collectively, these studies strongly support the conclusion that therapeutic targeting of cellular proteasomes, in conjunction with standard antimicrobial therapy, may be of considerable survival benefit in the treatment of septic shock.  相似文献   
Summer temperature on the Cape Churchill Peninsula (Manitoba, Canada) has increased rapidly over the past 75 years, and flowering phenology of the plant community is advanced in years with warmer temperatures (higher cumulative growing degree days). Despite this, there has been no overall shift in flowering phenology over this period. However, climate change has also resulted in increased interannual variation in temperature; if relationships between phenology and temperature are not linear, an increase in temperature variance may interact with an increase in the mean to alter how community phenology changes over time. In our system, the relationship between phenology and temperature was log‐linear, resulting in a steeper slope at the cold end of the temperature spectrum than at the warm end. Because below‐average temperatures had a greater impact on phenology than above‐average temperatures, the long‐term advance in phenology was reduced. In addition, flowering phenology in a given year was delayed if summer temperatures were high the previous year or 2 years earlier (lag effects), further reducing the expected advance over time. Phenology of early‐flowering plants was negatively affected only by temperatures in the previous year, and that of late‐flowering plants primarily by temperatures 2 years earlier. Subarctic plants develop leaf primordia one or more years prior to flowering (preformation); these results suggest that temperature affects the development of flower primordia during this preformation period. Together, increased variance in temperature and lag effects interacted with a changing mean to reduce the expected phenological advance by 94%, a magnitude large enough to account for our inability to detect a significant advance over time. We conclude that changes in temperature variability and lag effects can alter trends in plant responses to a warming climate and that predictions for changes in plant phenology under future warming scenarios should incorporate such effects.  相似文献   
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