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中国植被分类系统修订方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了推动《中国植被志》研编工作, 该文回顾了中国植被分类系统的发展过程和主要阶段性成果, 提出了作为《中国植被志》研编技术框架组成部分的中国植被分类系统修订方案, 对各植被型组及各植被型进行了简单定义和描述, 并针对中国植被分类系统若干问题, 特别就中国植被分类系统总体框架、混交林的界定以及土壤在植被分类中的重要性等问题进行了讨论。1960年侯学煜在《中国的植被》中首次提出了中国植被分类的原则和系统, 1980年出版的《中国植被》制定了分类等级和划分依据等更加完善的系统, 之后《中国植被及其地理格局——中华人民共和国1:1 000 000植被图说明书》和《中国植物区系与植被地理》以及很多省区的植被专著对该系统进行过修订。2017年宋永昌在《植被生态学》中提出了一个分类等级单位调整的方案。本次提出的中国植被分类系统修订方案基本沿用《中国植被》的植被分类原则、分类单位及系统, 采用“植物群落学-生态学”分类原则, 主要以植物群落特征及其与环境的关系作为分类依据, 包含三级主要分类单位, 即植被型(高级单位)、群系(中级单位)和群丛(低级单位); 在三个主要分类单位之上分别增加辅助单位植被型组、群系组和群丛组, 在植被型和群系之下主要根据群落的生态差异和实际需要可再增加植被亚型或亚群系。修订方案包含了森林、灌丛、草本植被(草地)、荒漠、高山冻原与稀疏植被、沼泽与水生植被(湿地)、农业植被、城市植被和无植被地段9个植被型组, 划分为48个植被型(含30个自然植被型、12个农业植被型、5个城市植被型和无植被地段)。自然植被中有23个植被型进一步划分出了81个植被亚型。  相似文献   
Abstract: A specimen of Curculionidae (Curculioninae) is described as Arariperhinus monnei gen. et sp. nov. The specimen is preserved on a laminated limestone sample of the Crato Formation (Santana Group), Lower Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian), and was collected from a quarry near Nova Olinda, Chapada do Araripe, State of Ceará, Brazil. The genus is placed in the subfamily Curculioninae because of its strongly convex body and relatively slender rostrum, but mainly by its rounded eyes and lack of a prosternal sulcus and tibial spurs. The very prominent eyes in lateral view, a cylindrical rostrum and a straight posterior margin of ventrite II are strong indications that this fossil belongs to the tribe Anthonomini. However, the claws, which would resolve the exact placement of this fossil, are poorly preserved. Arariperhinus monnei gen. et sp. nov. is distinguishable by the combination of several characters and the first record of the family Curculionidae in the Santana Group; it is the oldest record of a member of the subfamily Curculioninae.  相似文献   
We describe the extra bony elements, plates, and osteoderms present in species of the genus Brachycephalus. Samples of eight species of Brachycephalus, including seven populations of Brachycephalus ephippium, were examined. The large additional elements associated with the skull (parotic plate) and vertebrae (vertebral and paravertebral plates) all comprise intramembranous bone, similar to that of the frontoparietal or nasal bones of the skull of most of frogs. Additionally, in the dermis of one unnamed species, we discovered and described true osteoderms. We discuss the morphological nature and diversity of theses elements and their importance as evidence of phylogenetic relationship within Brachycephalus. In summary, three distinct conditions of extra bony elements occur in the genus Brachycephalus: (1) bony plates may be present or absent in species of the genus; (2) a few, small bony plates may be developed and these may be represented by (a) paravertebral plates small and restricted to the distal ends of the transverse processes of the presacral IV, (b) parotic plates small and not covering the tops of the squamosals, and (c) ornamented spinal plates on all vertebrae; and (3) well‐developed bony plates may be present as (a) paravertebral plates forming a ‘bone‐shield’ on the dorsal surface of the trunk, ornamented, and visible through the integument, (b) parotic plates covering the tops of the squamosals, and (c) spinal plates associated with all vertebrae, and ornamented on vertebrate I–VI. Although the phenomenon of miniaturization may be associated with the appearance of new elements in at least some of the species in the genus, the traditional rule may not be universally applicable. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 752–767.  相似文献   
A new species of Daptonema is described based upon morphological characters and 18S rRNA sequence. Daptonema matrona sp. nov. was collected in Pina Basin (north‐eastern Brazil). It differs from all other species of the genus by the presence of reduced cephalic setae and straight spicules. These features require an adaptation of the generic diagnosis. Moreover, the females are characterized by intra‐uterine development of the offspring, considered herein as their major autapomorphic feature. Molecular systematic analyses supported Daptonema matrona sp. nov. as a distinct genetic and evolutionary lineage. The data also indicate hypotheses of taxonomic synonymies amongst some related taxa from Xyalidae as well as the paraphyly of Daptonema. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 1–15.  相似文献   
目的分析博尔纳病病毒(Borna disease virus,BDV)H1766株对BALB/c小鼠的感染性。方法选择病毒滴度为2.0×107FFU/ml的BDV病毒液分别对新生和成年BALB/c小鼠进行脑内接种,并用相同病毒液对原代培养的新生BALB/c小鼠脑细胞进行接种。经过一定时间的病毒作用后分别提取总RNA,采用巢式RT-PCR方法检测BDV-p40基因,并通过免疫组化方法检测脑内接种脑组织中BDV-P40蛋白。结果脑内接种病毒的小鼠脑组织中可以检测到BDV-p40基因和BDV-P40蛋白,培养的小鼠脑细胞中可以检测到BDV-p40基因。结论BDVH1766株可以感染新生和成年的BALB/c小鼠。  相似文献   
目的:研究功能矫形前伸大鼠下颌后浅层嚼肌细胞凋亡的变化规律,探讨功能矫形的肌肉改建机理。方法:选用50只5周龄Sprague-Dawley(SD)雄性大白鼠,随机分为实验组和对照组各25只。实验组大鼠戴自制上颌功能矫治嚣,引导下颌前伸,并打开咬合。利用RT-PCR方法检测两组大鼠浅层嚼肌Bcl-2和Bax基因表达情况,利用TUNEL方法检测浅层嚼肌细胞凋亡情况。结果:①Bcl-2和Bax基因表达随大鼠戴用矫治器时间的延长而升高,至第3周开始下降但仍高于对照组,但Bax的表达高于Bcl-2。Bax/Bcl-2比值随大鼠戴用矫治器时间的延长而升高,至第4周开始下降。②TUNEL实验结果显示浅层嚼肌细胞在戴用矫治器1天后,开始出现凋亡,随着时间延长而增加,至第3周达到顶峰,第4周开始下降。结论:①Bax/Bcl-2比值升高促进浅层嚼肌细胞凋亡。②功能矫形可引起浅层嚼肌细胞凋亡,导致肌肉的结构和功能发生适应性改建。  相似文献   
We report the development of 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci in pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) using an unenriched genomic library. The number of the alleles ranged from two to 18 and observed hererozygosity ranged from 0.0286 to 0.9429, indicating that these markers will be useful for population studies and mapping in pacific white shrimp. Seven loci were detected deviated from Hardy–Weinberg, caused by deficiency of heterozygote, suggesting population genetic structure across the sampled population. No evidence for linkage disequilibrium was found.  相似文献   
Scientists predict that global agricultural lands will expand over the next few decades due to increasing demands for food production and an exponential increase in crop‐based biofuel production. These changes in land use will greatly impact biogeochemical and biogeophysical cycles across the globe. It is therefore important to develop models that can accurately simulate the interactions between the atmosphere and important crops. In this study, we develop and validate a new process‐based sugarcane model (included as a module within the Agro‐IBIS dynamic agro‐ecosystem model) which can be applied at multiple spatial scales. At site level, the model systematically under/overestimated the daily sensible/latent heat flux (by ?10.5% and 14.8%, H and λE, respectively) when compared against the micrometeorological observations from southeast Brazil. The model underestimated ET (relative bias between ?10.1% and –12.5%) when compared against an agro‐meteorological field experiment from northeast Australia. At the regional level, the model accurately simulated average yield for the four largest mesoregions (clusters of municipalities) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, over a period of 16 years, with a yield relative bias of ?0.68% to 1.08%. Finally, the simulated annual average sugarcane yield over 31 years for the state of Louisiana (US) had a low relative bias (?2.67%), but exhibited a lower interannual variability than the observed yields.  相似文献   
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