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GRP94 (gp96), which performs established functions as a molecular chaperone and immune system modulator, has been reported to display a number of intrinsic enzymatic activities, including ATP hydrolysis, protein phosphorylation, and aminopeptidase. In observing that GRP94 co-purified with bacterial beta-galactosidase through multiple chromatographic steps, we have examined the hypothesis that the reported enzymatic activities of GRP94 may reflect co-purification of contaminant enzymes, rather than intrinsic catalytic functions. In subjecting GRP94 to increasingly stringent chromatographic purification, we report that a GRP94 carboxyl-terminal directed protein kinase activity could be separated from GRP94 by heparin affinity chromatography. Analysis of the kinase substrate specificity indicates that this kinase is distinct from casein kinase II, which is known to co-purify with GRP94. Electrophoretically pure GRP94 displayed low, but significant levels of aminopeptidase activity. Further purification of GRP94 by anion exchange and heparin affinity chromatography yielded resolution of GRP94 from the aminopeptidase activity. Furthermore, exhaustive trypsinolysis of GRP94 preparations displaying aminopeptidase activity yielded complete proteolysis of GRP94 but did not affect aminopeptidase activity. These results are discussed with respect to current models for GRP94 function and the role of such co-purifying (poly)peptides in the generation of GRP94-dependent cellular immune responses.  相似文献   
We previously characterized LePRK1 and LePRK2, pollen-specific receptor kinases from tomato (Muschietti et al., 1998). Here we identify a similar receptor kinase from maize, ZmPRK1, that is also specifically expressed late in pollen development, and a third pollen receptor kinase from tomato, LePRK3. LePRK3 is less similar to LePRK1 and LePRK2 than either is to each other. We used immunolocalization to show that all three LePRKs localize to the pollen tube wall, in partially overlapping but distinct patterns. We used RT-PCR and degenerate primers to clone homologues of the tomato kinases from other Solanaceae. We deduced features diagnostic of pollen receptor kinases and used these criteria to identify family members in the Arabidopsis database. RT-PCR confirmed pollen expression for five of these Arabidopsis candidates; two of these are clearly homologues of LePRK3. Our results reveal the existence of a distinct pollen-specific receptor kinase gene family whose members are likely to be involved in perceiving extracellular cues during pollen tube growth.  相似文献   
The interaction between the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-containing subunit of TFIIIC, TFIIIC131, and the TFIIB-related factor Brf1 represents a limiting step in the assembly of the RNA polymerase III (pol III) initiation factor TFIIIB. This assembly reaction is facilitated by dominant mutations that map in and around TPR2. Structural modeling of TPR1 to TPR3 from TFIIIC131 shows that one such mutation, PCF1-2, alters a residue in the ligand-binding groove of the TPR superhelix whereas another mutation, PCF1-1, changes a surface-accessible residue on the back side of the TPR superhelix. In this work, we show that the PCF1-1 mutation (H190Y) increases the binding affinity for Brf1, but does not affect the binding affinity for Bdp1, in the TFIIIC-dependent assembly of TFIIIB. Interestingly, binding studies with TFIIIC131 fragments indicate that Brf1 does not interact directly at the site of the PCF1-1 mutation. Rather, the data suggest that the mutation overcomes the previously documented autoinhibition of Brf1 binding. These findings together with the results from site-directed mutagenesis support the hypothesis that gain-of-function mutations at amino acid 190 in TPR2 stabilize an alternative conformation of TFIIIC131 that promotes its interaction with Brf1.  相似文献   
Several Na+-dependent carriers of amino acids exist on the abluminal membrane of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). These Na+-dependent carriers are in a position to transfer amino acids from the extracellular fluid of brain to the endothelial cells and thence to the circulation. To date, carriers have been found that may remove nonessential, nitrogen-rich, or acidic (excitatory) amino acids, all of which may be detrimental to brain function. We describe here Na+-dependent transport of large neutral amino acids across the abluminal membrane of the BBB that cannot be ascribed to currently known systems. Fresh brains, from cows killed for food, were used. Microvessels were isolated, and contaminating fragments of basement membranes, astrocyte fragments, and pericytes were removed. Abluminal-enriched membrane fractions from these microvessels were prepared. Transport was Na+ dependent, voltage sensitive, and inhibited by 2-aminobicyclo-(2,2,1)-heptane-2-carboxylic acid, a particular inhibitor of the facilitative large neutral amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1) system. The carrier has a high affinity for leucine (Km 21 +/- 7 microM) and is inhibited by other neutral amino acids, including glutamine, histidine, methionine, phenylalanine, serine, threonine, tryptophan, and tyrosine. Other established neutral amino acids may enter the brain by way of LAT1-type facilitative transport. The presence of a Na+-dependent carrier on the abluminal membrane capable of removing large neutral amino acids, most of which are essential, from brain indicates a more complex situation that has implications for the control of essential amino acid content of brain.  相似文献   
The present study investigated whether there were any differences between males and females in respect to creatine transporter (CreaT) gene expression and/or total creatine (TCr) content in human vastus lateralis muscle. Skeletal muscle obtained from young healthy male (n = 13, age: 23.2 ± 5.0 years) and female subjects (n = 12, age: 21.7 ± 4.3 years) was analyzed for CreaT mRNA, CreaT protein and TCr content. Total CreaT protein content in the muscle was similar (p > 0.05) between the sexes. Two bands (~ 55 and 73 kDa) of the CreaT protein were detected in all muscle samples. Both the 55 and the 73 kDa bands were present in similar (p > 0.05) amounts in males compared with females. The 73 kDa band was in greater abundance (p < 0.05) than the 55 kDa band, irrespective of gender. In addition, CreaT mRNA expression relative to -actin mRNA and the TCr content (males: 117.8 ± 2.2, females: 125.3 ± 4.3 mmol.kg–1 dry mass) were also unaffected (p > 0.05) by gender. These data demonstrate that gender does not influence skeletal muscle TCr content and CreaT gene expression in young human subjects.  相似文献   
Agamospermous species account for a large proportion of the species ofLimonium. Agamospermy is indicated by uneven polyploidy or aneuploidy, low pollen stainability and by the presence of monomorphic self-incompatible populations. The taxonomic treatment of agamospermous taxa varies from recognition of all of them at the same specific rank or by utilising a range of ranks in the taxonomic hierarchy. The influence of evolutionary hypotheses on taxonomic systems is considered. Molecular data provide a means of measuring the genetical relationships of taxa and establishing groups in a taxonomic hierarchy.  相似文献   


The development of ethologically meaningful test paradigms in young animals is an essential step in the study of the ontogeny of animal personality. Here we explore the possibility to integrate offspring separation (distress) calls into the study of consistent individual differences in behaviour in two species of mammals, the domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) and the mound-building mouse (Mus spicilegus). Such vocal responses in young mammals are a potentially useful test option as they represent an important element of mother-offspring communication with strong implications for offspring survival. In addition, the neural control of vocalisation is closely associated with emotional state.


We found marked similarities in the pattern of individual responses of the young of both species to separation from their mother and littermates. In the domestic cat as well as in the mound-building mouse, individual differences in the frequency of calls and to a lesser extent in locomotor activity were repeatable across age, indicating the existence of personality types. Such consistencies across age were also apparent when only considering relative individual differences among litter siblings. In both species, however, individual patterns of vocalisation and locomotor activity were unrelated. This suggests that these two forms of behavioural responses to isolation represent different domains of personality, presumably based on different underlying neurophysiological mechanisms.


Brief separation experiments in young mammals, and particularly the measurement of separation calls, provide a promising approach to study the ontogeny of personality traits. Future long-term studies are needed to investigate the association of these traits with biologically meaningful and potentially repeatable elements of behaviour during later life.
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