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We used reliable and relatively inexpensive equipment to make sequential sets of measurements of antitubulin immunofluorescence, Feulgen staining, and autoradiography on the same cells. This was done to evaluate tubulin conformations, DNA content, and [3H]-thymidine incorporation in cell lines sensitive (HL60) and resistant (K562) to the novel anti-tubulin chemotherapeutic agent taxol. Numbers of cells with microtubule bundles have been found to correlate with sensitivity to taxol by clonogenic assay for several leukemic cell lines. We have found that cells with "asters" produced by taxol exposure are in mitosis and that cells with taxol-induced "bundles" are in G0/G1, S, and G2 phases. We further found that S-phase cells with microtubule bundles in both sensitive (HL60) and resistant (K562) cell lines were able to incorporate [3H]-thymidine after 4-hr exposure to taxol. As microtubule bundles and asters occur in cells of the same cell cycle phases in both lines, we conclude that the greater frequency of cells with microtubule bundles reported for sensitive cells after taxol treatment cannot result from drug exclusion nor from different effects of the drug on cell microtubules in these two leukemic lines.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) continues to be a major cause of disease and premature death. As with all viruses, HIV-1 exploits a host cell to replicate. Improving our understanding of the molecular interactions between virus and human host proteins is crucial for a mechanistic understanding of virus biology, infection and host antiviral activities. This knowledge will potentially permit the identification of host molecules for targeting by drugs with antiviral properties. Here, we propose a data-driven approach for the analysis and prediction of the HIV-1 interacting proteins (VIPs) with a focus on the directionality of the interaction: host-dependency versus antiviral factors. Using support vector machine learning models and features encompassing genetic, proteomic and network properties, our results reveal some significant differences between the VIPs and non-HIV-1 interacting human proteins (non-VIPs). As assessed by comparison with the HIV-1 infection pathway data in the Reactome database (sensitivity > 90%, threshold = 0.5), we demonstrate these models have good generalization properties. We find that the ‘direction’ of the HIV-1-host molecular interactions is also predictable due to different characteristics of ‘forward’/pro-viral versus ‘backward’/pro-host proteins. Additionally, we infer the previously unknown direction of the interactions between HIV-1 and 1351 human host proteins. A web server for performing predictions is available at http://hivpre.cvr.gla.ac.uk/.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence of the Bacillus anthracis edema factor (EF) gene (cya), which encodes a calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase, has been determined. EF is part of the tripartite protein exotoxin of B. anthracis. An ATG start codon, immediately upstream from codons which specify the first 15 amino acids (aa) of EF, was preceded by an AAAGGAGGT sequence which is its probable ribosome-binding site. Starting at this ATG codon, there was a continuous 2400-bp open reading frame which encodes the 800-aa EF-precursor protein with a Mr of 92,464. The mature, secreted protein (767 aa; Mr 88,808) was preceded by a 33-aa signal peptide which has characteristics in common with leader peptides for other secreted proteins of the Bacillus species. A consensus amino acid sequence (Gly-X-X-X-X-Gly-Lys-Ser,X = any aa), which was part of the presumed ATP binding site for EF, was also present. The codon usage of the EF gene reflected the high A + T (71%) base composition for its DNA. B. anthracis EF was not related to the Escherichia coli or yeast adenylate cyclases, but was related to the Bordetella pertussis calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli ribosomes have a site (E) to which deacylated tRNA binds transiently before leaving the ribosome during translocation. The affinity of the site is Mg2+ dependent and low at physiological Mg2+ concentrations. Correct codon-anticodon interaction is unnecessary in this site. With these features, the E site cannot reduce frameshift errors through additional mRNA anchorage. Occupancy of the A site does not influence the tRNA binding in the E site, although a conformational change of elongation factor G, brought about by GTP hydrolysis, is necessary for efficient tRNA release. The tRNA can dissociate unhindered from the E site when the elongation factor is bound to the ribosome by fusidic acid. During elongation, the thermodynamically stable state is not attained, since E site occupation inhibits translocation. However, the E site can aid elongation by providing an intermediate state for tRNA dissociation, dispersing the process into more than one step.  相似文献   
A new, rapid, and sensitive method for assaying phenol sulfotransferase activity toward 2-naphthol is described. The product 2-naphthyl sulfate is quantitated fluorometrically. Optimal wavelengths for excitation and emission were determined by recording the three-dimensional fluorescence spectra of the substrate and the product. The new method is applicable to crude cell or tissue homogenates as well as to further purified preparations. A comparison to another widely used method is given to point out the advantages provided by the new procedure. In particular, sensitivity and accuracy of both methods are evaluated and the influence of interfering substances on both systems is compared. These results clearly indicate the superiority of the new method.  相似文献   
Immobilized-cell aggregates have traditionally been approximated as effective continua within which the catalytic activity of the cells is homogeneously distributed. Chang & Park (1985), however, recently modelled the immobilized cells as discrete inclusions within a support matrix. With some modification, this theory is applicable to the analysis of microbial colonies growing within gel beads, and indicates that predictions obtained using the traditional approach may be significantly in error.  相似文献   
Evidence of apoptosis in human diabetic kidney   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Diabetic nephropathy is characterized by an early period of renal growth with glomerular and tubular cell hypertrophy, but this is followed by progressive glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis, associated with loss of renal tissue. We studied whether apoptotic cell death occurs in human diabetic nephropathy. Percutaneous renal biopsy samples were obtained from five patients with diabetic nephropathy who were receiving insulin and/or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy. Apoptosis was determined by the presence of DNA fragmentation, detected by in situ TUNEL staining, and by characteristic features on electron microscopy, such as chromatin condensation. Apoptosis was present in all five biopsy specimens, either in epithelial cells of the proximal or distal tubules, or in endothelial cells or interstitial cells. No apoptosis was detected in cells of the glomeruli. The present study provides evidence for apoptosis in human diabetic kidney, and suggests a role for apoptosis in the gradual loss of renal mass.  相似文献   
Oncornavirus-like particles of the "A" (both intracisternal and intracytoplasmic) and "B" or "C" (extracellular) types are produced by murine MOPC-460 myeloma cells. This communication describes a comparative study on tracisternal A and extracellular particles. Both types of particles contain an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity, traces of 35S and 70 S RNA in addition to larger amounts of degraded RNA, and proteins of approximately 76,000 and 45, 000 daltons. The 76,000-dalton proteins from intracisternal A and extracellular particles have the same cyanogen bromide peptides. Hybridization kinetic analysis indicates that the RNAs in the two particles are identical or very closely related and share partial homology with Moloney leukemia virus RNA. In contrast, the particles appear to have little or no relationship to murine mammary tumor virus as judged by several different criteria. Electron microscope studies indicate that the extracellular particles arise from the budding of core components through the plasma membrane. These results suggest that the intracisternal A and extracellular oncornavirus-like particles produced by MOPC-460 cells are closely related.  相似文献   
γ-Secretase is a multiprotein intramembrane cleaving aspartyl protease (I-CLiP) that catalyzes the final cleavage of the amyloid β precursor protein (APP) to release the amyloid β peptide (Aβ). Aβ is the primary component of senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease (AD), and its mechanism of production has been studied intensely. γ-Secretase executes multiple cleavages within the transmembrane domain of APP, with cleavages producing Aβ and the APP intracellular domain (AICD), referred to as γ and ε, respectively. The heterogeneous nature of the γ cleavage that produces various Aβ peptides is highly relevant to AD, as increased production of Aβ 1-42 is genetically and biochemically linked to the development of AD. We have identified an amino acid in the juxtamembrane region of APP, lysine 624, on the basis of APP695 numbering (position 28 relative to Aβ) that plays a critical role in determining the final length of Aβ peptides released by γ-secretase. Mutation of this lysine to alanine (K28A) shifts the primary site of γ-secretase cleavage from 1-40 to 1-33 without significant changes to ε cleavage. These results further support a model where ε cleavage occurs first, followed by sequential proteolysis of the remaining transmembrane fragment, but extend these observations by demonstrating that charged residues at the luminal boundary of the APP transmembrane domain limit processivity of γ-secretase.  相似文献   
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