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To explore the secondary structures of lingual and pancreatic lipases, circular dichroism measurements were performed. Maximum average ellipticities were used to calculate the percentage of alpha-helices, beta-sheets, and random coils. Lingual lipase had an ellipticity of -20235 +/- 140 deg cm2/dmol (mean +/- SE) at 220 nm suggesting 60% alpha-helix, 20% beta-sheet and 20% random coil structure, but the mean ellipticity for pancreatic lipase was -14093 +/- 82 deg cm2/dmol (mean +/- SE) at 210 nm suggesting a 34.8% alpha-helical, 25% beta-sheet and 40% random coil secondary structure. An alpha-helical stretch of residues with a large hydrophobic moment ("globular" alpha-helix by hydrophobic moment plot) from amino acids 382 through 389 at the COOH-terminal end of lingual lipase was noted. This sequence, absent in pancreatic lipase, may account for the avid binding of lingual lipase to fat emulsion particles.  相似文献   
Two mutants of Lactobacillus casei dihydrofolate reductase, Trp 21----Leu and Asp 26----Glu, have been prepared by using site-directed mutagenesis methods, and their ligand binding and structural properties have been compared with those of the wild-type enzyme. 1H, 13C, and 31P NMR studies have been carried out to characterize the structural changes in the complexes of the mutant and wild-type enzymes. Replacement of the conserved Trp 21 by a Leu residue causes a decrease in activity of the enzyme and reduces the NADPH binding constant by a factor of 400. The binding of substrates and substrate analogues is only slightly affected. 1H NMR studies of the Trp 21----Leu enzyme complexes have confirmed the original resonance assignments for Trp 21. In complexes formed with methotrexate and the mutant enzyme, the results indicate some small changes in conformation occurring as much as 14 A away from the site of substitution. For the enzyme-NADPH complexes, the chemical shifts of nuclei in the bound coenzyme indicate that the nicotinamide ring binds differently in complexes with the mutant and the wild-type enzyme. There are complexes where the wild-type enzyme has been shown to exist in solution as a mixture of conformations, and studies on the corresponding complexes with the Trp 21----Leu mutant indicate that the delicately poised equilibria can be perturbed. For example, in the case of the ternary complex formed between enzyme, trimethoprim, and NADP+, two almost equally populated conformations (forms I and II) are seen with the wild-type enzyme but only form II (the one in which the nicotinamide ring of the coenzyme is extended away from the enzyme structure and into the solvent) is observed for the mutant enzyme complex. It appears that the Trp 21----Leu substitution has a major effect on the binding of the nicotinamide ring of the coenzyme. For the Asp 26----Glu enzyme there is a change in the bound conformation of the substrate folate. Further indications that some conformational adjustments are required to allow the carboxylate of Glu 26 to bind effectively to the N1 proton of inhibitors such as methotrexate and trimethoprim come from the observation of a change in the dynamics of the bound trimethoprim molecule as seen from the increased rate of the flipping of the 13C-labeled benzyl ring and the increased rate of the N1-H bond breaking.  相似文献   
The uteroferrin(Uf)-associated basic proteins (UfAP) are a group of three (Mr = 42K, 48K, and 50K) antigenically related, basic glycoproteins secreted by the porcine uterus under the influence of progesterone (P4) which exist as heterodimers (Mr = 80,000) with the iron-binding acid phosphatase, Uf. Several UfAP cDNA clones from a day-60 pregnant pig uterine endometrial cDNA library have been cloned and sequenced. The UfAP mRNA is approximately 1400 bases long and has a single open reading frame of 1251 bases with two start codons at positions 64 and 79 from the 5'-end. UfAP mRNA content of the endometrium increases as pregnancy proceeds, reaching maximum levels around day 70 and then remaining relatively constant in late gestation (days 70 to 110). The pro-form of the UfAP minus signal sequence appears to be 392 amino acids in length and has four potential N-linked glycosylation sites Asn107, Asn197, Asn243, and Asn315. Comparison of the NH2-terminal sequences of the individual UfAP poly-peptides with the amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA has indicated a series of at least four posttranslational proteolytic processing steps which generate the various molecular forms of the UfAP. The deduced amino acid sequence of UfAP shares considerable identity with several protease inhibitors and hormone-binding proteins that are members of the serpin superfamily of proteins. The UfAP amino acid sequence also exhibits about 55% sequence identity with the P4-induced uterine milk proteins (UTMP) of the sheep. Since the UfAP and UTMP share many biosynthetic and structural features that include site of biosynthesis in the endometrium, P4-responsiveness, the presence of the mannose 6-phosphate lysosomal recognition marker, and considerable sequence similarity, the UfAP and the UTMP may have homologous function which for both still remains obscure.  相似文献   
The rodent GnRH receptor was characterized in Xenopus oocytes injected with RNA isolated from rat pituitary and from a gonadotrope cell line, alpha T3, derived from a transgenic mouse. Three to 4 days after 150-200 ng RNA injection, 93% of the oocytes, which were recorded by voltage clamp, responded to 10(-7) M GnRH. The mean inward currents obtained after RNA injection were 620 +/- 88 nA (n = 22) with pituitary RNA and 1415 +/- 598 (n = 4) with alpha T3 RNA. The threshold GnRH concentration able to evoke the dose dependent current after pituitary RNA injection was 3 x 10(-9) M GnRH. The GnRH receptor response of the oocyte was antagonized by [D-Phe2,6,Pro3] GnRH and [N-Ac-D-Na](2)1, D-alpha D-Me, pCl-Phe2, D-Arg6, D-Ala10-NH2]GnRH and could be elicited by D-Ser(But)6,Pro9-N-ethylamide GnRH (buserelin). The reversal potential of the GnRH generated current as determined by voltage-ramp was -22.5 +/- 1.0 mV (n = 7) and -25.6 +/- 3.3 mV (n = 3) in pituitary and cell line RNA-injected oocytes respectively, consistent with the chloride reversal potential. The GnRH receptor response was virtually eliminated by intracellular EGTA injection but was unaffected by ligand application in calcium-free perfusate. The GnRH-evoked response is mimicked by intracellular injection of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. To determine the size of the GnRH receptor mRNA, alpha T3 RNA was size fractionated through a sucrose gradient. The maximal GnRH response was induced by a fraction larger than the 28S ribosomal peak. Thus we find that oocytes injected with RNA from an appropriate source develop an electrophysiological response to GnRH which is dependent on intracellular calcium mobilization, is independent of extracellular calcium, and may be mediated by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate.  相似文献   
Control of DNA replication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transforming growth factors-beta (TGF-beta) are 25 kilodalton (kDa) homodimeric peptides with multifunctional actions controlling the growth, differentiation and function of a broad range of target cells of both epithelial and mesenchymal derivation. They are expressed early in embryogenesis and their tissue-specific and developmentally dependent expression is strongly suggestive of an essential role in particular morphogenetic and histogenetic events. Five distinct TGF-beta s have been characterized so far, with 65-80% homology to each other. By using both molecular biological and immunohistochemical techniques, we are currently attempting to define specific sites of expression of the different TGF-beta s and to determine whether TGF-beta s 1-5 might have unique functions in development and in the mature organism. Comparative study of the promoter regions for the different TGF-beta s and for any particular TGF-beta in different species is also underway. Mechanistically, TGF-beta s act to control gene expression of their target cells, many of their actions converging on a complex, multifaceted scheme of control of matrix proteins and their interactions with cells; these effects on matrix are thought to mediate many of the effects of TGF-beta on development.  相似文献   
Summary The activity in sensory and motor nerves of the gills was recorded from selected branches of the vagus nerve in decerebrate dogfish,Scyliorhinus canicula. Vagal motoneuronal activity was observed at the start of the rapid pharyngeal contraction and was followed by sensory nerve activity which preceded the slow expansion phase. Rhythmical vagal motoneuronal activity was still present after all movements had been prevented by curare paralysis although the frequency of the rhythm was higher than in the ventilating fish. Electrical stimulation of vagal sensory fibres had 3 effects on the ventilatory movements. (1) It evoked a reflex contraction of several gill muscles after a latency of about 11 ms. (2) It could reset the respiratory cycle because a stimulus given during expansion delayed the onset of the subsequent contraction. (3) The stimulus could entrain the rhythm if it was given continuously at a frequency close to that of ventilation. The vagal motor rhythm was disrupted by trigeminal nerve stimulation in the paralyzed fish but not if the motor rhythm was being entrained by vagal nerve stimulation. Vagal sensory activity may be important, therefore, in maintaining the stability of the generating circuits.Abbreviation LED Light emitting diode  相似文献   
Nine young American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) were injected at monthly intervals with tetracycline to determine the bone apposition rate and the resorption patterns over a 3-mo period. The periosteal apposition rate increased progressively over the 3-mo period from 2.99 microns/day to 5.94 microns/day. Endosteal apposition rate was much slower with incomplete tetracycline lines being observed on the endosteum. This suggests that most modeling-resorptive activities occur on the endosteal envelope.  相似文献   
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