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White mice previously infected with 10(2), 10(3) or 10(4) Eimeria falciformis oocysts on days 0, 5, 10 or 30 were inoculated per os with 10(1), 10(2), 10(3) or 10(4) Toxoplasma oocysts. While the results obtained for mice with higher Toxoplasma inocula were consistent, animals with 10(1) and 10(2) oocysts previous inoculation with Eimeria showed important differences related with those infected only with Toxoplasma. For example, survival time was higher in animals infected with both parasites, especially if inoculated with Eimeria 30 days before Toxoplasma infection. Furthermore the number of T. gondii cysts found in the animals previously infected with Eimeria was lower compared with mice inoculated with Toxoplasma only. Body weight of mice infected with Toxoplasma previous infection with Eimeria was almost normal in relation to those infected only with Toxoplasma, indicating a probable pathological effect due to the parasite, more evident in "non immunized" mice.  相似文献   
The JY328 clone was identified in a human genomic library using cDNA corresponding to mRNA for HLA-B7 as a probe. The L/328 cell line was established by cotransformation of mouse Ltk cells with the herpes thymidine kinase gene and clone JY328. On Northern blots, RNA from,L/328 strongly hybridized to an HLA class I probe, and an antigen was recognized by an anti-HLA class I framework antibody on the cell surface. A DNA probe corresponding to a segment of intron 7 was developed by comparing the nucleotide sequence of clone JY328 with that of other HLA class I-type genes. Using the radiolabeled probe to screen Southern blots of DNA from families with siblings exhibiting intra-HLA recombinations, a restriction fragment length polymorphism was revealed —a 1.4 kb BstE II band not present in all individuals. A corresponding fragment was apparent in the base sequence of clone JY328. The occurrence of this band on Southern blots established that JY328 maps distinct from and centromeric to the HLA-C locus and near to the HLA-B locus. Antibody absorption studies and cytotoxicity tests indicated that the JY328 gene product was not an HLA-B antigen but that it did specifically absorb CW7-specific antibody. In sum, these results suggest a novel, polymorphic HLA class I gene which expresses a product serologically similar to HLA-Cw7 but which does not map within the corresponding locus.  相似文献   
Three new alloantigenic specificities of human major histocompatibility complex class 11 molecules have been defined by testing the reactivity of alloantisera at the molecular level. Two of these specificities identify different DR4 haplotypes. The Fe75 specificity is associated with the DR4/DW10 haplotype and the CBC/MRG6 specificity with the DR4/DKT2 haplotype. Both are supertypic specificities and are associated with other DR specificities as well. Both specificities are carried by class 11 molecules belonging to the first DR subset. Together with previously described determinants, these specificities contribute to serological discrimination of the different DR4 haplotypes.  相似文献   
It has been known that the extracellular proteinase of Coccus P is found only in cultures grown in the presence of Ca2+. It is now shown that this cation is required neither for synthesis, excretion, or activation of a zymogen nor as a prosthetic factor necessary for enzymatic activity. The only function of Ca2+ is to stabilize the active structure of the enzyme molecule, presumably by substituting for absence of S-S bridges. In the absence of Ca2+, the excreted proteinase undergoes rapid autodigestion and, instead of the active protein, its hydrolytic products are accumulated in the culture fluid. In minimal medium and under conditions of enzyme stability [presence of Ca2+ and Ficoll (Pharmacia)], Coccus P accumulates the proteinase at a gradually reduced speed although the rate of cultural growth remains constant. It is shown that this decline in rate of accumulation is caused by the excreted proteinase itself, possibly acting on its own precursor emerging from the cell in a form susceptible to proteolytic attack and not amenable to Ca2+ protection. A proteinase precursor is actually demonstrable in a calciumless culture at the onset of the enzyme accumulation which follows Ca2+ addition. It is suggested that excreted proteins require an unfolded (or incompletely folded) structure to cross the cell envelope.  相似文献   
Some simple lipid-water systems have been studied by x-ray scattering techniques, as a function of lipid concentration and temperature. Several liquid-crystalline phases have been found, and their structure has been determined: only one of these is lamellar. In all these phases the hydrocarbon part of the lipid molecules has a disordered, liquid-like structure. One biological phospholipid, a human brain extract, has been studied by the same technique, and two liquid-crystalline phases have been found: a lamellar phase, built up by an ordered sequence of lipid and water planar sheets, and a hexagonal phase, which is a hexagonal array of circular cylinders, each cylinder being a thin water channel covered by the hydrophilic groups of the lipid molecules, the hydrocarbon chains filling the gap between the cylinders. The interpretation of the electron microscope observations of the structure of lipoprotein membranes is discussed, and some possible biological implications are suggested.  相似文献   
The algorithm described in the accompanying paper was applied to X-ray scattering experiments performed with rat sciatic nerves, either as a function of the age of the animal (4 to 30 days), or with adult nerves swollen in non-isotonic media. The results were all consistent with the model of disorder used in the theoretical treatment. The algorithm leads, in one step, from the data to the numerical values of the parameters, avoiding all intermediate manipulation. For each experiment a variety of parameters was determined: the average D and the variance sigma 2D of the repeat distance, the average number [N] of motifs per crystallite, the set [idiff(h/D)], which defines the diffuse scattering, the fraction alphaloose of myelin that does not belong to the compact sheaths, and the set [imotif (k/2D)], which suffices to define the continuous intensity curve of the motif imotif(s). Note the remarkable wealth of information, especially by contrast with conventional analyses which, as a rule, only yield the values of D and of the set [imotif(h/D)] (insufficient to determine the function imotif(s]. The function imotif(s) and the parameters D and sigma D (and thus the local structure of the myelin sheaths) were shown to be almost invariant in the course of myelinogenesis; what varies is mainly the total amount of myelin in the nerve and the number of membranes per sheath. Swelling agents have a dramatic influence on the X-ray scattering spectra, but in spite of the conspicuous variation of D, sigma D and [N] the structure of the motif is invariant. The structure of the motif was shown to be quite different in the native and in the swollen samples; the stacking disorder appears to involve mainly the cytoplasmic space in native myelin, the external space in swollen nerves. The very notion of electron density profile, when disorder is present, is discussed. Two criteria were proposed to select the "best" signs of the reflections: two sets came out at almost the same rank, one corresponding to Caspar & Kirschner's the other to Worthington & McIntosh's proposals, neither of which can be ruled out according to the criteria used in this work.  相似文献   
Summary Liposomes are prepared from rat brain microsomal lipid and loaded with either Tb3+ or dipicolinic acid (DPA) to test fusion with the Tb-DPA assay. They are also loaded with octadecyl Rhodamine B chloride (R18) to test fusion with the R18 assay. The addition of either Ca2+ or Mg2+ to loaded liposomes develops fluorescence with both assays. The fluorescence elicited by Mg2+ is similar to that elicited by Ca2+ if assessed with R18, but much higher if determined by Tb-DPA. The Ca2+-dependent fluorescence of the Tb-DPA complex is not suppressed by the addition of EDTA, and therefore it is internal to vesicles. The contrary is true for the Mg2+-dependent fluorescence. Rat brain microsomes can be disrupted by adding octylgucoside and reconstituted by removing it by dialysis. We use this procedure to load microsomes with DPA. This allows the use of the Tb-DPA assay for testing the fusion of rat brain microsomes. Reconstituted microsomes fuse with liposomes. This fusion has characteristics similar to those of liposome-liposome fusion. However, no microsome-microsome fusion could be detected with either method. The two methods give different results, owing to the chemical properties of the assays. Indeed Tb-DPA implies the retention of vesicle content, whereas this is not required by the R18 assay.  相似文献   
TR81 is a specificity closely related to or identical with DR3. In Caucasoids two amino acids, Tyr at position 26 and Arg at position 74 of HLA class II DR chains, have been found to be associated with the presence of TR81. Recently, a variant of DRBI *03 identified in American Blacks has been shown to possess Arg at position 74 but Phe at position 26. This codon combination is found to be present in four other cell lines where it still specifies the TR81 determinant. This suggests that the TR81 specificity is uniquely dependent on the presence of Arg at position 74.  相似文献   
Summary Rings of rat aorta cultured in Matrigel, a reconstituted gel composed of basement membrane molecules, gave rise to three-dimensional networks composed of solid cellular cords and occasional microvessels with slitlike lumina. Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies showed that the solid cords were composed of endothelial sprouts surrounded by nonendothelial mesenchymal cells. The angiogenic response of the aortic rings in Matrigel was compared to that obtained in interstitial collagen, fibrin, or plasma clot. Morphometric analysis demonstrated that the mean luminal area of the microvascular sprouts and channels was significantly smaller in Matrigel than in collagen, fibrin, or plasma clot. The percentage of patent microvessels in Matrigel was also markedly reduced. Autoradiographic studies of3H-thymidine-labeled cultures showed reduced DNA synthesis by developing microvessels in Matrigel. The overall number of solid endothelial cords and microvessels was lower in Matrigel than in fibrin or plasma clot. A mixed cell population isolated from Matrigel cultures formed a monolayer in collagen or fibrin-coated dishes but rapidly reorganized into a polygonal network when plated on Matrigel. The observation that gels composed of basement membrane molecules modulate the canalization, proliferation, and organization into networks of vasoformative endothelial cells in three-dimensional cultures supports the hypothesis that the basement membrane is a potent regulator of microvascular growth and morphogenesis. This work was supported by grants from the W. W. Smith Charitable Trust and grants CA14137 and HL43392 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   
The sessile (Quercus petraea [Matt.] Liebl.) and pedunculate (Quercus robur L.) oaks are two closely related species having a wide sympatric distribution over Europe. Under natural conditions, they frequently form mixed forests, where hybridization is suspected to occur. In this paper, two different approaches have been applied to the study of the mating system and the interspecific gene flow in a mixed stand formed by the two species. The mating systems of both species have been studied separately by means of the mixed-mating model. The relative contribution of the parental species to the progenies have been estimated with two different methods. The first uses the admixture model. The second is an extension of the mixed-mating model and subdivides the outcrossing rate into intra- and interspecific components. The two species were almost completely outcrossing. This high level of outcrossing and interspecific gene flow could play an important role in the maintenance of the genetic diversity in these long-lived forest tree species. The contribution of the sessile oak to the pedunculate oak progenies varied from 17% to 48%. In contrast, ovules of sessile oak trees appear to be preferentially fertilized by other extreme sessile genotypes. We suggest that interspecific and directional gene flow was responsible for such patterns. Pedunculate oak is considered as a pioneer species and is progressively replaced by sessile oak. Our present findings add a further genetic component to this succession scheme, suggesting that unidirectional gene flow reinforces succession between the two species.  相似文献   
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